
1.Ray Tracing Algorithm


IntersectColor( vBeginPoint, vDirection)
    Determine IntersectPoint;
    Color = ambient color;
    for each light
        Color += local shading term; 
    if(surface is reflective)
        color += reflect Coefficient * IntersectColor(IntersecPoint, ReflectRay);
    else if ( surface is refractive) 
        color += refract Coefficient * IntersectColor(IntersecPoint, Refract Ray);
    return color; 



d e t ( M ) = ∣ M 11 M 12 M 13 M 21 M 22 M 23 M 31 M 32 M 33 ∣ \mathbf{det(M)=\begin{vmatrix} M_{11} & M_{12} &M_{13} \\ M_{21} & M_{22} & M_{23} \\ M_{31} & M_{32} & M_{33} \end{vmatrix}} det(M)=M11M21M31M12M22M32M13M23M33

  • 二阶行列式的几何意义就是由行列式的向量所张成的平行四边形的面积
  • 一个3×3阶的行列式是其行向量或列向量所张成的平行六面体的有向体积



代数余子式 C i j ( M ) = ( − 1 ) i + j d e t ( M { i , j } ) \bm{C_{ij}(M)=(-1)^{i+j}det(M^{\{i,j\}})} Cij(M)=(1)i+jdet(M{i,j}),其中 M { i , j } \bm{M^{\{i,j\}}} M{i,j}是去除i行和j列后的矩阵


d e t ( M ) = ∑ i = 1 n M i k C i k ( M ) d e t ( M ) = ∑ j = 1 n M k j C k j ( M ) \mathbf{det(M)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}M_{ik}C_{ik}(M)}\\ \mathbf{det(M)=\sum_{j=1}^{n}M_{kj}C_{kj}(M)} det(M)=i=1nMikCik(M)det(M)=j=1nMkjCkj(M)

克莱姆法则(Cramer’s Rule)


M X = C \mathbf{MX=C} MX=C


X i = d e t ( M i ) d e t ( M ) \mathbf{X_i=\frac{det(M_i)}{det(M)}} Xi=det(M)det(Mi)

其中 M i \bm{M_i} Mi是被列向量C取代了M的第i列的列向量后得到的矩阵。




a ⋅ ( b × c ) = ∣ a 1 a 2 a 3 b 1 b 2 b 3 c 1 c 2 c 3 ∣ = ∣ a 1 b 1 c 1 a 2 b 2 c 2 a 3 b 3 c 3 ∣ \mathbf{a\cdot(b\times c)=\begin{vmatrix} a_1 & a_2 & a_3 \\ b_1 & b_2 & b_3 \\ c_1 & c_2 & c_3 \end{vmatrix}=\begin{vmatrix} a_1 & b_1 & c_1 \\ a_2 & b_2 & c_2 \\ a_3 & b_3 & c_3 \end{vmatrix}} a(b×c)=a1b1c1a2b2c2a3b3c3=a1a2a3b1b2b3c1c2c3


a ⋅ ( b × c ) = b ⋅ ( c × a ) = c ⋅ ( a × b ) \mathbf{a\cdot(b\times c)=b\cdot(c\times a)=c\cdot(a\times b)} a(b×c)=b(c×a)=c(a×b)

2.Ray intersection(光线求交)

2.1 Ray Representation

P ( t ) = R o + t ∗ R d \mathbf{P(t) = R_o + t * R_d} P(t)=Ro+tRd

2.2 Plane intersection


H ( P ) = A x + B y + C z + D = n ⋅ P + D = 0 \mathbf{H(P) = Ax+By+Cz+D = n \cdot P + D = 0} H(P)=Ax+By+Cz+D=nP+D=0



P ( t ) = R o + t ∗ R d n ⋅ P ( t ) + D = 0 t = − D + n ⋅ R o ( n ⋅ R d ) \mathbf{P(t) = R_o + t * R_d}\\ \mathbf{n\cdot P(t)+D = 0}\\ \mathbf{t = -\frac{D+n\cdot Ro}{(n\cdot Rd)}} \\ P(t)=Ro+tRdnP(t)+D=0t=(nRd)D+nRo

2.3 Triangle intersection

  • 第一步:判断三角形所在的面和线段所在的直线是否平行或者是否是从三角形面的背面进入。如果是就提前退出,否则进入第二步。(使用面的法向量 和 线段的向量 的 点积)

  • 第二步:判断线段和三角形所在的面的交点是否在线段上。

  • 第三步:判断是否交点在三角形内部。


重心坐标系(Barycentric coordinates):

Barycentric coordinates could be used for texture mapping, normal interpolation, color interpolation, etc.

P = α P 0 + β P 1 + γ P 2 α + β + γ = 1 0 ⩽ α , β , γ ⩽ 1 \mathbf{P = \alpha P_0 + \beta P_1 + \gamma P_2} \mathbf{\alpha + \beta + \gamma = 1} \mathbf{0\leqslant \alpha, \beta, \gamma \leqslant 1}\\ P=αP0+βP1+γP2α+β+γ=10α,β,γ1


P ( t ) = R o + t ∗ R d = ( 1 − β − γ ) P 0 + β P 1 + γ P 2 ( R d , P 0 − P 1 , P 0 − P 2 ) ( t β γ ) = P 0 − R o \mathbf{P(t) = R_o + t * R_d = (1-\beta-\gamma)P_0 + \beta P_1 + \gamma P_2}\\ \mathbf{(R_d, P_0-P_1, P_0-P_2) \begin{pmatrix} t\\ \beta\\ \gamma \end{pmatrix}=P_0 - R_o} P(t)=Ro+tRd=(1βγ)P0+βP1+γP2(Rd,P0P1,P0P2)tβγ=P0Ro


E 1 = P 0 − P 1 , E 2 = P 0 − P 2 , S = P 0 − R o ( t β γ ) = 1 d e t ( R d , E 1 , E 2 ) ( d e t ( S , E 1 , E 2 ) d e t ( R d , S , E 2 ) d e t ( R d , E 1 , S ) ) \mathbf{E_1 = P_0 - P_1, E_2 = P_0 - P_2, S = P_0 - R_o}\\ \mathbf{\begin{pmatrix} t\\ \beta\\ \gamma \end{pmatrix}=\frac{1}{det(R_d,E_1,E_2)}\begin{pmatrix} det(S, E_1, E_2)\\ det(R_d, S, E_2)\\ det(R_d, E_1, S) \end{pmatrix}} E1=P0P1,E2=P0P2,S=P0Rotβγ=det(Rd,E1,E2)1det(S,E1,E2)det(Rd,S,E2)det(Rd,E1,S)

2.4 Polygon intersection

Crossing Test



2.5 Sphere intersection

Algebra Solution:

( P − P c ) ⋅ ( P − P c ) = R 2 ( R o + t ∗ R d − P c ) ⋅ ( R o + t ∗ R d − P c ) = R 2 R d ⋅ R d ∗ t 2 + 2 R d ⋅ ( R o − P c ) ∗ t + ( R o − P c ) ⋅ ( R o − P c ) − R 2 = 0 \mathbf{(P - P_c)\cdot(P - P_c)=R^2}\\ \mathbf{(R_o + t*R_d - P_c)\cdot(R_o+t*R_d - P_c)=R^2}\\ \mathbf{R_d\cdot R_d*t^2 + 2R_d\cdot(R_o - P_c)*t + (R_o - P_c)\cdot (R_o - P_c) - R^2 = 0}\\ (PPc)(PPc)=R2(Ro+tRdPc)(Ro+tRdPc)=R2RdRdt2+2Rd(RoPc)t+(RoPc)(RoPc)R2=0

Geometric Method

Is ray origin inside/outside the sphere?

  • l ⃗ 2 > R 2 \bm{{\vec{l}}^2>R^2} l 2>R2 Outside the sphere
  • l ⃗ 2 = R 2 \bm{{\vec{l}}^2=R^2} l 2=R2 On the sphere
  • l ⃗ 2 < R 2 \bm{{\vec{l}}^2<R^2} l 2<R2 Inside the sphere

l ⃗ = P c − R o t p = l ⃗ ⋅ R d D = l ⃗ 2 − t p 2 \mathbf{\vec{l}=P_c - R_o}\\ \mathbf{t_p=\vec{l}\cdot R_d}\\ \mathbf{D = \sqrt{{\vec{l}}^2-{t_p}^2}}\\ l =PcRotp=l RdD=l 2tp2

If D>R , no hit

t ′ 2 = R 2 − D 2 \mathbf{{t'}^2 = R^2 - D^2} t2=R2D2

  • If origin outside sphere t = t p − t ′ \bm{t=t_p - t'} t=tpt
  • If origin inside sphere t = t p + t ′ \bm{t=t_p + t'} t=tp+t


2.6 Box intersection

Foreachslab,intersecting with the ray,there is a minimum t value and maximum t value, these are called t i m i n \bm{t_{i}^{min}} timin and t i m a x \bm{t_{i}^{max}} timax ,(i=0, 1, 2)

The next step is to compute:
t m i n = m a x ( t 0 m i n , t 1 m i n , t 2 m i n ) t m a x = m i n ( t 0 m a x , t 1 m a x , t 2 m a x ) \mathbf{t_{}^{min}=max(t_{0}^{min},t_{1}^{min},t_{2}^{min})}\\ \mathbf{t_{}^{max}=min(t_{0}^{max},t_{1}^{max},t_{2}^{max})}\\ tmin=max(t0min,t1min,t2min)tmax=min(t0max,t1max,t2max)

  • if t m i n < t m a x \bm{t_{}^{min} < t_{}^{max}} tmin<tmax ,then the ray intersects the box
    t m i n \bm{t_{}^{min}} tmin is the enter-point, t m a x \bm{t_{}^{max}} tmax is the exit point
  • Otherwise, no intersections






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