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Google 三大论文中文版

Bigtable是一个管理结构化数据的分布式存储系统,它被设计用来处理海量数据:分布在数千台通用服务器上的PB级的数据。Google的很多项目将数据存储在Bigtable中,包括Web索引、Google Earth、Google Finance。这些应用对Bigtable提出的要求差异非常大,无论是在数据规模(从URL到网页到卫星图像)还是在响应速度上(从后端的批量处理到实时数据服务)。尽管应用需求差异很大,但是,针对所有Google这些产品,Bigtable还是成功地提供了一个灵活的、高性能的解决方案。本文描述了Bigtable提供的简单的数据模型,利用这个模型,用户可以动态的控制数据的布局和格式;并且我们还将描述Bigtable的设计和实现。 GFS是一个可扩展的分布式文件系统,用于大型的、分布式的、对大量数据进行访问的应用。它运行于廉价的普通硬件上,但可以提供容错功能。它可以给大量的用户提供总体性能较高的服务。 MapReduce是一个编程模型,和处理,产生大数据集的相关实现.用户指定一个map函数处理一个key/value对,从而产生中间的key/value对集.然后再指定一个reduce函数合并所有的具有相同中间key的中间value.下面将列举许多可以用这个模型来表示的现实世界的工作.


[Google 论文] F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales

F1 is a distributed relational database system built at Google to support the AdWords business. F1 is a hybrid database that combines high availability, the scalability of NoSQL systems like Bigtable, and the consistency and us- ability of traditional SQL databases. F1 is built on Span- ner, which provides synchronous cross-datacenter replica- tion and strong consistency. Synchronous replication im- plies higher commit latency, but we mitigate that latency by using a hierarchical schema model with structured data types and through smart application design. F1 also in- cludes a fully functional distributed SQL query engine and automatic change tracking and publishing.


[Google 论文] MillWheel: Fault-Tolerant Stream Processing at Internet Scale

MillWheel is a framework for building low-latency data-processing applications that is widely used at Google. Users specify a directed computation graph and application code for individual nodes, and the system manages persistent state and the continuous flow of records, all within the envelope of the framework’s fault-tolerance guarantees.





C++ 算法与数据结构 Algorithms and Data Structures in C++

C++ 算法与数据结构 Algorithms and Data Structures in C++



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