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原创 鞍点

Option Base 1Dim anma() As IntegerDim m As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()    Dim i As Byte, j As Byte    For i = 1 To m        For j = 1 To n        Print anma(i, j); Spc(3)      

2016-06-02 17:47:17 250

原创 登陆页面的制作

一思路登陆—Form-frmloginStart up Position=2账号—Lable TextBox—txtUserID密码—Lable TextBox—txtPassword登陆,取消—CommangButton Cmdlogin-default:ture-ENTERCmd Cancel-Cancel:ture-Esc字体:大小:小一所有控件的Ta

2016-05-26 18:07:39 686

原创 s

Private Sub Form_Load()Type student    name As String    stuno As String    sex As Boolean    age As Byte    prof As String    grade As SingleEnd TypeDim zhangbowen As stuentzhan

2016-05-12 18:15:43 210

原创 选择法排序

Private Sub Command1_Click()    Dim a(10) As Integer    Dim i As Integer    For i = 1 To 10        a(i) = 10 + Int(Rnd() * 100)        Print a(i)    Next i    Print    Dim j As Integer

2016-05-07 18:13:46 400

原创 2138的16进制简单的

Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As IntegerDim b As IntegerDim s As StringDim yushu As Integera = 2138: b = 16While a     yushu = a Mod b    s = f(yushu) & s    a = a \ bWendPri

2016-05-07 17:17:41 249

原创 将2138的16进制

Private Sub Command1_Click()Me.Font.Size = 50Print shiliujinzhi(2138)End SubPrivate Function shiliujinzhi(m As Integer) As StringDim n As Integer    n = mConst shiliu As Byte = 16Dim r

2016-05-07 17:02:04 224

原创 十进制转化为二进制230

Private Sub Command1_Click()Me.Font.Size = 30Print erjinzhi(230)End SubPrivate Function erjinzhi(m As Byte) As StringDim n As Byten = mConst er As Byte = 2Dim returns As StringDim sh

2016-04-28 16:51:54 855

原创 十进制转换为二进制23

Private Sub Command1_Click()Me.Font.Size = 30Dim n As Byten = 23Const er As Byte = 2Dim shang As ByteDim yushu(1 To 5) As ByteDim i As Bytei = 5shang = n \ eryushu(i) = n Mod erW

2016-04-28 16:32:02 901

原创 三位数乘一位数

Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()     Me.Font.Size = 70    Dim n1() As Byte, n1Len As Long    Dim n2() As Byte, n2Len As Long    Dim yushu1 As Byte, yushu2 As Byte, yushu3 As Integ

2016-04-21 17:30:55 288

原创 两位数乘一位数

Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()     Me.Font.Size = 70    Dim n1() As Byte, n1Len As Long    Dim n2() As Byte, n2Len As Long    Dim yushu1 As Byte, yushu2 As Byte    Dim shang A

2016-04-21 17:29:58 232

原创 n位数乘1位数

Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim c As ByteDim a() As ByteDim b As StringDim changdu As Integer, i As Longchangdu = Len(Text1.Text)ReDim a(changdu)For i = 1 To changdub = Mid(Me.Text1.

2016-04-21 17:28:54 243

原创 n乘1

Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim a() As ByteDim r() As ByteDim b As StringDim c As ByteDim i As LongDim l As Longl = Len(Me.Text1.Text)ReDim a(l)For i = 1 To l    b = Mid(Me.Te

2016-04-21 17:18:28 356

原创 1*1 1的相乘

Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As ByteDim b As ByteDim c As ByteDim r As Byteb = Me.Text1.Texta = Int(Val(b))b = Me.Text2.Textc = Int(Val(b))r = a * cPrint rEnd Sub

2016-04-21 17:04:15 517

原创 红糖水白糖水交换

Private Sub 变换_Click()Dim a As Stringa = Me.Label1.CaptionMe.Label1.Caption = Me.Label2.CaptionMe.Label2.Caption = aDim b As Stringb = Me.Label1.ForeColorMe.Label1.ForeColor = Me.Label2.

2016-04-14 17:37:56 193

原创 比较大小

Private Sub Command1_Click()    Cls    Me.Font.Size = 50    Dim a As Integer    Dim b As Integer    Dim swap As Integer        a = Int(Rnd * 1000)    b = Int(Rnd * 1000)    If a   

2016-04-14 17:37:01 180

原创 vb15个数字作业

Private Sub cmdSort_Click()  Dim A(14) As Integer       Dim I, J As Integer  Dim Temp As Integer  Form1.Cls  Randomize  For I = 0 To 14  A(I) = Int(Rnd * 1000)  Print A(I);  Ne

2016-04-14 17:36:02 180

原创 n个随机数的排列

Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsFont.size = 30Dim n As IntegerDim size As Integersize = Int(Val(Me.Text1.Text))Dim sierdun() As IntegerReDim sierdun(size) As Integern =

2016-04-14 17:34:49 290

原创 红糖水

Private Sub 变换_Click()Dim a As Stringa = Me.Label1.CaptionMe.Label1.Caption = Me.Label2.CaptionMe.Label2.Caption = aDim b As Stringb = Me.Label1.ForeColorMe.Label1.ForeColor = Me.Label2.

2016-04-14 17:33:06 210

原创 10的阶乘

Private Sub Command1_Click()Print 阶乘(10)End SubPrivate Function 阶乘(n As Integer) As LongIf n = 1 Then  阶乘 = 1  Else  阶乘 = n * 阶乘(n - 1)  End If    End Function

2016-04-14 17:22:15 285

原创 给十五个数排序

Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsMe.Font.Size = 24Dim a As IntegerDim b As IntegerDim c As IntegerDim d As IntegerDim e As IntegerDim f As IntegerDim g As IntegerDim h As IntegerDi

2016-04-14 16:36:26 283

原创 九种求和方法

(一) Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerDim a(10) As IntegerDim sum As IntegerRandomizeFor i = 1 To 10    a(i) = Int(Rnd * 1000) + 1    sum = sum + a

2016-04-14 16:34:33 256

原创 十一个数 最后一个数是前十个数的和

Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a(10) As Integern = 1While n a(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000) + 1n = n + 1Wendn = 1While n Print a(n)n = n + 1Wends = 0n = 1While n s = s + a(n)n

2016-04-07 16:28:08 476

原创 排序

Private Sub Command1_Click()    Dim n As Integer    Dim sierdun(15) As Integer    n = 1    While n         sierdun(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)        n = n + 1    Wend    Dim swap As Integer

2016-03-31 17:42:51 136

原创 比较ab大小

Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsMe.Font.Size = 70Dim a As Integer, b As Integera = Int(Rnd * 1000)b = Int(Rnd * 1000)If a Me.Text1.Text = "aElseEnd IfPrint a & "," & bEnd Sub

2016-03-24 17:17:53 1793

转载 三个数排序

Dim a(3) As Double, i As Integer, t As Integer For i = 1 To 3 a(i) = InputBox("请输入第" & i & "个数") Next i If a(1) < a(2) Then change2num a(1), a(2) If a(1) < a(3) Then change2num

2016-03-24 17:01:10 486



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