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Drag all of the objects you want in your UI to the canvas. Reposition the objects by dragging them to where you want using the gridlines to help align and center the objects. To change text (for example, enter a button title), double-click the object and enter the text.
The File inspector () and Quick Help inspector () in the utilities area are available throughout your project and display information depending on what you select in the navigator and editor areas. The other inspectors are specific to what is selected on the canvas. To edit the attributes of an object, select the object on the canvas and open the Attributes inspector (). To get information about the size and position of a view, click the Size inspector ().
To view the UI on different device types, click the “View as” button below the canvas and select a device. To further configure the device, select an orientation and adaptation. For tvOS apps, select an interface style.

If the UI objects in the canvas don’t appear in the location you expect, set some rules for how the objects should scale and reposition using Auto Layout constraints. To center an object in a view, select the object and click the align icon in the lower right corner of the canvas. To place the object in the center of the view, select “Horizontally in Container” and “Vertically in Container”, and click Add 2 Constraints in the align tool popover.

Similarly, set the position of other objects and optionally, set the position relative to an adjacent object. To pin the bottom of a label to the top of a button, select the label, click the pin icon (next to the align icon). In the pin tool popover, select the dashed red line below the box, and click Add 1 Constraint. To check the constraints, change the device configuration below the canvas or run the app in Simulator again.

The outline view provides a hierarchical view of your objects in the storyboard. If the outline view is collapsed, click the toggle () below the canvas to expand it. You should be able to see the objects you added to the canvas under View Controller Scene. The outline view also shows Auto Layout errors. Click the red arrow to see the details of what went wrong and then click an error to highlight the associated view.

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要在Windows中安装tiny-cuda-nn,您需要按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 首先,确保您的计算机已经安装了合适的CUDA驱动程序。您可以从NVIDIA官方网站下载并安装最新的CUDA驱动程序。 2. 在安装CUDA驱动程序后,您需要安装CMake工具。您可以从CMake官方网站下载并安装最新版本的CMake。 3. 接下来,您需要安装Git客户端,以便从GitHub上获取tiny-cuda-nn的源代码。您可以从Git官方网站下载并安装最新版本的Git。 4. 打开一个命令行终端或Git Bash终端,并导航到您想要存储tiny-cuda-nn源代码的目录。 5. 在命令行终端或Git Bash终端中,运行以下命令来克隆tiny-cuda-nn的GitHub存储库: ``` git clone ``` 6. 克隆完成后,导航到tiny-cuda-nn源代码的目录。然后,创建一个新的文件夹来构建项目,比如"build": ``` cd tiny-cuda-nn mkdir build cd build ``` 7. 在构建文件夹中,运行以下命令使用CMake生成构建文件: ``` cmake .. ``` 8. 完成CMake配置后,运行以下命令来编译tiny-cuda-nn: ``` cmake --build . ``` 9. 编译完成后,您可以在构建文件夹中找到生成的可执行文件。您可以运行该可执行文件来使用tiny-cuda-nn。 请注意,上述步骤假设您已经正确安装了CUDA驱动程序、CMake和Git,并且您的计算机满足tiny-cuda-nn的要求。如果在安装过程中遇到任何问题,请参考tiny-cuda-nn的文档或GitHub存储库中的说明。




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