sea.js 原理解析


SeaJS本身遵循KISS(Keep It Simple, Stupid)理念进行开发,其本身仅有个位数的API,因此学习起来毫无压力。在学习SeaJS的过程中,处处能感受到KISS原则的精髓——仅做一件事,做好一件事。


sea.js 官网 :

github :

最新版本是 3.0.0 我上传了一份在网盘 :


 * Sea.js 3.0.0 |
(function(global, undefined) {

// Avoid conflicting when `sea.js` is loaded multiple times
if (global.seajs) {

var seajs = global.seajs = {
  // The current version of Sea.js being used
  version: "3.0.0"

var data = = {}

 * util-lang.js - The minimal language enhancement

function isType(type) {
  return function(obj) {
    return {} == "[object " + type + "]"

var isObject = isType("Object")
var isString = isType("String")
var isArray = Array.isArray || isType("Array")
var isFunction = isType("Function")

var _cid = 0
function cid() {
  return _cid++

 * util-events.js - The minimal events support

var events = = {}

// Bind event
seajs.on = function(name, callback) {
  var list = events[name] || (events[name] = [])
  return seajs

// Remove event. If `callback` is undefined, remove all callbacks for the
// event. If `event` and `callback` are both undefined, remove all callbacks
// for all events = function(name, callback) {
  // Remove *all* events
  if (!(name || callback)) {
    events = = {}
    return seajs

  var list = events[name]
  if (list) {
    if (callback) {
      for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (list === callback) {
          list.splice(i, 1)
    else {
      delete events[name]

  return seajs

// Emit event, firing all bound callbacks. Callbacks receive the same
// arguments as `emit` does, apart from the event name
var emit = seajs.emit = function(name, data) {
  var list = events[name]

  if (list) {
    // Copy callback lists to prevent modification
    list = list.slice()

    // Execute event callbacks, use index because it's the faster.
    for(var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {

  return seajs

 * util-path.js - The utilities for operating path such as id, uri

var DIRNAME_RE = /[^?#]*\//

var DOT_RE = /\/\.\//g
var DOUBLE_DOT_RE = /\/[^/]+\/\.\.\//
var MULTI_SLASH_RE = /([^:/])\/+\//g

// Extract the directory portion of a path
// dirname("a/b/c.js?t=123#xx/zz") ==> "a/b/"
// ref: [url][/url]
function dirname(path) {
  return path.match(DIRNAME_RE)[0]

// Canonicalize a path
// realpath("") ==> ""
function realpath(path) {
  // /a/b/./c/./d ==> /a/b/c/d
  path = path.replace(DOT_RE, "/")

    @author wh1100717
    a//b/c ==> a/b/c
    a///b/c ==> a/b/c
    DOUBLE_DOT_RE matches a/b/c//../d path correctly only if replace // with / first
  path = path.replace(MULTI_SLASH_RE, "$1/")

  // a/b/c/../../d  ==>  a/b/../d  ==>  a/d
  while (path.match(DOUBLE_DOT_RE)) {
    path = path.replace(DOUBLE_DOT_RE, "/")

  return path

// Normalize an id
// normalize("path/to/a") ==> "path/to/a.js"
// NOTICE: substring is faster than negative slice and RegExp
function normalize(path) {
  var last = path.length - 1
  var lastC = path.charCodeAt(last)

  // If the uri ends with `#`, just return it without '#'
  if (lastC === 35 /* "#" */) {
    return path.substring(0, last)

  return (path.substring(last - 2) === ".js" ||
      path.indexOf("?") > 0 ||
      lastC === 47 /* "/" */) ? path : path + ".js"

var PATHS_RE = /^([^/:]+)(\/.+)$/
var VARS_RE = /{([^{]+)}/g

function parseAlias(id) {
  var alias = data.alias
  return alias && isString(alias[id]) ? alias[id] : id

function parsePaths(id) {
  var paths = data.paths
  var m

  if (paths && (m = id.match(PATHS_RE)) && isString(paths[m[1]])) {
    id = paths[m[1]] + m[2]

  return id

function parseVars(id) {
  var vars = data.vars

  if (vars && id.indexOf("{") > -1) {
    id = id.replace(VARS_RE, function(m, key) {
      return isString(vars[key]) ? vars[key] : m

  return id

function parseMap(uri) {
  var map =
  var ret = uri

  if (map) {
    for (var i = 0, len = map.length; i < len; i++) {
      var rule = map

      ret = isFunction(rule) ?
          (rule(uri) || uri) :
          uri.replace(rule[0], rule[1])

      // Only apply the first matched rule
      if (ret !== uri) break

  return ret

var ABSOLUTE_RE = /^\/\/.|:\//
var ROOT_DIR_RE = /^.*?\/\/.*?\//

function addBase(id, refUri) {
  var ret
  var first = id.charCodeAt(0)

  // Absolute
  if (ABSOLUTE_RE.test(id)) {
    ret = id
  // Relative
  else if (first === 46 /* "." */) {
    ret = (refUri ? dirname(refUri) : data.cwd) + id
  // Root
  else if (first === 47 /* "/" */) {
    var m = data.cwd.match(ROOT_DIR_RE)
    ret = m ? m[0] + id.substring(1) : id
  // Top-level
  else {
    ret = data.base + id

  // Add default protocol when uri begins with "//"
  if (ret.indexOf("//") === 0) {
    ret = location.protocol + ret

  return realpath(ret)

function id2Uri(id, refUri) {
  if (!id) return ""

  id = parseAlias(id)
  id = parsePaths(id)
  id = parseAlias(id)
  id = parseVars(id)
  id = parseAlias(id)
  id = normalize(id)
  id = parseAlias(id)

  var uri = addBase(id, refUri)
  uri = parseAlias(uri)
  uri = parseMap(uri)

  return uri

// For Developers
seajs.resolve = id2Uri;

// Check environment
var isWebWorker = typeof window === 'undefined' && typeof importScripts !== 'undefined' && isFunction(importScripts);

// Ignore about:xxx and blob:xxx
var IGNORE_LOCATION_RE = /^(about|blob):/;
var loaderDir;
// Sea.js's full path
var loaderPath;
// Location is read-only from web worker, should be ok though
var cwd = (!location.href || IGNORE_LOCATION_RE.test(location.href)) ? '' : dirname(location.href);

if (isWebWorker) {
  // Web worker doesn't create DOM object when loading scripts
  // Get sea.js's path by stack trace.
  var stack;
  try {
    var up = new Error();
    throw up;
  } catch (e) {
    // IE won't set Error.stack until thrown
    stack = e.stack.split('\n');
  // First line is 'Error'

  var m;
  // Try match `url:row:col` from stack trace line. Known formats:
  // Chrome:  '    at http://localhost:8000/script/sea-worker-debug.js:294:25'
  // FireFox: '@http://localhost:8000/script/sea-worker-debug.js:1082:1'
  // IE11:    '   at Anonymous function (http://localhost:8000/script/sea-worker-debug.js:295:5)'
  // Don't care about older browsers since web worker is an HTML5 feature
  var TRACE_RE = /.*?((?:http|https|file)(?::\/{2}[\w]+)(?:[\/|\.]?)(?:[^\s"]*)).*?/i
  // Try match `url` (Note: in IE there will be a tailing ')')
  var URL_RE = /(.*?):\d+:\d+\)?$/;
  // Find url of from stack trace.
  // Cannot simply read the first one because sometimes we will get:
  // Error
  //  at Error (native) <- Here's your problem
  //  at http://localhost:8000/_site/dist/sea.js:2:4334 <- What we want
  //  at http://localhost:8000/_site/dist/sea.js:2:8386
  //  at http://localhost:8000/_site/tests/specs/web-worker/worker.js:3:1
  while (stack.length > 0) {
    var top = stack.shift();
    m = TRACE_RE.exec(top);
    if (m != null) {
  var url;
  if (m != null) {
    // Remove line number and column number
    // No need to check, can't be wrong at this point
    var url = URL_RE.exec(m[1])[1];
  // Set
  loaderPath = url
  // Set loaderDir
  loaderDir = dirname(url || cwd);
  // This happens with inline worker.
  // When entrance script's location.href is a blob url,
  // cwd will not be available.
  // Fall back to loaderDir.
  if (cwd === '') {
    cwd = loaderDir;
else {
  var doc = document
  var scripts = doc.scripts

  // Recommend to add `seajsnode` id for the `sea.js` script element
  var loaderScript = doc.getElementById("seajsnode") ||
    scripts[scripts.length - 1]

  function getScriptAbsoluteSrc(node) {
    return node.hasAttribute ? // non-IE6/7
      node.src :
      // see [url][/url](VS.85).aspx
      node.getAttribute("src", 4)
  loaderPath = getScriptAbsoluteSrc(loaderScript)
  // When `sea.js` is inline, set loaderDir to current working directory
  loaderDir = dirname(loaderPath || cwd)

 * util-request.js - The utilities for requesting script and style files
 * ref: tests/research/load-js-css/test.html
if (isWebWorker) {
  function requestFromWebWorker(url, callback, charset) {
    // Load with importScripts
    var error;
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      error = e;
  // For Developers
  seajs.request = requestFromWebWorker;
else {
  var doc = document
  var head = doc.head || doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || doc.documentElement
  var baseElement = head.getElementsByTagName("base")[0]

  var currentlyAddingScript

  function request(url, callback, charset) {
    var node = doc.createElement("script")

    if (charset) {
      var cs = isFunction(charset) ? charset(url) : charset
      if (cs) {
        node.charset = cs

    addOnload(node, callback, url)

    node.async = true
    node.src = url

    // For some cache cases in IE 6-8, the script executes IMMEDIATELY after
    // the end of the insert execution, so use `currentlyAddingScript` to
    // hold current node, for deriving url in `define` call
    currentlyAddingScript = node

    // ref: #185 & [url][/url]
    baseElement ?
        head.insertBefore(node, baseElement) :

    currentlyAddingScript = null

  function addOnload(node, callback, url) {
    var supportOnload = "onload" in node

    if (supportOnload) {
      node.onload = onload
      node.onerror = function() {
        emit("error", { uri: url, node: node })
    else {
      node.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (/loaded|complete/.test(node.readyState)) {

    function onload(error) {
      // Ensure only run once and handle memory leak in IE
      node.onload = node.onerror = node.onreadystatechange = null

      // Remove the script to reduce memory leak
      if (!data.debug) {

      // Dereference the node
      node = null


  // For Developers
  seajs.request = request

var interactiveScript

function getCurrentScript() {
  if (currentlyAddingScript) {
    return currentlyAddingScript

  // For IE6-9 browsers, the script onload event may not fire right
  // after the script is evaluated. Kris Zyp found that it
  // could query the script nodes and the one that is in "interactive"
  // mode indicates the current script
  // ref: [url][/url]
  if (interactiveScript && interactiveScript.readyState === "interactive") {
    return interactiveScript

  var scripts = head.getElementsByTagName("script")

  for (var i = scripts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    var script = scripts
    if (script.readyState === "interactive") {
      interactiveScript = script
      return interactiveScript

 * util-deps.js - The parser for dependencies
 * ref: tests/research/parse-dependencies/test.html
 * ref: [url][/url]

function parseDependencies(s) {
  if(s.indexOf('require') == -1) {
    return []
  var index = 0, peek, length = s.length, isReg = 1, modName = 0, parentheseState = 0, parentheseStack = [], res = []
  while(index < length) {
    if(isBlank()) {
    else if(isQuote()) {
      isReg = 1
    else if(peek == '/') {
      if(peek == '/') {
        index = s.indexOf('\n', index)
        if(index == -1) {
          index = s.length
      else if(peek == '*') {
        index = s.indexOf('*/', index)
        if(index == -1) {
          index = length
        else {
          index += 2
      else if(isReg) {
        isReg = 0
      else {
        isReg = 1
    else if(isWord()) {
    else if(isNumber()) {
    else if(peek == '(') {
      isReg = 1
    else if(peek == ')') {
      isReg = parentheseStack.pop()
    else {
      isReg = peek != ']'
      modName = 0
  return res
  function readch() {
    peek = s.charAt(index++)
  function isBlank() {
    return /\s/.test(peek)
  function isQuote() {
    return peek == '"' || peek == "'"
  function dealQuote() {
    var start = index
    var c = peek
    var end = s.indexOf(c, start)
    if(end == -1) {
      index = length
    else if(s.charAt(end - 1) != '\\') {
      index = end + 1
    else {
      while(index < length) {
        if(peek == '\\') {
        else if(peek == c) {
    if(modName) {
      res.push(s.slice(start, index - 1))
      modName = 0
  function dealReg() {
    while(index < length) {
      if(peek == '\\') {
      else if(peek == '/') {
      else if(peek == '[') {
        while(index < length) {
          if(peek == '\\') {
          else if(peek == ']') {
  function isWord() {
    return /[a-z_$]/i.test(peek)
  function dealWord() {
    var s2 = s.slice(index - 1)
    var r = /^[\w$]+/.exec(s2)[0]
    parentheseState = {
      'if': 1,
      'for': 1,
      'while': 1,
      'with': 1
    isReg = {
      'break': 1,
      'case': 1,
      'continue': 1,
      'debugger': 1,
      'delete': 1,
      'do': 1,
      'else': 1,
      'false': 1,
      'if': 1,
      'in': 1,
      'instanceof': 1,
      'return': 1,
      'typeof': 1,
      'void': 1
    modName = /^require\s*\(\s*(['"]).+?\1\s*\)/.test(s2)
    if(modName) {
      r = /^require\s*\(\s*['"]/.exec(s2)[0]
      index += r.length - 2
    else {
      index += /^[\w$]+(?:\s*\.\s*[\w$]+)*/.exec(s2)[0].length - 1
  function isNumber() {
    return /\d/.test(peek)
      || peek == '.' && /\d/.test(s.charAt(index))
  function dealNumber() {
    var s2 = s.slice(index - 1)
    var r
    if(peek == '.') {
      r = /^\.\d+(?:E[+-]?\d*)?\s*/i.exec(s2)[0]
    else if(/^0x[\da-f]*/i.test(s2)) {
      r = /^0x[\da-f]*\s*/i.exec(s2)[0]
    else {
      r = /^\d+\.?\d*(?:E[+-]?\d*)?\s*/i.exec(s2)[0]
    index += r.length - 1
    isReg = 0
 * module.js - The core of module loader

var cachedMods = seajs.cache = {}
var anonymousMeta

var fetchingList = {}
var fetchedList = {}
var callbackList = {}

var STATUS = Module.STATUS = {
  // 1 - The `module.uri` is being fetched
  // 2 - The meta data has been saved to cachedMods
  SAVED: 2,
  // 3 - The `module.dependencies` are being loaded
  // 4 - The module are ready to execute
  LOADED: 4,
  // 5 - The module is being executed
  // 6 - The `module.exports` is available
  // 7 - 404
  ERROR: 7

function Module(uri, deps) {
  this.uri = uri
  this.dependencies = deps || []
  this.deps = {} // Ref the dependence modules
  this.status = 0

  this._entry = []

// Resolve module.dependencies
Module.prototype.resolve = function() {
  var mod = this
  var ids = mod.dependencies
  var uris = []

  for (var i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++) {
    uris = Module.resolve(ids, mod.uri)
  return uris

Module.prototype.pass = function() {
  var mod = this

  var len = mod.dependencies.length

  for (var i = 0; i < mod._entry.length; i++) {
    var entry = mod._entry
    var count = 0
    for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
      var m = mod.deps[mod.dependencies[j]]
      // If the module is unload and unused in the entry, pass entry to it
      if (m.status < STATUS.LOADED && !entry.history.hasOwnProperty(m.uri)) {
        entry.history[m.uri] = true
        if(m.status === STATUS.LOADING) {
    // If has passed the entry to it's dependencies, modify the entry's count and del it in the module
    if (count > 0) {
      entry.remain += count - 1

// Load module.dependencies and fire onload when all done
Module.prototype.load = function() {
  var mod = this

  // If the module is being loaded, just wait it onload call
  if (mod.status >= STATUS.LOADING) {

  mod.status = STATUS.LOADING

  // Emit `load` event for plugins such as combo plugin
  var uris = mod.resolve()
  emit("load", uris)

  for (var i = 0, len = uris.length; i < len; i++) {
    mod.deps[mod.dependencies] = Module.get(uris)

  // Pass entry to it's dependencies

  // If module has entries not be passed, call onload
  if (mod._entry.length) {

  // Begin parallel loading
  var requestCache = {}
  var m

  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    m = cachedMods[uris]

    if (m.status < STATUS.FETCHING) {
    else if (m.status === STATUS.SAVED) {

  // Send all requests at last to avoid cache bug in IE6-9. Issues#808
  for (var requestUri in requestCache) {
    if (requestCache.hasOwnProperty(requestUri)) {

// Call this method when module is loaded
Module.prototype.onload = function() {
  var mod = this
  mod.status = STATUS.LOADED

  // When sometimes cached in IE, exec will occur before onload, make sure len is an number
  for (var i = 0, len = (mod._entry || []).length; i < len; i++) {
    var entry = mod._entry
    if (--entry.remain === 0) {

  delete mod._entry

// Call this method when module is 404
Module.prototype.error = function() {
  var mod = this
  mod.status = STATUS.ERROR

// Execute a module
Module.prototype.exec = function () {
  var mod = this

  // When module is executed, DO NOT execute it again. When module
  // is being executed, just return `module.exports` too, for avoiding
  // circularly calling
  if (mod.status >= STATUS.EXECUTING) {
    return mod.exports

  mod.status = STATUS.EXECUTING

  if (mod._entry && !mod._entry.length) {
    delete mod._entry

  //non-cmd module has no property factory and exports
  if (!mod.hasOwnProperty('factory')) {
    mod.non = true

  // Create require
  var uri = mod.uri

  function require(id) {
    var m = mod.deps[id] || Module.get(require.resolve(id))
    if (m.status == STATUS.ERROR) {
      throw new Error('module was broken: ' + m.uri);
    return m.exec()

  require.resolve = function(id) {
    return Module.resolve(id, uri)

  require.async = function(ids, callback) {
    Module.use(ids, callback, uri + "_async_" + cid())
    return require

  // Exec factory
  var factory = mod.factory

  var exports = isFunction(factory) ?
    factory(require, mod.exports = {}, mod) :

  if (exports === undefined) {
    exports = mod.exports

  // Reduce memory leak
  delete mod.factory

  mod.exports = exports
  mod.status = STATUS.EXECUTED

  // Emit `exec` event
  emit("exec", mod)

  return mod.exports

// Fetch a module
Module.prototype.fetch = function(requestCache) {
  var mod = this
  var uri = mod.uri

  mod.status = STATUS.FETCHING

  // Emit `fetch` event for plugins such as combo plugin
  var emitData = { uri: uri }
  emit("fetch", emitData)
  var requestUri = emitData.requestUri || uri

  // Empty uri or a non-CMD module
  if (!requestUri || fetchedList.hasOwnProperty(requestUri)) {

  if (fetchingList.hasOwnProperty(requestUri)) {

  fetchingList[requestUri] = true
  callbackList[requestUri] = [mod]

  // Emit `request` event for plugins such as text plugin
  emit("request", emitData = {
    uri: uri,
    requestUri: requestUri,
    onRequest: onRequest,
    charset: isFunction(data.charset) ? data.charset(requestUri) || 'utf-8' : data.charset

  if (!emitData.requested) {
    requestCache ?
      requestCache[emitData.requestUri] = sendRequest :

  function sendRequest() {
    seajs.request(emitData.requestUri, emitData.onRequest, emitData.charset)

  function onRequest(error) {
    delete fetchingList[requestUri]
    fetchedList[requestUri] = true

    // Save meta data of anonymous module
    if (anonymousMeta) {, anonymousMeta)
      anonymousMeta = null

    // Call callbacks
    var m, mods = callbackList[requestUri]
    delete callbackList[requestUri]
    while ((m = mods.shift())) {
      // When 404 occurs, the params error will be true
      if(error === true) {
      else {

// Resolve id to uri
Module.resolve = function(id, refUri) {
  // Emit `resolve` event for plugins such as text plugin
  var emitData = { id: id, refUri: refUri }
  emit("resolve", emitData)

  return emitData.uri || seajs.resolve(, refUri)

// Define a module
Module.define = function (id, deps, factory) {
  var argsLen = arguments.length

  // define(factory)
  if (argsLen === 1) {
    factory = id
    id = undefined
  else if (argsLen === 2) {
    factory = deps

    // define(deps, factory)
    if (isArray(id)) {
      deps = id
      id = undefined
    // define(id, factory)
    else {
      deps = undefined

  // Parse dependencies according to the module factory code
  if (!isArray(deps) && isFunction(factory)) {
    deps = typeof parseDependencies === "undefined" ? [] : parseDependencies(factory.toString())

  var meta = {
    id: id,
    uri: Module.resolve(id),
    deps: deps,
    factory: factory

  // Try to derive uri in IE6-9 for anonymous modules
  if (!isWebWorker && !meta.uri && doc.attachEvent && typeof getCurrentScript !== "undefined") {
    var script = getCurrentScript()

    if (script) {
      meta.uri = script.src

    // NOTE: If the id-deriving methods above is failed, then falls back
    // to use onload event to get the uri

  // Emit `define` event, used in nocache plugin, seajs node version etc
  emit("define", meta)

  meta.uri ?, meta) :
    // Save information for "saving" work in the script onload event
    anonymousMeta = meta

// Save meta data to cachedMods = function(uri, meta) {
  var mod = Module.get(uri)

  // Do NOT override already saved modules
  if (mod.status < STATUS.SAVED) { = || uri
    mod.dependencies = meta.deps || []
    mod.factory = meta.factory
    mod.status = STATUS.SAVED

    emit("save", mod)

// Get an existed module or create a new one
Module.get = function(uri, deps) {
  return cachedMods[uri] || (cachedMods[uri] = new Module(uri, deps))

// Use function is equal to load a anonymous module
Module.use = function (ids, callback, uri) {
  var mod = Module.get(uri, isArray(ids) ? ids : [ids])

  mod.history = {}
  mod.remain = 1

  mod.callback = function() {
    var exports = []
    var uris = mod.resolve()

    for (var i = 0, len = uris.length; i < len; i++) {
      exports = cachedMods[uris].exec()

    if (callback) {
      callback.apply(global, exports)

    delete mod.callback
    delete mod.history
    delete mod.remain
    delete mod._entry


// Public API

seajs.use = function(ids, callback) {
  Module.use(ids, callback, data.cwd + "_use_" + cid())
  return seajs

Module.define.cmd = {}
global.define = Module.define

// For Developers

seajs.Module = Module
data.fetchedList = fetchedList
data.cid = cid

seajs.require = function(id) {
  var mod = Module.get(Module.resolve(id))
  if (mod.status < STATUS.EXECUTING) {
  return mod.exports

 * config.js - The configuration for the loader

// The root path to use for id2uri parsing
data.base = loaderDir

// The loader directory
data.dir = loaderDir

// The loader's full path
data.loader = loaderPath

// The current working directory
data.cwd = cwd

// The charset for requesting files
data.charset = "utf-8"

// data.alias - An object containing shorthands of module id
// data.paths - An object containing path shorthands in module id
// data.vars - The {xxx} variables in module id
// - An array containing rules to map module uri
// data.debug - Debug mode. The default value is false

seajs.config = function(configData) {

  for (var key in configData) {
    var curr = configData[key]
    var prev = data[key]

    // Merge object config such as alias, vars
    if (prev && isObject(prev)) {
      for (var k in curr) {
        prev[k] = curr[k]
    else {
      // Concat array config such as map
      if (isArray(prev)) {
        curr = prev.concat(curr)
      // Make sure that `data.base` is an absolute path
      else if (key === "base") {
        // Make sure end with "/"
        if (curr.slice(-1) !== "/") {
          curr += "/"
        curr = addBase(curr)

      // Set config
      data[key] = curr

  emit("config", configData)
  return seajs



sea.js 的目的 是为了在 js 文件越来越多的情况下,管理 js 文件之间的依赖关系。解脱手工处理,另外也避免了手工处理时会出现的各种问题。sea.js 中我们用的最多的方法应该有三个,如下所示:

  1. seajs.use(“./main”);
  2. var $=require(“jquery”);
  3. define(function(){……});


其中第一个 seajs.use 用于加载入口文件,它的作用和 require 相同(原理上,作用上),但是使用场景和使用目的不同。seajs.use 基本是在 html 页面中加载一个主 js 文件时使用的。如你有一个文件 是 a.js ,这个是主 js 文件,那么 就只需要在 html 页面使用一次 seajs.use(“a”) 就可以了。test.html 页面:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="sea-debug.js"></script>
  alias: {
    "a": "a"
seajs.use("a");//动态加载 js 文件

然后:a.js 源码:

define(function(require, exports, module) {
        var a="aa";
        function x(){

如此上面三个文件 放在同一个目录下,打开就可以看到效果了。(弹出一个框,内容是 “aa” ).


那么,接着。这一个 a.js 是另外一个文件,如果我把这个 a.js 文件的内容写到 test.html 的 script 标签中,它是不生效的。不生效的。为什么?为什么?为什么?相信有很多人,在此时此刻,会想着,它的机制就是这样,我这样用就可以了。但是我现在要说的就是它的内部机制,所以,有兴趣的看,不关心的,可以不看了。

既然我们是从 seajs.use 开始使用的,那么不妨从这个方法开始探索:我们看看调用顺序(不保证完全正确):

seajs.use –> Module.use –> Module.get –> mod.load() –> mod.pass() –> m.fetch() –> m.onload() –> callback –> exec –> export to global global is window Object


  1. seajs.use(url) 会直接调用 Module.use ,它才是真正的函数 seajs.use 只是 一个对外开放的接口。

  2. Module.use 会调用 Mouble.get() 去获取这个模块,然后给 module 对象添加回调函数 callback ,这个函数会执行define 传入的那个函数,同时用于导出到window对象。

  3. Module.get 会从缓存中获取,如果没有的话,会 new Module()。new的这个对象在后面会从服务器获取。

  4. Module.use 最后一行代码,即 调用 mod.load() ,从这开始 会有一个状态 STATUS…. 这个不是重点,我没有深入查看。应该是文件获取状态之类的。

  5. mod.load() 函数中:

    5.1 已经加载过的文件,直接跳过

    5.2 调用一次 m.pass()

    5.3 如果已经获取到文件,则去执行 m.onload() 方法

    5.4 然后对其它依赖的模块去加载,作者在源码中注释752行左右 // Begin parallel loading ,即并行加载。对于没有存储下来的文件 ,调用 m.fetch()方法,对于已经存储的文件,调用 m.load(),再回去执行一次。

  6. m.pass() 这个方法的作用是,如果模块没有用到(怎么判断,不详),则跳过它(从数组中删除)。

  7. m.onload() 在文件下载完成后就调用这个方法,它会执行callback方法,也就是第 2 步里面定义的callback方法。

  8. m.fetch() 会调用sendRequest() 处理文件 ,它会调用 request()//原文件中大约370行左右 ,它的原理是 ,动态 创建一个 script 标签,然后在下载完成后再删除掉这个标签,所以我们平时是看不到的。

  9. 在第 8 步中,这个文件下载完成后,里面的代码是会自动执行的,这样就调用了 Module.define 方法,因为在源代码1050行左右 中有定义 window.define=Module.define。这个define 方法中,我们通常都 只传一个参数 ,即一个方法function。 define 中会把这个方法和其它几个参数封装到一个对象
    var meta = {
    id: id,
    uri: Module.resolve(id),
    deps: deps,
    factory: factory
    其中 factory 就是我们在参数中传入的方法。然后把它赋值给一个变量,变量名是 anonymousMeta ,顾名思义,就是这个元数据,我也不知道是哪,先给它个匿名,而且由于js是单线程执行,不用担心变量会被覆盖。

  10. 第 9 步结束会有回调函数,调用onRequest(error)函数。它会把上一步的匿名元数据保存到这个第 1 步 seajs.use(url) 的 url 里面。这样虽然刚才是匿名,但是现在总算是对应上了。

  11. 然后,它又去调用 m.load() 在第 5.3 步中,会去执行 onload 方法

  12. onload 会直接去调用 callback 函数 (在第 2 步中定义的),它就会 调用 到 exec() 函数。

  13. 在exec() 函数中,会 执行 mod.factory (在这个地方才执行我们传入的函数的),也就是我们在define() 中传入的方法,同时把这个方法,通过 exports 返回。


以上就是我用一个下午了解读源码,了解到的 seajs 的原理。这件事情其实大约在一年前就想做,但是由于我的项目中从来没有使用过它,便没有做,另外,上一家公司用的也没有这个,就一直没有机会。正好今天在现在的公司,下午不忙,就抽空看了下源码。有不正确之处,请指出。谢谢!
另外再说一下,require() 这个函数。它就只是获取到引用的这个模块,然后执行 onload 和 exec 。所以说,其实在调用 require的时候,这个模块肯定是已经加载完了,这个函数,只是把它从 seajs 对象中引用出来,给我们当前的命名空间使用。





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