hpux 根盘镜像

10 篇文章 0 订阅

hpux 根盘镜像

#insf -e
# pvcreate -B /dev/rdisk/disk14_p2
pvcreate: The physical volume already belongs to a volume group
查看未镜像前vg00的信息,Current LE和Allocated PE数量相同,如下所示
# vgdisplay -v vg00
--- Volume groups ---
VG Name                     /dev/vg00
VG Write Access             read/write    
VG Status                   available                
Max LV                      255   
Cur LV                      11    
Open LV                     11    
Max PV                      16    
Cur PV                      2     
Act PV                      1     
Max PE per PV               4480        
VGDA                        2  
PE Size (Mbytes)            64             
Total PE                    4456   
Alloc PE                    4040   
Free PE                     416    
Total PVG                   0       
Total Spare PVs             0             
Total Spare PVs in use      0                    
VG Version                  1.0      
VG Max Size                 4480g     
VG Max Extents              71680        

   --- Logical volumes ---
   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol1
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            2048           
   Current LE                  32       
   Allocated PE                32
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol2
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            16384          
   Current LE                  256      
   Allocated PE                256
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol3
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            3072           
   Current LE                  48       
   Allocated PE                48         
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol4
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            5120           
   Current LE                  80       
   Allocated PE                80         
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol5
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            18432          
   Current LE                  288      
   Allocated PE                288        
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol6
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            15360          
   Current LE                  240      
   Allocated PE                240        
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol7
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            10240          
   Current LE                  160      
   Allocated PE                160        
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol8
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            8704           
   Current LE                  136      
   Allocated PE                136        
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lv-ora
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            153600         
   Current LE                  2400     
   Allocated PE                2400       
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol10
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            5120           
   Current LE                  80       
   Allocated PE                80         
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol11
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            20480          
   Current LE                  320      
   Allocated PE                320        
   Used PV                     1      

   --- Physical volumes ---
   PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk13_p2
   PV Status                   available               
   Total PE                    4456   
   Free PE                     416    
   Autoswitch                  On       
   Proactive Polling           On              

# lvlnboot -v
Boot Definitions for Volume Group /dev/vg00:
Physical Volumes belonging in Root Volume Group:
        /dev/disk/disk13_p2 -- Boot Disk
        /dev/disk/disk56_p2 -- Boot Disk
Boot: lvol1     on:     /dev/disk/disk13_p2
Root: lvol3     on:     /dev/disk/disk13_p2
Swap: lvol2     on:     /dev/disk/disk13_p2
Dump: lvol2     on:     /dev/disk/disk13_p2, 0

查看永久磁盘Persistent DSF和旧设备Legacy DSF的映射对应关系,如下所示
# ioscan -m dsf
Persistent DSF           Legacy DSF(s)
/dev/pt/pt1              /dev/rscsi/c0t0d0
/dev/pt/pt4              /dev/rscsi/c6t2d0
/dev/pt/pt5              /dev/rscsi/c2t0d0
/dev/pt/pt9              /dev/rscsi/c8t0d0
/dev/rdisk/disk13        /dev/rdsk/c6t1d0
/dev/rdisk/disk13_p1     /dev/rdsk/c6t1d0s1
/dev/rdisk/disk13_p2     /dev/rdsk/c6t1d0s2
/dev/rdisk/disk13_p3     /dev/rdsk/c6t1d0s3
/dev/rdisk/disk14        /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0
/dev/rdisk/disk14_p1     /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0s1
/dev/rdisk/disk14_p2     /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0s2
/dev/rdisk/disk14_p3     /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0s3
/dev/pt/pt27             /dev/rscsi/c10t0d0
/dev/rdisk/disk56        /dev/rdsk/c6t4d0
# ioscan -fnk
Class        I  H/W Path        Driver       S/W State   H/W Type     Description
root         0                  root           CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS   
cell         0  2               cell           CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS   
ioa          0  2/0             sba            CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    System Bus Adapter (12eb)
ba           0  2/0/4           gh2p           CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local Bus Adapter
ba           1  2/0/4/0/0       PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
slot         0  2/0/4/0/0/0     pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
ba           2  2/0/4/0/0/0/0   PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
ba           3  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/2/0                       PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
lan          0  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/2/0/0/0                   iether         CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AD393-60001 PCIe 1000Base-SX 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-SX Combo Adapter
lan          1  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/2/0/0/1                   iether         CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AD393-60001 PCIe 1000Base-SX 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-SX Combo Adapter
ba           4  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0                       PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
fc           0  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/0                   fclp           CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AD393-60001 PCIe Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-SX Combo Adapter
fcp          0  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/0.11                fclp_fcp       CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Domain
ext_bus      0  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/         fclp_vbus      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Array Interface
target       4  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/       tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl         21  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/     sctl           CLAIMED     DEVICE       HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM
ext_bus      1  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/       fclp_vbus      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Device Interface
target       3  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/     tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl         11  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/   sctl           CLAIMED     DEVICE       HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM
ext_bus      2  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/         fclp_vbus      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Array Interface
target       6  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/       tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl         20  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/     sctl           CLAIMED     DEVICE       HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM
ext_bus      3  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/       fclp_vbus      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Device Interface
target       5  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/     tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl          3  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/   sctl           CLAIMED     DEVICE       HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM
ext_bus      8  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/      fclp_vbus      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Array Interface
target       8  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/    tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl         25  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/  sctl           CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      OPEN-XP12000
ext_bus      7  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/      fclp_vbus      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Device Interface
target       7  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/    tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl          8  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/  sctl           CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      OPEN-XP12000
fcp          1  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/0.37                fclp_fcp       CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Domain
ext_bus     10  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/         fclp_vbus      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Array Interface
target      10  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/       tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl         26  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/     sctl           CLAIMED     DEVICE       HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM
ext_bus      9  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/       fclp_vbus      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Device Interface
target       9  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/     tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl         23  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/   sctl           CLAIMED     DEVICE       HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM
fc           1  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/1                   fclp           CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AD393-60001 PCIe Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-SX Combo Adapter
ba           5  2/0/10          lba            CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (12ee)
slot         1  2/0/10/1        pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
ba           6  2/0/10/1/0      PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
ext_bus      4  2/0/10/1/0/4/0  mpt            CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB290-60001 PCI/PCI-X U320 SCSI 2-port U320 SCSI/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
ext_bus      5  2/0/10/1/0/4/1  mpt            CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB290-60001 PCI/PCI-X U320 SCSI 2-port U320 SCSI/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
lan          2  2/0/10/1/0/6/0  iether         CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB290-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port U320 SCSI/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
lan          3  2/0/10/1/0/6/1  iether         CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB290-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 2-port U320 SCSI/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter
ba           7  2/0/12          gh2p           CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local Bus Adapter
ba           8  2/0/12/0/0      PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
slot         2  2/0/12/0/0/0    pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
escsi_ctlr   1  2/0/12/0/0/0/0  sasd           CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP  PCI-E SAS MPT Adapter
ext_bus      6  2/0/12/0/0/0/0.0.0                      sasd_vbus      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SAS Device Interface
target       1  2/0/12/0/0/0/                    tgt            NO_HW       DEVICE      
disk         0  2/0/12/0/0/0/                  sdisk          NO_HW       DEVICE       HP      EF0300FATFD
                               /dev/dsk/c6t0d0     /dev/dsk/c6t0d0s2   /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0    /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0s2
                               /dev/dsk/c6t0d0s1   /dev/dsk/c6t0d0s3   /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0s1  /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0s3
target       0  2/0/12/0/0/0/                    tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
disk         1  2/0/12/0/0/0/                  sdisk          CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      EF0300FATFD
                               /dev/dsk/c6t1d0     /dev/dsk/c6t1d0s2   /dev/rdsk/c6t1d0    /dev/rdsk/c6t1d0s2
                               /dev/dsk/c6t1d0s1   /dev/dsk/c6t1d0s3   /dev/rdsk/c6t1d0s1  /dev/rdsk/c6t1d0s3
target       2  2/0/12/0/0/0/                    tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl          0  2/0/12/0/0/0/                  sctl           CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      MSA60
target      11  2/0/12/0/0/0/                    tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE      
disk        55  2/0/12/0/0/0/                  sdisk          CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      EF0300FARMU
                               /dev/dsk/c6t4d0   /dev/rdsk/c6t4d0
processor    0  2/120           processor      CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor    1  2/123           processor      CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor    2  2/124           processor      CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor    3  2/127           processor      CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
ba           9  2/250           pdh            CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Core I/O Adapter
acpi_node    0  2/250/0         acpi_node      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    Acpi Hardware
ipmi         0  2/250/1         ipmi           CLAIMED     INTERFACE    IPMI Controller
usbmsvbus    1  255/1           mass_storage   CLAIMED     VIRTBUS      USB Mass Storage
ext_bus     34  255/1/0         usb_ms_scsi    CLAIMED     INTERFACE    USB Mass Storage SCSI

# ioscan -m hwpath
Lun H/W Path      Lunpath H/W Path                 Legacy H/W Path
                  2/0/12/0/0/0/0.0x5000cca00f6ee049.0x0   2/0/12/0/0/0/
                  2/0/12/0/0/0/0.0x5000cca00f797f95.0x0   2/0/12/0/0/0/
                  2/0/12/0/0/0/0.0x50014380107c18a5.0x0   2/0/12/0/0/0/
                  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/0.0x50060e800594a260.0x0   2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
                  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/0.0x50060e8005c09c59.0x0   2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
                  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/0.0x50060e8005949a40.0x0   2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
                  2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/0.0x50060e801664ef00.0x0   2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
                  2/0/12/0/0/0/0.0x5000c50028ce5cb5.0x0   2/0/12/0/0/0/

# ioscan -m lun
Class     I  Lun H/W Path  Driver  S/W State   H/W Type     Health   Description
disk     13  64000/0xfa00/0x0    esdisk  CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HP      EF0300FATFD      
                      /dev/disk/disk13      /dev/disk/disk13_p2   /dev/rdisk/disk13     /dev/rdisk/disk13_p2
                      /dev/disk/disk13_p1   /dev/disk/disk13_p3   /dev/rdisk/disk13_p1  /dev/rdisk/disk13_p3
disk     14  64000/0xfa00/0x1    esdisk  NO_HW       DEVICE       offline  HP      EF0300FATFD      
                      /dev/disk/disk14      /dev/disk/disk14_p2   /dev/rdisk/disk14     /dev/rdisk/disk14_p2
                      /dev/disk/disk14_p1   /dev/disk/disk14_p3   /dev/rdisk/disk14_p1  /dev/rdisk/disk14_p3
ctl       4  64000/0xfa00/0x2    esctl   CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HP      MSA60            
ctl       1  64000/0xfa00/0x3    esctl   CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM   
ctl       9  64000/0xfa00/0x18   esctl   CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HP      OPEN-XP12000     
ctl       5  64000/0xfa00/0x8c   esctl   CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM   
ctl      27  64000/0xfa00/0xee   esctl   CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM   
disk     56  64000/0xfa00/0xf4   esdisk  CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HP      EF0300FARMU      
                      /dev/disk/disk56   /dev/rdisk/disk56

# vi /tmp/idf
"/tmp/idf" [New file] 5 lines, 34 characters
# cat /tmp/idf
HPUX 100%

# idisk -f /tmp/idf -w /dev/rdisk/disk56
idisk version: 1.44
********************** WARNING ***********************
If you continue you may destroy all data on this disk.
Do you wish to continue(yes/no)? yes

EFI Primary Header:
        Signature                 = EFI PART
        Revision                  = 0x10000
        HeaderSize                = 0x5c
        HeaderCRC32               = 0xa16e699e
        MyLbaLo                   = 0x1
        MyLbaHi                   = 0x0
        AlternateLbaLo            = 0x22ecb25b
        AlternateLbaHi            = 0x0
        FirstUsableLbaLo          = 0x40
        FirstUsableLbaHi          = 0x0
        LastUsableLbaLo           = 0x22ecb1ff
        LastUsableLbaHi           = 0x0
        Disk GUID                 = 9ba8ff18-65c5-11e5-8000-d6217b60e588
        PartitionEntryLbaLo       = 0x2
        PartitionEntryLbaHi       = 0x0
        NumberOfPartitionEntries  = 0xc
        SizeOfPartitionEntry      = 0x80
        PartitionEntryArrayCRC32  = 0x9cd351c4

  Primary Partition Table (in 512 byte blocks):
    Partition 1 (EFI):
        Partition Type GUID       = c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b
        Unique Partition GUID     = 9ba9058a-65c5-11e5-8000-d6217b60e588
        Starting Lba Lo            = 0x40
        Starting Lba Hi            = 0x0
        Ending Lba Lo              = 0xf9fff
        Ending Lba Hi              = 0x0
    Partition 2 (HP-UX):
        Partition Type GUID       = 75894c1e-3aeb-11d3-b7c1-7b03a0000000
        Unique Partition GUID     = 9ba905b2-65c5-11e5-8000-d6217b60e588
        Starting Lba Lo            = 0xfa000
        Starting Lba Hi            = 0x0
        Ending Lba Lo              = 0x22e037ff
        Ending Lba Hi              = 0x0
    Partition 3 (HPSP):
        Partition Type GUID       = e2a1e728-32e3-11d6-a682-7b03a0000000
        Unique Partition GUID     = 9ba905c6-65c5-11e5-8000-d6217b60e588
        Starting Lba Lo            = 0x22e03800
        Starting Lba Hi            = 0x0
        Ending Lba Lo              = 0x22ecb1ff
        Ending Lba Hi              = 0x0

EFI Alternate Header:
        Signature                 = EFI PART
        Revision                  = 0x10000
        HeaderSize                = 0x5c
        HeaderCRC32               = 0x81ca663d
        MyLbaLo                   = 0x22ecb25b
        MyLbaHi                   = 0x0
        AlternateLbaLo            = 0x1
        AlternateLbaHi            = 0x0
        FirstUsableLbaLo          = 0x40
        FirstUsableLbaHi          = 0x0
        LastUsableLbaLo           = 0x22ecb1ff
        LastUsableLbaHi           = 0x0
        Disk GUID                 = 9ba8ff18-65c5-11e5-8000-d6217b60e588
        PartitionEntryLbaLo       = 0x22ecb23b
        PartitionEntryLbaHi       = 0x0
        NumberOfPartitionEntries  = 0xc
        SizeOfPartitionEntry      = 0x80
        PartitionEntryArrayCRC32  = 0x9cd351c4

  Alternate Partition Table (in 512 byte blocks):
    Partition 1 (EFI):
        Partition Type GUID       = c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b
        Unique Partition GUID     = 9ba9058a-65c5-11e5-8000-d6217b60e588
        Starting Lba Lo            = 0x40
        Starting Lba Hi            = 0x0
        Ending Lba Lo              = 0xf9fff
        Ending Lba Hi              = 0x0
    Partition 2 (HP-UX):
        Partition Type GUID       = 75894c1e-3aeb-11d3-b7c1-7b03a0000000
        Unique Partition GUID     = 9ba905b2-65c5-11e5-8000-d6217b60e588
        Starting Lba Lo            = 0xfa000
        Starting Lba Hi            = 0x0
        Ending Lba Lo              = 0x22e037ff
        Ending Lba Hi              = 0x0
    Partition 3 (HPSP):
        Partition Type GUID       = e2a1e728-32e3-11d6-a682-7b03a0000000
        Unique Partition GUID     = 9ba905c6-65c5-11e5-8000-d6217b60e588
        Starting Lba Lo            = 0x22e03800
        Starting Lba Hi            = 0x0
        Ending Lba Lo              = 0x22ecb1ff
        Ending Lba Hi              = 0x0

Legacy MBR (MBR Signatures in little endian):
   MBR Signature = 0x92fda89b

Protective MBR

# insf -e
insf: Installing special files for sctl instance 21 address 2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sctl instance 11 address 2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sctl instance 20 address 2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sctl instance 3 address 2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sctl instance 25 address 2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sctl instance 8 address 2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sctl instance 26 address 2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sctl instance 23 address 2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sdisk instance 0 address 2/0/12/0/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sdisk instance 1 address 2/0/12/0/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sctl instance 0 address 2/0/12/0/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for sdisk instance 55 address 2/0/12/0/0/0/
insf: Installing special files for ipmi instance 0 address 2/250/1
insf: Installing special files for fclp instance 0 address 2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/0
insf: Installing special files for fclp instance 1 address 2/0/4/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/1
insf: Installing special files for mpt instance 4 address 2/0/10/1/0/4/0
insf: Installing special files for mpt instance 5 address 2/0/10/1/0/4/1
insf: Installing special files for sasd instance 1 address 2/0/12/0/0/0/0
insf: Installing special files for ipmi instance 0 address 2/250/1
insf: Installing special files for esdisk instance 13 address 64000/0xfa00/0x0
insf: Installing special files for esdisk instance 14 address 64000/0xfa00/0x1
insf: Installing special files for esctl instance 4 address 64000/0xfa00/0x2
insf: Installing special files for esctl instance 1 address 64000/0xfa00/0x3
insf: Installing special files for esctl instance 9 address 64000/0xfa00/0x18
insf: Installing special files for esctl instance 5 address 64000/0xfa00/0x8c
insf: Installing special files for esctl instance 27 address 64000/0xfa00/0xee
insf: Installing special files for esdisk instance 56 address 64000/0xfa00/0xf4
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver cn
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver mm
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver arp
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver devkrs
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver ptym
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver ptys
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver dmem
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver ip
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver nuls
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver pwr
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver rawip
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver dev_config
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver strlog
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver sad
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver stcpmap
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver tcp
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver telm
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver tels
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver asyncdsk
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver tlclts
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver tlcots
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver tlcotsod
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver udp
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver echo
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver dlpi
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver ptm
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver pts
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver beep
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver klog
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver sy
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver kepd
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver diag2
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver root
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver escsi

# ioscan -m lun
Class     I  Lun H/W Path  Driver  S/W State   H/W Type     Health   Description
disk     13  64000/0xfa00/0x0    esdisk  CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HP      EF0300FATFD      
                      /dev/disk/disk13      /dev/disk/disk13_p2   /dev/rdisk/disk13     /dev/rdisk/disk13_p2
                      /dev/disk/disk13_p1   /dev/disk/disk13_p3   /dev/rdisk/disk13_p1  /dev/rdisk/disk13_p3
disk     14  64000/0xfa00/0x1    esdisk  NO_HW       DEVICE       offline  HP      EF0300FATFD      
                      /dev/disk/disk14      /dev/disk/disk14_p2   /dev/rdisk/disk14     /dev/rdisk/disk14_p2
                      /dev/disk/disk14_p1   /dev/disk/disk14_p3   /dev/rdisk/disk14_p1  /dev/rdisk/disk14_p3
ctl       4  64000/0xfa00/0x2    esctl   CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HP      MSA60            
ctl       1  64000/0xfa00/0x3    esctl   CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM   
ctl       9  64000/0xfa00/0x18   esctl   CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HP      OPEN-XP12000     
ctl       5  64000/0xfa00/0x8c   esctl   CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM   
ctl      27  64000/0xfa00/0xee   esctl   CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HITACHI DISK-SUBSYSTEM   
disk     56  64000/0xfa00/0xf4   esdisk  CLAIMED     DEVICE       online   HP      EF0300FARMU      
                      /dev/disk/disk56      /dev/disk/disk56_p2   /dev/rdisk/disk56     /dev/rdisk/disk56_p2
                      /dev/disk/disk56_p1   /dev/disk/disk56_p3   /dev/rdisk/disk56_p1  /dev/rdisk/disk56_p3

# pvcreate -B -f /dev/rdisk/disk56_p2
Physical volume "/dev/rdisk/disk56_p2" has been successfully created.
# vgextend vg00 /dev/disk/disk56_p2
Volume group "vg00" has been successfully extended.
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
# strings /etc/lvmtab
# mkboot -e -l /dev/rdisk/disk56
# mkboot -a "boot vmunix" /dev/rdisk/disk56
# vgdisplay -v
--- Volume groups ---
VG Name                     /dev/vg00
VG Write Access             read/write    
VG Status                   available                
Max LV                      255   
Cur LV                      11    
Open LV                     11    
Max PV                      16    
Cur PV                      3     
Act PV                      2     
Max PE per PV               4480        
VGDA                        4  
PE Size (Mbytes)            64             
Total PE                    8912   
Alloc PE                    4040   
Free PE                     4872   
Total PVG                   0       
Total Spare PVs             0             
Total Spare PVs in use      0                    
VG Version                  1.0      
VG Max Size                 4480g     
VG Max Extents              71680        

   --- Logical volumes ---
   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol1
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            2048           
   Current LE                  32       
   Allocated PE                32         
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol2
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            16384          
   Current LE                  256      
   Allocated PE                256        
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol3
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            3072           
   Current LE                  48       
   Allocated PE                48         
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol4
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            5120           
   Current LE                  80       
   Allocated PE                80         
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol5
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            18432          
   Current LE                  288      
   Allocated PE                288        
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol6
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            15360          
   Current LE                  240      
   Allocated PE                240        
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol7
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            10240          
   Current LE                  160      
   Allocated PE                160        
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol8
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            8704           
   Current LE                  136      
   Allocated PE                136        
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lv-ora
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            153600         
   Current LE                  2400     
   Allocated PE                2400       
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol10
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            5120           
   Current LE                  80       
   Allocated PE                80         
   Used PV                     1      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol11
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            20480          
   Current LE                  320      
   Allocated PE                320        
   Used PV                     1      

   --- Physical volumes ---
   PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk13_p2
   PV Status                   available               
   Total PE                    4456   
   Free PE                     416    
   Autoswitch                  On       
   Proactive Polling           On              

   PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk56_p2
   PV Status                   available               
   Total PE                    4456   
   Free PE                     4456   
   Autoswitch                  On       
   Proactive Polling           On

# for lv in /dev/vg00/lv*do
lvextend -m 1 $lv /dev/disk/disk56_p2;
> dodone
> lvextend -m 1 $lv /dev/disk/disk56_p2;done
> done
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lv-ora" has been successfully extended.
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol1" has been successfully extended.
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol10" has been successfully extended.
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....

Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol11" has been successfully extended.
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol2" has been successfully extended.
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol3" has been successfully extended.
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol4" has been successfully extended.
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol5" has been successfully extended.
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol6" has been successfully extended.
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol7" has been successfully extended.
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol8" has been successfully extended.
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.


# vgdisplay -v
--- Volume groups ---
VG Name                     /dev/vg00
VG Write Access             read/write    
VG Status                   available                
Max LV                      255   
Cur LV                      11    
Open LV                     11    
Max PV                      16    
Cur PV                      3     
Act PV                      2     
Max PE per PV               4480        
VGDA                        4  
PE Size (Mbytes)            64             
Total PE                    8912   
Alloc PE                    8080   
Free PE                     832    
Total PVG                   0       
Total Spare PVs             0             
Total Spare PVs in use      0                    
VG Version                  1.0      
VG Max Size                 4480g     
VG Max Extents              71680        

   --- Logical volumes ---
   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol1
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            2048           
   Current LE                  32       
   Allocated PE                64
   Used PV                     2      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol2
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            16384          
   Current LE                  256      
   Allocated PE                512
   Used PV                     2      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol3
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            3072           
   Current LE                  48       
   Allocated PE                96         
   Used PV                     2      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol4
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            5120           
   Current LE                  80       
   Allocated PE                160        
   Used PV                     2      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol5
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            18432          
   Current LE                  288      
   Allocated PE                576        
   Used PV                     2      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol6
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            15360          
   Current LE                  240      
   Allocated PE                480        
   Used PV                     2      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol7
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            10240          
   Current LE                  160      
   Allocated PE                320        
   Used PV                     2      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol8
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            8704           
   Current LE                  136      
   Allocated PE                272        
   Used PV                     2      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lv-ora
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            153600         
   Current LE                  2400     
   Allocated PE                4800       
   Used PV                     2      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol10
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            5120           
   Current LE                  80       
   Allocated PE                160        
   Used PV                     2      

   LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol11
   LV Status                   available/syncd          
   LV Size (Mbytes)            20480          
   Current LE                  320      
   Allocated PE                640        
   Used PV                     2      

   --- Physical volumes ---
   PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk13_p2
   PV Status                   available               
   Total PE                    4456   
   Free PE                     416    
   Autoswitch                  On       
   Proactive Polling           On              

   PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk56_p2
   PV Status                   available               
   Total PE                    4456   
   Free PE                     416    
   Autoswitch                  On       
   Proactive Polling           On              

# lvlnboot -R /dev/vg00
lvlnboot: Boot volume should be the first logical volume on the physical volume
vgcfgbackup: /etc/lvmtab is out of date with the running kernel:Kernel indicates 3 disks for "/dev/vg00"; /etc/lvmtab has 2 disks.
Cannot proceed with backup.
# strings /etc/lvmtab
# lvlnboot -v
Boot Definitions for Volume Group /dev/vg00:
Physical Volumes belonging in Root Volume Group:
        /dev/disk/disk13_p2 -- Boot Disk
        /dev/disk/disk56_p2 -- Boot Disk
Boot: lvol1     on:     /dev/disk/disk13_p2
Root: lvol3     on:     /dev/disk/disk13_p2
Swap: lvol2     on:     /dev/disk/disk13_p2
Dump: lvol2     on:     /dev/disk/disk13_p2, 0

# setboot -v
Primary bootpath : 2/0/12/0/0/0/0.0x5000cca00f6ee049.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk13)
HA Alternate bootpath :
Alternate bootpath : 2/0/12/0/0/0/0.0x5000cca00f6ee049.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk13)

Autoboot is ON (enabled)
Hyperthreading : ON
               : ON (next boot)

TEST            CURRENT        DEFAULT     
----            -------        -------     
all             partial        partial       
  SELFTESTS     on             on            
    early_cpu   on             on            
    late_cpu    on             on            
  FASTBOOT      on             on            
    Platform    on             on            
    Full_memory on             on            
  Memory_init   on             on            
  IO_HW         off            off           
  Chipset       on             on       
# setboot -a 2/0/12/0/0/0/0.0x5000c50028ce5cb5.0x0
# setboot -v
Primary bootpath : 2/0/12/0/0/0/0.0x5000cca00f6ee049.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk13)
HA Alternate bootpath :
Alternate bootpath : 2/0/12/0/0/0/0.0x5000c50028ce5cb5.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk56)

Autoboot is ON (enabled)
Hyperthreading : ON
               : ON (next boot)

TEST            CURRENT        DEFAULT     
----            -------        -------     
all             partial        partial       
  SELFTESTS     on             on            
    early_cpu   on             on            
    late_cpu    on             on            
  FASTBOOT      on             on            
    Platform    on             on            
    Full_memory on             on            
  Memory_init   on             on            
  IO_HW         off            off           
  Chipset       on             on            
至此,hpux mirrorvg完成。

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