with CET_Table as
select 'A' name,1 as [month],0 as value
union all select 'A',2,1
union all select 'A',3,0
union all select 'A',4,0
union all select 'A',5,1
union all select 'A',6,0
union all select 'A',7,0
union all select 'A',8,0
union all select 'A',9,0
union all select 'A',10,0
union all select 'A',11,1
union all select 'A',12,1
union all select 'B',1,1
union all select 'B',2,0
union all select 'B',3,0
union all select 'B',4,1
union all select 'B',5,1
union all select 'B',6,1
union all select 'B',7,1
union all select 'B',8,1
union all select 'B',9,0
union all select 'B',10,0
union all select 'B',11,0
union all select 'B',12,1
--select * into ta from CET_Table ---根据CET快速创建一个表
,A as(
select * ,number = (select COUNT(1) from CET_Table B where B.name = A.name and B.value = A.value and B.month<=A.month
and B.month>=(select isnull(max(c.month),1) from CET_Table C where C.name = A.name and C.value <> A.value and C.month<=A.month))
from CET_Table A)
,B as(
select name,max(number)'0',0 as'1' from a where value=0 group by name
union all
select name,0 as '-',max(number) as'-' from a where value=1 group by name
select name ,SUM([0])max_rest_time,SUM([1])max_working_time from b group by name
--select * ,number = (select COUNT(1) from CET_Table B where B.name = A.name and B.value = A.value and B.month<=A.month
--and B.month>=(select isnull(max(c.month),1) from CET_Table C where C.name = A.name and C.value <> A.value and C.month<=A.month))
--from CET_Table A