
14 篇文章 1 订阅
9 篇文章 1 订阅





  • geth刚启动
  • 新peer加入
  • 定时sync


func (pm *ProtocolManager) syncer() {

    // Start and ensure cleanup of sync mechanisms


    defer pm.fetcher.Stop()

    defer pm.downloader.Terminate()


    // Wait for different events to fire synchronisation operations

    forceSync := time.NewTicker(forceSyncCycle)

    defer forceSync.Stop()


    for {

        select {

        case <-pm.newPeerCh:

            // Make sure we have peers to select from, then sync

            if pm.peers.Len() < minDesiredPeerCount {



            go pm.synchronise(pm.peers.BestPeer())


        case <-forceSync.C:

            // Force a sync even if not enough peers are present

            go pm.synchronise(pm.peers.BestPeer())


        case <-pm.noMorePeers:








func (pm *ProtocolManager) synchronise(peer *peer) {

    // Otherwise try to sync with the downloader

    mode := downloader.FullSync

    if atomic.LoadUint32(&pm.fastSync) == 1 {

        // Fast sync was explicitly requested, and explicitly granted

        mode = downloader.FastSync

    } else if currentBlock.NumberU64() == 0 && pm.blockchain.CurrentFastBlock().NumberU64() > 0 {

        // The database seems empty as the current block is the genesis. Yet the fast

        // block is ahead, so fast sync was enabled for this node at a certain point.

        // The only scenario where this can happen is if the user manually (or via a

        // bad block) rolled back a fast sync node below the sync point. In this case

        // however it's safe to reenable fast sync.

        atomic.StoreUint32(&pm.fastSync, 1)

        mode = downloader.FastSync



    // Run the sync cycle, and disable fast sync if we've went past the pivot block

    if err := pm.downloader.Synchronise(peer.id, pHead, pTd, mode); err != nil {



    if head := pm.blockchain.CurrentBlock(); head.NumberU64() > 0 {

        // We've completed a sync cycle, notify all peers of new state. This path is

        // essential in star-topology networks where a gateway node needs to notify

        // all its out-of-date peers of the availability of a new block. This failure

        // scenario will most often crop up in private and hackathon networks with

        // degenerate connectivity, but it should be healthy for the mainnet too to

        // more reliably update peers or the local TD state.


        go pm.BroadcastBlock(head, false)




func (d *Downloader) Synchronise(id string, head common.Hash, td *big.Int, mode SyncMode) error {

    err := d.synchronise(id, head, td, mode)


    return err



func (d *Downloader) synchronise(id string, hash common.Hash, td *big.Int, mode SyncMode) error {

    // Set the requested sync mode, unless it's forbidden

    d.mode = mode


    // Retrieve the origin peer and initiate the downloading process

    p := d.peers.Peer(id)

    if p == nil {

        return errUnknownPeer


    return d.syncWithPeer(p, hash, td)







func (d *Downloader) syncWithPeer(p *peerConnection, hash common.Hash, td *big.Int) (err error) {

    origin, err := d.findAncestor(p, height)




  • 比特币是将本地chain顶端N个block的hash及后续以1/2跳跃的方式得到m个block的hash(blocklocator)发送给外部节点,这样外部节点能轻松的找到两个节点的链的共同祖先
  • 以太币不一样,它分两个步骤来操作,第一步是向外部节点请求N个block的hash并和本地对比找到共同祖先,如果第一步没有找到祖先,则按照类似1/2跳跃的方式循环请求更前面的区块的hash,并和本地对比来找到共同祖先
  • 可见两种方式的核心区别是,比特币是主动提供本地链区块头信息,外部节点负责找出祖先,而以太币是从外部节点获取数据,本地负责找出祖先。如果共同祖先大部分都是在前N个区块,这两种方式差不多,但是如果进行到1/2跳跃请求,则以太坊的请求次数明显增多。


func (d *Downloader) findAncestor(p *peerConnection, height uint64) (uint64, error) {

    // Figure out the valid ancestor range to prevent rewrite attacks

    floor, ceil := int64(-1), d.lightchain.CurrentHeader().Number.Uint64()


    if d.mode == FullSync {

        ceil = d.blockchain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()

    } else if d.mode == FastSync {

        ceil = d.blockchain.CurrentFastBlock().NumberU64()


    if ceil >= MaxForkAncestry {

        floor = int64(ceil - MaxForkAncestry)


    p.log.Debug("Looking for common ancestor", "local", ceil, "remote", height)


    // Request the topmost blocks to short circuit binary ancestor lookup

    head := ceil

    if head > height {

        head = height



    from := int64(head) - int64(MaxHeaderFetch)

    if from < 0 {

        from = 0


    // Span out with 15 block gaps into the future to catch bad head reports

    limit := 2 * MaxHeaderFetch / 16

    count := 1 + int((int64(ceil)-from)/16)

    if count > limit {

        count = limit



    go p.peer.RequestHeadersByNumber(uint64(from), count, 15, false)


    // Wait for the remote response to the head fetch

    number, hash := uint64(0), common.Hash{}


    ttl := d.requestTTL()

    timeout := time.After(ttl)


    for finished := false; !finished; {

        select {


        case packet := <-d.headerCh:

            // Discard anything not from the origin peer

            if packet.PeerId() != p.id {

                log.Debug("Received headers from incorrect peer", "peer", packet.PeerId())



            // Make sure the peer actually gave something valid

            headers := packet.(*headerPack).headers

            if len(headers) == 0 {

                p.log.Warn("Empty head header set")

                return 0, errEmptyHeaderSet


            // Make sure the peer's reply conforms to the request

            for i := 0; i < len(headers); i++ {


                if number := headers[i].Number.Int64(); number != from+int64(i)*16 {

                    p.log.Warn("Head headers broke chain ordering", "index", i, "requested", from+int64(i)*16, "received", number)

                    return 0, errInvalidChain



            // Check if a common ancestor was found

            finished = true

            for i := len(headers) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {

                // Skip any headers that underflow/overflow our requested set

                if headers[i].Number.Int64() < from || headers[i].Number.Uint64() > ceil {



                // Otherwise check if we already know the header or not

                if (d.mode == FullSync && d.blockchain.HasBlock(headers[i].Hash(), headers[i].Number.Uint64())) || (d.mode != FullSync && d.lightchain.HasHeader(headers[i].Hash(), headers[i].Number.Uint64())) {

                    number, hash = headers[i].Number.Uint64(), headers[i].Hash()


                    // If every header is known, even future ones, the peer straight out lied about its head

                    if number > height && i == limit-1 {

                        p.log.Warn("Lied about chain head", "reported", height, "found", number)

                        return 0, errStallingPeer





            // Out of bounds delivery, ignore



    // Ancestor not found, we need to binary search over our chain

    start, end := uint64(0), head

    if floor > 0 {

        start = uint64(floor)



    for start+1 < end {

        // Split our chain interval in two, and request the hash to cross check

        check := (start + end) / 2


        ttl := d.requestTTL()

        timeout := time.After(ttl)


        go p.peer.RequestHeadersByNumber(check, 1, 0, false)


        // Wait until a reply arrives to this request

        for arrived := false; !arrived; {

            select {

            case <-d.cancelCh:

                return 0, errCancelHeaderFetch


            case packer := <-d.headerCh:

                // Discard anything not from the origin peer




    return start, nil





    找到共同祖先区块origin block后就是请求获取数据了


func (d *Downloader) syncWithPeer(p *peerConnection, hash common.Hash, td *big.Int) (err error) {

    origin, err := d.findAncestor(p, height)

    fetchers := []func() error{

        func() error { return d.fetchHeaders(p, origin+1, pivot) }, // Headers are always retrieved

        func() error { return d.fetchBodies(origin + 1) }, // Bodies are retrieved during normal and fast sync

        func() error { return d.fetchReceipts(origin + 1) }, // Receipts are retrieved during fast sync

        func() error { return d.processHeaders(origin+1, pivot, td) },


    if d.mode == FastSync {

        fetchers = append(fetchers, func() error { return d.processFastSyncContent(latest) })

    } else if d.mode == FullSync {

        fetchers = append(fetchers, d.processFullSyncContent)


    return d.spawnSync(fetchers)



func (d *Downloader) spawnSync(fetchers []func() error) error {

    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    errc := make(chan error, len(fetchers))


    for _, fn := range fetchers {

        fn := fn

        go func() { defer wg.Done(); errc <- fn() }()


    // Wait for the first error, then terminate the others.

    var err error

    for i := 0; i < len(fetchers); i++ {

        if i == len(fetchers)-1 {

            // Close the queue when all fetchers have exited.

            // This will cause the block processor to end when

            // it has processed the queue.



        if err = <-errc; err != nil {







    return err



  • 调用fetchHeaders, fetchBodies, fetchReceipts请求数据

  • 调用processHeaders,  processFullSyncContent处理数据



    但是这几个过程都是一个独立的go routine, 这些函数先后顺序又是如何保证的?估计你大概都能猜测到,通过chan, 一个等待,一个通知的方式即可实现。



  • 请求数据(fetch)
  • 等待并接收数据(wait-result)

  而fetchBodies, fetchReceipt多一个步骤

  • 等待header数据(wait-header)
  • 请求数据(fetch)
  • 等待并接收数据(wait-result)





    这个流程涉及点多, 最难的点是fetchBodies和fetchReceipt等待header数据的过程,按照这个流程图我们来分析下这个等待header的代码



func (d *Downloader) fetchParts(errCancel error, deliveryCh chan dataPack, deliver func(dataPack) (int, error), wakeCh chan bool,

    expire func() map[string]int, pending func() int, inFlight func() bool, throttle func() bool, reserve func(*peerConnection, int) (*fetchRequest, bool, error),

    fetchHook func([]*types.Header), fetch func(*peerConnection, *fetchRequest) error, cancel func(*fetchRequest), capacity func(*peerConnection) int,

    idle func() ([]*peerConnection, int), setIdle func(*peerConnection, int), kind string) error {


    // Create a ticker to detect expired retrieval tasks

    ticker := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)

    defer ticker.Stop()


    update := make(chan struct{}, 1)


    // Prepare the queue and fetch block parts until the block header fetcher's done

    finished := false

    for {

        select {


        case cont := <-wakeCh:

            // The header fetcher sent a continuation flag, check if it's done

            if !cont {

                finished = true


            // Headers arrive, try to update the progress

            select {


            case update <- struct{}{}:



        case <-ticker.C:

            // Sanity check update the progress

            select {

            case update <- struct{}{}:



        case <-update:

            // If there's nothing more to fetch, wait or terminate

            //上面的tick,wake都会唤醒进入该逻辑,所以需要检测是否有pending task

            // 如果是header数据接收后,则是先进入wakeCH然后进入这里的,且pending() > 0

            if pending() == 0 {

                if !inFlight() && finished {

                    log.Debug("Data fetching completed", "type", kind)

                    return nil




            // Send a download request to all idle peers, until throttled

            progressed, throttled, running := false, false, inFlight()

            idles, total := idle()


            for _, peer := range idles {

                // Short circuit if throttling activated

                if throttle() {

                    throttled = true



                // Short circuit if there is no more available task.

                if pending() == 0 {



                // Reserve a chunk of fetches for a peer. A nil can mean either that

                // no more headers are available, or that the peer is known not to

                // have them.



                request, progress, err := reserve(peer, capacity(peer))

                if err != nil {

                    return err


                if progress {

                    progressed = true


                if request == nil {



                if request.From > 0 {

                    peer.log.Trace("Requesting new batch of data", "type", kind, "from", request.From)

                } else {

                    peer.log.Trace("Requesting new batch of data", "type", kind, "count", len(request.Headers), "from", request.Headers[0].Number)


                // Fetch the chunk and make sure any errors return the hashes to the queue

                if fetchHook != nil {




                if err := fetch(peer, request); err != nil {

                    // Although we could try and make an attempt to fix this, this error really

                    // means that we've double allocated a fetch task to a peer. If that is the

                    // case, the internal state of the downloader and the queue is very wrong so

                    // better hard crash and note the error instead of silently accumulating into

                    // a much bigger issue.

                    panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s fetch assignment failed", peer, kind))


                running = true


            // Make sure that we have peers available for fetching. If all peers have been tried

            // and all failed throw an error

            if !progressed && !throttled && !running && len(idles) == total && pending() > 0 {

                return errPeersUnavailable






所以核心点是:bodyWakeCh,receiptWakeCh及blockTaskQueue, blockTaskPool, receiptTaskPool在哪里赋值的


func (d *Downloader) processHeaders(origin uint64, pivot uint64, td *big.Int) error {

    for {

        select {

        case <-d.cancelCh:

            return errCancelHeaderProcessing


        case headers := <-d.headerProcCh:

            // Terminate header processing if we synced up

            if len(headers) == 0 {

                // Notify everyone that headers are fully processed


                for _, ch := range []chan bool{d.bodyWakeCh, d.receiptWakeCh} {

                    select {

                    case ch <- false:

                    case <-d.cancelCh:




                rollback = nil

                return nil


            // Otherwise split the chunk of headers into batches and process them

            gotHeaders = true


            for len(headers) > 0 {

                // Select the next chunk of headers to import

                limit := maxHeadersProcess

                if limit > len(headers) {

                    limit = len(headers)


                chunk := headers[:limit]


                // Unless we're doing light chains, schedule the headers for associated content retrieval

                if d.mode == FullSync || d.mode == FastSync {


                    // Otherwise insert the headers for content retrieval

                    inserts := d.queue.Schedule(chunk, origin)

                    if len(inserts) != len(chunk) {

                        log.Debug("Stale headers")

                        return errBadPeer



                headers = headers[limit:]

                origin += uint64(limit)



            // Signal the content downloaders of the availablility of new tasks

            // 这里会唤醒前面的fetchParts

            for _, ch := range []chan bool{d.bodyWakeCh, d.receiptWakeCh} {

                select {

                case ch <- true:








func (q *queue) Schedule(headers []*types.Header, from uint64) []*types.Header {


    defer q.lock.Unlock()


    // Insert all the headers prioritised by the contained block number

    inserts := make([]*types.Header, 0, len(headers))

    for _, header := range headers {

        // Make sure chain order is honoured and preserved throughout


        // Queue the header for content retrieval

        q.blockTaskPool[hash] = header

        q.blockTaskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))


        if q.mode == FastSync {

            q.receiptTaskPool[hash] = header

            q.receiptTaskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))


        inserts = append(inserts, header)

        q.headerHead = hash



    return inserts






    区块数据的请求的目标是获取header,body, receipt数据,这些数据到达后会添加到queue.resultCache[index]的一个fetchResult对象里面。这个对象的header数据有点特殊,它不是由processHeader添加进去的,而是在fetchBodies真正调用fetch请求bodies数据时通过new fetchResult初始化赋值的。





type fetchResult struct {

    Pending int // Number of data fetches still pending

    Hash common.Hash // Hash of the header to prevent recalculating


    Header *types.Header

    Uncles []*types.Header

    Transactions types.Transactions

    Receipts types.Receipts





func (d *Downloader) fetchParts(errCancel error, deliveryCh chan dataPack, deliver func(dataPack) (int, error), wakeCh chan bool) {

        case <-update:

                request, progress, err := reserve(peer, capacity(peer))




func (q *queue) ReserveBodies(p *peerConnection, count int) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {

    isNoop := func(header *types.Header) bool {

        return header.TxHash == types.EmptyRootHash && header.UncleHash == types.EmptyUncleHash



    defer q.lock.Unlock()


    return q.reserveHeaders(p, count, q.blockTaskPool, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool, q.blockDonePool, isNoop)



func (q *queue) reserveHeaders(p *peerConnection, count int, taskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header, taskQueue *prque.Prque,

    pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, donePool map[common.Hash]struct{}, isNoop func(*types.Header) bool) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {

    // Short circuit if the pool has been depleted, or if the peer's already

    // downloading something (sanity check not to corrupt state)

    if taskQueue.Empty() {

        return nil, false, nil


    if _, ok := pendPool[p.id]; ok {

        return nil, false, nil


    // Calculate an upper limit on the items we might fetch (i.e. throttling)

    space := q.resultSlots(pendPool, donePool)


    // Retrieve a batch of tasks, skipping previously failed ones

    send := make([]*types.Header, 0, count)

    skip := make([]*types.Header, 0)


    progress := false

    for proc := 0; proc < space && len(send) < count && !taskQueue.Empty(); proc++ {

        header := taskQueue.PopItem().(*types.Header)

        hash := header.Hash()


        // If we're the first to request this task, initialise the result container

        index := int(header.Number.Int64() - int64(q.resultOffset))

        if index >= len(q.resultCache) || index < 0 {

            common.Report("index allocation went beyond available resultCache space")

            return nil, false, errInvalidChain


        if q.resultCache[index] == nil {

            components := 1

            if q.mode == FastSync {

                components = 2


            q.resultCache[index] = &fetchResult{

                Pending: components,

                Hash: hash,

                Header: header,



        // Otherwise unless the peer is known not to have the data, add to the retrieve list

        if p.Lacks(hash) {

            skip = append(skip, header)

        } else {

            send = append(send, header)



    if progress {

        // Wake WaitResults, resultCache was modified



    // Assemble and return the block download request

    if len(send) == 0 {

        return nil, progress, nil


    request := &fetchRequest{

        Peer: p,

        Headers: send,

        Time: time.Now(),


    pendPool[p.id] = request


    return request, progress, nil





func (q *queue) DeliverBodies(id string, txLists [][]*types.Transaction, uncleLists [][]*types.Header) (int, error) {


    defer q.lock.Unlock()


    reconstruct := func(header *types.Header, index int, result *fetchResult) error {

        if types.DeriveSha(types.Transactions(txLists[index])) != header.TxHash || types.CalcUncleHash(uncleLists[index]) != header.UncleHash {

            return errInvalidBody


        result.Transactions = txLists[index]

        result.Uncles = uncleLists[index]

        return nil


    return q.deliver(id, q.blockTaskPool, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool, q.blockDonePool, bodyReqTimer, len(txLists), reconstruct)



unc (q *queue) deliver(id string, taskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header, taskQueue *prque.Prque,

    pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, donePool map[common.Hash]struct{}, reqTimer metrics.Timer,

    results int, reconstruct func(header *types.Header, index int, result *fetchResult) error) (int, error) {


    // Short circuit if the data was never requested

    request := pendPool[id]

    if request == nil {

        return 0, errNoFetchesPending



    for i, header := range request.Headers {

        // Short circuit assembly if no more fetch results are found

        if i >= results {



        // Reconstruct the next result if contents match up

        index := int(header.Number.Int64() - int64(q.resultOffset))

        if index >= len(q.resultCache) || index < 0 || q.resultCache[index] == nil {

            failure = errInvalidChain



        if err := reconstruct(header, i, q.resultCache[index]); err != nil {

            failure = err



        hash := header.Hash()


        donePool[hash] = struct{}{}


        useful = true



        // Clean up a successful fetch

        request.Headers[i] = nil

        delete(taskPool, hash)


    // Return all failed or missing fetches to the queue

    for _, header := range request.Headers {

        if header != nil {

            taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))



    // Wake up WaitResults

    if accepted > 0 {



    // If none of the data was good, it's a stale delivery

    switch {

    case failure == nil || failure == errInvalidChain:

        return accepted, failure

    case useful:

        return accepted, fmt.Errorf("partial failure: %v", failure)


        return accepted, errStaleDelivery






func (q *queue) DeliverReceipts(id string, receiptList [][]*types.Receipt) (int, error) {


    defer q.lock.Unlock()


    reconstruct := func(header *types.Header, index int, result *fetchResult) error {

        if types.DeriveSha(types.Receipts(receiptList[index])) != header.ReceiptHash {

            return errInvalidReceipt


        result.Receipts = receiptList[index]

        return nil


    return q.deliver(id, q.receiptTaskPool, q.receiptTaskQueue, q.receiptPendPool, q.receiptDonePool, receiptReqTimer, len(receiptList), reconstruct)











func (d *Downloader) processFullSyncContent() error {

    for {

        results := d.queue.Results(true)

        if len(results) == 0 {

            return nil


        if d.chainInsertHook != nil {



        if err := d.importBlockResults(results); err != nil {

            return err





func (q *queue) Results(block bool) []*fetchResult {


    defer q.lock.Unlock()


    // Count the number of items available for processing

    nproc := q.countProcessableItems()

    for nproc == 0 && !q.closed {

        if !block {

            return nil




        nproc = q.countProcessableItems()


    // Since we have a batch limit, don't pull more into "dangling" memory

    if nproc > maxResultsProcess {

        nproc = maxResultsProcess


    results := make([]*fetchResult, nproc)

    copy(results, q.resultCache[:nproc])

    return results



    请注意上面的q.active.Wait(),这个就是等待休眠点,前面的header, body, receipt数据填充时会调用q.active.Signal三次后,processFullSyncContent就会从这里继续执行。然后就从q.resultCache中拷贝数据并执行importBlockResults插入到主链


func (d *Downloader) importBlockResults(results []*fetchResult) error {

    blocks := make([]*types.Block, len(results))

    for i, result := range results {

        blocks[i] = types.NewBlockWithHeader(result.Header).WithBody(result.Transactions, result.Uncles)


    if index, err := d.blockchain.InsertChain(blocks); err != nil {

        return errInvalidChain


    return nil


转载   以太坊源码情景分析之区块(block)数据同步 





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