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翻译 BufferedOutputStream 和 BufferedInputStream

BufferedOutputStream and BufferedInputStreamFileOutputStream and FileInputStream have a performance problem. Each file output streamwrite() method call and file input stream read() method call res

2016-02-19 08:43:58 354

翻译 FilterOutputStream 和FilterInputStream

FilterOutputStream and FilterInputStreamByte array, file, and piped streams pass bytes unchanged to their destinations. Java also supportsfilter streams that buffer, compress/uncompress, encrypt/d

2016-02-18 22:32:00 602

翻译 PipedOutputStream 和 PipedInputStream

PipedOutputStream and PipedInputStreamThreads must often communicate. One approach involves using shared variables. Anotherapproach involves using piped streams via the PipedOutputStream and Piped

2016-02-18 17:19:38 392

翻译 使用RandomAccessFile API

Working with the RandomAccessFile APIFiles can be created and/or opened for random access in which a mixture of write and readoperations can occur until the file is closed. Java supports this rand

2016-02-17 13:00:09 1856

翻译 FileOutputStream 和 FileInputStream

FileOutputStream and FileInputStreamFiles are common stream destinations and sources. The concrete FileOutputStream class lets youwrite a stream of bytes to a file; the concrete FileInputStream cl

2016-02-16 19:09:04 402

翻译 ByteArrayOutputStream 和 ByteArrayInputStream

ByteArrayOutputStream and ByteArrayInputStreamByte arrays are often useful as stream destinations and sources. The ByteArrayOutputStream classlets you write a stream of bytes to a byte array;

2016-02-15 19:15:26 346

翻译 Working with Streams 使用流

Working with StreamsAlong with File and RandomAccessFile, Java uses streams to perform I/O operations. A stream is anordered sequence of bytes of arbitrary length. Bytes flow over an output st

2016-02-15 12:31:26 294

翻译 Exploring Miscellaneous Capabilities探索各种功能

Exploring Miscellaneous CapabilitiesFinally, File implements the java.lang.Comparable interface’s compareTo() method and overridesequals() and hashCode(). Table 11-5 describes these miscellaneous

2016-02-10 12:06:07 260

翻译 Setting and Getting Permissions设置和取得许可

Setting and Getting PermissionsJava 1.2 added a boolean setReadOnly() method to the File class to mark a file or directory asread-only. However, a method to revert the file or directory to the wri

2016-02-10 10:15:36 458

翻译 Creating and Manipulating Files and Directories创建和处理文件和目录

Creating and Manipulating Files and DirectoriesFile also declares several methods for creating new files and directories and manipulating existingfiles and directories. Table 11-4 describes th

2016-02-09 21:57:50 417

翻译 Obtaining Disk Space Information获取磁盘空间信息

Obtaining Disk Space InformationA partition is a platform-specific portion of storage for a filesystem, for example, C:\. Obtaining theamount of partition free space is important to installers

2016-02-09 16:01:48 423

转载 Performing Classic I/O 执行传统的I/O

Performing Classic I/OApplications often input data for processing and output processing results. Data is input from afile or some other source and is output to a file or some other destinatio

2016-02-09 13:57:24 380

翻译 Synchronization 同步

SynchronizationThroughout its execution, each thread is isolated from other threads because it has been given itsown method-call stack. However, threads can still interfere with each other when th

2016-01-31 14:27:52 1402

翻译 Exploring Threads 探索线程

Applications execute via threads, which are independent paths of execution through an application’scode. When multiple threads are executing, each thread’s path can differ from other thread paths.

2016-01-28 16:00:59 312

翻译 Thread-Local Variables线程局部变量

You will sometimes want to associate per-thread data (such a user ID) with a thread. Although youcan accomplish this task with a local variable, you can only do so while the local variable exists. Y

2016-01-28 08:57:17 726

翻译 Deadlock

Listing 7-25. 病态的死锁public class DeadlockDemo{private Object lock1 = new Object();private Object lock2 = new Object();public void instanceMethod1(){synchronized(lock1){synchronized(lo

2016-01-28 08:15:52 359

翻译 心理训练

<br />约翰·伍登:“我在印第安纳州南部的一个小农场长大。父亲试图教育我和我的兄弟们,“永远不要和别人比。要总是向他人学习,努力做最好的自己——这才是你可以控制的。”<br />Those words later helped him with his own definition of success.<br />这些话后来帮助伍登完善了他关于成功的定义。 <br />JOHN WOODEN: "Peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction

2011-01-24 15:32:00 274

原创 培养方案术语解析

知识:人们有实践中获得的认识和经验技能:指掌握并能运用专门技术的能力素质:(1)心理学上指人的某些先天的特点         (2)事物本来的性质         (3)素养         (4)白色的质地能力:才能和办事的本领

2010-04-10 17:03:00 227

翻译 视图状态

 视图状态存储信息最常见的方法之一是在视图状态中。视图状态使用一个ASP.NET自动插入到网页最终的、呈现的HTML中的隐藏字段。这是一个完美的存储信息的地方-被用于单一网页的多次回发中。在前面的章节中,了解了Web控件如何使用视图状态跟踪某些细节。例如,如果您更改标签的文本,Label控件自动存储新文本在视图状态中。这样,下一次页面被回发,文本仍然在那个地方。 Web控件在视图状态中存储

2009-11-12 21:36:00 341

原创 HTML Server Controls


2009-11-11 10:47:00 271

转载 ASP.NET3.5高级程序设计

Web FormsPage ProcessingASP.NET 用一种称为回发的技术来处理这种分隔,当执行某些动作时,它发送页(和所有用户提供的信息)到服务器。当ASP.NET 接收此页,它然后可以点火相应的服务器端事件来通知你的代码。HTML Formsstring firstName = Request.Form["FirstName"];在实际POST信息上的这层薄片是有益的

2009-11-04 12:55:00 422

徐宝林 信息系统软件设计 CH03




面向对象程序设计(c#.net) 课程设计任务书



信息系统软件设计(C#.net版) 徐宝林 上海交通大学出版



上海交通大学出版社 徐宝林 信息系统软件设计(c#.net版)CH07代码


信息系统软件设计(C#.NET版) 第六章代码

上海交通大学出版社 徐宝林 信息系统软件设计(C#.NET版) 第六章代码


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平时成绩登记 项目:操作系统、WORD、EXCEL、PPT、网页三剑客 多媒体, 各项目分值等



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