by freezesoul 作为web开发,应该至少有一款使用顺手的http嗅探器,以备开发分析之用,加上ajax现在如此盛行,更加需要一个工具能分析在页面背后传输的http内容。找了几款http嗅探器,以备选用 1.Fiddler Fiddler is a HTTP Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP Traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language. Fiddler is freeware and can debug traffic from virtually any application, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and thousands more. http://www.fiddlertool.com/fiddler/ 文章推荐http://www.cnblogs.com/FrameWork/archive/2006/10/16/529835.html
2.ieHTTPHeader 以ie插件的形式能查看往返的HTTP Request/Response Header 3.HTTPLook 4.httpExplorer Used to examine unaltered http requests and responses intercepted with and without proxy. There are several views for the data. Raw view shows the data in bytes. Text view shows the headers in the request and response as well as the http payload. The list of requests and responses are also available in two different views. One view shows the summary of the request. The other view shows the actual sends and receives performed by the browser. It is possible to search through the request urls to look for a particular url using regular expression syntax. httpExplorer works by intercepting the client/server data stream of the embeded browser. It can also work in proxy mode where the data is intercepted by emulating a proxy server.
5.IEWatch IEWatch is a plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer that allows you to view and analyze HTTP/HTTPS headers. Furthermore you can view and analyze the HTML code directly in the browser window.
6.MMD HttpHeader MMD HttpHeader is small, absolutely free tool designed to display http headers. Just
7.HttpWatch 强大的网页数据分析工具.集成在Internet Explorer工具栏.包括网页摘要.Cookies管理.缓存管理.消息头发送/接受.字符查询.POST 数据和目录管理功能.报告输出 http://down.zdnet.com.cn/detail/2/19336.shtml 8.Instance Source ·这是一个IE浏览器插件,主要功能是实时的查看和修改 HTML 网页上的源代码,当鼠标指向或选择网页的某一部分,即可在下方的窗口中快速看到网页的源代码, 这对网页设计相关人员还是相当有用的。推荐使用! ·此版本新增显示网页颜色、显示代码行号、外部对象列表功能。 ·还发现了一个小秘密,它似乎能够解析加密网页的源代码。 http://www.skycn.com/soft/15582.html 9.Page Viewer(Maxthon2 插件) + firebug(firefox 插件) 这两款作为web开发辅助也是必不可少的 10.sniffer sniffer pro,NAI公司出品的 |