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IEEE 802.15.4-2020 这是目前最新的规范文档

IEEE 802.15.4-2020 这是目前最新的规范文档


USB 2.0简介(Cypress公司出品,简洁明了)

USB 2.0简介(Cypress公司出品,简洁明了) AN57294-USB 101:An Introduction to Universal Serial Bus 2.0



【重磅首发】汇编语言(第3版)-王爽【75M高清扫描,带书签】 第3版,是目前的最新版本。 王爽经典书籍,清华大学出版社。


【2018新书】未来互联网技术与趋势(Future Internet Technologies and Trends)

【2018新书】未来互联网技术与趋势(Future Internet Technologies and Trends) First International Conference, ICFITT 2017 Surat, India, August 31 – September 2, 2017 Proceedings


【2018新书】Advanced Topics on Computer Vision, Control and Robotics in Mechatronics

【2018新书】Advanced Topics on Computer Vision, Control and Robotics in Mechatronics(机电中的机器视觉,控制和机器人学相关的前沿课题)


【2018新书】机器学习-简明入门(Machine Learning - a Concise Introduction)

【2018新书】机器学习-简明入门(Machine Learning - a Concise Introduction)


【2018新书】物联网-智慧城市、电子健康、普适计算的基础(The Internet of Things)

【2018新书】物联网-智慧城市、电子健康、普适计算的基础(The Internet of Things - Foundation for Smart Cities,eHealth,and Ubiquitous Computing)


【2018新书】物联网-工业4.0的释放(The Internet of Things-Industrie 4.0 Unleashed)

【2018新书】物联网-工业4.0的释放(The Internet of Things-Industrie 4.0 Unleashed)


【2018新书】写给计算机科学的概率统计(Probability and Statistics for Computer Science)

【2018新书】写给计算机科学的概率统计(Probability and Statistics for Computer Science)


【2018新书】机器学习与数据科学前沿(Advances in Machine Learning and Data Science)

【2018新书】机器学习与数据科学前沿(Advances in Machine Learning and Data Science)



陈希孺院士的经典书籍。 非参数统计是数理统计学中一个体系博大、理论精深且富有实用价值的分支,《非参数统计》对非参数统计的理论和方法进行了系统的论述,内容上有一定的广度和深度,经典全面,反映了本学科的现代面貌,语言表达具有简洁、朴实的特点。 第1章 次序统计量 7 1.1 基本分布 8 1.2 渐近分布 14 1.3 次序统计量的充分性与完全性 32 1.4 次序统计量的应用 34 第2章 U统计量 47 2.1 基本概念 48 2.2 U统计量的渐近正态性 54 2.3 多样本U统计量 63 2.4 若干补充知识 68 第3章 秩统计量的极限理论 73 3.1 引言与例子 74 3.2 同分布情况下线性秩统计量的渐近正态性 81 3.3 不同分布情况下线性秩统计量的渐近正态性 109 3.4 结存在的情况 114 第4章 秩方法 123 4.1 检验的渐近相对效率 124 4.2 局部最优的秩检验 149 4.3 对称中心与位置参数的估计 158 4.4 多样本问题与随机区组 178 4.5 随机性与独立性的检验 194 4.6 Смирнов(斯米尔诺夫)检验与Колмого́ров(柯尔莫戈洛夫)检验 211 第5章 条件检验与置换检验 219 5.1 定义和例子 220 5.2 置换检验的渐近性状 230 5.3 检验的渐近功效 256 第6章 稳健性概念 267 6.1 稳健性概念的一般描述 268 6.2 稳健性概念的数学描述 274 6.3 位置参数的稳健估计 286


Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World

【2018年MIT新书】 Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World (Meredith Broussard, MIT Press) 人工非智能-计算机是如何误导世界的? A guide to understanding the inner workings and outer limits of technology and why we should never assume that computers always get it right. In Artificial Unintelligence, Meredith Broussard argues that our collective enthusiasm for applying computer technology to every aspect of life has resulted in a tremendous amount of poorly designed systems. We are so eager to do everything digitally—hiring, driving, paying bills, even choosing romantic partners—that we have stopped demanding that our technology actually work. Broussard, a software developer and journalist, reminds us that there are fundamental limits to what we can (and should) do with technology. With this book, she offers a guide to understanding the inner workings and outer limits of technology—and issues a warning that we should never assume that computers always get things right. Making a case against technochauvinism—the belief that technology is always the solution—Broussard argues that it's just not true that social problems would inevitably retreat before a digitally enabled Utopia. To prove her point, she undertakes a series of adventures in computer programming. She goes for an alarming ride in a driverless car, concluding “the cyborg future is not coming any time soon”; uses artificial intelligence to investigate why students can't pass standardized tests; deploys machine learning to predict which passengers survived the Titanic disaster; and attempts to repair the U.S. campaign finance system by building AI software. If we understand the limits of what we can do with technology, Broussard tells us, we can make better choices about what we should do with it to make the world better for everyone.



线性代数的几何意义(任广千,谢聪,胡翠芳编著)西安电子科技大学出版社 本书是为热爱科学、热爱数学的思考者准备的! 本书是为喜欢把握科学脉搏探寻科学真谛的人准备的! 本书是为不愿被动地接受知识而奋力挣扎的学子准备的! 本书使用向量的概念对国内高校工科“线性代数”的课程内容进行了较全面的几何分析。从向量的几何意义开始,分别讲述了向量组、向量空间、行列式、矩阵、线性方程组和二次型的几何意义或几何解释,其中不乏重要概念的物理意义的解释。这本书就像一串项梁,把上百个概念和定理的几何意义串在一 起敬献给读者朋友。 本书文字多为作者原创,比如叉积的物理意义,克莱姆法则、雅可比矩阵、相似/合同矩阵、转置矩阵/对偶、矩阵乘积的行列式等系列概念的几何意义等,应用方面如使用矩阵分析的方法分析电子振荡器的工作原理等。 本书图文并茂,思路清晰、语言流畅,概念及定理解释得合理、自然,同时具有通俗性、科普性,由于本书是直接根据线性代数课程的要求进行解释的,除了适合初学者和自学者使用之外,特别适合正在学习或复习线性代数的大学生作为深入思考的辅导书籍使用。 一位数学人士这样评价本书: 以中国线性代数课程教学大纲及主流教材为基本内容,较全面的收集、整理了包括引进教材、期刊、网络论坛中的关于线性代数的几何意义、几何解释或物理意义,大量原创了未见发表的概念或定理新的几何意义。基本形成了一个完整、系统的知识体系。具有较大的创新价值。



概率论与数理统计(陈希孺编著)2009中科大出版社【高清扫描,强烈推荐】 《概率论与数理统计》内容包括初等概率计算、随机变量及其分布、数字特征、多维随机向量、极限定理、统计学基本概念、点估计与区间估计、假设检验、回归相关分析、方差分析等。 书中选入了部分在理论和应用上重要,但一般认为超出本课程范围的材料,以备教者和学者选择。 《概率论与数理统计》着重基本概念的阐释,同时,在设定的数学程度内,力求做到论述严谨。 书中精选了百余道习题,并在书末附有提示与解答。 《概率论与数理统计》可作为高等学校理工科非数学系的概率统计课程教材,也可供具有相当数学准备(初等微积分及少量矩阵知识)的读者自修之用。


数学分析原理(第1卷+第9版) 菲赫金哥尔茨 【高教2013新版 超清】

数学分析原理(第1卷+第9版) 菲赫金哥尔茨 【高教2013新版 超清】 此书是学习古典数学分析的不二之选!!!


数学分析原理(第2卷+第9版) 菲赫金哥尔茨 【高教2013新版 超清】

数学分析原理(第2卷+第9版) 菲赫金哥尔茨 【高教2013新版 超清】 此书是学习古典数学分析的不二之选!!!



京东区块链技术白皮书(2018年3月)-------- 白皮书指出,目前京东区块链的应用场景包括供应链、金融、政务及公共领域、保险防欺诈、大数据安全五个领域。同时,京东指出其目标是打造面向企业级应用的区块链基础设施,为企业提供解决系统性能、功能完备性、系统扩展性、监管审计支持、易用性等问题的区块链技术方案。



lwip2.0.3-官网最新源代码(2017年9月16日) lwIP (lightweight IP) is a widely used open source TCP/IP stack designed for embedded systems. lwIP was originally developed by Adam Dunkels at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science and is now developed and maintained by a worldwide network of developers. lwIP is used by many manufacturers of embedded systems. Examples include Altera (in the Nios II operating system), Analog Devices (for the Blackfin DSP chip), Xilinx, Honeywell (for some of their FAA certified avionics systems) and Freescale Semiconductor (Ethernet Streaming SW for Automotive microcontrollers). The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce resource usage while still having a full-scale TCP. This makes lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM. lwIP is used as network stack in ReactOS and can be used in Minix and GNU Hurd to implement network servers.


USB Mass Storage -Jan Axelson, 2nd edition(带书签,完美版本)

USB Mass Storage-Designing and Programming Devices and Embedded Hosts (Jan Axelson, 2nd edition, 为数不多的介绍U盘的书籍) A mass-storage device can provide access to data for just about any purpose. Every time you load an application or save a file on a PC, you’re using a mass-storage device. A computer’s hard drive is a mass-storage device, as are flash, CD, and DVD drives. Devices with dedicated functions—data loggers, robots, and other embedded systems—can use mass storage as well. Every mass-storage device contains a microcontroller, microprocessor, or other intelligent hardware that knows how to access the contents of the storage media.





【高清中文+英文+PPT】An Introduction to Statistical Learning(统计学习导论 - 基于R应用)

【高清中文扫描版本+英文原版+课程PPT】 An Introduction to Statistical Learning-with Applications in R(统计学习导论 - 基于R应用) 带有详细书签


【2018新书】Scala Machine Learning Projects(Scala机器学习项目)

【2018新书】Scala Machine Learning Projects-Build real-world machine learning and deep learning projects with Scala


【2018新书】Machine Learning-A Practical Approach on the Statistical Learning Theory

【2018新书】Machine Learning-A Practical Approach on the Statistical Learning Theory



贝叶斯思维统计建模的Python学习法 贝叶斯思维统计建模的Python学习法


Bayesian Methods for Statistical Analysis,统计分析中的贝叶斯方法(2015年书籍)

Bayesian Methods for Statistical Analysis,统计分析中的贝叶斯方法(2015年书籍)


【2018新书】Pro Machine Learning Algorithms(机器学习算法)

This book is intended for data scientists and analysts who are interested in looking under the hood of various machine learning algorithms. This book will give you the confidence and skills when developing the major machine learning models and when evaluating a model that is presented to you.


【2019新书】Machine Learning Paradigms(机器学习例示)

At the dawn of the fourth Industrial Revolution, data analytics is emerging as a force that drives towards dramatic changes in our daily lives, the workplace and human relations. Synergies between physical, digital, biological and energy sciences and technologies, sewn together by non-traditional data collection and analysis, drive the digital economy at all levels and offer new, previously unavailable opportunities. The need for data analytics arises in most modern scientific disciplines, including engineering, natural, computer and information sciences, economics, business, commerce, environment, healthcare and life sciences. The book at hand explores some of the emerging scientific and technological areas in which data analytics arises as a need and, thus, may play a significant role in the years to come. Coming as the third volume under the general title Machine Learning Paradigms and following two related monographs, the book includes an editorial note (Chap. 1) and an additional twelve (12) chapters and is divided into five parts, namely: (1) Data Analytics in the Medical, Biological and Signal Sciences, (2) Data Analytics in Social Studies and Social Interactions, (3) Data Analytics in Traffic, Computer and Power Networks, (4) Data Analytics for Digital Forensics and (5) Theoretical Advances and Tools for Data Analytics. This research book is directed towards professors, researchers, scientists, engineers and students of all disciplines. We hope that they all will find it useful in their works and researches. We are grateful to the authors and the reviewers for their excellent contributions and visionary ideas. We are also thankful to Springer for agreeing to publish this book. Last, but not least, we are grateful to the Springer staff for their excellent work in producing this book.


【2018新书】Deep Learning Cookbook

Chapter 1 provides in-depth information about how neural networks function, where to get data from, and how to preprocess that data to make it easier to consume. Chapter 2 is about getting stuck and what to do about it. Neural nets are notoriously hard to debug and the tips and tricks in this chapter on how to make them behave will come in handy when going through the more project-oriented recipes in the rest of the book. If you are impatient, you can skip this chapter and go back to it later when you do get stuck. Chapters 3 through 15 are grouped around media, starting with text rocessing, followed by image processing, and finally music processing in Chapter 15. Each chapter describes one project split into various recipes. Typically a chapter will start with a data acquisition recipe, followed by a few recipes that build toward the goal of the chapter and a recipe on data visualization. Chapter 16 is about using models in production. Running experiments in notebooks is great, but ultimately we want to share our results with actual users and get our models run on real servers or mobile devices. This chapter goes through the options.



本书是机器学习实战领域的一本佳作,从机器学习的基本概念讲起,旨在将初学者引入机 器学习的大门,并走上实践的道路。本书通过讲解机器学习中的监督学习和无监督学习,并结 合特征选择和排序、聚类方法、文本和网页挖掘等热点问题,论证了“优化是力量之源”这一 观点,为机器学习在企业中的应用提供了切实可行的操作建议。 本书适合从事机器学习领域工作的相关人员,以及任何对机器学习感兴趣的读者。


Probability with Applications(概率论在工程、科学、技术中的应用,2017年第2版)

Probability with Applications in Engineering, Science, and Technology, 2ed(概率论在工程、科学、技术中的应用,2017年第2版)


Advanced Data Mining and Applications(高级数据挖掘与应用,2017年)

Advanced Data Mining and Applications(高级数据挖掘与应用,2017年) 该书是2017年数据挖掘的会议论文集。


【2018新书】Computer and Network Security Essentials(计算机与网络安全精要)

【2018新书】Computer and Network Security Essentials(计算机与网络安全精要)


【2018新书】Cloud Computing-Theory and Practice,2ed(云计算-理论与实践)

【2018新书】Cloud Computing-Theory and Practice,2ed(云计算-理论与实践)


Mathematics for Computer Graphics(计算机图形学中的数学,第5版)

Mathematics for Computer Graphics(计算机图形学中的数学,第5版)


【2018新书】Essentials of Mathematical Thinking(数学思维精要)

【2018新书】Essentials of Mathematical Thinking(数学思维精要)


Optimization and Decision Science(优化与决策科学-方法及应用)

Optimization and Decision Science-Methodologies and Applications(优化与决策科学-方法及应用)


Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition(高等工程数学,第6版)

Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition(高等工程数学,第6版) 全书1046页,内容非常丰富。


Fourier Transform – Signal Processing(傅里叶变换-信号处理)

Fourier Transform – Signal Processing(傅里叶变换-信号处理)


Bluetooth Technology and Security - A Review(蓝牙技术与安全)

Bluetooth Technology and Security - A Review(蓝牙技术与安全)


USB开发大全,第5版(USB Complete - Jan Axelson, 5th Edition)

USB开发大全,2015年最新第5版(USB Complete, 5th Edition) Jan Axelson



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