Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on

We´re trying to upload files as attachments on a new Agile installation. On all URL´s on the Java client, and server.conf file all URL´s are defined as:


http://servername:7001;.... We have a standalone application and file manager server. On the Application Server URL we have the server name as


When we upload the file, we see that the upload is In Progress and, for a quick moment, it shows as Complete but then it shows and ends as Not Complete. We see that the file is in fact uploaded to the Vault, but it is not seen on the Web client.


Please advise what could we be looking into to solve this problem.


Clovis Chenaud Jr

  • 1. Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client
    Anbin Yokesh-OracleRookie

    Hi Clovis,

    Refer Note: 1612677.1 - Add or Get Attachments in Agile 9.3.3 Hangs or Fails, File Upload Manager Shows "error" or "not completed"



    • 2. Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client

      Hi, Anbin,


      Thanks for your response!! Yes, we´ve already looked into that document before posting this on the Community, thanks for mentioning that!!


      In our case, we do not have any proxy configuration, and all URL´s are stated as http://servername.7001..., everywhere on the JavaClient > Admin > Server Settings > Locations > General Information and File Manager tabs (the File Manager addresses go to port 8080) the only exception being, on the JavaClient> Admin > Server Settings > Locations > General Information, the Application server URL is stated as


      I´m out of the office this week and the next, and do not have access to the server remotely. If you need any additional information, my colleague Carlos Benassi ( will probably be at the office next week and can provide it.


      Thanks again for your help and best regards,


      Clovis Chenaud Jr.

      • 3. Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client


        A few suggestions:

        1. Even in reading your posts, I am not sure if the URLs exactly match. In my testing, I found that the URL that the client is using to access Agile PLM must exactly match the URL that is shown in JavaClient> Admin > Server Settings > Locations > General Information > WebClient URL. They cannot differ in any way. They must be exact match. Please ensure that these are exact.

        Example: (This will probably fail. Both URLs have to match exactly)

        User is accessing http://server:7001/Agile/PLMServlet

        Webclient URL=


        2. Do you have any hotfixes installed? There are several hotfixes that need to be applied on the File Manager as well as the Application Server. In our case, the following hotfixes were necessary to apply on the FM

        HF15, 30, 61, 57. 62, 99, 120

        Please confirm that the HF version of the App servers (WL) match the HF version of the File Manager


        3. What browser is this occurring on? Is it all browsers, or just IE? If you have no hotfixes installed, Please review 9.3.3 HF3. This Hotfix is required to allow for IE to work as expected.


        Hope this helps,


      • 4. Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client

        Hi Dan, thanks for your reply and sorry for the delay responding you!!


        I´m pretty certain we have no hotfixes installed. I´ll also check what can we do in order to have the URLs matching on our configuration - would we eventually have to reinstall everything??


        We were having problems with all browsers (Chrome, Firefox and IE).


        Thanks again for the help and best regards,



        • 5. Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client

          No Reinstall should be necessary.


          For Item#1 above, that is as simple as logging into the Java Client, Going to Admin tab | Server Settings | Locations and ensuring the Webclient URL, then connect to Agile using that URL and see if you can upload Files.


          If this is occurring on all browsers, may I suggest the following:

          1. Can you download and upload files via the java client? If so, go to step 2. If not, enable the java console with debugging and capture the error message. Post it here, or look up the error in MOS.

          2. If Yes, can you download files correctly from the web client? If no, check the Server Logs (should be in $AGILE_Home/servers/servername/logs) and see if there are any error messages in the logs. If so, post them here or look up the error in MOS. Also check the file manager logs in $AGILE_HOME/Filemanager/logs. Are there any error messages appearing? If so, post or research on MOS. Also check the http://servername:8080/Filemgr/Configuration page on the file manager. Does this come up without error?

          3. If can download correctly, perform the action and then check the logs again. If there are any error messages, post or research on MOS


          If none of this yields any leads, I would probably suggest putting the filemanager in debug mode to capture all logs. we can talk about that after this round.


          let me know how it goes.


        • 6. Re: Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client


          We cannot download files from the Web Client because we cannot see the uploaded files on the server. As I stated earlier, the file upload completes successfully because we can see the files are physically on the vault, however we cannot see the files on the Web cliente interface (and hence cannot download them)..


          Since I cannot upload files on this reply, please advise how can I send two pptx files to you that illustrate the URLs we´re using - the only way where we can have the file uploaded to the vault is when we use the Web Client URL as vmoracle:7001 - then the file gets to the vault but it is not seen on the interface. This was the server system´s name when Agile was installed.


          In order for us to be able to access this system remotely, the network people changed the name to, and now, we also have a proxy that was configured so that the FQDN is, now, When using both of these adresses to connect to Agile, or if we use the IP address as well, the file does not even get uploaded to the vault.


          Thanks again for the help and best,



          • 7. Re: Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client


            My email address is in my profile. Feel free to email me directly, and I will review the screenshots. Once we figure out what is going on, we can update this thread.


            • 8. Re: Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client

              Hi Dan,


              Your e-mail appears as "Private" to me... :-(


              Best regards,



              • 9. Re: Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client


                Please see below the error that appears on the java console when we try to upload a file using the java client (URL as vmoracle:7001):


                Java Web Start

                Using JRE version 1.7.0-b147 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM

                User home directory = C:\Users\Carlos Benassi.THAMA


                c:   clear console window

                f:   finalize objects on finalization queue

                g:   garbage collect

                h:   display this help message

                m:   print memory usage

                o:   trigger logging

                p:   reload proxy configuration

                q:   hide console

                r:   reload policy configuration

                s:   dump system and deployment properties

                t:   dump thread list

                v:   dump thread stack

                0-5: set trace level to <n>


                Detected from bootclasspath: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre7\\lib\\deploy.jar

                JNLP JREDesc in Component ignored: null

                JNLP JREDesc in Component ignored: null

                Object cache clean thread starts ...........

                Jan 05, 2015 5:23:14 PM com.agile.ui.fileupload.transfer.client.mdesign.MainPanel <init>

                INFO: jClientUpload 1.5 Build FINAL.01

                Jan 05, 2015 5:23:15 PM com.agile.ui.fileupload.transfer.client.core.WebConnector autoDetectProxy

                INFO: Auto-detect proxy settings : host = null

                Jan 05, 2015 5:23:15 PM com.agile.ui.fileupload.transfer.client.core.WebConnector autoDetectProxy

                INFO: Auto-detect proxy settings : port = -1


                ORA-29861: domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE



                java.sql.SQLException: ORA-29861: domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE



                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForRows(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(

                  at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.execute(

                  at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.execute(

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.attachment.AttachmentDAO.appendFileRow(

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.attachment.AttachmentServiceFiles.saveAdd(

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.attachment.AttachmentServiceFiles.saveRow(

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.attachment.AttachmentService.addFile(

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.attachment.AttachmentService.addFile(

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.base.BaseService.addFiles(

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.base.CMSessionBean.addFiles(

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.attachment.AttachmentSessionBean_3ji9z9_EOImpl.__WL_invoke_2(Unknown Source)

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.attachment.AttachmentSessionBean_3ji9z9_EOImpl.__WL_invoke_1(Unknown Source)

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.attachment.AttachmentSessionBean_3ji9z9_EOImpl.__WL_invoke(Unknown Source)

                  at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.SessionRemoteMethodInvoker.invoke(

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.attachment.AttachmentSessionBean_3ji9z9_EOImpl.addFiles(Unknown Source)

                  at com.agile.pc.cmserver.attachment.AttachmentSessionBean_3ji9z9_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)

                  at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(

                  at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableServerRef.invoke(

                  at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$



                  at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(





                Hope that also helps!! Talk to you back again tomorrow


                Best regards,



              • 10. Re: Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client

                Hi Clovis,


                This is a CTX index issue.  The “easiest” way to fix this is to export and import the Agile dmp file.



                Keith Rust | Director, Technical Services Group | P: 801-208-5462

       | Web<> | BLOG<> | Knowledge Base<>

                PLM | Integrate | Consult | Host | Accelerate | Implement

              • 11. Re: Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client

                as keithrust mentioned, you definitely have an Agile database instance problem. To add to what he said, be sure to use the Agile utilities to agile9exp(dp), recreateagile and agile9imp(dp) to properly export and import. Just doing exp/imp  or expdp/impdp will not resolve the issue because these database utilities provided by Oracle do a lot more than just export/import the data.


                Also, in the Home directory for agile9exp, if you use this tool, logs will be created. Be sure to check the logs to ensure that all the programs called by agile9exp, recreateagile and agile9imp run successfully. If you get an error, you probably need to investigate it further. The recommended process for importing and exporting databases are highlighted in the Database Installation guide in the Database Management Chapter.


                By the way, once the domain indexes are recreated, you may need to do some additional work as if I read your previous message correctly, it appears that you added domain names to your servers. The config will have to be updated to support it.


                Good Luck,


              • 12. Re: Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client

                Also worth adding, the CTX data files must be installed on the database server for the indexing to work in the first place.  Check out the agile9_fts.log file on the database server to see if there are errors.  If so the files under /ctx/data/enlx are likely missing.




                I have seen once instance where the indexing wasn’t working because the required OS libraries were not all installed with the database binaries, but hopefully you won’t need to go that far.



                Keith Rust | Director, Technical Services Group | P: 801-208-5462

       | Web<> | BLOG<> | Knowledge Base<>

                PLM | Integrate | Consult | Host | Accelerate | Implement

              • 13. Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client

                Hi, Keith and Dan,


                Thanks so much for your suggestions!!


                Considering the remarks that Dan made on his last reply on this thread, at this point in time we are considering that the easier way to fix the whole problem will be to do a full system reinstall - this installation was the first Agile install that was performed at Ninecon´s office last year and, in fact, hasn´t been used since then (especially, during this installation it was not considered the FQDN we would need to have from now on).


                Thank you very much again for all the help and directions to solve this issue!!


                Best regards,



                • 14. Re: Agile 933 - File upload completes successfully but shows as Not Completed and file is not visible on Web client

                  Hi Clóvis, before a full reinstallation I'd like you to suggest you run the following query:


                  select * from FILES;


                  This table contains the links between the files in the storage and the user interface. As you mentioned it seems that the files are uploaded successfully because you see them in the filevault, so the error can be in the FILES table.

                  You should see a record for each file uploaded on this table, if you see something weird, truncate the table, restart Agile and Test it.

                  Please let me know what happened.








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