Android LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<String> 使用…T05b.02-Solution-AddAsyncTaskLoader

@@ -15,9 +15,12 @@

import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
@@ -30,17 +33,21 @@

// TODO (1) implement LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<String> on MainActivity
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
// COMPLETED (1) implement LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<String> on MainActivity
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements
        LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<String> {

    /* A constant to save and restore the URL that is being displayed */
    private static final String SEARCH_QUERY_URL_EXTRA = "query";

    // TODO (28) Remove the key for storing the search results JSON
    /* A constant to save and restore the JSON that is being displayed */
    private static final String SEARCH_RESULTS_RAW_JSON = "results";
    // COMPLETED (28) Remove the key for storing the search results JSON

    // TODO (2) Create a constant int to uniquely identify your loader. Call it GITHUB_SEARCH_LOADER
    // COMPLETED (2) Create a constant int to uniquely identify your loader. Call it GITHUB_SEARCH_LOADER
     * This number will uniquely identify our Loader and is chosen arbitrarily. You can change this
     * to any number you like, as long as you use the same variable name.
    private static final int GITHUB_SEARCH_LOADER = 22;

    private EditText mSearchBoxEditText;

@@ -67,16 +74,17 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
            String queryUrl = savedInstanceState.getString(SEARCH_QUERY_URL_EXTRA);

            // TODO (26) Remove the code that retrieves the JSON
            String rawJsonSearchResults = savedInstanceState.getString(SEARCH_RESULTS_RAW_JSON);
            // COMPLETED (26) Remove the code that retrieves the JSON

            // TODO (25) Remove the code that displays the JSON
            // COMPLETED (25) Remove the code that displays the JSON

        // TODO (24) Initialize the loader with GITHUB_SEARCH_LOADER as the ID, null for the bundle, and this for the callback
        // COMPLETED (24) Initialize the loader with GITHUB_SEARCH_LOADER as the ID, null for the bundle, and this for the callback
         * Initialize the loader
        getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(GITHUB_SEARCH_LOADER, null, this);

@@ -87,20 +95,57 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    private void makeGithubSearchQuery() {
        String githubQuery = mSearchBoxEditText.getText().toString();

        // TODO (17) If no search was entered, indicate that there isn't anything to search for and return
        // COMPLETED (17) If no search was entered, indicate that there isn't anything to search for and return
         * If the user didn't enter anything, there's nothing to search for. In the case where no
         * search text was entered but the search button was clicked, we will display a message
         * stating that there is nothing to search for and we will not attempt to load anything.
         * If there is text entered in the search box when the search button was clicked, we will
         * create the URL that will return our Github search results, display that URL, and then
         * pass that URL to the Loader. The reason we pass the URL as a String is simply a matter
         * of convenience. There are other ways of achieving this same result, but we felt this
         * was the simplest.
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(githubQuery)) {
            mUrlDisplayTextView.setText("No query entered, nothing to search for.");

        URL githubSearchUrl = NetworkUtils.buildUrl(githubQuery);

        // TODO (18) Remove the call to execute the AsyncTask
        new GithubQueryTask().execute(githubSearchUrl);

        // TODO (19) Create a bundle called queryBundle
        // TODO (20) Use putString with SEARCH_QUERY_URL_EXTRA as the key and the String value of the URL as the value

        // TODO (21) Call getSupportLoaderManager and store it in a LoaderManager variable
        // TODO (22) Get our Loader by calling getLoader and passing the ID we specified
        // TODO (23) If the Loader was null, initialize it. Else, restart it.
        // COMPLETED (18) Remove the call to execute the AsyncTask

        // COMPLETED (19) Create a bundle called queryBundle
        Bundle queryBundle = new Bundle();
        // COMPLETED (20) Use putString with SEARCH_QUERY_URL_EXTRA as the key and the String value of the URL as the value
        queryBundle.putString(SEARCH_QUERY_URL_EXTRA, githubSearchUrl.toString());

         * Now that we've created our bundle that we will pass to our Loader, we need to decide
         * if we should restart the loader (if the loader already existed) or if we need to
         * initialize the loader (if the loader did NOT already exist).
         * We do this by first store the support loader manager in the variable loaderManager.
         * All things related to the Loader go through through the LoaderManager. Once we have a
         * hold on the support loader manager, (loaderManager) we can attempt to access our
         * githubSearchLoader. To do this, we use LoaderManager's method, "getLoader", and pass in
         * the ID we assigned in its creation. You can think of this process similar to finding a
         * View by ID. We give the LoaderManager an ID and it returns a loader (if one exists). If
         * one doesn't exist, we tell the LoaderManager to create one. If one does exist, we tell
         * the LoaderManager to restart it.
        // COMPLETED (21) Call getSupportLoaderManager and store it in a LoaderManager variable
        LoaderManager loaderManager = getSupportLoaderManager();
        // COMPLETED (22) Get our Loader by calling getLoader and passing the ID we specified
        Loader<String> githubSearchLoader = loaderManager.getLoader(GITHUB_SEARCH_LOADER);
        // COMPLETED (23) If the Loader was null, initialize it. Else, restart it.
        if (githubSearchLoader == null) {
            loaderManager.initLoader(GITHUB_SEARCH_LOADER, queryBundle, this);
        } else {
            loaderManager.restartLoader(GITHUB_SEARCH_LOADER, queryBundle, this);

@@ -130,73 +175,93 @@ private void showErrorMessage() {
        /* Then, show the error */

    // TODO (3) Override onCreateLoader
    // Within onCreateLoader
        // TODO (4) Return a new AsyncTaskLoader<String> as an anonymous inner class with this as the constructor's parameter
            // TODO (5) Override onStartLoading
                // Within onStartLoading

                // TODO (6) If args is null, return.

                // TODO (7) Show the loading indicator

                // TODO (8) Force a load
                // END - onStartLoading

            // TODO (9) Override loadInBackground

                // Within loadInBackground
                // TODO (10) Get the String for our URL from the bundle passed to onCreateLoader

                // TODO (11) If the URL is null or empty, return null

                // TODO (12) Copy the try / catch block from the AsyncTask's doInBackground method
                // END - loadInBackground

    // TODO (13) Override onLoadFinished

        // Within onLoadFinished
        // TODO (14) Hide the loading indicator

        // TODO (15) Use the same logic used in onPostExecute to show the data or the error message
        // END - onLoadFinished

    // TODO (16) Override onLoaderReset as it is part of the interface we implement, but don't do anything in this method

    // TODO (29) Delete the AsyncTask class
    public class GithubQueryTask extends AsyncTask<URL, Void, String> {

        protected void onPreExecute() {

        protected String doInBackground(URL... params) {
            URL searchUrl = params[0];
            String githubSearchResults = null;
            try {
                githubSearchResults = NetworkUtils.getResponseFromHttpUrl(searchUrl);
            } catch (IOException e) {
    // COMPLETED (3) Override onCreateLoader
    public Loader<String> onCreateLoader(int id, final Bundle args) {
        // COMPLETED (4) Return a new AsyncTaskLoader<String> as an anonymous inner class with this as the constructor's parameter
        return new AsyncTaskLoader<String>(this) {

            // COMPLETED (5) Override onStartLoading
            protected void onStartLoading() {

                // COMPLETED (6) If args is null, return.
                /* If no arguments were passed, we don't have a query to perform. Simply return. */
                if (args == null) {

                // COMPLETED (7) Show the loading indicator
                 * When we initially begin loading in the background, we want to display the
                 * loading indicator to the user

                // COMPLETED (8) Force a load
            return githubSearchResults;

        protected void onPostExecute(String githubSearchResults) {
            if (githubSearchResults != null && !githubSearchResults.equals("")) {
            } else {
            // COMPLETED (9) Override loadInBackground
            public String loadInBackground() {

                // COMPLETED (10) Get the String for our URL from the bundle passed to onCreateLoader
                /* Extract the search query from the args using our constant */
                String searchQueryUrlString = args.getString(SEARCH_QUERY_URL_EXTRA);

                // COMPLETED (11) If the URL is null or empty, return null
                /* If the user didn't enter anything, there's nothing to search for */
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(searchQueryUrlString)) {
                    return null;

                // COMPLETED (12) Copy the try / catch block from the AsyncTask's doInBackground method
                /* Parse the URL from the passed in String and perform the search */
                try {
                    URL githubUrl = new URL(searchQueryUrlString);
                    String githubSearchResults = NetworkUtils.getResponseFromHttpUrl(githubUrl);
                    return githubSearchResults;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    return null;

    // COMPLETED (13) Override onLoadFinished
    public void onLoadFinished(Loader<String> loader, String data) {

        // COMPLETED (14) Hide the loading indicator
        /* When we finish loading, we want to hide the loading indicator from the user. */

        // COMPLETED (15) Use the same logic used in onPostExecute to show the data or the error message
         * If the results are null, we assume an error has occurred. There are much more robust
         * methods for checking errors, but we wanted to keep this particular example simple.
        if (null == data) {
        } else {

    // COMPLETED (16) Override onLoaderReset as it is part of the interface we implement, but don't do anything in this method
    public void onLoaderReset(Loader<String> loader) {
         * We aren't using this method in our example application, but we are required to Override
         * it to implement the LoaderCallbacks<String> interface

    // COMPLETED (29) Delete the AsyncTask class

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
@@ -220,8 +285,6 @@ protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
        String queryUrl = mUrlDisplayTextView.getText().toString();
        outState.putString(SEARCH_QUERY_URL_EXTRA, queryUrl);

        // TODO (27) Remove the code that persists the JSON
        String rawJsonSearchResults = mSearchResultsTextView.getText().toString();
        outState.putString(SEARCH_RESULTS_RAW_JSON, rawJsonSearchResults);
        // COMPLETED (27) Remove the code that persists the JSON

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要查询系统日程,你可以使用ContentResolver来查询系统提供的日历内容提供者。以下是使用ContentResolver查询系统日历的示例代码: ```java Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(CalendarContract.Events.CONTENT_URI, new String[]{CalendarContract.Events.TITLE, CalendarContract.Events.DTSTART}, null, null, null); ``` 这将返回系统日历中所有事件的标题和开始时间。你可以使用其他参数来限制查询结果,例如指定时间范围、过滤器等。 如果你想在后台异步查询系统日历,可以使用CursorLoader,它会自动管理查询和数据加载。以下是使用CursorLoader查询系统日历的示例代码: ```java LoaderManager loaderManager = getLoaderManager(); loaderManager.initLoader(0, null, new LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor>() { @Override public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { String[] projection = new String[]{CalendarContract.Events.TITLE, CalendarContract.Events.DTSTART}; return new CursorLoader(getApplicationContext(), CalendarContract.Events.CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, null); } @Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor cursor) { // 处理查询结果 } @Override public void onLoaderReset(Loader<Cursor> loader) { // 重置数据 } }); ``` 这将在后台异步查询系统日历,并在查询完成后调用`onLoadFinished`方法返回查询结果。由于CursorLoader会自动管理查询和数据加载,因此你不必担心查询会阻塞UI线程。


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