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原创 解决php smarty 2.x register_object方法不支持多级对象方法调用的问题
由于smarty3速度慢,内存消耗大所以还是选择smarty2比较好。以最小破坏源码为前提,以当前最新版smarty 2.6.27为例打开smarty目录下Smarty_Compiler.class.php找到184行 //$this->_reg_obj_regexp = '[a-zA-Z_]\w*->[a-zA-Z_]\w*';//以支持多级对象语法标签的提取
2012-12-04 16:06:22 1100
转载 How to map an Entity framework model to a table name dynamically
<br />Using a code-first approach I'd like to map a single model to multiple table names dynamically. Currently I can do something like modelBuilder.Entity(Of Person)().MapSingleType().ToTable("Managers") but as the OnModelCreating method is only called on
2011-05-03 23:08:00 2611
转载 Code First DataAnnotations
<br />Entity Framework Code First modeling workflow allows you to use your own domain classes to represent the model which EF relies on to perform querying, change tracking and updating functions. Code first leverages a programming pattern referred to as c
2011-04-30 18:50:00 2146
转载 资料
<br /> I:Web Pages 1.0中以“_”开头的特别文件(文件命名时不区分大小写)<br /> “_appstart.cshtml” & “_pagestart.cshtml” & “_viewstart.cshtml”<br /> _appstart.cshtml - 应用程序启动时在Global. Application_Start方法后执行。<br /> 功能:用于进行App的初始化时,需要进行处理的内容,例:向数据库记录系统初始化的一些信息。<br /> 功能与Global.A
2011-04-29 21:07:00 655
转载 ASP.NET MVC3 基础教程 – Web Pages 1.0
<br /> I:Web Pages 1.0中以“_”开头的特别文件(文件命名时不区分大小写)<br /> “_appstart.cshtml” & “_pagestart.cshtml” & “_viewstart.cshtml”<br /> _appstart.cshtml - 应用程序启动时在Global. Application_Start方法后执行。<br /> 功能:用于进行App的初始化时,需要进行处理的内容,例:向数据库记录系统初始化的一些信息。<br /> 功能与Global.A
2011-04-21 16:01:00 915
原创 PHP数组编码转换
2010-12-09 16:49:00 4830 4
转载 WCF "Raw" programming model (Web) - receiving arbitrary data
The previous post mentioned how to return arbitrary data from WCF services. To receive data, however, there is one extra step, which Ill try to explain here.Like returning arbitrary data, the key
2010-04-12 03:32:00 1324
转载 IIS 服务器错误
Desktop Heap Overview Desktop heap is probably not something that you spend a lot of time thinking about, which is a good thing. However, from time to time you may run into an issue that is ca
2010-03-06 19:51:00 959
转载 Output an XML type attribute using DataContract
This tutorial will show you how to add an attribute to an XML stream returned from a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Web Service. Some knowledge of WCF and XML is required; the code is in C#.
2009-12-29 16:43:00 692
转载 A Custom UITypeEditor for Activity Properties
As with many other technologies, the design time experience in Windows Workflow Foundation uses many of the same extensibility mechanisms found in other designers (such as the Windows Forms designer).
2009-10-27 02:32:00 951
转载 CPU Monitoring and Throttling in IIS 6
You can enable some basic CPU monitoring in IIS, but the downside is you have very few options if a given site takes up too much CPU. You can either a) record something in the event log, or b) have th
2009-10-08 23:17:00 978 1
转载 What??? You deleted "Default Web Site" from IIS?!?!
Some applications are just bent on seeing what appears to be the pristine original Default Web Site that is created when IIS is first installed. For instance, when setting up Microsofts own Reportin
2009-09-25 16:30:00 695
转载 WMI脚本入门
发布日期: 9/9/2004 | 更新日期: 9/9/2004Greg Stemp、Dean Tsaltas 和 Bob WellsMicrosoft CorporationEthan Wilansky网络设计小组摘要:定义 WMI 脚本库并展示如何使用它来访问和管理 WMI 托管资源。通览 7 个可以用 WMI 脚本库创建的基本脚本类型,它们用于如创建、删除、检索托管资源实例等任
2009-09-25 03:03:00 1207
转载 Creating an IIS Site through managed code (C#, .NET) by Mike
public static string CreateWebSite(string NewSiteIP, string webSiteName, string pathToRoot, string DomainName){ int siteID = 1; string sSiteID = ""; try {
2009-06-17 07:31:00 799
转载 Active Directory编程
要开发Active Directory程序,必须导入System.DirectoryServices命名空间。还必须引用System.DirectoryServices程序集。使用这个程序集中的类可以查询对象、查看和更新属性,搜索对象,把对象移动到其他容器对象中等。在下面的代码段中,简单的C#控制台应用程序说明了如何使用System.DirectoryServices命名空间中的类。本节将介绍
2009-06-15 11:37:00 1387
转载 SWFUpload V2.2.0 中文说明文档
SWFUpload V2.2.0 说明文档更新时间:2008-11-07TOCSWFUpload SWFUpload 2 概述 入门 SWFUpload JavaScript 对象 构造器 全局变量和常量 instances movieCount QUEUE_ERROR UPLOAD_ERROR FILE_STATUS Default
2009-06-13 02:05:00 6660 2
原创 Howto: (Almost) Everything In Active Directory via C#
引自:http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/everythingInAD.aspxTable of ContentsIntroduction Background Points of concern: security & impersonation Running code in batch processes Method par
2009-06-09 11:35:00 2046
转载 php 的 3des加解密类,兼容C#/java
class Crypt3Des { var $key; function Crypt3Des($key){ $this->key = $key; } function encrypt($input){ $size = mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_3DES,ecb);
2009-06-05 01:48:00 1078
转载 window2003支持8G内存
右键点击 我的电脑,选择属性 -> 高级 -> 启动和故障恢复 -> 系统启动 点编辑:在末尾添加 /pae例如:[boot loader]timeout=10default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)/WINDOWS[operating systems]multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)/WINDO
2009-06-05 01:46:00 944
转载 WebContentTypeMapper 示例
WCF 为内容类型提供一组默认的映射。例如,application/json 映射到 JSON,text/xml 映射到 XML。未映射到 JSON 或 XML 的任何内容类型都将映射到原始二进制格式。在某些方案(例如推送式 API)中,服务开发人员不控制由客户端返回的内容类型。例如,客户端可以将 JSON 作为 text/javascript 而不是 application/json 返回。
2009-06-02 23:10:00 4196 2
转载 HTML Form Handler Sample
引自:MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb943485.aspx Download sample This sample shows how to extend the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Web Programming Model to handle HTML
2009-06-02 22:48:00 1183
转载 AES Encryption to Match PHP's Mcrypt Extension
Demonstrates how to match AES encryption results with PHPs mcrypt extension. Please refer to this discussion about PHP AES Encryption. The code here matches the PHP mcrypt results on that page. D
2009-06-02 13:31:00 785
原创 smarty 开启use_sub_dirs的错误修复
通过跟踪代码修改 internals/core.create_dir_structure.php 对照修改 //fix my template dir structure by zero array_splice($_dir_parts,0,count(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,realpath($smarty->template_dir)))-1,
2009-05-29 17:27:00 573
转载 一个有趣、有用的js函数库 php.js
2009-05-20 05:36:00 701
转载 McAfee8.5不能升级之解决办法
近一个月的时间,自己电脑的McAfee8.5不能升级,只能使用升级包来升级,相当烦人,郁闷.不能升级时出现以下提示: "初始化Common Updater子系统失败.确保McAfee Framework service正在运行.McAfee Framework service返回错误ffffffdf @ 3” 其中"ffffffdf @ 3"部分可能会因个别电脑不同。多
2009-05-19 20:55:00 795
转载 How to select the first/least/max row per group in SQL
Here are some common SQL problems, all of which have related solutions: how do I find the most recent log entry for each program? How do I find the most popular item from each category? How do I fin
2009-04-22 23:08:00 2264
转载 Handling Disconnects with WCF
Ive been working on an application which relies heavily on WCF to communicate. I have a very simple interface (contract) that the server supports to connect and disconnect: it exposes the methods Reg
2009-03-09 04:43:00 638
转载 聚焦WCF行为的扩展
WCF以其灵活的可扩展架构为开发者提供了方便,其中对行为的扩展或许是应用中最为常见的。自 定义对行为的扩展并不复杂,但仍有许多细节需要注意。在服务端,一般是对DispatchRuntime和DispatchOperation进行扩展, 扩展点包括了对参数和消息的检查,以及操作调用程序,它们对应的接口分别为 IParameterInspector,IDispatchMessageInspecto
2009-03-09 03:42:00 717
转载 REST in WCF: Varying response content type based on HTTP Request Headers
Damians used the same WCF extensibility points I used to produce some boilerplate that varies the response content type from JSON to XML, based on the Accept or Content-Type header of the GET request
2009-03-05 01:33:00 1606 1
转载 wcf webhttpbinding
1. The example below shows a client that talks to a service using WebHttpBinding. The service does not generate a meaninful WSDL for endpoints with WebHttpBinding (WSDL is for SOAP-based endpoints onl
2009-03-02 21:04:00 2840
转载 WCF: Throwing Exceptions With WebHttpBinding
One of the very cool new features in Windows Communication Foundation is the ability to create REST or POX services. Unfortunately, you will quickly find that WebHttpBinding and WebHttpBehavior (both
2009-03-01 22:57:00 1329
转载 WCF 3.5: Hosting Services for WebGet
In my last post, I provided an overview of using the new WebGet attribute to map an HTTP GET operation to a specific method. However, I didnt cover the the necessities for hosting a service that use
2009-03-01 02:12:00 865
转载 webresponsemodifier.rar
2009-01-23 11:23:00 1085
原创 iis6 + win2k3中调试isapi filter和extension的方法
iis6 + win2k3中调试isapi filter和extension的方法1.首先,编写代码,并编译成*.dll,留在debug/目录下(或任意目录)2.设置*.dll的访问权限,一般需加上user权限3.在iis测试站点下指定filter为[1]中路径,或指定待测的extension路径4.停止iis服务,在cmd中执行net stop w3svc5.在vs中更改该项目的启动命令为w3w
2009-01-17 07:58:00 1090
转载 ISAPI Filter编程重写URL
问题描述:要在一个Web站点上实现二级域名Url的重写。例如:http://abc.company.com/ 重写到 http://company.com/usersite.asp?sitename=abc 其中abc二级域名不定,根据用户申请的名字来决定。服务器上有一个DNS服务。可以吧*.compay.com所有二级域名正确解析到company.com。经过重写后。浏览器中的地址是http:/
2009-01-17 07:58:00 881
转载 Check Access Rights to File/Directory on NTFS Volume
More information: Windows NT/2000/XP has API function AccessCheck, which in fact checks access rights to every operating system object, which supports access rights. This function is called implicitly
2008-11-13 18:21:00 1344
转载 SIJO Soft DSN
************************************** Windows API/Global Declarations for :__ ____________...:::SIJO Soft DSN:::...___ ************************************** *********
2008-10-22 02:07:00 1932
原创 PSMLIB个人服务器管理组件,IIS管理组件,FTP管理组件
特别说明:本组件原名 “易网IIS管理组件”(可以在百度里搜索一下),之前发布的最新版为2.x,原为自己服务器使用,所以一直没有更新。因不断有网友要求新版本,所以重构了所有代码发布最新版本,原来的调用方法完全废弃。 程序主要功能:•本免费组件可以为所有支持COM组件调用的脚本语言使用,如asp,php,c#等,并提供完整的API帮助文档,可以轻松使用接口完成WEB在
2008-10-11 18:43:00 654
原创 精简ASP购物车类(Session+XML)
因朋友急需,写的匆忙,欢迎反馈BUG程序特点:商品属性可以任意多,属性名称完全自定义,脱离数据库操作,超时或关闭网页自动释放资源.<%购物车类(Session+Xml版)Author:Zero QQ931332008-9-4Class CartPrivate cartId,pAttr,pAttrv,productNode,iPublic XmlDom,Enco
2008-10-10 03:44:00 1132
原创 PHP通用分页类(支持php,ajax,html) v1.1.20100329修正版
<?php/** * 通用分页类 * Author:Zero QQ:93133 * ver 1.2.20120519 修正版 */class pagination{ private $pstyle=array(); private static $url=array(); public $arg=array(); public $cfg=array( 'text'=>ar
2008-10-10 03:29:00 1945 1
Redis Desktop Manager 2020.7 中文特别注册版下载
HttpWatch.Professional.v8.0.8 注册版
WMI SDK for windows 2003 x86.rar
MaxtoCode 2007 3.21 Professional 注册版
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