自己看的 sql -2

--Student(SID,Sname,unit,Sage) 学生表(学号,学员姓名,所属单位,学员年龄)
create table student
 sid varchar(20) not null primary key,
 sname varchar(20) not null,
    unit varchar(20) null,
 sage datetime  null
drop table student
select * from student
delete from student
insert into student values('1001','凤来','华为','1989.1.1')
insert into student values('1002','李响','思创','1980.1.25')
insert into student values('1003','王为','江西移动','1982.5.3')
insert into student values('1004','王吉','铜业','1981.2.7')
insert into student values('1005','林欣','中笠','1985.11.12')

--Course(CID,Cname) 课程表(分别代表课程编号,课程名称)
create table course 
 cid varchar(20) not null primary key,
 cname varchar(20) not null
drop table course
select * from course
delete from course
insert into course values('C1','企业管理')
insert into course values('C2','税收基础')
insert into course values('C3','UML')
insert into course values('C4','数据库')
insert into course values('C5','JAVA')
--SC(SID,CID,score) 成绩表(学号,所选修的课程编号,学习成绩)
create table sc
 sid varchar(20)  null ,
 cid varchar(20) null,
 score float(2) check(score between 0 and 100) null
drop table sc
select * from sc
delete from sc
insert into sc values('1001','C1','85')
insert into sc(sid,cid) select sid ,cid from student,course
select sid as'学员学号',sname as'姓名' 
from student
where sid in(select sid from sc 
   where cid in(select cid from course 
      where cname='税收基础'
select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位' 
from student
where sid in(select sid from sc 
   where cid='C2'

select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位' 
from student
where sid in(select sid from sc 
   where cid!='C5'

select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位' 
from student
where exists(select sid from sc 
   group by sid 
   having count(cid)=(select count(*) 
        from course

select count(sid) as'学员数' from student
where sid in(select sid from sc 
   where cid is not null

select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位' 
from student
where exists(select sid from sc 
   group by sid 
   having count(cid)>5
select * from sc
--Student(SID,Sname,unit,Sage) 学生表(学号,学员姓名,所属单位,学员年龄)
create table student
 sid varchar(20) not null primary key,
 sname varchar(20) not null,
    unit varchar(20) null,
 sage datetime  null
drop table student
select * from student
delete from student
insert into student values('1001','凤来','华为','1989.1.1')
insert into student values('1002','李响','思创','1980.1.25')
insert into student values('1003','王为','江西移动','1982.5.3')
insert into student values('1004','王吉','铜业','1981.2.7')
insert into student values('1005','林欣','中笠','1985.11.12')

--Course(CID,Cname) 课程表(分别代表课程编号,课程名称)
create table course
 cid varchar(20) not null primary key,
 cname varchar(20) not null
drop table course
select * from course
delete from course
insert into course values('C1','企业管理')
insert into course values('C2','税收基础')
insert into course values('C3','UML')
insert into course values('C4','数据库')
insert into course values('C5','JAVA')
--SC(SID,CID,score) 成绩表(学号,所选修的课程编号,学习成绩)
create table sc
 sid varchar(20)  null ,
 cid varchar(20) null,
 score float(2) check(score between 0 and 100) null
drop table sc
select * from sc
delete from sc
insert into sc values('1001','C1','85')
insert into sc(sid,cid) select sid ,cid from student,course
select sid as'学员学号',sname as'姓名'
from student
where sid in(select sid from sc
   where cid in(select cid from course
      where cname='税收基础'
select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位'
from student
where sid in(select sid from sc
   where cid='C2'

select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位'
from student
where sid in(select sid from sc
   where cid!='C5'

select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位'
from student
where exists(select sid from sc
   group by sid
   having count(cid)=(select count(*)
        from course

select count(sid) as'学员数' from student
where sid in(select sid from sc
   where cid is not null

select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位'
from student
where exists(select sid from sc
   group by sid
   having count(cid)>5
select * from sc

--Student(SID,Sname,unit,Sage) 学生表(学号,学员姓名,所属单位,学员年龄)
create table student
 sid varchar(20) not null primary key,
 sname varchar(20) not null,
    unit varchar(20) null,
 sage datetime  null
drop table student
select * from student
delete from student

insert into student values('1001','凤来','华为','1989.1.1')
insert into student values('1002','李响','思创','1980.1.25')
insert into student values('1003','王为','江西移动','1982.5.3')
insert into student values('1004','王吉','铜业','1981.2.7')
insert into student values('1005','林欣','中笠','1985.11.12')

--Course(CID,Cname) 课程表(分别代表课程编号,课程名称)
create table course
 cid varchar(20) not null primary key,
 cname varchar(20) not null
drop table course
select * from course
delete from course

insert into course values('C1','企业管理')
insert into course values('C2','税收基础')
insert into course values('C3','UML')
insert into course values('C4','数据库')
insert into course values('C5','JAVA')

--SC(SID,CID,score) 成绩表(学号,所选修的课程编号,学习成绩)
create table sc
 sid varchar(20)  null ,
 cid varchar(20) null,
 score float(2) check(score between 0 and 100) null
drop table sc
select * from sc
delete from sc
insert into sc values('1001','C1','85')
insert into sc(sid,cid) select sid ,cid from student,course

select sid as'学员学号',sname as'姓名'
from student
where sid in(select sid from sc
   where cid in(select cid from course
      where cname='税收基础'

select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位'
from student
where sid in(select sid from sc
   where cid='C2'

select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位'
from student
where sid in(select sid from sc
   where cid!='C5'

select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位'
from student
where exists(select sid from sc
   group by sid
   having count(cid)=(select count(*)
        from course


select count(sid) as'学员数' from student
where sid in(select sid from sc
   where cid is not null

select sid as'学员学号',unit as'所属单位'
from student
where exists(select sid from sc
   group by sid
   having count(cid)>5
select * from sc





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