// Copyright (C) 2006, 2009 Marcin Kalicinski
// Version 1.13
// Revision $DateTime: 2009/05/13 01:46:17 $
//! \file rapidxml.hpp This file contains rapidxml parser and DOM implementation
// If standard library is disabled, user must provide implementations of required functions and typedefs
#if !defined(RAPIDXML_NO_STDLIB)
#include <cstdlib> // For std::size_t
#include <cassert> // For assert
#include <new> // For placement new
// On MSVC, disable "conditional expression is constant" warning (level 4).
// This warning is almost impossible to avoid with certain types of templated code
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4127) // Conditional expression is constant
#define RAPIDXML_PARSE_ERROR(what, where) { parse_error_handler(what, where); assert(0); }
namespace rapidxml
//! When exceptions are disabled by defining RAPIDXML_NO_EXCEPTIONS,
//! this function is called to notify user about the error.
//! It must be defined by the user.
//! <br><br>
//! This function cannot return. If it does, the results are undefined.
//! <br><br>
//! A very simple definition might look like that:
//! <pre>
//! void %rapidxml::%parse_error_handler(const char *what, void *where)
//! {
//! std::cout << "Parse error: " << what << "\n";
//! std::abort();
//! }
//! </pre>
//! \param what Human readable description of the error.
//! \param where Pointer to character data where error was detected.
void parse_error_handler(const char *what, void *where);
#include <exception> // For std::exception
#define RAPIDXML_PARSE_ERROR(what, where) throw parse_error(what, where)
namespace rapidxml
//! Parse error exception.
//! This exception is thrown by the parser when an error occurs.
//! Use what() function to get human-readable error message.
//! Use where() function to get a pointer to position within source text where error was detected.
//! <br><br>
//! If throwing exceptions by the parser is undesirable,
//! it can be disabled by defining RAPIDXML_NO_EXCEPTIONS macro before rapidxml.hpp is included.
//! This will cause the parser to call rapidxml::parse_error_handler() function instead of throwing an exception.
//! This function must be defined by the user.
//! <br><br>
//! This class derives from <code>std::exception</code> class.
class parse_error: public std::exception
//! Constructs parse error
parse_error(const char *what, void *where)
: m_what(what)
, m_where(where)
//! Gets human readable description of error.
//! \return Pointer to null terminated description of the error.
virtual const char *what() const throw()
return m_what;
//! Gets pointer to character data where error happened.
//! Ch should be the same as char type of xml_document that produced the error.
//! \return Pointer to location within the parsed string where error occured.
template<class Ch>
Ch *where() const
return reinterpret_cast<Ch *>(m_where);
const char *m_what;
void *m_where;
// Pool sizes
// Size of static memory block of memory_pool.
// Define RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE before including rapidxml.hpp if you want to override the default value.
// No dynamic memory allocations are performed by memory_pool until static memory is exhausted.
#define RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE (64 * 1024)
// Size of dynamic memory block of memory_pool.
// Define RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE before including rapidxml.hpp if you want to override the default value.
// After the static block is exhausted, dynamic blocks with approximately this size are allocated by memory_pool.
#define RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE (64 * 1024)
// Memory allocation alignment.
// Define RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT before including rapidxml.hpp if you want to override the default value, which is the size of pointer.
// All memory allocations for nodes, attributes and strings will be aligned to this value.
// This must be a power of 2 and at least 1, otherwise memory_pool will not work.
#define RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT sizeof(void *)
namespace rapidxml
// Forward declarations
template<class Ch> class xml_node;
template<class Ch> class xml_attribute;
template<class Ch> class xml_document;
//! Enumeration listing all node types produced by the parser.
//! Use xml_node::type() function to query node type.
enum node_type
node_document, //!< A document node. Name and value are empty.
node_element, //!< An element node. Name contains element name. Value contains text of first data node.
node_data, //!< A data node. Name is empty. Value contains data text.
node_cdata, //!< A CDATA node. Name is empty. Value contains data text.
node_comment, //!< A comment node. Name is empty. Value contains comment text.
node_declaration, //!< A declaration node. Name and value are empty. Declaration parameters (version, encoding and standalone) are in node attributes.
node_doctype, //!< A DOCTYPE node. Name is empty. Value contains DOCTYPE text.
node_pi //!< A PI node. Name contains target. Value contains instructions.
// Parsing flags
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to not create data nodes.
//! Text of first data node will still be placed in value of parent element, unless rapidxml::parse_no_element_values flag is also specified.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_no_data_nodes = 0x1;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to not use text of first data node as a value of parent element.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! Note that child data nodes of element node take precendence over its value when printing.
//! That is, if element has one or more child data nodes <em>and</em> a value, the value will be ignored.
//! Use rapidxml::parse_no_data_nodes flag to prevent creation of data nodes if you want to manipulate data using values of elements.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_no_element_values = 0x2;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to not place zero terminators after strings in the source text.
//! By default zero terminators are placed, modifying source text.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_no_string_terminators = 0x4;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to not translate entities in the source text.
//! By default entities are translated, modifying source text.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_no_entity_translation = 0x8;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to disable UTF-8 handling and assume plain 8 bit characters.
//! By default, UTF-8 handling is enabled.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_no_utf8 = 0x10;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to create XML declaration node.
//! By default, declaration node is not created.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_declaration_node = 0x20;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to create comments nodes.
//! By default, comment nodes are not created.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_comment_nodes = 0x40;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to create DOCTYPE node.
//! By default, doctype node is not created.
//! Although W3C specification allows at most one DOCTYPE node, RapidXml will silently accept documents with more than one.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_doctype_node = 0x80;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to create PI nodes.
//! By default, PI nodes are not created.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_pi_nodes = 0x100;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to validate closing tag names.
//! If not set, name inside closing tag is irrelevant to the parser.
//! By default, closing tags are not validated.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_validate_closing_tags = 0x200;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to trim all leading and trailing whitespace of data nodes.
//! By default, whitespace is not trimmed.
//! This flag does not cause the parser to modify source text.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_trim_whitespace = 0x400;
//! Parse flag instructing the parser to condense all whitespace runs of data nodes to a single space character.
//! Trimming of leading and trailing whitespace of data is controlled by rapidxml::parse_trim_whitespace flag.
//! By default, whitespace is not normalized.
//! If this flag is specified, source text will be modified.
//! Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_normalize_whitespace = 0x800;
// Compound flags
//! Parse flags which represent default behaviour of the parser.
//! This is always equal to 0, so that all other flags can be simply ored together.
//! Normally there is no need to inconveniently disable flags by anding with their negated (~) values.
//! This also means that meaning of each flag is a <i>negation</i> of the default setting.
//! For example, if flag name is rapidxml::parse_no_utf8, it means that utf-8 is <i>enabled</i> by default,
//! and using the flag will disable it.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_default = 0;
//! A combination of parse flags that forbids any modifications of the source text.
//! This also results in faster parsing. However, note that the following will occur:
//! <ul>
//! <li>names and values of nodes will not be zero terminated, you have to use xml_base::name_size() and xml_base::value_size() functions to determine where name and value ends</li>
//! <li>entities will not be translated</li>
//! <li>whitespace will not be normalized</li>
//! </ul>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_non_destructive = parse_no_string_terminators | parse_no_entity_translation;
//! A combination of parse flags resulting in fastest possible parsing, without sacrificing important data.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_fastest = parse_non_destructive | parse_no_data_nodes;
//! A combination of parse flags resulting in largest amount of data being extracted.
//! This usually results in slowest parsing.
//! <br><br>
//! See xml_document::parse() function.
const int parse_full = parse_declaration_node | parse_comment_nodes | parse_doctype_node | parse_pi_nodes | parse_validate_closing_tags;
// Internals
//! \cond internal
namespace internal
// Struct that contains lookup tables for the parser
// It must be a template to allow correct linking (because it has static data members, which are defined in a header file).
template<int Dummy>
struct lookup_tables
static const unsigned char lookup_whitespace[256]; // Whitespace table
static const unsigned char lookup_node_name[256]; // Node name table
static const unsigned char lookup_text[256]; // Text table
static const unsigned char lookup_text_pure_no_ws[256]; // Text table
static const unsigned char lookup_text_pure_with_ws[256]; // Text table
static const unsigned char lookup_attribute_name[256]; // Attribute name table
static const unsigned char lookup_attribute_data_1[256]; // Attribute data table with single quote
static const unsigned char lookup_attribute_data_1_pure[256]; // Attribute data table with single quote
static const unsigned char lookup_attribute_data_2[256]; // Attribute data table with double quotes
static const unsigned char lookup_attribute_data_2_pure[256]; // Attribute data table with double quotes
static const unsigned char lookup_digits[256]; // Digits
static const unsigned char lookup_upcase[256]; // To uppercase conversion table for ASCII characters
// Find length of the string
template<class Ch>
inline std::size_t measure(const Ch *p)
const Ch *tmp = p;
while (*tmp)
return tmp - p;
// Compare strings for equality
template<class Ch>
inline bool compare(const Ch *p1, std::size_t size1, const Ch *p2, std::size_t size2, bool case_sensitive)
if (size1 != size2)
return false;
if (case_sensitive)
for (const Ch *end = p1 + size1; p1 < end; ++p1, ++p2)
if (*p1 != *p2)
return false;
for (const Ch *end = p1 + size1; p1 < end; ++p1, ++p2)
if (lookup_tables<0>::lookup_upcase[static_cast<unsigned char>(*p1)] != lookup_tables<0>::lookup_upcase[static_cast<unsigned char>(*p2)])
return false;
return true;
//! \endcond
// Memory pool
//! This class is used by the parser to create new nodes and attributes, without overheads of dynamic memory allocation.
//! In most cases, you will not need to use this class directly.
//! However, if you need to create nodes manually or modify names/values of nodes,
//! you are encouraged to use memory_pool of relevant xml_document to allocate the memory.
//! Not only is this faster than allocating them by using <code>new</code> operator,
//! but also their lifetime will be tied to the lifetime of document,
//! possibly simplyfing memory management.
//! <br><br>
//! Call allocate_node() or allocate_attribute() functions to obtain new nodes or attributes from the pool.
//! You can also call allocate_string() function to allocate strings.
//! Such strings can then be used as names or values of nodes without worrying about their lifetime.
//! Note that there is no <code>free()</code> function -- all allocations are freed at once when clear() function is called,
//! or when the pool is destroyed.
//! <br><br>
//! It is also possible to create a standalone memory_pool, and use it
//! to allocate nodes, whose lifetime will not be tied to any document.
//! <br><br>
//! Pool maintains <code>RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE</code> bytes of statically allocated memory.
//! Until static memory is exhausted, no dynamic memory allocations are done.
//! When static memory is exhausted, pool allocates additional blocks of memory of size <code>RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE</code> each,
//! by using global <code>new[]</code> and <code>delete[]</code> operators.
//! This behaviour can be changed by setting custom allocation routines.
//! Use set_allocator() function to set them.
//! <br><br>
//! Allocations for nodes, attributes and strings are aligned at <code>RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT</code> bytes.
//! This value defaults to the size of pointer on target architecture.
//! <br><br>
//! To obtain absolutely top performance from the parser,
//! it is important that all nodes are allocated from a single, contiguous block of memory.
//! Otherwise, cache misses when jumping between two (or more) disjoint blocks of memory can slow down parsing quite considerably.
//! If required, you can tweak <code>RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE</code>, <code>RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE</code> and <code>RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT</code>
//! to obtain best wasted memory to performance compromise.
//! To do it, define their values before rapidxml.hpp file is included.
//! \param Ch Character type of created nodes.
template<class Ch = char>
class memory_pool
//! \cond internal
typedef void *(alloc_func)(std::size_t); // Type of user-defined function used to allocate memory
typedef void (free_func)(void *); // Type of user-defined function used to free memory
//! \endcond
//! Constructs empty pool with default allocator functions.
: m_alloc_func(0)
, m_free_func(0)
//! Destroys pool and frees all the memory.
//! This causes memory occupied by nodes allocated by the pool to be freed.
//! Nodes allocated from the pool are no longer valid.
//! Allocates a new node from the pool, and optionally assigns name and value to it.
//! If the allocation request cannot be accomodated, this function will throw <code>std::bad_alloc</code>.
//! If exceptions are disabled by defining RAPIDXML_NO_EXCEPTIONS, this function
//! will call rapidxml::parse_error_handler() function.
//! \param type Type of node to create.
//! \param name Name to assign to the node, or 0 to assign no name.
//! \param value Value to assign to the node, or 0 to assign no value.
//! \param name_size Size of name to assign, or 0 to automatically calculate size from name string.
//! \param value_size Size of value to assign, or 0 to automatically calculate size from value string.
//! \return Pointer to allocated node. This pointer will never be NULL.
xml_node<Ch> *allocate_node(node_type type,
const Ch *name = 0, const Ch *value = 0,
std::size_t name_size = 0, std::size_t value_size = 0)
void *memory = allocate_aligned(sizeof(xml_node<Ch>));
xml_node<Ch> *node = new(memory) xml_node<Ch>(type);
if (name)
if (name_size > 0)
node->name(name, name_size);
if (value)
if (value_size > 0)
node->value(value, value_size);
return node;
//! Allocates a new attribute from the pool, and optionally assigns name and value to it.
//! If the allocation request cannot be accomodated, this function will throw <code>std::bad_alloc</code>.
//! If exceptions are disabled by defining RAPIDXML_NO_EXCEPTIONS, this function
//! will call rapidxml::parse_error_handler() function.
//! \param name Name to assign to the attribute, or 0 to assign no name.
//! \param value Value to assign to the attribute, or 0 to assign no value.
//! \param name_size Size of name to assign, or 0 to automatically calculate size from name string.
//! \param value_size Size of value to assign, or 0 to automatically calculate size from value string.
//! \return Pointer to allocated attribute. This pointer will never be NULL.
xml_attribute<Ch> *allocate_attribute(const Ch *name = 0, const Ch *value = 0,
std::size_t name_size = 0, std::size_t value_size = 0)
void *memory = allocate_aligned(sizeof(xml_attribute<Ch>));
xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute = new(memory) xml_attribute<Ch>;
if (name)
if (name_size > 0)
attribute->name(name, name_size);
if (value)
if (value_size > 0)
attribute->value(value, value_size);
return attribute;
//! Allocates a char array of given size from the pool, and optionally copies a given string to it.
//! If the allocation request cannot be accomodated, this function will throw <code>std::bad_alloc</code>.
//! If exceptions are disabled by defining RAPIDXML_NO_EXCEPTIONS, this function
//! will call rapidxml::parse_error_handler() function.
//! \param source String to initialize the allocated memory with, or 0 to not initialize it.
//! \param size Number of characters to allocate, or zero to calculate it automatically from source string length; if size is 0, source string must be specified and null terminated.
//! \return Pointer to allocated char array. This pointer will never be NULL.
Ch *allocate_string(const Ch *source = 0, std::size_t size = 0)
assert(source || size); // Either source or size (or both) must be specified
if (size == 0)
size = internal::measure(source) + 1;
Ch *result = static_cast<Ch *>(allocate_aligned(size * sizeof(Ch)));
if (source)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
result[i] = source[i];
return result;
//! Clones an xml_node and its hierarchy of child nodes and attributes.
//! Nodes and attributes are allocated from this memory pool.
//! Names and values are not cloned, they are shared between the clone and the source.
//! Result node can be optionally specified as a second parameter,
//! in which case its contents will be replaced with cloned source node.
//! This is useful when you want to clone entire document.
//! \param source Node to clone.
//! \param result Node to put results in, or 0 to automatically allocate result node
//! \return Pointer to cloned node. This pointer will never be NULL.
xml_node<Ch> *clone_node(const xml_node<Ch> *source, xml_node<Ch> *result = 0)
// Prepare result node
if (result)
result = allocate_node(source->type());
// Clone name and value
result->name(source->name(), source->name_size());
result->value(source->value(), source->value_size());
// Clone child nodes and attributes
for (xml_node<Ch> *child = source->first_node(); child; child = child->next_sibling())
for (xml_attribute<Ch> *attr = source->first_attribute(); attr; attr = attr->next_attribute())
result->append_attribute(allocate_attribute(attr->name(), attr->value(), attr->name_size(), attr->value_size()));
return result;
//! Clears the pool.
//! This causes memory occupied by nodes allocated by the pool to be freed.
//! Any nodes or strings allocated from the pool will no longer be valid.
void clear()
while (m_begin != m_static_memory)
char *previous_begin = reinterpret_cast<header *>(align(m_begin))->previous_begin;
if (m_free_func)
delete[] m_begin;
m_begin = previous_begin;
//! Sets or resets the user-defined memory allocation functions for the pool.
//! This can only be called when no memory is allocated from the pool yet, otherwise results are undefined.
//! Allocation function must not return invalid pointer on failure. It should either throw,
//! stop the program, or use <code>longjmp()</code> function to pass control to other place of program.
//! If it returns invalid pointer, results are undefined.
//! <br><br>
//! User defined allocation functions must have the following forms:
//! <br><code>
//! <br>void *allocate(std::size_t size);
//! <br>void free(void *pointer);
//! </code><br>
//! \param af Allocation function, or 0 to restore default function
//! \param ff Free function, or 0 to restore default function
void set_allocator(alloc_func *af, free_func *ff)
assert(m_begin == m_static_memory && m_ptr == align(m_begin)); // Verify that no memory is allocated yet
m_alloc_func = af;
m_free_func = ff;
struct header
char *previous_begin;
void init()
m_begin = m_static_memory;
m_ptr = align(m_begin);
m_end = m_static_memory + sizeof(m_static_memory);
char *align(char *ptr)
std::size_t alignment = ((RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - (std::size_t(ptr) & (RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - 1))) & (RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - 1));
return ptr + alignment;
char *allocate_raw(std::size_t size)
// Allocate
void *memory;
if (m_alloc_func) // Allocate memory using either user-specified allocation function or global operator new[]
memory = m_alloc_func(size);
assert(memory); // Allocator is not allowed to return 0, on failure it must either throw, stop the program or use longjmp
memory = new char[size];
if (!memory) // If exceptions are disabled, verify memory allocation, because new will not be able to throw bad_alloc
RAPIDXML_PARSE_ERROR("out of memory", 0);
return static_cast<char *>(memory);
void *allocate_aligned(std::size_t size)
// Calculate aligned pointer
char *result = align(m_ptr);
// If not enough memory left in current pool, allocate a new pool
if (result + size > m_end)
// Calculate required pool size (may be bigger than RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE)
std::size_t pool_size = RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE;
if (pool_size < size)
pool_size = size;
// Allocate
std::size_t alloc_size = sizeof(header) + (2 * RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - 2) + pool_size; // 2 alignments required in worst case: one for header, one for actual allocation
char *raw_memory = allocate_raw(alloc_size);
// Setup new pool in allocated memory
char *pool = align(raw_memory);
header *new_header = reinterpret_cast<header *>(pool);
new_header->previous_begin = m_begin;
m_begin = raw_memory;
m_ptr = pool + sizeof(header);
m_end = raw_memory + alloc_size;
// Calculate aligned pointer again using new pool
result = align(m_ptr);
// Update pool and return aligned pointer
m_ptr = result + size;
return result;
char *m_begin; // Start of raw memory making up current pool
char *m_ptr; // First free byte in current pool
char *m_end; // One past last available byte in current pool
char m_static_memory[RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE]; // Static raw memory
alloc_func *m_alloc_func; // Allocator function, or 0 if default is to be used
free_func *m_free_func; // Free function, or 0 if default is to be used
// XML base
//! Base class for xml_node and xml_attribute implementing common functions:
//! name(), name_size(), value(), value_size() and parent().
//! \param Ch Character type to use
template<class Ch = char>
class xml_base
// Construction & destruction
// Construct a base with empty name, value and parent
: m_name(0)
, m_value(0)
, m_parent(0)
// Node data access
//! Gets name of the node.
//! Interpretation of name depends on type of node.
//! Note that name will not be zero-terminated if rapidxml::parse_no_string_terminators option was selected during parse.
//! <br><br>
//! Use name_size() function to determine length of the name.
//! \return Name of node, or empty string if node has no name.
Ch *name() const
return m_name ? m_name : nullstr();
//! Gets size of node name, not including terminator character.
//! This function works correctly irrespective of whether name is or is not zero terminated.
//! \return Size of node name, in characters.
std::size_t name_size() const
return m_name ? m_name_size : 0;
//! Gets value of node.
//! Interpretation of value depends on type of node.
//! Note that value will not be zero-terminated if rapidxml::parse_no_string_terminators option was selected during parse.
//! <br><br>
//! Use value_size() function to determine length of the value.
//! \return Value of node, or empty string if node has no value.
Ch *value() const
return m_value ? m_value : nullstr();
//! Gets size of node value, not including terminator character.
//! This function works correctly irrespective of whether value is or is not zero terminated.
//! \return Size of node value, in characters.
std::size_t value_size() const
return m_value ? m_value_size : 0;
// Node modification
//! Sets name of node to a non zero-terminated string.
//! See \ref ownership_of_strings.
//! <br><br>
//! Note that node does not own its name or value, it only stores a pointer to it.
//! It will not delete or otherwise free the pointer on destruction.
//! It is reponsibility of the user to properly manage lifetime of the string.
//! The easiest way to achieve it is to use memory_pool of the document to allocate the string -
//! on destruction of the document the string will be automatically freed.
//! <br><br>
//! Size of name must be specified separately, because name does not have to be zero terminated.
//! Use name(const Ch *) function to have the length automatically calculated (string must be zero terminated).
//! \param name Name of node to set. Does not have to be zero terminated.
//! \param size Size of name, in characters. This does not include zero terminator, if one is present.
void name(const Ch *name, std::size_t size)
m_name = const_cast<Ch *>(name);
m_name_size = size;
//! Sets name of node to a zero-terminated string.
//! See also \ref ownership_of_strings and xml_node::name(const Ch *, std::size_t).
//! \param name Name of node to set. Must be zero terminated.
void name(const Ch *name)
this->name(name, internal::measure(name));
//! Sets value of node to a non zero-terminated string.
//! See \ref ownership_of_strings.
//! <br><br>
//! Note that node does not own its name or value, it only stores a pointer to it.
//! It will not delete or otherwise free the pointer on destruction.
//! It is reponsibility of the user to properly manage lifetime of the string.
//! The easiest way to achieve it is to use memory_pool of the document to allocate the string -
//! on destruction of the document the string will be automatically freed.
//! <br><br>
//! Size of value must be specified separately, because it does not have to be zero terminated.
//! Use value(const Ch *) function to have the length automatically calculated (string must be zero terminated).
//! <br><br>
//! If an element has a child node of type node_data, it will take precedence over element value when printing.
//! If you want to manipulate data of elements using values, use parser flag rapidxml::parse_no_data_nodes to prevent creation of data nodes by the parser.
//! \param value value of node to set. Does not have to be zero terminated.
//! \param size Size of value, in characters. This does not include zero terminator, if one is present.
void value(const Ch *value, std::size_t size)
m_value = const_cast<Ch *>(value);
m_value_size = size;
//! Sets value of node to a zero-terminated string.
//! See also \ref ownership_of_strings and xml_node::value(const Ch *, std::size_t).
//! \param value Vame of node to set. Must be zero terminated.
void value(const Ch *value)
this->value(value, internal::measure(value));
// Related nodes access
//! Gets node parent.
//! \return Pointer to parent node, or 0 if there is no parent.
xml_node<Ch> *parent() const
return m_parent;
// Return empty string
static Ch *nullstr()
static Ch zero = Ch('\0');
return &zero;
Ch *m_name; // Name of node, or 0 if no name
Ch *m_value; // Value of node, or 0 if no value
std::size_t m_name_size; // Length of node name, or undefined of no name
std::size_t m_value_size; // Length of node value, or undefined if no value
xml_node<Ch> *m_parent; // Pointer to parent node, or 0 if none
//! Class representing attribute node of XML document.
//! Each attribute has name and value strings, which are available through name() and value() functions (inherited from xml_base).
//! Note that after parse, both name and value of attribute will point to interior of source text used for parsing.
//! Thus, this text must persist in memory for the lifetime of attribute.
//! \param Ch Character type to use.
template<class Ch = char>
class xml_attribute: public xml_base<Ch>
friend class xml_node<Ch>;
// Construction & destruction
//! Constructs an empty attribute with the specified type.
//! Consider using memory_pool of appropriate xml_document if allocating attributes manually.
// Related nodes access
//! Gets document of which attribute is a child.
//! \return Pointer to document that contains this attribute, or 0 if there is no parent document.
xml_document<Ch> *document() const
if (xml_node<Ch> *node = this->parent())
while (node->parent())
node = node->parent();
return node->type() == node_document ? static_cast<xml_document<Ch> *>(node) : 0;
return 0;
//! Gets previous attribute, optionally matching attribute name.
//! \param name Name of attribute to find, or 0 to return previous attribute regardless of its name; this string doesn't have to be zero-terminated if name_size is non-zero
//! \param name_size Size of name, in characters, or 0 to have size calculated automatically from string
//! \param case_sensitive Should name comparison be case-sensitive; non case-sensitive comparison works properly only for ASCII characters
//! \return Pointer to found attribute, or 0 if not found.
xml_attribute<Ch> *previous_attribute(const Ch *name = 0, std::size_t name_size = 0, bool case_sensitive = true) const
if (name)
if (name_size == 0)
name_size = internal::measure(name);
for (xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute = m_prev_attribute; attribute; attribute = attribute->m_prev_attribute)
if (internal::compare(attribute->name(), attribute->name_size(), name, name_size, case_sensitive))
return attribute;
return 0;
return this->m_parent ? m_prev_attribute : 0;
//! Gets next attribute, optionally matching attribute name.
//! \param name Name of attribute to find, or 0 to return next attribute regardless of its name; this string doesn't have to be zero-terminated if name_size is non-zero
//! \param name_size Size of name, in characters, or 0 to have size calculated automatically from string
//! \param case_sensitive Should name comparison be case-sensitive; non case-sensitive comparison works properly only for ASCII characters
//! \return Pointer to found attribute, or 0 if not found.
xml_attribute<Ch> *next_attribute(const Ch *name = 0, std::size_t name_size = 0, bool case_sensitive = true) const
if (name)
if (name_size == 0)
name_size = internal::measure(name);
for (xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute = m_next_attribute; attribute; attribute = attribute->m_next_attribute)
if (internal::compare(attribute->name(), attribute->name_size(), name, name_size, case_sensitive))
return attribute;
return 0;
return this->m_parent ? m_next_attribute : 0;
xml_attribute<Ch> *m_prev_attribute; // Pointer to previous sibling of attribute, or 0 if none; only valid if parent is non-zero
xml_attribute<Ch> *m_next_attribute; // Pointer to next sibling of attribute, or 0 if none; only valid if parent is non-zero
// XML node
//! Class representing a node of XML document.
//! Each node may have associated name and value strings, which are available through name() and value() functions.
//! Interpretation of name and value depends on type of the node.
//! Type of node can be determined by using type() function.
//! <br><br>
//! Note that after parse, both name and value of node, if any, will point interior of source text used for parsing.
//! Thus, this text must persist in the memory for the lifetime of node.
//! \param Ch Character type to use.
template<class Ch = char>
class xml_node: public xml_base<Ch>
// Construction & destruction
//! Constructs an empty node with the specified type.
//! Consider using memory_pool of appropriate document to allocate nodes manually.
//! \param type Type of node to construct.
xml_node(node_type type)
: m_type(type)
, m_first_node(0)
, m_first_attribute(0)
// Node data access
//! Gets type of node.
//! \return Type of node.
node_type type() const
return m_type;
// Related nodes access
//! Gets document of which node is a child.
//! \return Pointer to document that contains this node, or 0 if there is no parent document.
xml_document<Ch> *document() const
xml_node<Ch> *node = const_cast<xml_node<Ch> *>(this);
while (node->parent())
node = node->parent();
return node->type() == node_document ? static_cast<xml_document<Ch> *>(node) : 0;
//! Gets first child node, optionally matching node name.
//! \param name Name of child to find, or 0 to return first child regardless of its name; this string doesn't have to be zero-terminated if name_size is non-zero
//! \param name_size Size of name, in characters, or 0 to have size calculated automatically from string
//! \param case_sensitive Should name comparison be case-sensitive; non case-sensitive comparison works properly only for ASCII characters
//! \return Pointer to found child, or 0 if not found.
xml_node<Ch> *first_node(const Ch *name = 0, std::size_t name_size = 0, bool case_sensitive = true) const
if (name)
if (name_size == 0)
name_size = internal::measure(name);
for (xml_node<Ch> *child = m_first_node; child; child = child->next_sibling())
if (internal::compare(child->name(), child->name_size(), name, name_size, case_sensitive))
return child;
return 0;
return m_first_node;
//! Gets last child node, optionally matching node name.
//! Behaviour is undefined if node has no children.
//! Use first_node() to test if node has children.
//! \param name Name of child to find, or 0 to return last child regardless of its name; this string doesn't have to be zero-terminated if name_size is non-zero
//! \param name_size Size of name, in characters, or 0 to have size calculated automatically from string
//! \param case_sensitive Should name comparison be case-sensitive; non case-sensitive comparison works properly only for ASCII characters
//! \return Pointer to found child, or 0 if not found.
xml_node<Ch> *last_node(const Ch *name = 0, std::size_t name_size = 0, bool case_sensitive = true) const
assert(m_first_node); // Cannot query for last child if node has no children
if (name)
if (name_size == 0)
name_size = internal::measure(name);
for (xml_node<Ch> *child = m_last_node; child; child = child->previous_sibling())
if (internal::compare(child->name(), child->name_size(), name, name_size, case_sensitive))
return child;
return 0;
return m_last_node;
//! Gets previous sibling node, optionally matching node name.
//! Behaviour is undefined if node has no parent.
//! Use parent() to test if node has a parent.
//! \param name Name of sibling to find, or 0 to return previous sibling regardless of its name; this string doesn't have to be zero-terminated if name_size is non-zero
//! \param name_size Size of name, in characters, or 0 to have size calculated automatically from string
//! \param case_sensitive Should name comparison be case-sensitive; non case-sensitive comparison works properly only for ASCII characters
//! \return Pointer to found sibling, or 0 if not found.
xml_node<Ch> *previous_sibling(const Ch *name = 0, std::size_t name_size = 0, bool case_sensitive = true) const
assert(this->m_parent); // Cannot query for siblings if node has no parent
if (name)
if (name_size == 0)
name_size = internal::measure(name);
for (xml_node<Ch> *sibling = m_prev_sibling; sibling; sibling = sibling->m_prev_sibling)
if (internal::compare(sibling->name(), sibling->name_size(), name, name_size, case_sensitive))
return sibling;
return 0;
return m_prev_sibling;
//! Gets next sibling node, optionally matching node name.
//! Behaviour is undefined if node has no parent.
//! Use parent() to test if node has a parent.
//! \param name Name of sibling to find, or 0 to return next sibling regardless of its name; this string doesn't have to be zero-terminated if name_size is non-zero
//! \param name_size Size of name, in characters, or 0 to have size calculated automatically from string
//! \param case_sensitive Should name comparison be case-sensitive; non case-sensitive comparison works properly only for ASCII characters
//! \return Pointer to found sibling, or 0 if not found.
xml_node<Ch> *next_sibling(const Ch *name = 0, std::size_t name_size = 0, bool case_sensitive = true) const
assert(this->m_parent); // Cannot query for siblings if node has no parent
if (name)
if (name_size == 0)
name_size = internal::measure(name);
for (xml_node<Ch> *sibling = m_next_sibling; sibling; sibling = sibling->m_next_sibling)
if (internal::compare(sibling->name(), sibling->name_size(), name, name_size, case_sensitive))
return sibling;
return 0;
return m_next_sibling;
//! Gets first attribute of node, optionally matching attribute name.
//! \param name Name of attribute to find, or 0 to return first attribute regardless of its name; this string doesn't have to be zero-terminated if name_size is non-zero
//! \param name_size Size of name, in characters, or 0 to have size calculated automatically from string
//! \param case_sensitive Should name comparison be case-sensitive; non case-sensitive comparison works properly only for ASCII characters
//! \return Pointer to found attribute, or 0 if not found.
xml_attribute<Ch> *first_attribute(const Ch *name = 0, std::size_t name_size = 0, bool case_sensitive = true) const
if (name)
if (name_size == 0)
name_size = internal::measure(name);
for (xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute = m_first_attribute; attribute; attribute = attribute->m_next_attribute)
if (internal::compare(attribute->name(), attribute->name_size(), name, name_size, case_sensitive))
return attribute;
return 0;
return m_first_attribute;
//! Gets last attribute of node, optionally matching attribute name.
//! \param name Name of attribute to find, or 0 to return last attribute regardless of its name; this string doesn't have to be zero-terminated if name_size is non-zero
//! \param name_size Size of name, in characters, or 0 to have size calculated automatically from string
//! \param case_sensitive Should name comparison be case-sensitive; non case-sensitive comparison works properly only for ASCII characters
//! \return Pointer to found attribute, or 0 if not found.
xml_attribute<Ch> *last_attribute(const Ch *name = 0, std::size_t name_size = 0, bool case_sensitive = true) const
if (name)
if (name_size == 0)
name_size = internal::measure(name);
for (xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute = m_last_attribute; attribute; attribute = attribute->m_prev_attribute)
if (internal::compare(attribute->name(), attribute->name_size(), name, name_size, case_sensitive))
return attribute;
return 0;
return m_first_attribute ? m_last_attribute : 0;
// Node modification
//! Sets type of node.
//! \param type Type of node to set.
void type(node_type type)
m_type = type;
// Node manipulation
//! Prepends a new child node.
//! The prepended child becomes the first child, and all existing children are moved one position back.
//! \param child Node to prepend.
void prepend_node(xml_node<Ch> *child)
assert(child && !child->parent() && child->type() != node_document);
if (first_node())
child->m_next_sibling = m_first_node;
m_first_node->m_prev_sibling = child;
child->m_next_sibling = 0;
m_last_node = child;
m_first_node = child;
child->m_parent = this;
child->m_prev_sibling = 0;
//! Appends a new child node.
//! The appended child becomes the last child.
//! \param child Node to append.
void append_node(xml_node<Ch> *child)
assert(child && !child->parent() && child->type() != node_document);
if (first_node())
child->m_prev_sibling = m_last_node;
m_last_node->m_next_sibling = child;
child->m_prev_sibling = 0;
m_first_node = child;
m_last_node = child;
child->m_parent = this;
child->m_next_sibling = 0;
//! Inserts a new child node at specified place inside the node.
//! All children after and including the specified node are moved one position back.
//! \param where Place where to insert the child, or 0 to insert at the back.
//! \param child Node to insert.
void insert_node(xml_node<Ch> *where, xml_node<Ch> *child)
assert(!where || where->parent() == this);
assert(child && !child->parent() && child->type() != node_document);
if (where == m_first_node)
else if (where == 0)
child->m_prev_sibling = where->m_prev_sibling;
child->m_next_sibling = where;
where->m_prev_sibling->m_next_sibling = child;
where->m_prev_sibling = child;
child->m_parent = this;
//! Removes first child node.
//! If node has no children, behaviour is undefined.
//! Use first_node() to test if node has children.
void remove_first_node()
xml_node<Ch> *child = m_first_node;
m_first_node = child->m_next_sibling;
if (child->m_next_sibling)
child->m_next_sibling->m_prev_sibling = 0;
m_last_node = 0;
child->m_parent = 0;
//! Removes last child of the node.
//! If node has no children, behaviour is undefined.
//! Use first_node() to test if node has children.
void remove_last_node()
xml_node<Ch> *child = m_last_node;
if (child->m_prev_sibling)
m_last_node = child->m_prev_sibling;
child->m_prev_sibling->m_next_sibling = 0;
m_first_node = 0;
child->m_parent = 0;
//! Removes specified child from the node
// \param where Pointer to child to be removed.
void remove_node(xml_node<Ch> *where)
assert(where && where->parent() == this);
if (where == m_first_node)
else if (where == m_last_node)
where->m_prev_sibling->m_next_sibling = where->m_next_sibling;
where->m_next_sibling->m_prev_sibling = where->m_prev_sibling;
where->m_parent = 0;
//! Removes all child nodes (but not attributes).
void remove_all_nodes()
for (xml_node<Ch> *node = first_node(); node; node = node->m_next_sibling)
node->m_parent = 0;
m_first_node = 0;
//! Prepends a new attribute to the node.
//! \param attribute Attribute to prepend.
void prepend_attribute(xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute)
assert(attribute && !attribute->parent());
if (first_attribute())
attribute->m_next_attribute = m_first_attribute;
m_first_attribute->m_prev_attribute = attribute;
attribute->m_next_attribute = 0;
m_last_attribute = attribute;
m_first_attribute = attribute;
attribute->m_parent = this;
attribute->m_prev_attribute = 0;
//! Appends a new attribute to the node.
//! \param attribute Attribute to append.
void append_attribute(xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute)
assert(attribute && !attribute->parent());
if (first_attribute())
attribute->m_prev_attribute = m_last_attribute;
m_last_attribute->m_next_attribute = attribute;
attribute->m_prev_attribute = 0;
m_first_attribute = attribute;
m_last_attribute = attribute;
attribute->m_parent = this;
attribute->m_next_attribute = 0;
//! Inserts a new attribute at specified place inside the node.
//! All attributes after and including the specified attribute are moved one position back.
//! \param where Place where to insert the attribute, or 0 to insert at the back.
//! \param attribute Attribute to insert.
void insert_attribute(xml_attribute<Ch> *where, xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute)
assert(!where || where->parent() == this);
assert(attribute && !attribute->parent());
if (where == m_first_attribute)
else if (where == 0)
attribute->m_prev_attribute = where->m_prev_attribute;
attribute->m_next_attribute = where;
where->m_prev_attribute->m_next_attribute = attribute;
where->m_prev_attribute = attribute;
attribute->m_parent = this;
//! Removes first attribute of the node.
//! If node has no attributes, behaviour is undefined.
//! Use first_attribute() to test if node has attributes.
void remove_first_attribute()
xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute = m_first_attribute;
if (attribute->m_next_attribute)
attribute->m_next_attribute->m_prev_attribute = 0;
m_last_attribute = 0;
attribute->m_parent = 0;
m_first_attribute = attribute->m_next_attribute;
//! Removes last attribute of the node.
//! If node has no attributes, behaviour is undefined.
//! Use first_attribute() to test if node has attributes.
void remove_last_attribute()
xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute = m_last_attribute;
if (attribute->m_prev_attribute)
attribute->m_prev_attribute->m_next_attribute = 0;
m_last_attribute = attribute->m_prev_attribute;
m_first_attribute = 0;
attribute->m_parent = 0;
//! Removes specified attribute from node.
//! \param where Pointer to attribute to be removed.
void remove_attribute(xml_attribute<Ch> *where)
assert(first_attribute() && where->parent() == this);
if (where == m_first_attribute)
else if (where == m_last_attribute)
where->m_prev_attribute->m_next_attribute = where->m_next_attribute;
where->m_next_attribute->m_prev_attribute = where->m_prev_attribute;
where->m_parent = 0;
//! Removes all attributes of node.
void remove_all_attributes()
for (xml_attribute<Ch> *attribute = first_attribute(); attribute; attribute = attribute->m_next_attribute)
attribute->m_parent = 0;
m_first_attribute = 0;
// Restrictions
// No copying
xml_node(const xml_node &);
void operator =(const xml_node &);
// Data members
// Note that some of the pointers below have UNDEFINED values if certain other pointers are 0.
// This is required for maximum performance, as it allows the parser to omit initialization of
// unneded/redundant values.
// The rules are as follows:
// 1. first_node and first_attribute contain valid pointers, or 0 if node has no children/attributes respectively
// 2. last_node and last_attribute are valid only if node has at least one child/attribute respectively, otherwise they contain garbage
// 3. prev_sibling and next_sibling are valid only if node has a parent, otherwise they contain garbage
node_type m_type; // Type of node; always valid
xml_node<Ch> *m_first_node; // Pointer to first child node, or 0 if none; always valid
xml_node<Ch> *m_last_node; // Pointer to last child node, or 0 if none; this value is only valid if m_first_node is non-zero
xml_attribute<Ch> *m_first_attribute; // Pointer to first attribute of node, or 0 if none; always valid
xml_attribute<Ch> *m_last_attribute; // Pointer to last attribute of node, or 0 if none; this value is only valid if m_first_attribute is non-zero
xml_node<Ch> *m_prev_sibling; // Pointer to previous sibling of node, or 0 if none; this value is only valid if m_parent is non-zero
xml_node<Ch> *m_next_sibling; // Pointer to next sibling of node, or 0 if none; this value is only valid if m_parent is non-zero
// XML document
//! This class represents root of the DOM hierarchy.
//! It is also an xml_node and a memory_pool through public inheritance.
//! Use parse() function to build a DOM tree from a zero-terminated XML text string.
//! parse() function allocates memory for nodes and attributes by using functions of xml_document,
//! which are inherited from memory_pool.
//! To access root node of the document, use the document itself, as if it was an xml_node.
//! \param Ch Character type to use.
template<class Ch = char>
class xml_document: public xml_node<Ch>, public memory_pool<Ch>
//! Constructs empty XML document
: xml_node<Ch>(node_document)
//! Parses zero-terminated XML string according to given flags.
//! Passed string will be modified by the parser, unless rapidxml::parse_non_destructive flag is used.
//! The string must persist for the lifetime of the document.
//! In case of error, rapidxml::parse_error exception will be thrown.
//! <br><br>
//! If you want to parse contents of a file, you must first load the file into the memory, and pass pointer to its beginning.
//! Make sure that data is zero-terminated.
//! <br><br>
//! Document can be parsed into multiple times.
//! Each new call to parse removes previous nodes and attributes (if any), but does not clear memory pool.
//! \param text XML data to parse; pointer is non-const to denote fact that this data may be modified by the parser.
template<int Flags>
void parse(Ch *text)
// Remove current contents
// Parse BOM, if any
// Parse children
while (1)
// Skip whitespace before node
skip<whitespace_pred, Flags>(text);
if (*text == 0)
// Parse and append new child
if (*text == Ch('<'))
++text; // Skip '<'
if (xml_node<Ch> *node = parse_node<Flags>(text))
RAPIDXML_PARSE_ERROR("expected <", text);
//! Clears the document by deleting all nodes and clearing the memory pool.
//! All nodes owned by document pool are destroyed.
void clear()