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原创 JVM Notes - 2

The Java Class FileFirst the java programmer should know is that the class file is precisely definedbinary file(8-biy bytes). Every bit in it should be meaningful and can be validatedby the JVM.The fo

2005-05-30 21:47:00 1068

原创 IE is gel

Encountered something absurd few days ago that when I set the attribute colspan as 5, the IE show the corrupt page for me. but in the Mozilla or firefox. It works well. finally I find the reason in th

2005-05-21 17:10:00 979

原创 Dynamically register the multi-event handler

Dynamically register the multi-event handlerFound something interesting in this page.http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_tradmod.htmlIt provides us the way to dynamically register more than one event

2005-05-21 15:30:00 1115

原创 JVM Notes - 1

Being the Java programmer for a long time, I feel that it is more and more importantto know what is running under the java. That is why I start to read the JVM which isthe tough part of Java. I wish a

2005-05-14 17:21:00 1085

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2005-03-14 09:08:00 793

原创 Explanation of UFT-8 and Unicode

What is unicode?  A mapping with characters and a index, we use u+xxxx to represent it.Confuse with unicode and UTF-8?    Unicode is a standard char set, UTF-8 is one of implementation, just one of UC

2005-03-13 12:55:00 1050

原创 Use Frame, FrameSet, iFrame.

What is frame, frameSet, iframe?frameSet:   An HTML document that describes frame layout (called a frameset document) has a different makeup than an HTML document without frames. A standard document h

2005-03-12 10:14:00 2838

原创 How to use java Properties API -- read and write

===========================Source Code============================================package suncertify.utility;import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;imp

2005-03-03 21:16:00 935

原创 The things need to be bloged

Currently, I think two things is necessay to be recorded into the blog. one is the how to configure the sun one server,another is how to perform with the HTML frame. I already draft a document for the

2005-03-03 19:47:00 787

原创 How to use java logging with logging.properties

Developer has two way to let java use specified properties file to configure its core Logger 1. Use the system propertyFrom description of  java.util.logging .LogManager --       the "java.util.loggin

2005-03-02 22:26:00 1916

原创 How to Export/import database dump correctly

I export a database dump from oracle 8i. Drop all table in the target database and importthe database dump,  I found that all of the non-ASCII characters can not be displayed correctly.The way to reso

2005-02-28 16:28:00 1093

原创 The way to dynamic validate xml against DTD

    Although the apache digester is popular today and also benefit us a lot,  but sometimes we still need to validate or parse the xml base on the DTD,  for the static validate/parse (most of the case

2005-01-29 20:33:00 978

原创 The first cup of RMI

 Which books are worth reading as the tutorial of RMI. I strongly recommend the guys who want start his RMI with http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/rmi/overview.html It is really simple but very

2004-11-06 12:25:00 921

原创 Digester can not parse well in orion server

Introduction :     What is orion server?   Orion Application Server is a pure java full-featured application-server. It is a server created in order to take care of many of your problems for you. It p

2004-11-02 08:59:00 965



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