

This file is part of Ext JS 4

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This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.

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 * @class Ext   //说明Ext是一个类
 * @singleton   //表示这是 单例模式的类, 也就是说,接下来的成员都是 Ext 直接有的, 而不是 Ext.prototype 。

(function() {
    var global = this,  //this 就是 window ,全局函数执行时, this 指向 window
        objectPrototype = Object.prototype,
        toString = objectPrototype.toString,
        enumerables = true,
        enumerablesTest = { toString: 1 },

    if (typeof Ext === 'undefined') {
        global.Ext = {}; //创建Ext

    Ext.global = global;//保存全局变量,可以扩展这个库的功能,

    for (i in enumerablesTest) {
        enumerables = null;

    if (enumerables) {
        enumerables = ['hasOwnProperty', 'valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable',
                       'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'constructor'];

     * An array containing extra enumerables for old browsers
     * @type Array
    Ext.enumerables = enumerables; //用户可以通过Ext.enumerables得到或修改 遍历的属性。

     * Copies all the properties of config to the specified object.复制配置的所有的属性到指定的对象。
     * Note that if recursive merging and cloning without referencing the original objects / arrays is needed, use
     * {@link Ext.Object#merge} instead.
     * @param {Object} object The receiver of the properties
     * @param {Object} config The source of the properties
     * @param {Object} defaults A different object that will also be applied for default values
     * @return {Object} returns obj
    Ext.apply = function(object, config, defaults) {
        if (defaults) {
            Ext.apply(object, defaults);//将defaults拷贝到object中。
        if (object && config && typeof config === 'object') {
            var i, j, k;

            for (i in config) { //拷贝的方法是:for in 对象,成员一个个赋值。
                object[i] = config[i];

            if (enumerables) {  //正如24行说的那样,如果是IE6.需要人工检查自定义属性,检查hasOwnProperty
                for (j = enumerables.length; j--;) {
                    k = enumerables[j];
                    if (config.hasOwnProperty(k)) { //如果使用IE6浏览器,对其做的特殊处理,
                        object[k] = config[k];

        return object;

    Ext.buildSettings = Ext.apply({ //Ext.buildSettings用于存储配置,这里是定义。
        baseCSSPrefix: 'x-',
        scopeResetCSS: false
    }, Ext.buildSettings || {}); //防止存在的配置被重写。

    Ext.apply(Ext, {
         * A reusable empty function
        emptyFn: function() {}, //空函数用处大了去了。。

        baseCSSPrefix: Ext.buildSettings.baseCSSPrefix,//css 前缀

         * Copies all the properties of config to object if they don't already exist.
         * @param {Object} object The receiver of the properties
         * @param {Object} config The source of the properties
         * @return {Object} returns obj
        applyIf: function(object, config) {//Ext.applyIf与apply很相似,但是不会覆盖原来已经存在的成员
            var property;

            if (object) {
                for (property in config) {
                    if (object[property] === undefined) {
                        object[property] = config[property];

            return object;

         * Iterates either an array or an object. This method delegates to
         * {@link Ext.Array#each Ext.Array.each} if the given value is iterable, and {@link Ext.Object#each Ext.Object.each} otherwise.
         * @param {Object/Array} object The object or array to be iterated.
         * @param {Function} fn The function to be called for each iteration. See and {@link Ext.Array#each Ext.Array.each} and
         * {@link Ext.Object#each Ext.Object.each} for detailed lists of arguments passed to this function depending on the given object
         * type that is being iterated.
         * @param {Object} scope (Optional) The scope (`this` reference) in which the specified function is executed.
         * Defaults to the object being iterated itself.
         * @markdown
        iterate: function(object, fn, scope) { //iterate遍历  对象或者数组
            if (Ext.isEmpty(object)) {

            if (scope === undefined) {
                scope = object;

            if (Ext.isIterable(object)) {
                Ext.Array.each.call(Ext.Array, object, fn, scope);
            else {
                Ext.Object.each.call(Ext.Object, object, fn, scope);

    Ext.apply(Ext, {

         * This method deprecated. Use {@link Ext#define Ext.define} instead.
         * @method
         * @param {Function} superclass
         * @param {Object} overrides
         * @return {Function} The subclass constructor from the <tt>overrides</tt> parameter, or a generated one if not provided.
         * @deprecated 4.0.0 Use {@link Ext#define Ext.define} instead
        extend: function() { //实现了继承(这个函数已经被弃用了,因为Ext4带了完整的类机制。)
            // inline overrides
            var objectConstructor = objectPrototype.constructor,
                inlineOverrides = function(o) {
                for (var m in o) {
                    if (!o.hasOwnProperty(m)) {
                    this[m] = o[m];

            return function(subclass, superclass, overrides) {
                // First we check if the user passed in just the superClass with overrides
                if (Ext.isObject(superclass)) {
                    overrides = superclass;
                    superclass = subclass;
                    subclass = overrides.constructor !== objectConstructor ? overrides.constructor : function() {
                        superclass.apply(this, arguments);

                if (!superclass) {
                        sourceClass: 'Ext',
                        sourceMethod: 'extend',
                        msg: 'Attempting to extend from a class which has not been loaded on the page.'

                // We create a new temporary class
                var F = function() {},
                    subclassProto, superclassProto = superclass.prototype;

                F.prototype = superclassProto;
                subclassProto = subclass.prototype = new F();
                subclassProto.constructor = subclass;
                subclass.superclass = superclassProto;

                if (superclassProto.constructor === objectConstructor) {
                    superclassProto.constructor = superclass;

                subclass.override = function(overrides) {
                    Ext.override(subclass, overrides);

                subclassProto.override = inlineOverrides;
                subclassProto.proto = subclassProto;

                subclass.extend = function(o) {
                    return Ext.extend(subclass, o);

                return subclass;

         * Proxy to {@link Ext.Base#override}. Please refer {@link Ext.Base#override} for further details.

    Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
        sayHi: function() {

    Ext.override(My.cool.Class, {
        sayHi: function() {
            alert('About to say...');


    var cool = new My.cool.Class();
    cool.sayHi(); // alerts 'About to say...'
                  // alerts 'Hi!'

         * Please note that `this.callOverridden()` only works if the class was previously
         * created with {@link Ext#define)
         * @param {Object} cls The class to override
         * @param {Object} overrides The list of functions to add to origClass. This should be specified as an object literal
         * containing one or more methods.
         * @method override
         * @markdown
        override: function(cls, overrides) {  //Ext.override 实现了重载。它和多态有关。以后分析。。。
            if (cls.prototype.$className) {
                return cls.override(overrides);
            else {
                Ext.apply(cls.prototype, overrides);

    // A full set of static methods to do type checking
    Ext.apply(Ext, {

         * Returns the given value itself if it's not empty, as described in {@link Ext#isEmpty}; returns the default
         * value (second argument) otherwise.
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @param {Mixed} defaultValue The value to return if the original value is empty
         * @param {Boolean} allowBlank (optional) true to allow zero length strings to qualify as non-empty (defaults to false)
         * @return {Mixed} value, if non-empty, else defaultValue
        valueFrom: function(value, defaultValue, allowBlank){ //这个函数是默认值的取法,如果一个参数不空,则返回这个参数,否则返回默认值啊。其实我们只需要 || 就足够了。
            return Ext.isEmpty(value, allowBlank) ? defaultValue : value;

         * Returns the type of the given variable in string format. List of possible values are:
         * - `undefined`: If the given value is `undefined`
         * - `null`: If the given value is `null`
         * - `string`: If the given value is a string
         * - `number`: If the given value is a number
         * - `boolean`: If the given value is a boolean value
         * - `date`: If the given value is a `Date` object
         * - `function`: If the given value is a function reference
         * - `object`: If the given value is an object
         * - `array`: If the given value is an array
         * - `regexp`: If the given value is a regular expression
         * - `element`: If the given value is a DOM Element
         * - `textnode`: If the given value is a DOM text node and contains something other than whitespace
         * - `whitespace`: If the given value is a DOM text node and contains only whitespace
         * @param {Mixed} value
         * @return {String}
         * @markdown
        typeOf: function(value) { //Ext.typeof 返回类型
            if (value === null) { //对于普通对象啊,使用typeOf可以获取类型,
                return 'null';    //但是有时会欺骗我们啊 ,例如 typeof null =="object"
            }                     //但是new Number(3) 就可以判断出[object Number],判断出是nuber类型的,

            var type = typeof value;

            if (type === 'undefined' || type === 'string' || type === 'number' || type === 'boolean') {
                return type;

            var typeToString = toString.call(value);

            switch(typeToString) {
                case '[object Array]':
                    return 'array';
                case '[object Date]':
                    return 'date';
                case '[object Boolean]':
                    return 'boolean';
                case '[object Number]':
                    return 'number';
                case '[object RegExp]':
                    return 'regexp';

            if (type === 'function') {
                return 'function';

            if (type === 'object') {
                if (value.nodeType !== undefined) {
                    if (value.nodeType === 3) {
                        return (/\S/).test(value.nodeValue) ? 'textnode' : 'whitespace';
                    else {
                        return 'element';

                return 'object';

            //<debug error>
                sourceClass: 'Ext',
                sourceMethod: 'typeOf',
                msg: 'Failed to determine the type of the specified value "' + value + '". This is most likely a bug.'

         * Returns true if the passed value is empty, false otherwise. The value is deemed to be empty if it is either:
         * - `null`
         * - `undefined`
         * - a zero-length array
         * - a zero-length string (Unless the `allowEmptyString` parameter is set to `true`)
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @param {Boolean} allowEmptyString (optional) true to allow empty strings (defaults to false)
         * @return {Boolean}
         * @markdown
        isEmpty: function(value, allowEmptyString) { //判断 null undefined 空字符串或者数组
            return (value === null) || (value === undefined) || (!allowEmptyString ? value === '' : false) || (Ext.isArray(value) && value.length === 0);

         * Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript Array, false otherwise.
         * @param {Mixed} target The target to test
         * @return {Boolean}
         * @method
        isArray: ('isArray' in Array) ? Array.isArray : function(value) {  //判断是否是数组啦~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦
            return toString.call(value) === '[object Array]';

         * Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript Date object, false otherwise.
         * @param {Object} object The object to test
         * @return {Boolean}
        isDate: function(value) {
            return toString.call(value) === '[object Date]';

         * Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript Object, false otherwise.
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @return {Boolean}
         * @method
        isObject: (toString.call(null) === '[object Object]') ?
        function(value) {
            // check ownerDocument here as well to exclude DOM nodes
            return value !== null && value !== undefined && toString.call(value) === '[object Object]' && value.ownerDocument === undefined;
        } :
        function(value) {
            return toString.call(value) === '[object Object]';

         * Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript 'primitive', a string, number or boolean.
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @return {Boolean}
        isPrimitive: function(value) {   //判断是否是引用传值。
            var type = typeof value;

            return type === 'string' || type === 'number' || type === 'boolean';

         * Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript Function, false otherwise.
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @return {Boolean}
         * @method
        // Safari 3.x and 4.x returns 'function' for typeof <NodeList>, hence we need to fall back to using
        // Object.prorotype.toString (slower)
        (typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.getElementsByTagName('body') === 'function') ? function(value) {
            return toString.call(value) === '[object Function]';
        } : function(value) {
            return typeof value === 'function';

         * Returns true if the passed value is a number. Returns false for non-finite numbers.
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @return {Boolean}
        isNumber: function(value) {
            return typeof value === 'number' && isFinite(value);

         * Validates that a value is numeric.
         * @param {Mixed} value Examples: 1, '1', '2.34'
         * @return {Boolean} True if numeric, false otherwise
        isNumeric: function(value) {
            return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value);

         * Returns true if the passed value is a string.
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @return {Boolean}
        isString: function(value) {
            return typeof value === 'string';

         * Returns true if the passed value is a boolean.
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @return {Boolean}
        isBoolean: function(value) {
            return typeof value === 'boolean';

         * Returns true if the passed value is an HTMLElement
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @return {Boolean}
        isElement: function(value) {
            return value ? value.nodeType === 1 : false;

         * Returns true if the passed value is a TextNode
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @return {Boolean}
        isTextNode: function(value) {
            return value ? value.nodeName === "#text" : false;

         * Returns true if the passed value is defined.
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @return {Boolean}
        isDefined: function(value) {
            return typeof value !== 'undefined';

         * Returns true if the passed value is iterable, false otherwise
         * @param {Mixed} value The value to test
         * @return {Boolean}
        isIterable: function(value) { //返回的是false
            return (value && typeof value !== 'string') ? value.length !== undefined : false;

    Ext.apply(Ext, {

         * Clone almost any type of variable including array, object, DOM nodes and Date without keeping the old reference
         * @param {Mixed} item The variable to clone
         * @return {Mixed} clone
        clone: function(item) { //Ext.clone深拷贝对象,除非你是作者,否则不要随便使用这个函数,它是能源大户
            if (item === null || item === undefined) {
                return item;

            // DOM nodes
            // TODO proxy this to Ext.Element.clone to handle automatic id attribute changing
            // recursively
            if (item.nodeType && item.cloneNode) {
                return item.cloneNode(true);

            var type = toString.call(item);

            // Date
            if (type === '[object Date]') {
                return new Date(item.getTime());

            var i, j, k, clone, key;

            // Array
            if (type === '[object Array]') {
                i = item.length;

                clone = [];

                while (i--) {
                    clone[i] = Ext.clone(item[i]);
            // Object
            else if (type === '[object Object]' && item.constructor === Object) {
                clone = {};

                for (key in item) {
                    clone[key] = Ext.clone(item[key]);

                if (enumerables) {
                    for (j = enumerables.length; j--;) {
                        k = enumerables[j];
                        clone[k] = item[k];

            return clone || item;

         * @private
         * Generate a unique reference of Ext in the global scope, useful for sandboxing
        getUniqueGlobalNamespace: function() { //这个函数用来生成唯一的名字。
            var uniqueGlobalNamespace = this.uniqueGlobalNamespace;

            if (uniqueGlobalNamespace === undefined) {
                var i = 0;

                do {
                    uniqueGlobalNamespace = 'ExtBox' + (++i); //名字的前缀是ExtBox.作者用了沙盒专业词汇,就是对象可以偷偷地藏在这个盒子里。
                } while (Ext.global[uniqueGlobalNamespace] !== undefined);

                Ext.global[uniqueGlobalNamespace] = Ext;
                this.uniqueGlobalNamespace = uniqueGlobalNamespace;

            return uniqueGlobalNamespace;

         * @private
        functionFactory: function() {
            var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); //args是参数数组,除去第一个参数
            if (args.length > 0) {
                args[args.length - 1] = 'var Ext=window.' + this.getUniqueGlobalNamespace() + ';' +
                    args[args.length - 1];
            }  //注意,它创建的是一个闭包,也就是这个函数返回得是一个函数,返回的那个函数内部创建了一个Ext变量、
            return Function.prototype.constructor.apply(Function.prototype, args);
        } //return 这句话相当于Function.apply(Function.prototype,args)
    });   //相当于 new Function(args[0],args[1],.....)

     * Old alias to {@link Ext#typeOf}
     * @deprecated 4.0.0 Use {@link Ext#typeOf} instead
     * @method
     * @alias Ext#typeOf
    Ext.type = Ext.typeOf; //起个名字啦






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