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原创 Windows下开发Linux程序注意事项

今天尝试在Windows下编译OpenOCD(Sysprogs移植版),使用Mingw32https://github.com/sysprogs/openocd记录下过程中解决遇到的两个问题1.git clone需要加上--recurse-submodules开始使用GitHub Desktop直接clone,没有想到一些第三方库绑定的是引用。在编译开始后,保存,查看路径发现完...

2020-03-18 12:38:47 265

原创 嵌入式系统基础概念(三)嵌入式系统


2020-03-18 08:05:10 394

原创 嵌入式系统基础概念(二)常用术语和整数类型转换

常用术语比特(Bit):最小可操作单位字节(Byte):最小存储单位,= 8 Bit,如下表,b7称MSB(Most Significant Bit),b0称LSB(Least Significant Bit)因为b7=1等价于,而b0=1等价于 MSB...

2020-03-01 14:26:23 439

原创 TM4C123G开发板学习记录(八)存储和安全管理(下)

3.3 MPU例子分析例子在TivaWare安装目录下,examples\boards\ek-tm4c123gxl\mpu_fault,支持多种开发环境,CCS,Keil uVision,GCC等。This example application demonstrates the use of the MPU to protect a region of memory from acces...

2020-02-28 16:42:39 492

原创 TM4C123G开发板学习记录(八)存储和安全管理(中)

3 实验及代码分析3.1 读写Flash-写数据到安全的Flash区域,然后用Debugger观察写入情况3.1.1导入项目3.1.2 编辑源文件打开main.c,编写代码如下#include <stdint.h>#include <stdbool.h>#include <assert.h>#include "inc/hw_type...

2020-02-28 15:47:24 714

原创 TM4C123G开发板学习记录(八)存储和安全管理(上)

前言TM4C123GH6PM有四种类型内存:Flash SRAM EEPROM ROM芯片设计厂商提供了灵活的操作,性能优化,和安全控制设计。本章学习目标四种内存的特点和操作 BitBang技术和使用 MPU,Memory Protection Unit的使用1. CortexM4内存基础1.1 四种内存架构图TI采用Harvard架构,指令和数据是分不同总线...

2020-02-28 15:46:24 957 1

翻译 uVision5中的Git版本管理配置(一)受控文件与非受控文件

归入版本管理文件源文件 (*.c, *.cpp, *.h, *.inc, *.s) 项目文件: Project.uvprojx (is used to build the project from scratch) 项目选项文件: Project.uvoptx (contains information about the debugger and trace configuration)...

2020-02-28 10:26:23 1430

原创 嵌入式系统基础概念(一)二进制和十六进制

引言进制表示和转换是嵌入式开发人员的基本功。在开发,调试过程中,大量阅读芯片手册,查看MCU寄存器,内存等都会涉及到十六进制,二进制等的快速切换,以理解各个bit位含义和内容。另外C代码中也经常用到位操作。本文面向的读者是希望通过学习能够掌握二进制和十六进制表示,并熟练二进制,十六进制间转换。建议学习顺序,理解十进制数值如何分解,然后花足够时间理解引例部分和 106 的两种表示的例子。...

2020-02-24 21:33:01 1414

翻译 记录socket函数调用分析

需要下载 glibc, linux-2.6.26源码,使用source insight建立相应工程。http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libc/http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/先看glibc中的库函数socket(),socket.c#include #include /* Create

2011-11-27 23:00:57 993

翻译 谈谈“机制”和“策略”


2011-11-27 21:18:11 368

翻译 软件质量概述 5 软件质量的普遍原理


2011-09-20 23:16:11 386

翻译 软件质量概述4 什么时候进行质量保证工作

首先明确,错误越早引入软件,问题就会月复杂,修正这个错误的代价就会越高,因为涉及的面越广。需求中的一个缺陷会酿成设计上的一个或多个缺陷,而这些设计错误优惠繁殖出更多的代码缺陷。多余的架构设计会导致多余的代码、测试用例和文档。一个需求上 的错误可能产生最终不得不抛弃 的

2011-09-19 23:32:56 596

翻译 软件质量概述 3 不同质量保障技术的相对效能

缺陷检测率(Percentage of Defects Detected)上述数据显示单独使用任何一种方法,其典型检出率没有超过75%,平均在40%左右。注意,最常用的单元测试和集成测试,典型检测率仅30%到35%之间。根据NASA(美国国家航空航天局) Soft

2011-09-19 23:26:03 732

原创 ffmpeg+cygwin顺利编译

首先说下本人编译环境Windows XP SP3cygwin GNU make3.81 gcc 4.3.4ffmpeg svn r26402,注释,ffmpeg已经停止svn版本管理,使用git管理,可参见http://code.google.com/p/ffmbc/

2011-09-19 22:09:36 1166

翻译 软件质量概述 2 改善软件质量的技术


2011-09-16 00:54:58 379

翻译 软件质量概述 1 软件质量特性


2011-09-16 00:36:16 1112

原创 没有找到mspdb80.dll 的解决办法

<br />看到网上大多数方法是将缺少的4个文件从C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/Common7/IDE下拷贝到C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/bin,其实可以通过修改Path环境变量来解决该问题.<br /> <br /> <br />我的电脑->属性->高级->环境变量->Administrator的变量中的PATH,在其后添加两个路径<br />C:/Program Files/M

2010-06-23 15:36:00 1097

原创 递归方法

问题描述一个射击运动员打靶,每轮射击最高得分10环。问连续10轮总分正好90环的可能性有多少种?不考虑运动员的技术因素,即认为相邻两次射击是不相关的,且任何得分都是可能发生的。 问题分析1、每轮得分共有11种情况,0-102、采用逆向分析,假设10轮射击已经完毕,每轮得分分别为score[9],score[8],...,score[0],先考虑第10轮和前面9轮的递归关

2010-03-30 10:59:00 320

原创 WinCE 开发经验

本文会陆续记录WinCE开发中一些开发经验。 1、工具的选择历史原因,WinCE4.2和WinCE5的传统开发工具是eVC4.0(+补丁包SP4),但是推荐使用VS2005(+补丁包SP1)。因为VS2005是WinCE6.0的标准开发工具,具有更好的向下兼容性。另外,VS2005的编译器有改进,对嵌入式汇编语句支持很好。一个例子就是编译开源代码TCPMP时,编译ffmpeg工程时,找

2010-03-30 10:57:00 775

转载 VS2005 Study


2010-01-19 15:41:00 258

原创 VS2005下DLL配置差异,设备版和Win32版比较


2010-01-19 14:34:00 690

原创 ffdshow 编译过程中Bug

1、svn下载,地址 https://ffdshow.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ffdshow/trunk2、nasmw.exe 问题,sourceforge上下载nasm-0.98.38-win32.zip,解压缩后拷贝至C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin3、verinc.exe 问题,ffds

2010-01-19 12:45:00 745

原创 关于软件思考

如果你认同软件也是有生命的,那么“她”就有了变得更加完美的可能。SAAS-software as a service ( 软件即服务 ) 从Chinapub上无意间看到本新书-->,结合自己的工作实践经验.写下一些体会.      对软件的“新需求”推动软件不断的向更高层次演化。      从用户角度看,这种“新需求”即用户所希望获得的某种“服务”。从商家角度看,这种“新需求”即商

2009-02-13 12:16:00 329


安装程序 v620 mikroC PRO for ARM is a full-featured ANSI C compiler for ARM Cortex-M0™, Cortex-M3™ and Cortex-M4™ devices. ... It features intuitive IDE, powerful compiler with advanced SSA optimizations, lots of hardware and software libraries, and additional tools that will help you in your work. https://www.mikroe.com/mikroc-arm


Energy Optimization Tools for Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers.pdf

The "ULP Need-to-know" List 1. Know the application, its basic operation, features, and the available energy budget. 2. Know the features and parameters of the energy source. 3. Know the features of the MCU: 1. Power Management & Clock System 2. ULE peripheral features, strength and weakness 3. Power Modes and their energy efficient use Some General ULP Design Recommendations - Terminate Unused GPIO - Use Low Power Modes - Leverage Interrμpts - Use timers, not while() loops - Leverage DMA for data transfers


Linux Kernel and Driver Development Training.pdf

BeagleBone Black ▶ Texas Instruments AM335x (ARM Cortex-A8 CPU) ▶ SoC with 3D acceleration, additional processors (PRUs) and lots of peripherals. ▶ 512 MB of RAM ▶ 4 GB of on-board eMMC storage ▶ Ethernet, USB host and USB device, microSD, micro HDMI ▶ 2 x 46 pins headers, with access to many expansion buses (I2C, SPI, UART and more) ▶ A huge number of expansion boards, called capes. See http://elinux.org/Beagleboard: BeagleBone_Capes.


Mastering the FreeRTOS™ Real Time Kernel.pdf

FreeRTOS is solely owned, developed and maintained by Real Time Engineers Ltd. FreeRTOS is ideally suited to deeply embedded real-time applications that use microcontrollers or small microprocessors. Soft real-time requirements are those that state a time deadline—but breaching the deadline would not render the system useless.Hard real-time requirements are those that state a time deadline—and breaching the deadline would result in absolute failure of the system.FreeRTOS is a real-time kernel (or real-time scheduler) on top of which embedded applications can be built to meet their hard real-time requirements.



A program is considered free when its license offers to all its users the following four freedoms ▶ Freedom to run the software for any purpose ▶ Freedom to study the software and to change it ▶ Freedom to redistribute copies ▶ Freedom to distribute copies of modified versions


Getting Started With EEMBC® ULPBench™ on MSP-EXP430FR5969-slaa650a.pdf

This document uses the MSP-EXP430FR5969 LaunchPad development kit as the target evaluation module (EVM) for performing the benchmark. ULPBench is a EEMBC benchmark providing an industry-standard method to measure ultra-low-power capabilities of MCUs.


ULPBench - Beyond the Data Sheets of Ultra-Low-Power MCU.pdf

ULPBench - "Ultra-low power" (ULP) 1. There are different software tests for the comprehensive measurement of the microcontroller’s efficiency. 2. There is the so-called EEMBC EnergyMonitor, consisting of the EnergyMonitor board to make the physical energy consumption measurements. Preparing for the ULPBench Test Measurements Obtain the EnergyMonitor hardware from EEMBC Register the EnergyMonitor at the EEMBC website Accept the license agreement terms, and confirm registration by e-mail received After completing the registration, download the ULPBench software (ulp_1.1.11.tgz) Install the software Connect the USB port of the EnergyMonitor Board (Figure 1) with a USB port on the PC (a dedicated USB hub is preferred). Note: the USB driver must be manually installed because the USB driver is not recognized by the PC. The appropriate drivers are located in the /bin/USB_CDC folder. Connect the terminals +3 V (VCC) and ground (GND) to the test board (DUT).



BOOSTXL-EDUMKII Hardware Design Files v1.00.02 Bill of Material and Schematic


Interfacing C-Programs with ARM Core Microcontrollers.zip

TI 培训 EABI Word Size and Data Type Pointer Memory Alignment Endianness Register Register definition file



10 Simple Steps To Learn To Build Your Own Ideas With Electronics If your goal is to be able to build your own ideas with electronics, then this checklist is for you.


Using TM4C12x Devices Over JTAG Interface.pdf

IMPORTANT: 4.5 Using an External Standalone Debug Probe With EK-TM4C123GXL how to use the JTAG interface on the TM4C12x LaunchPad™ for debugging the on-board microcontroller using an external debugger, or by using the onboard debugger for debugging an off-board microcontroller.


A Guide to Debouncing.pdf

系统分析开关抖动问题并从软硬件提供解决方案。 Jack Ganssle has written over 600 articles in Embedded Systems Programming, EDN, and other magazines. His five books, The Art of Programming Embedded Systems, The Art of Developing Embedded Systems, The Embedded Systems Dictionary, The Firmware Handbook, and Embedded Systems, World Class Designs are the industry’s standard reference works



Build Your Own Portable USB Charger The charger works like a 500 mA iPhone charger and will work with most modern phones.






KiCad is an open-source software tool for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and PCB artwork. KiCad can be considered mature enough to be used for the successful development and maintenance of complex electronic boards.


Make Your First Printed Circuit Board.pdf

Make Your First Printed Circuit Board using KiCAD Step by step instructio on how to make it.



Getting Started With the Tiva™ C Series TM4C123G LaunchPad Workshop


Hadoop权威指南 样章

中文样章 Hadoop in action简介 Hadoop和MapReduce和编写一个基本的MapReduce程序。


dependency walker 2.2.6000.0

VStudio2005里面的工具,包含使用手册, 方便察看Module依赖关系,支持Undecorate C++ 函数.



mpeg4 Demultiplexor and Multiplexor filters, from GDCL, with source code. http://www.gdcl.co.uk/mpeg4/


Unit Testing C_C++ Code_ When to Mock.pdf

Useful questions to determine whether or not to mock - Is the real collaborator a source of risk for the stability of my tests? - Is it difficult to initialize the real collaborator? - Is it possible to verify the state of the collaborator after the test, to decide the test status? - How long will it take for the collaborator to respond? 3 Straightforward Reasons to Mock 1. Collaborator not yet implemented or still under development 2. Hardware independence 3. Fault injection


Configure RTX v5.pdf

System Configuration covers system-wide settings for the global memory pool, tick frequency, ISR event buffer and round-robin thread switching. Thread Configuration provides several parameters to configure the Thread Management functions. Timer Configuration provides several parameters to configure the Timer Management functions. Event Flags Configuration provides several parameters to configure the Event Flags functions. Mutex Configuration provides several parameters to configure the Mutex Management functions. Semaphore Configuration provides several parameters to configure the Semaphores functions. Memory Pool Configuration provides several parameters to configure the Memory Pool functions. Message Queue Configuration provides several parameters to configure the Message Queue functions. Event Recorder Configuration provides several parameters to configure RTX for usage with Event Recorder.


RL-ARM User's Guide (MDK v4)_ Technical Data.pdf

技术参数 RTX内核内存使用,比较ARM7/9和CortexM Description ARM7™/ARM9™ Cortex™-M Defined Tasks Unlimited Unlimited Active Tasks 250 max 250 max Mailboxes Unlimited Unlimited Semaphores Unlimited Unlimited Mutexes Unlimited Unlimited Signals / Events 16 per task 16 per task User Timers Unlimited Unlimited Code Space &lt;4.2 Kbytes &lt;4.0 Kbytes RAM Space for Kernel 300 bytes + 80 bytes User Stack 300 bytes + 128 bytes Main Stack RAM Space for a Task TaskStackSize + 52 bytes TaskStackSize + 52 bytes RAM Space for a Mailbox MaxMessages * 4 + 16 bytes MaxMessages * 4 + 16 bytes RAM Space for a Semaphore 8 bytes 8 bytes RAM Space for a Mutex 12 bytes 12 bytes RAM Space for a User Timer 8 bytes 8 bytes Hardware Requirements One on-chip timer SysTick timer User task priorities 1 - 254 1 - 254 Task switch time &lt;5.3 μsec @ 60 MHz &lt;2.6 μsec @ 72 MHz Interrupt lockout time &lt;2.7 μsec @ 60 MHz Not disabled by RTX


Stack Requirements.pdf

Keil RTX v5 kernel functions are executed in handler mode (using PendSV/SysTick/SVC) and the tables below lists the maximum stack requirements for the Main Stack (MSP) that the user should consider. The stack for the osKernelStart function is referred as "Startup" and RTX v5 uses 32 bytes (with Arm Compiler). However the user should also consider additional stack that might be allocated by the 'main' function of the embedded application. The following picture shows a worst-case memory allocation of the Main Stack. Arm Compiler ARMCC V6.10 Arm Compiler ARMCC V5.06



µVision User's Guide_ Debug Commands _component_viewer_events Using Event Recorder Redirecting ITM Output to third-party Applications Debugging EventRecorder


Determining the stack usage of applications.pdf

Determining the required stack sizes for a software project is a crucial part of the development process. The developer aims to create a stable application, while not wasting resources. This application note explains methods that help finding the optimal setting while looking specifically on the stack load caused by interrupt service routines (ISRs) in RTOS applications running on an Arm Cortex-M based processor. Stacks are memory regions where data is added or removed in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) manner. In an RTOS, each thread has a separate memory region for its stack. During function execution, data may be added on top of the stack; when the function exits, it removes that data from the stack.


Energy optimization of a battery-powered device.pdf

Energy optimization of a battery-powered device Optimizing embedded applications for overall efficiency should be an integral part of the development process as it is important to understand how peripherals, software algorithms, and power saving modes work together. This application note describes the power consumption analysis of an L-Tek FF1502 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon with ULINKplus. Beacons are typically low power devices, which sleep most of the time and wake-up briefly to broadcast a message to nearby portable electronic devices (such as mobile phones for example). We’ll show how to analyze the battery lifetime of an application running on the beacon by using the ULINKplus debug adapter that enables high-precision power analysis together with Arm® Keil® MDK. The findings are used to improve the hardware design and to implement software changes that lead to reduced power consumption and longer battery life. In this application note, we show how to use ULINKplus to dramatically reduce the power consumption of a battery-driven IoT application. Using this versatile debug probe together with the latest debug features of µVision, it is possible to increase the battery lifetime from just under a year (358 days) to nearly two and a half years (863 days).



This application is based on a real-life performance issue observed in a network example for an STM32H7 evaluation board.


September 2018_ Testing Embedded Systems - Embedded Artistry.pdf

流行测试framework比较 September 2018: Testing Embedded Systems Testing Embedded Systems 1. Unit testing 2. Debugger-based testing using metal.test 3. Phil Koopman’s lectures on embedded software quality and testing


Stellaris Launchpad with OpenOCD and Linux.pdf

In this project we will walk you through the process of building OpenOCD on Linux to work with Launchpad, debugging a project with GDB, and modifying the project behavior. OpenOCD opens up debug level development with GDB and GNU tools, but the current stable version does not have Launchpad support. Using this method of building the stable version with a patch provided by Spencer Oliver, we will be able to run OpenOCD with Launchpad support.



Welcome Maybe you've heard of Test-Driven Development (TDD), and maybe you've even thought it seemed like a reasonable idea. If you haven't tried TDD yet though, you really should. This guide contains step-by-step examples to get you started test driving in C, especially for embedded software applications. We'll look at how to use the unit test framework called Ceedling to help us do this. In the first example, we'll see how to create tests and write the code to make them pass. In the second example we look at mocking, and learn how to use it simulate our hardware. All the tests in these examples compile and run on your host PC (with GCC), with no target hardware needed.



These examples accompany the book "Embedded Systems: Introduction to the MSP432 Microcontroller", ISBN: 978-1512185676, Jonathan Valvano, copyright (c) 2015 Copyright 2015 by Jonathan W. Valvano, valvano@mail.utexas.edu You may use, edit, run or distribute these file s as long as the above copyright notice remains THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. VALVANO SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. For more information about my classes, my research, and my books, see http://users.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/ October 14, 2015



Embedded System projects These examples accompany the books "Embedded Systems: Introduction to ARM Cortex M Microcontrollers", ISBN: 978-1469998749, Jonathan Valvano, copyright (c) 2016 "Embedded Systems: Real Time Interfacing to Arm Cortex M Microcontrollers", ISBN: 978-1463590154, Jonathan Valvano, copyright (c) 2016 "Embedded Systems: Real-Time Operating Systems for ARM Cortex M Microcontrollers", ISBN: 978-1466468863, Jonathan Valvano, copyright (c) 2016 Copyright 2015 by Jonathan W. Valvano, valvano@mail.utexas.edu You may use, edit, run or distribute these file s as long as the above copyright notice remains THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. VALVANO SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. For more information about my classes, my research, and my books, see http://users.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/ September 14, 2016


Embedded Systems Education2015.pdf

• Market share • Complexity • Parallelism • Verification • Using ARM Cortex M4 • From the Basics to Applications • Internet of Things



VisualGDB单元测试工程模板 VisualStudio2017 VisualGDB5.4 TM4C开发板 Timing测试 - TM4C软,硬浮点计算的时钟差异 借助CMSIS, Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register Data Watchpoint and Trace Register Cycle Count Register


Download OpenOCD for Windows.pdf

解决不能连接问题 最新的OpenOCD1.0连接不了TI TivaC 尝试最后一个可以 OpenOCD-20170821 OpenOCD-20170821 OpenOCD-20170821


The Power of Ten – Rules for Developing Safety Critical Code

The first two rules guarantee the creation of a clear and transparent control flow structure that is easier to build, test, and analyze. The absence of dynamic memory allocation, stipulated by the third rule, eliminates a class of problems related to the allocation and freeing of memory, the use of stray pointers, etc. The next few rules (4 to 7) are fairly broadly accepted as standards for good coding style. Some benefits of other coding styles that have been advanced for safety critical systems, e.g., the discipline of “design by contract” can partly be found in rules 5 to 7.



Embedded Systems Playground ================= This repo contains all my trials and tribulations with Embedded Systems. It contains learning materials, practice sessions, and all the labs I've completed independently (no-credits/for-fun). **+More:** Labs I've done with schools/for-credit will have thier own repo. The table below links to all the embedded-systems labs I've completed (within this repo and outside of it). The table is organized from the most recent labs at the top and oldest being at the bottom https://github.com/glennlopez/EmbeddedSystems.Playground/wiki


Tiva C Clock System _ Embedded Lab.pdf

The clock system of a microcontroller is a fundamental element. Clock system provides the heart-beat needed to keep applications running in a synchronous manner. In the case of Tiva C micros the clock system is as much as sophisticated and elaborate as with any other ARM micros. In this post we will explore this basic block of Tiva C micros. We will see that the clock system is a network of different clock sources and internal units that are intertwined in a complex but easy manner.



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