Key | Default value | Description |
displayArea | "" | Relative jQuery traverse method(s); find first matched element and show the date in it. eg ".siblings('div.dispArea')" |
button | "" | Relative jQuery traverse method(s); find first matched element and bind show/hide event for calendar. eg ".siblings('button')" |
flat | "" | (String) relative jQuery traverse method(s); find first matched element (Should be a block element) and place the flat calendar within. eg ".parent().siblings('div.flatCal')" |
eventName | "click" | event that will trigger the calendar popup, no "on" prefix |
ifFormat | "%Y/%m/%d" | date format that will be stored in the input field |
daFormat | "%Y/%m/%d" | the date format that will be used to display the date in displayArea |
singleClick | true | Is the calendar is in single click mode? |
dateStatusFunc | null | function that receives a JS Date object and should return true if that date has to be disabled in the calendar, or String for CSS classes. |
dateText | null | Function to translated date to text |
firstDay | null | numeric: 0 to 6. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display Monday first, etc. Defaults to language setting. |
align | "Br" | alignment; See below |
range | 2999 | array with 2 elements; the range of years available |
weekNumbers | true | Display week numbers? |
flatCallback | null | function that receives a JS Date object and returns an URL to point the browser to (for flat calendar) |
onSelect | null | function that gets called when a date is selected. You don't have to supply this (the default is generally okay) |
onClose | null | function that gets called when the calendar is closed. |
onUpdate | null | function that gets called after the date is updated in the input field. Receives a reference to the calendar. |
date | null | the date that the calendar will be initially displayed to |
showsTime | false | Should calendar include a time selector? |
timeFormat | "24" | the time format; can be "12" or "24" |
electric | true | if true then given fields/date areas are updated for each move; otherwise they're updated only on close |
step | 2 | configures the step of the years in drop-down boxes. |
position | null | configures the calendar absolute position; default: null |
cache | false | Reuse the same calendar object, where possible ? |
showOthers | false | Show days from other months too ? |
multiple | null, | Allow multiple dates - TODO |
debug | false | Write debug info to firebug console |