流利阅读 2019.1.20 Stress, exhaustion and guilt: modern parenting


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Stress, exhaustion and guilt: modern parenting

Parenthood in the United States has become much more demanding than it used to be.

Over just a couple of generations, parents have greatly increased the amount of time, attention and money they put into raising children. Mothers who work outside the home spend just as much time tending their children as stay-at-home mothers did in the 1970s.
只在短短几代人的时间里,父母们花在抚养孩子上的时间、精力和金钱都大大增加了。外出工作的母亲照看孩子的时间与上世纪 70 年代的全职母亲一样多。

While this kind of intensive parenting — constantly teaching and monitoring children — has been the norm for upper-middle-class parents since the 1990s, new research shows that people across class divides now consider it the best way to raise children, even if they don’t have the resources to enact it.
自上世纪 90 年代以来,这种不断教导和监督孩子的密集型育儿方式,已经成为中上阶层父母中的常态,然而,新的研究表明,现在不同阶层的人都认为这是抚养孩子的最佳方式,即使他们没有资源去做这件事。

There are signs of a backlash, led by so-called free-range parents, but social scientists say the relentlessness of modern-day parenting has a powerful motivation: economic anxiety. For the first time, it’s as likely as not that American children will be less prosperous than their parents. For parents, giving children the best start in life has come to mean doing everything they can to ensure that their children can climb to a higher class, or at least not fall out of the one they were born into.

Experts agree that investing in children is a positive thing — they benefit from time with their parents, stimulating activities and supportive parenting styles. But it’s also unclear how much of children’s success is actually determined by parenting.

“It’s still an open question whether it’s the parenting practices themselves that are making the difference, or is it simply growing up with college-educated parents in an environment that’s richer in many dimensions?” said Liana Sayer, a sociologist at the University of Maryland.

————- 文章来源 / 纽约时报

n. 精疲力竭,疲惫不堪(exhaust v./exhausted adj.)

  • I felt ill with exhaustion.
  • Working too hard had completely exhausted me.(v.)

n. 育儿,养育子女

  • parenting classes
  • parenting skills
  • good/poor parenting

n. 父母身份

  • fatherhood/motherhood

stay-at-home/ˈsteɪ ət hoʊm/
adj. 守在家里的,恋家的

adj. 密集的

  • highly intensive
  • labor-intensive
  • energy-intensive industries

n. 分歧,差异;分水岭

  • new political divide
  • the divide between rich and poor countries
  • The mountain is the divide between the two rivers.

v. 实施,实行

  • Congress enacted a tax reform bill.

n. 强烈抵制,集体反对

  • to spark an international backlash
  • a public backlash against racism

free-range/ˌfriː ˈreɪndʒ/
adj. 放养的

  • free-range chickens
  • free-range eggs

n. 持续很久;严格苛刻

as likely as not

  • Maoxi threw it away as likely as not.

adj. 富足的,成功的,繁荣的

n. 起始优势,良好的基础条件

  • They worked hard to give their children a good start in life.

adj. 趣味盎然的

n. 社会学家

Japan has been hunting whales for centuries, but in recent years, the practice has come under scrutiny from the international community. Many countries and conservationists argue that Japan should stop hunting whales altogether, as it is both cruel and unnecessary. In this essay, we will explore why Japan should stop hunting whales. First and foremost, hunting whales is cruel. The methods used to hunt whales are often inhumane and cause significant suffering to the animals. Whales are generally hunted using harpoons, which are fired into their bodies, causing immense pain and trauma. They may take hours or even days to die, during which time they may suffer from dehydration, exhaustion, and stress. Additionally, the stress caused by hunting can have long-lasting effects on whale populations, including decreased reproduction rates and increased mortality. Secondly, hunting whales is unnecessary. While some argue that whaling is an important cultural tradition in Japan, the reality is that most Japanese people do not consume whale meat. In fact, the demand for whale meat has been steadily declining in Japan for decades. Furthermore, there are plenty of alternative sources of protein available, making the practice of hunting whales unnecessary from a dietary standpoint. Thirdly, hunting whales is unsustainable. Many whale populations are already in decline due to overfishing and other environmental factors. Continued hunting of whales will only exacerbate this problem and could lead to the extinction of certain species. This would be a significant loss for the natural world and could have far-reaching consequences for marine ecosystems. Finally, Japan's continued hunting of whales is a violation of international law. In 1986, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) announced a moratorium on commercial whaling, which Japan has repeatedly violated. While Japan claims that its whaling activities are for scientific research purposes, many countries and conservationists argue that this is simply a cover for commercial whaling. Japan's whaling activities have been met with international condemnation, and continued hunting of whales could damage Japan's reputation on the global stage. In conclusion, Japan should stop hunting whales. The practice is cruel, unnecessary, unsustainable, and a violation of international law. While some argue that whaling is an important cultural tradition, the reality is that it is a dying practice that is no longer needed. By ending its whaling activities, Japan could demonstrate its commitment to animal welfare, sustainability, and international law, while also contributing to the conservation of whale populations around the world.




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