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转载 How to install redis with Ruby

原文http://snippets.aktagon.com/snippets/320-How-to-install-and-use-Redis-with-Ruby   1  git clone git://github.com/ezmobius/redis-rb.git   2  cd redis-rb/   3  rake re

2012-08-18 17:13:04 374

转载 Ubuntu虚拟机Clone后改IP

3、使网络生效:sudo /etc/init.d/networking restartUbuntu8.04虚拟机更换host主机后开机无法加载网卡,提示:No such device 删除缓存文件,重启后解决。 sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules rebootfrom the following

2012-07-06 17:32:07 902

转载 Clarifying the Roles of the .gemspec and Gemfile

http://yehudakatz.com/2010/12/16/clarifying-the-roles-of-the-gemspec-and-gemfile/Gemfile, used by bundler, and the .gemspec, used by RubygemsClarifying the Roles of the .gemspec and Gemfil

2012-06-25 15:18:25 401

转载 如何配置虚拟机的IP为静态地址

http://www.thirdbit.net/articles/2008/03/04/dhcp-on-vmware-fusion/在Fusion4/3中, On OS X, the file you need to change should be in /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/vmnet8/dhcpd.conf or/L

2012-06-24 13:48:31 498

转载 Ruby bundler 开发 安装 入门级文章


2012-06-20 13:32:51 298

转载 Sahi案例分享:音乐批量下载

from http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/sahi-google-music-download作者沈锐发布于2012年6月13日领域运维 & 基础架构,架构 & 设计,语言 & 开发主题自动化测试 ,自动化操作 ,测试 ,Dojo ,Sahi分享到Sahi案例分享:音乐批量下载相关厂商内容

2012-06-20 09:32:30 533

转载 Getting the callstack of a running Ruby process

http://rrn.dk/running-ruby-process-callstackGetting the callstack of a running Ruby processWritten by Rasmus Rønn Nielsen, 2011-09-14Since we upgraded to Rails 3.1 at Virtual Manag

2012-06-08 15:22:49 255

转载 remmina-plugin-rdp to access vSphereclient

Use vSphere client under Linux environmentInstall remmina-plugin-rdp package,Application -> Internet -> Remmina Remote Desktop Client , configure the remmina-plugin RDP connection .Select RDP-Wind

2012-03-01 10:53:46 476

原创 进程通过管道Impersonate用户空间session的流程

A进程是系统进程,B进程是用户进程。如果A进程需要执行一个复杂的操作(需独立子进程完成),但需要在B的用户上下文中执行。A进程的接受服务线程代码(需要快速的取消息,并分发到子进程)            809    boost::shared_ptr            810    ImpersonateAndGetThreadToken()            811

2011-12-05 09:33:12 351

转载 开源云平台风起云涌 OpenStack未来走向何处?

2011-08-18 09:53 | 9221次阅读 | 【已有7条评论】发表评论来源:CSDN | 作者:谭茂 | 收藏到我的网摘http://cloud.csdn.net/a/20110818/303242.html在去年的这个时候,RackSpace宣布推出开源云计算平台OpenStack后,曾经震动了业界。在2010年的10月,微软表示将推动Windows Serv

2011-12-02 19:56:08 252

转载 深入 Cloud Foundry(一)构架

from http://qing.weibo.com/2294942122/88ca09aa330004r8.htmlEMC中国研究院60 这是EMC中国研究院的官方轻博客, 主要关注于云计算和大数据。长文201110/25 深入 Cloud Foundry(一)构架 ​EMC中国研究院高级研究员  彭麟引子今年4月份,VMware突然发布了

2011-12-02 13:35:16 1355

转载 Ioc模式(又称DI:Dependency Injection 依赖注射)

from http://www.jdon.com/AOPdesign/Ioc.htm分离关注( Separation of Concerns : SOC)是Ioc模式和AOP产生最原始动力,通过功能分解可得到关注点,这些关注可以是 组件Components, 方面Aspects或服务Services。  从GoF设计模式中,我们已经习惯一种思维编程方式:Interface

2011-11-29 20:23:59 197

转载 新鲜出炉的Cloud foundry应用

from http://blog.csdn.net/rongalong/article/details/6403422最近到spring的官网上转了一下,发现了这个新东西,试了一下,但是由于还在测试阶段,注册了Cloud foundry的账号需要一段时间才能收到回复。根据它的介绍,可以在web 应用中使用多种java框架,这个要比Google App Engine要令人兴奋得多,不废话

2011-11-29 19:56:29 749

转载 Side-by-Side Assembly相关

http://dipplum.com/2009/11/09/side-by-side-assembly/November 9th, 2009li什么是Side-by-Side Assembly?Side-by-Side Assembly(建称SxS)是微软在Visual Studio 2005(Windows 2000?)中引入的技术,用来解决Windows平台上的DLL Hell

2011-11-29 09:17:52 376

转载 win7下让程序默认以管理员身份运行

from http://listsetio090529.blog.163.com/blog/static/13273218420117290945916/  在win7中用自己写的程序读取MBR时,突然提示无法对磁盘进行操作,而在xp下并没有这个问题;最后点右键以管理员身份运行才可以正常运行。于是想办法让程序在双击启动时默认以管理员身份运行。具体方法:1.首先创

2011-11-29 09:12:35 345

转载 ImpersonateNamedPipeClient session winstaion impersonate

ImpersonateNamedPipeClientfrom http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa378618(v=vs.85).aspxThe ImpersonateNamedPipeClient function allows the server end of a named pipe to

2011-11-29 09:06:45 297

转载 如果体内湿气重怎么办

中医讲究“望、闻、问、切”,听你说身体冷,我初步判断你的症状属于中医的“湿邪”。在致病的“风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火”这“六淫邪气”中,中医最怕湿邪。-中医里讲,脾虚则便溏,中国人本应以五谷杂粮为食,现在以肉食为主了,很多人一天不吃肉就觉得很亏,长期这样,伤害的是脾胃,脾是运化水湿的,脾受到伤害,水湿不能完全运化,就在身体内堆积。所以,大便不成形意味着脾虚,也意味着体内有湿气。 判断湿气的方法-

2011-11-24 09:19:15 534

转载 pragma comment的使用

http://www.cppblog.com/xczhang/archive/2011/11/09/40866.html该宏放置一个注释到对象文件或者可执行文件。#pragma comment( comment-type [,"commentstring"] )comment-type是一个预定义的标识符,指定注释的类型,应该是compiler,exestr,lib,linker之

2011-11-18 09:41:33 180

转载 关于PDB与EXE/DLL 文件的匹配问题

from http://blog.chinaunix.net/space.php?uid=53564&do=blog&id=2099484关于PDB与EXE/DLL 文件的匹配问题 (2010-04-19 19:13)分类: c/c++编程1. 静态检查windbg 调试工具包中有一个工具symchk.exe, 选项很多, 下面一个简单的用法可以检查一个 test.exe能不能

2011-11-14 11:20:27 827

原创 Dir 按顺序排列

用于symbol pdb日期查找Dir /O:D

2011-11-14 11:12:52 261

转载 如何自动锁屏

把下面这句话防到任务计划中。“rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation”来源http://pubs.logicalexpressions.com/pub0009/lpmarticle.asp?id=70

2011-11-08 15:43:34 211

转载 win2003 重建SYSVOL和NETLOGON共享解决ID号为1058和1030的错误消息

from http://hi.baidu.com/dongfangmn/blog/item/c4f41c3d742276cc9e3d6292.html对 Windows活动目录有所了解的管理员应该对SYSVOL不陌生,它是用来存储域公共文件服务器副本的共享文件夹,例如我们用得最多的组策略设置、脚本 等都是存在这个共享目录中的。如果组织内有多台域控制器,那么它们就在域中所有的域控制器之间通过

2011-11-02 17:43:40 544

转载 双网卡双固定IP双网关,同时访问内外网的问题


2011-11-02 17:03:14 705

转载 双网卡服务器配置心得,IIS服务器升级域内额外域控制器和配置辅助DNS经验

from http://hi.baidu.com/mybb911/blog/item/3e4502a14574d29b471064d8.html2010-11-19 14:29公司有三台服务器,WEB主服务器,WEB备服务器,域控制+DNS服务器两台WEB服务器连双WAN口路由器,网段是:域控制+DNS服务器及公司局域网的网段是:192.168.1.

2011-11-02 16:44:01 877 1

转载 静态路由设置初涉

from http://vod.sjtu.edu.cn/help/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=1095&ArticlePage=1[ 作者:bigh    转贴自:天极网    点击数:438489    更新时间:2005-4-5  ] 随着宽带接入的普及,很多家庭和小企业都组建了局域网来共享宽带接入。而且随着局域网规模的扩大,很多地

2011-11-02 16:29:53 229

转载 小结解决双网卡网关问题(route add -p) ---关于静态路由

from http://www.cnblogs.com/pyman/archive/2008/11/14/1307111.html情况:双网卡均设置了网关,均可访问外网.其中一个网关192.168.0.1(对外提供服务)  一网关为192.168.10.254(内网提供服务的)问题:对外提供服务的网卡不能正常工作.如果禁止内网服务网卡则可以正常,但又不能提供服务。郁闷啊....请教

2011-11-02 16:24:45 746

转载 Configuring and Using DFS Replication

from http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/configuring-using-dfs-replication.htmlThis article shows how businesses can use the new DFS Replication feature of Windows Server

2011-11-01 13:46:32 418

转载 Windows 2003 DFS (Distributed File System)

Windows 2003 DFS (Distributed File System)from http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/windows2003-distributed-file-system.htmlThis document will explain what the distrubut

2011-11-01 13:44:42 349

转载 Restoring The SYSVOL (Non-)Authoritatively When Either Using NTFRS Or DFS-R (part 3)

From: http://blogs.dirteam.com/blogs/jorge/archive/2010/08/12/restoring-the-sysvol-non-authoritatively-when-either-using-ntfrs-or-dfs-r-part-3.aspxThis post focusses on restoring the SYSVO

2011-11-01 09:18:19 325

转载 gdb 打印 errno

p *__errno_location()

2011-09-26 15:55:13 286

转载 Visual C++ IntelliSense Options on Visual Studio 2010


2011-09-13 17:17:40 324

原创 Install wxWidget on Ubuntu

Step 1: Install KdevelopStep 2: Install GTKsudo apt-get install libglib2.0-devwget http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gtk+

2011-08-24 16:57:43 65

转载 可执行模块的dependency && ldd


2011-07-21 18:01:07 181

转载 又一个 screen 简单教程

发信人: Dieken (风催草低 - 明月何尝不照人), 信区: LinuxApp标 题: 又一个 screen 简单教程发信站: 水木社区 (Tue Mar 4 14:05:05 2008), 站内又一个 screen 简单教程======================

2011-07-21 17:38:25 197

转载 Visual Studio Macro to switch between CPP and H files

<br />From http://www.alteridem.net/2008/02/26/visual-studio-macro-to-switch-between-cpp-and-h-files/<br /> Visual Studio Macro to switch between CPP and H files<br />I’ve been doing a lot of managed C++ programming lately and I had forgotten what a pain

2011-04-12 11:53:00 254

原创 [zt] vim with ctags for multi-level directory hierarchy

From  http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/385/vim-with-ctags-for-multi-level-directory-hierarchy/     I have wrote a post regarding vim with ctags, introduces how ctags allows you to travel across source codes, searching for function, objects, variable

2011-03-22 15:14:00 208

原创 Cannot delete ~/.gvfs

ls -la will show something like:>>>> d------ 2 ? ? 4096 2008-04-25 07:37 .gvfs> ~/.gvfs is used as a mount point for the Gnome gvfs of a given user.  It > stays mounted even when user is logged off. > You need to umount  it prior to d

2011-03-22 14:22:00 206

原创 Code example for dir scanning

/* * Includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct dirstruct{     char fname[256];     char localtime[256];     time_

2011-03-22 13:58:00 237

原创 Keyboard Controls in Fusions

How do I send Ctrl-Alt-Delete to a virtual machine? To send the Ctrl-Alt-Delete keystroke combination to a virtual machine, do one of the following: · From the Virtual Machine menu, select Send Ctrl-Alt-Delete. · If you are using an external PC keybo

2011-03-22 13:57:00 297

原创 Keyboard Controls in Fusions

How do I send Ctrl-Alt-Delete to a virtual machine? To send the Ctrl-Alt-Delete keystroke combination to a virtual machine, do one of the following: · From the Virtual Machine menu, select Send Ctrl-Alt-Delete. · If you are using an external PC keybo

2011-03-22 13:50:00 156



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