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原创 Change GitLab Root user password

1.gitlab-rails console production2. u=User.where(id: 1).first3. u.password='123456'4. u.password.confirmation='123456'5. u.save

2019-03-28 13:09:45 465

转载 linux cgroup技术介绍

原文:http://coolshell.cn/articles/17049.html前面,我们介绍了Linux Namespace,但是Namespace解决的问题主要是环境隔离的问题,这只是虚拟化中最最基础的一步,我们还需要解决对计算机资源使用上的隔离。也就是说,虽然你通过Namespace把我Jail到一个特定的环境中去了,但是我在其中的进程使用用CPU、内存、磁盘等这些计算资源其实还是...

2019-03-27 13:40:51 647

转载 Recovering an overflowed LVM volume configured with –virtualsize

edit the -cow file directly with a short perl script.  The 5th byte is the ‘valid’ flag (see http://www.redhat.com/archives/linux-lvm/2006-September/msg00132.html) so all we need to is set it to ‘1’: ...

2018-05-29 14:54:18 179

原创 把cdrom变为yum repository

1. mount /dev/cdrom /mnt2. cd /mnt3. createrepo .4. change /etc/yum.repos.d[LocalRepos]name=LocalReposbaseurl=file:///mnt/enabled=1

2015-09-23 16:40:10 402

原创 snmptrap 命令解析

example:# snmptrap -v 2c -c public "aaa" SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0 s "just here"  snmptrap命令-v 2cSnmp协议版本-c public共同体10.10.12.

2015-09-18 11:55:40 9184

原创 apache URL 区别大小写

1.  enable the model: mod_speling.so2.  add the "CheckSpelling on" into httpd.conf

2015-09-18 11:51:38 1090

原创 用iptables做路由

Machine A: B: Machine: eth0                                 eth1 Machine A(windows): route -p add 192.168.198

2015-09-16 16:18:21 499

原创 iptrafic and tcpdump

1. iptraficiptrafic -s eth02. tcpdumpCapture packets from a particular ethernet interface# tcpdump -i eth0Capture only N number of packets# tcpdump -c N -i eth0Display Captured Packe

2015-09-16 15:41:55 360

原创 netstat samples

network monitoring: netstat List All Ports# netstat -anList Sockets which are in Listening State# netstat -lShow the statistics for each protocol#netstat -sDisplay PID and

2015-09-16 15:41:18 369

原创 vmstat samples

virtual memory Monitoring   ---- vmstatvmstat fields description:Procs – r: Total number of threads/processes waiting to run. The amount of threads in the run queue. These are threads that a

2015-09-16 15:39:21 323

原创 iostat samples

I/O Monitoring ---- iostatiostat – Display only cpu statistics# iostat -ciostat – Display only disk I/O statistics# iostat -diostat – Display only network statistics# ios

2015-09-16 15:38:43 359

原创 linux screen samples

1. de-attach the running screenCTRL-A + "d"2. list the attached/de-attached screenscreen -ls3. re-attach a screenscreen -r4. activate the loging of screenscreen -l  # when starting scree

2015-09-16 15:21:05 345

转载 putty 命令行参数

putty.exe [-ssh | -telnet | -rlogin | -raw] [user@]hostExample: putty -ssh -l vagrant -pw vagrant -P 2222 -V        print version information and exit -pgpfp    print PGP key fingerp

2015-09-16 15:14:14 1334

原创 linux performance monitoring

Linux Performance MonitoringCPU:You should understand the four critical performance metrics for CPU — context switch, run queue, cpu utilization, and load average.Context Switc

2015-09-14 13:53:14 375

原创 init: Id "co" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

"init: Id "co" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"The error messages exist in /var/log/messagescomment the line in /etc/inittabco:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 9600 ttyS1a

2015-09-14 11:31:33 1127

原创 OVM Concept: Oracle VM Agent

The Oracle VM Agent is a daemon that runs within dom0 on each Oracle VM Server instance. Its primary role is to facilitate communication between Oracle VM Server and Oracle VM Manager.Oracle VM Agen

2015-09-14 10:07:35 442

原创 OVM Concept: dom0 domU

Dom0 is the management domain of OVMOn X86 servers,  dom0 kernel is actually a small-footprint Linux kernel with support for a broad array of devices, file systems, and software RAID and volume ma

2015-09-14 09:54:26 312

原创 Oracle VM Architecture

The components of Oracle VM are as the attached

2015-09-14 09:39:33 239

原创 links and inode

inode, hard link hardlink

2015-09-11 15:55:56 267

转载 Expect and TCL mini reference manual

Expect and TCL mini reference manualExpect is an extension of the TCL language. This means that you can do everything with expect that you can do with TCL.1   TCL expressionsFirst of

2015-09-11 15:31:05 812

转载 sed one line

sed1line sed one line

2015-09-11 15:17:22 1030

转载 awk one line(老文章了,新老Administrator都用得到其中部分)


2015-09-11 15:13:26 591

原创 [NFS mount Error] System Error: No route to host.

Description: Iptables running and blocked the nfs portwhen running# mount -t nfs ovm1:/u01 /mntThe following error messages display:mount: mount to NFS server 'ovm1' failed: System Error: No

2015-09-09 13:55:55 778 1

原创 virt-install to create a new VM instance

The command to install the VM instance with virt-install command# virt-install -n VM1 -r 2048 -f /OVS/running_pool/VM1/System.img -s 20 --nographics -l nfs: -d -b xenbr0# vi

2015-09-09 13:32:33 401

原创 The Linux server failed to restart since /etc/fstab error

1. Login the server with single user mode2. remount the / partion# mount -o remount,rw /3. Edit the /etc/fstab and remove comment the error line4. verify with "mount -a" command5. reboot the

2015-09-09 10:50:00 318



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