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IntraWeb v14.0.23 Ultimate for RAD Studio XE-XE5 (x32+x64)

New property TIWForm.KeepAlive property. When true, IntraWeb will generate JavaScript code that will send a special request to IWServer avoiding session expiration. New method ReleaseAndRedirect() in TIWBaseForm. It can be used to release the current active form and redirect to other URL internal to the IntraWeb application, e.g. a registered content handler. New properties of TContentBase (content handlers base class): CanStartSession: Boolean; RequireSessionStart: Boolean; A Slim Reader/Writer lock object is used in TIWStandAloneServer and TIWServerInternalFiles instead of TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer object. This new lock is available under Windows Vista and up, and should increase IW server performance under heavy concurrency/load. New Event description tab in IWScriptEvents editor with some valuable information about JavaScript events Modification in TIWBaseForm: ExecuteForm() and GenerateForm() methods were made static (non virtual). These methods now call DoExecuteForm() and DoGenerateForm() virtual (protected) methods. Bug fix: User cache directory is deleted when session expires. Modification in routines responsible for cache directory removal. In our tests it fixed cache directory removal when application terminates. Bug fix: TIWDBCheckBox could raise an exception during rendering when attached to a empty DataSet Bug fix: When deploying the application as ISAPI, session tracking without cookies would fail Bug fix: When a IW application was compiled with runtime packages, TIWAppInfo.GetAppFullFileName was returning the name and path of the BPL file, not the EXE/DLL main file Bug fix: TContentRedirect could fail if ServerController.AllowMultipleSessionsPerUser = True Bug fix: IW Splitter didn't work with Internet Explorer 11


Raize Components v6.1.5 Full Source

包含125种通用的本地VCL用户界面控件 Raize Components 近日最新发布的6.1.5,新版本支持Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5,还有一些bug修复和改进。 支持的IDE有: Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 -- Delphi XE5 & C++Builder XE5 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4 -- Delphi XE4 & C++Builder XE4 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 -- Delphi XE3 & C++Builder XE3 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 -- Delphi XE2 & C++Builder XE2 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE -- Delphi XE & C++Builder XE Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 -- Delphi 2010 & C++Builder 2010 CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 -- Delphi 2009 & C++Builder 2009 RzButton.pas 修复了TRzToolButton中的这个问题:当设置 taLeftJustify 或 taRightJustify的Alignment 以及 glGlyphRight的Layout时,标题会显示异常。 RzListVw.pas TRzListView中对列Columns重新排序会导致错误排序。 RzLstBox.pas * When the ShowItemHints property of TRzListBox and descendants is set to True and the user clicks on an item that is currently being displayed in a hint window, the hint window is removed so the selected item is visible. After 1.5 seconds, the item hint window can be restored. RzShellOpenForm.pas * Fixed issue where custom Places that specified a directory path including a trailing path delimiter would display an empty caption. * Fixed issues that could occur if the custom places section in the Registry contained invalid values. RzTabs.pas * Fixed issue in TRzPageControl and TRzTabControl where the Menu Button and Close Button would appear over tabs when MultiLine was set to True. * Added the FixedDimension public property to TRzTabControl and TRzPageControl. This property represents the height of the tabs for a horizontally oriented tabs and the width for vertically oriented tabs.


Raize Components v6.1.4 Full Source

RzAnimtr.pas: Fixed issue where background of TRzAnimator would not be painted correctly if the parent's DoubleBuffered property was True. RzBmpBtn.pas: Fixed issue where background of TRzBmpButton would not be painted correctly if the parent's DoubleBuffered property was True. RzPanel.pas: Fixed issue where transparent TRzPanel instances and descendants would not be painted correctly if the parent's DoubleBuffered property was True. RzPathBar.pas: Enhanced the TRzPathBar such that if there is a hint associated with the the last item, it is displayed when the mouse is hovered over the item and ShowHint is set to True as well. RzRadChk.pas: Fixed issue where background of TRzCheckBox and TRzRadioButton would not be painted correctly if the parent's DoubleBuffered property was True. RzShellOpenForm.pas: Fixed issue where PlaceBar settings were not displayed in Windows 7 and later. Fixed issue where custom places could potentially cause an access violation when the dialog was displayed. RzTabs.pas: Fixed issue where background of TRzPageControl and TRzTabControl would not be painted correctly if the parent's DoubleBuffered property was True. RzTrkBar.pas: Fixed issue where background of TRzTrackBar would not be painted correctly if the parent's DoubleBuffered property was True.


Nikon 尼康DSL5000 SDK 开发包

Nikon 尼康DSL5000 SDK 开发包


Nikon 尼康D7000 SDK 开发包

Nikon 尼康D7000 SDK 开发包


Nikon 尼康D5100 SDK 开发包 S-SDKD5100

Nikon 尼康D5100 SDK 开发包 S-SDKD5100


佳能相机 Canon Digital Camera RAW Development SDK RD-SDK v1.1

PS-ReC SDK v1.1.0d PS-ReC SDK v1.1.0d 支持的相机型号: PowerShot A620, PowerShot S80, PowerShot S3 IS, PowerShot G7, PowerShot A640, PowerShot S5 IS, PowerShot G9, PowerShot SX100 IS


佳能相机 Canon Digital Camera SDK CD-SDK v7.3

Digital Camera SDK(数码相机开发包) CD-SDK v7.3(最终版) Supported Digital Cameras PowerShot A10, PowerShot A20, PowerShot A30, PowerShot A40, PowerShot A60, PowerShot A70, PowerShot A75, PowerShot A80, PowerShot A85, PowerShot A95 PowerShot A100, PowerShot A200, PowerShot A300, PowerShot A310, PowerShot A400, PowerShot A510, PowerShot A520 PowerShot S10, PowerShot S20, PowerShot S30, PowerShot S40, PowerShot S45, PowerShot S50, PowerShot S60, PowerShot S70 PowerShot S100, IXY DIGITAL, DIGITAL IXUS PowerShot S110, IXY DIGITAL 200, DIGITAL IXUS v PowerShot S200, IXY DIGITAL 200a, DIGITAL IXUS v2 PowerShot S230, IXY DIGITAL 320, DIGITAL IXUS v3 PowerShot S300, IXY DIGITAL 300, DIGITAL IXUS 300 PowerShot S330, IXY DIGITAL 300a, DIGITAL IXUS 330 PowerShot SD100, IXY DIGITAL 30, DIGITAL IXUS II PowerShot S400, IXY DIGITAL 400, DIGITAL IXUS 400 PowerShot SD10, IXY DIGITAL L, DIGITAL IXUS i PowertShot SD110, IXY DIGITAL 30a, DIGITAL IXUS IIs PowerShot S410, IXY DIGITAL 450, DIGITAL IXUS 430 PowerShot S500, IXY DIGITAL 500, DIGITAL IXUS 500 PowerShot SD20, IXY DIGITAL L2, DIGITAL IXUS i 5 PowerShot SD200, IXY DIGITAL 40, DIGITAL IXUS 30 PowerShot SD300, IXY DIGITAL 50, DIGITAL IXUS 40 PowerShot SD400, IXY DIGITAL 55, DIGITAL IXUS 50 PowerShot SD500, IXY DIGITAL 600, DIGITAL IXUS 700 PowerShot G1, PowerShot G2, PowerShot G3, PowerShot G5, PowerShot G6 PowerShot Pro90 IS PowerShot S1 IS, PowerShot S2 IS PowerShot Pro1 Newly Supported Cameras PowerShot A510 / PowerShot A520 / PowerShot S2 IS PowerShot SD400 / IXY DIGITAL 55 / DIGITAL IXUS 50 PowerShot SD500 / IXY DIGITAL 600 / DIGITAL IXUS 700



最新的佳能单反相机开发包 Canon Digital EOS_SDK ED-SDK EDSDK 支持以下单反相机: EOS-1D Mark III EOS 40D EOS-1Ds Mark III EOS DIGITAL REBEL Xsi/450D/ Kiss X2 EOS DIGITAL REBEL XS/ 1000D/ KISS F EOS 50D EOS 5D Mark II EOS Kiss X3/EOS REBEL T1i /EOS 500D EOS 7D EOS-1D Mark IV EOS Kiss X4/EOS REBEL T2i /EOS 550D EOS 60D EOS Kiss X5/EOS REBEL T3i /EOS 600D EOS Kiss X50/EOS REBEL T3 /EOS 1100D EOS-1D X EOS 5D MarkIII EOS 60Da


Raize Components v6.1.3 Full Source

支持XE3,XE4 Raize Components 包含了 90 个 Delphi 和 C++ Builder 的控件组,它的一些特点如:制定窗体框架、高级的编辑控件等都使开发者很容易的设计出灵活的、自己喜欢的样式的应用程序。 支持以下系统: Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4 -- Delphi XE4, C++Builder XE4 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 -- Delphi XE3, C++Builder XE3 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 (Update 1) -- Delphi XE2, C++Builder XE2 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE (Update 1) -- Delphi XE, C++Builder XE Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 -- Delphi 2010, C++Builder 2010 CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 -- Delphi 2009, C++Builder 2009


拼音高手 V1.5 源码

介绍: 拼音高手是一款能将汉字转化为相应拼音的软件,功能主要有: 一、可将整篇文章转化为带声调的拼音,能够正确识别中文和英文字符,转换后,拼音的段落结构及标点符号与原文件一致。 二、拼音测试。软件可以测试您的拼音水平,并可评分,满分为100分,无限组题。 三、语音朗读。拼音高手可用标准、流畅的普通话朗读文章,帮助您学习拼音。


TsiLang Components Suite v6.5.2 Delphi4~15 CBuilder4~6.10~15.rar

TsiLang Components Suite v6.5.2 Delphi4~15 CBuilder4~6 10~15 Delphi和BCB的组件,建立多语言程式相当简单迅速


DynamicSkinForm 例子 帮助文件 精美皮肤

DynamicSkinForm 例子 帮助文件 精美皮肤


BusinessSkinForm 例子 帮助文件 皮肤模板

BusinessSkinForm 例子 帮助文件 皮肤模板


AlmDev DynamicSkinForm v11.40 Full Source

DynamicSkinForm可用在: Delphi 2009, 2010 C++Builder 2009, 2010 Delphi 2007 Delphi 2006 C++Builder 2007 C++Builder 2006 Turbo Delphi Turbo C++ Delphi 2005 Delphi 5,6,7 C++ Builder 5,6 产品特征: 应用程序可有一个或多种不同的皮肤窗口; 支持自定义皮肤(比如WinAmp,iTunes)和标准皮肤的应用; 运行时可进行皮肤更换; 多种形态的,可动态地调整大小的窗口; 窗体标题和皮肤对象(如在Windows Vista中)的按钮,具有炫酷的外部发光效果; 支持MDI; 表单和控件采用默认的样式; 支持消息皮肤样式; 对于标题,图像和多行文本具有高级的提示功能; 支持多种形态、效果、多种选项的皮肤菜单; 对于对话窗口和工具窗口,皮肤支持默认的样式; 皮肤支持的控件:树形视图,列表视图,richedit,dateedit,组合框,列表框和检查列表框,滚动条,备忘录,编辑框和微调编辑框,标签组件和页面组件,stringgrid和drawgrid,面板,组框,按钮,speedbuttons,标签,轨迹条,仪表,检查框,单选按钮组, round regulator,仪表,动画,switch, updown,控制条,切分窗口,滚动条控件, 色彩组合框, 字体组合框; DB 控件 很多控件可以有不规则的形态; 编辑、备忘录和表格控件可用位图背景; 支持外部控件和对话框皮肤样式; 支持打印对话框皮肤样式; 可连接局部控件; 皮肤对象:标题,按钮,仪表,选择,轨迹条,动画,标签,用户对象区域; 支持在所有控件和窗体中全部元素的皮肤样式; 对于窗体,可选择是否支持皮肤样式; 所有的标准对话框支持全部的皮肤样式; 对于对象和控件具有转化功能; 对于菜单和控件具有混合功能; Windows2K,XP,Vista都可支持窗体、菜单提示、和弹出控件(分层窗口); 支持jpeg文件; 支持光标皮肤样式; 支持不同形式和混合效果指示的皮肤样式; 所有窗体可为汇总状态; 将皮肤存储在后缀为.exe的文件中; 皮肤为开放式架构; 用特有的编辑器来创建您的皮肤; 支持zip压缩形式的皮肤; 支持zlib压缩形式的皮肤; 强大的皮肤收集器可从您的站点随意的使用和分配; 支持BilleniumEffects VCL; 已在Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, 2003 Server, XP, Vista, Windows 7中进行了测试; 在所有的控件中支持PNG图像(内部支持); 支持Unicode(需要SkinAdapter VCL + TMS Unicode Components); 完全支持多显示器系统; 支持SmartEffects VCL(使您的应用程序具有强大的动画和变换效果)。


AlmDev BusinessSkinForm v8.55 Full Source

BusinessSkinForm 可应用于: Delphi 2009,2010 C++Builder 2009,2010 Delphi 2007 Delphi 2006 C++Builder 2007 C++Builder 2006 Turbo Delphi Turbo C++ Delphi 2005 Delphi 5,6,7 C++ Builder 5,6 特征: Office 2010 Ribbon UI 控件(适用于SDI 和 MDI 应用程序) Office 2010 Ribbon UI 应用程序菜单 Office 2010 皮肤和一些其他的 Ribbon UI 皮肤 皮肤的开放式架构 应用程序可拥有一个或者不同的皮肤(在windows下) 运行期间可改变皮肤 非矩形的,可动态调整大小的窗口 按钮标题的极酷的表面光晕效果(比如在Windows Vista下) 窗体、控件以及菜单的默认风格 窗体标题中的客户按钮 MDI支持 菜单以及提示的皮肤支持 具有标题、图像以及多行文本的高级提示 支持控件皮肤(如标签、按钮、加速按钮、量具、滚动条、面板、复选框、单选框、制表以及翻页控制、栅极控制、列表框、复选列表框、备忘录、编辑器,spinedit,日期编辑,大小写编辑,组合框,组合框列,树形图,列表视图,外形控制以及其他) 许多控件能有非矩形外观 支持所有的标准数据库控制以及其他数据库控制(导航条、网格、选定网格、编辑、备忘录、复选框、列表框、查找控制以及其他) 编辑、备忘以及网格控制的位图背景 支持控制以及窗体中的所有元素皮肤 支持Shell对话以及许多其他对话皮肤 支持打印机对话的皮肤 支持所有标准对话的皮肤 启动/禁用所有窗体的皮肤支持 支持消息皮肤 Windows2000,,XP,Vista系统下支持窗体,对话。信息,菜单,提示,以及弹出控制的α混合 在exe文件中储存皮肤 能通过特定程序创建皮肤 支持皮肤的zip压缩 支持皮肤的zlib压缩 在Windows95,98,ME,NT, 2000, 2003 Server, XP, Vista, Windows 7下测试通过 支持BilleniumEffects VCL 极炫的皮肤包,拥有完全的知识产权,可以使用以及在您的网站上传播 支持所有控制的PNG图片(内部支持) 支持Unicode(需要SkinAdapter VCL以及 TMS Unicode组件) 完全支持多显示端系统 支持SmartEffects VCL(能使您的应用有着漂亮的动画以及过渡效果)


SkinAdapter v4.5.5 Full Source

SkinAdapter是DynamicSkinForm和BusinessSkinForm中的一个组件,它可以使用第三方控件来换肤,而不用修改源代码。SkinAdapter可以使用任何第三方控件来换肤。例如,它可以子类化某个控件,这些控件包括:WebBrowser, DevExpress QuantumGrid, TMS Unicode controls, TRichView, TVirtualTreeView, Woll2Woll IP4000, TSynEdit, TMS Grid Pack, EhLib, ProfGrid以及许多主流的控件。


TMS Unicode Component Pack v1.7.0.3

支持 Unicode 的控件集,以前叫TntUnicodeControls


TMS Component Pack Delphi2010 Help 帮助文件

TMS Component Pack Delphi2010 Help 帮助文件 D2010


TMS Component Pack 124个例子

TMS Component Pack 124个例子,全部源代码


TMS Component Pack V5.7.0.1 Full Source




TS自动录制软件及设置方法 详细介绍了自动录制及任务定制的方法及技巧


CMMB 规范 第一部分(220.1).

CMMB相关标准! 第一部分:广播信道帧结构、信道编码和调制





Visual C++ 写的人脸检测、人脸定位程序

Visual C++ 写的人脸检测、人脸定位程序,未采用第三方控件



佳能单反相机的开发包,支持下列型号: EOS-1D, EOS-1Ds, EOS D30, EOS D60, EOS 10D EOS Kiss Digital, EOS Digital Rebel, EOS 300D EOS-1D Mark II, EOS 20D, EOS-1Ds Mark II


Canon Digital Camera SDK V6.1.2(CDSDK612)

佳能数码相机的开发包,含有Delphi、VB、VC6的例子,支持下列型号: PowerShot A10, PowerShot A20, PowerShot A30, PowerShot A40, PowerShot A60, PowerShot A70, PowerShot A80, PowerShot A100, PowerShot A200, PowerShot A300, PowerShot S10, PowerShot S20, PowerShot S30, PowerShot S40, PowerShot S45, PowerShot S50 PowerShot S100, IXY DIGITAL, DIGITAL IXUS, PowerShot S110, IXY DIGITAL 200, DIGITAL IXUS v, PowerShot S200, IXY DIGITAL 200a, DIGITAL IXUS v2, PowerShot S230, IXY DIGITAL 320, DIGITAL IXUS v3, PowerShot S300, IXY DIGITAL 300, DIGITAL IXUS 300, PowerShot S330, IXY DIGITAL 300a, DIGITAL IXUS 330, PowerShot S400, IXY DIGITAL 400, DIGITAL IXUS 400, PowerShot SD100, IXY DIGITAL 30, DIGITAL IXUS II, PowerShot SD10, IXY DIGITAL L, DIGITAL IXUS i, PowerShot G1, PowerShot G2, PowerShot G3, PowerShot G5 PowerShot Pro90 IS EOS-1D, EOS-1Ds, EOS D30, EOS D60, EOS 10D EOS Kiss Digital, EOS Digital Rebel, EOS 300D


Canon Digital Camera SDK V7.1.0(CDSDK71)

佳能数码相机的开发包,支持下列型号: PowerShot A10, PowerShot A20, PowerShot A30, PowerShot A40, PowerShot A60, PowerShot A70, PowerShot A75, PowerShot A80, PowerShot A85, PowerShot A95, PowerShot A100, PowerShot A200, PowerShot A300, PowerShot A310, PowerShot A400, PowerShot S10, PowerShot S20, PowerShot S30, PowerShot S40, PowerShot S45, PowerShot S50, PowerShot S60, PowerShot S70; PowerShot S100, IXY DIGITAL, DIGITAL IXUS, PowerShot S110, IXY DIGITAL 200, DIGITAL IXUS v, PowerShot S200, IXY DIGITAL 200a, DIGITAL IXUS v2, PowerShot S230, IXY DIGITAL 320, DIGITAL IXUS v3, PowerShot S300, IXY DIGITAL 300, DIGITAL IXUS 300, PowerShot S330, IXY DIGITAL 300a, DIGITAL IXUS 330, PowerShot S400, IXY DIGITAL 400, DIGITAL IXUS 400, PowerShot S410 / IXY DIGITAL 450 / DIGITAL IXUS 430, PowerShot S500 / IXY DIGITAL 500 / DIGITAL IXUS 500, PowerShot SD10, IXY DIGITAL L, DIGITAL IXUS i, PowerShot SD20/ IXY DIGITAL L2 / DIGITAL IXUS i5, PowerShot SD100, IXY DIGITAL 30, DIGITAL IXUS II, PowerShot SD110/ IXY DIGITAL 30a / DIGITAL IXUS IIs, PowerShot SD200 / IXY DIGITAL 40 / DIGITAL IXUS 30, PowerShot SD300 / IXY DIGITAL 50 / DIGITAL IXUS 40; PowerShot G1, PowerShot G2, PowerShot G3, PowerShot G5, PowerShot G6; PowerShot Pro90 IS, PowerShot S1 IS, PowerShot Pro1



网络教育服务质量管理体系规范 CELTS-24.1


Gh0st 3.6 VIP 源代码

控制端与服务端都采用IOCP模型,数据传输采用zlib压缩方式 稳定快速,上线数量无上限,可同时控制上万台主机 控制端自动检测CPU使用率调整自己的工作线程, 稳定高效 宿主为svchost以系统服务启动,有远程守护线程,上线间隔为1分钟,还是要等一下。 心跳包机制防止意外掉线.. 支持HTTP和DNS上线两种方式 控制端224K,返朴归真的界面,生成的服务端无壳,156K,可多次重复安装,重复安装要等2秒,要退出守护线程


Pcshare 远程控制 2008 源码

Pcshare 远程控制 2008 源码 .Net 开发



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