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原创 关于不用if,switch,?:语句判断两个数大小及其他

      网上看到一个问题:两个整型数,不准用if 、switch 、?:等判断语句求出两者最大值。想了一下没有思路,看了下面的回帖感觉挺有意思的,姑且就记录下来吧。      第一种方法:sum=a+b;delta=abs(a-b);max=(sum+delta)/2;min=sum-max;   其实原理就是任何两个数 a, b 都可以唯一表示

2009-08-27 14:01:00 2540 2


opencv官方库自带python例子代码及数据, 官方文档https://docs.opencv.org/4.9.0/d6/d00/tutorial_py_root.html


Perl Cookbook

Perl Cookbook. Perl study bible. Engineer reference. Use it often in work.


The Art of Unix Programming

Writing better software: 30 years of UNIX development wisdom In this book, five years in the making, the author encapsulates three decades of unwritten, hard-won software engineering wisdom. Raymond brings together for the first time the philosophy, design patterns, tools, culture, and traditions that make UNIX home to the world's best and most innovative software, and shows how these are carried forward in Linux and today's open-source movement. Using examples from leading open-source projects, he shows UNIX and Linux programmers how to apply this wisdom in building software that's more elegant, more portable, more reusable, and longer-lived.


The Linux Programming Interface - A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook

The Linux Programming Interface describes the Linux API (application programming interface)-the system calls, library functions, and other low-level interfaces that are used, directly or indirectly, by every program that runs on Linux. Programs that explicitly use these interfaces are commonly called system programs, and include applications such as shells, editors, windowing systems, terminal emulators, file managers, compilers, database management systems, virtual machines, network servers, and much of the other software that is employed on a daily basis on Linux systems. Extensively indexed and heavily cross-referenced, The Linux Programming Interface is both an introductory guide for readers new to the topic of system programming, and a comprehensive reference for experienced system programmers. Although this book goes into detail on a wealth of Linux-specific features, it gives careful attention to contemporary Unix programming standards and to portability issues. 


coders At Work

对一群大牛们的采访,编程的人看一下很有启发。 Peter Seibel interviews 15 of the most interesting computer programmers alive today in Coders at Work, offering a brand-new companion volume to Apress’s highly acclaimed best-seller Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston. As the words “at work” suggest, Peter Seibel focuses on how his interviewees tackle the day-to-day work of programming, while revealing much more, like how they became great programmers, how they recognize programming talent in others, and what kinds of problems they find most interesting. Hundreds of people have suggested names of programmers to interview on the Coders at Work web site: www.codersatwork.com. The complete list was 284 names. Having digested everyone’s feedback, we selected 15 folks who’ve been kind enough to agree to be interviewed: Frances Allen: Pioneer in optimizing compilers, first woman to win the Turing Award (2006) and first female IBM fellow Joe Armstrong: Inventor of Erlang Joshua Bloch: Author of the Java collections framework, now at Google Bernie Cosell: One of the main software guys behind the original ARPANET IMPs and a master debugger Douglas Crockford: JSON founder, JavaScript architect at Yahoo! L. Peter Deutsch: Author of Ghostscript, implementer of Smalltalk-80 at Xerox PARC and Lisp 1.5 on PDP-1 Brendan Eich: Inventor of JavaScript, CTO of the Mozilla Corporation Brad Fitzpatrick: Writer of LiveJournal, OpenID, memcached, and Perlbal Dan Ingalls: Smalltalk implementor and designer Simon Peyton Jones: Coinventor of Haskell and lead designer of Glasgow Haskell Compiler Donald Knuth: Author of The Art of Computer Programming and creator of TeX Peter Norvig: Director of Research at Google and author of the standard text on AI Guy Steele: Coinventor of Scheme and part of the Common Lisp Gang of Five, currently working on Fortress Ken Thompson: Inventor of UNIX Jamie Zawinski: Author of XEmacs and early Netscape/Mozilla hacker


The C Program Language(K&R) 中文版

K&R 版本的,相信不用我多说了吧,这个是中文非扫描的,清晰版本



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