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转载 全国各省软件水平(资格)考试办公室联系方式一览表


2006-07-15 13:23:00 3226

转载 软考级别


2006-07-15 13:19:00 1217

转载 中国学生为什么学不好计算机


2006-07-15 13:17:00 938

转载 通过MCSE考核的雪球式学习方法

通过MCSE考核的雪球式学习方法   笔者在一本书中看到了一个概念——雪球式债务。这种雪球式债务的运作的方式是:你按照不定额的从小到大的顺序来排列你的债务,然后你首先以目前最小的收支差额来偿还债务,当这批收支差额最小的债务还清后,你再利用这批钱投向下一个比较大的债务。在你的债务一个接着一个偿还的时候,你发现你已经不知不觉地形成了一个金钱的雪球,这一方式会使你更快地处于自由支配财政的良好状况。   

2006-07-15 12:51:00 734

转载 电脑对人体的11种危害

电脑对人体的11种危害                                         电脑对人体的危害主要有以下11种:辐射症状:电脑性皮炎、计算机皮肤血液病、坏血病、血小板减少、电脑辐射诱发细胞癌变、生育能力下降。电脑眼病:视力模糊;视力下降;眼睛干涩疼痛。电脑躁狂症:感觉心情烦躁;精神紧张焦躁不安;诱发癫痫。颈肩综合症:颈、肩部酸痛;颈

2006-07-14 15:21:00 1229

原创 好网址

  推荐:  微软学生中心 http://www.msuniversity.edu.cn/Blog & Homepage 侯捷网站       http://jjhou.csdn.net/ 李建忠           http://www.lijianzhong.com 荣耀网站       http://www.royaloo.com/ Ch

2006-07-02 16:45:00 822

转载 Incrementing and Decrementing Variables

Incrementing and Decrementing VariablesIf you wanted to add 1 to a variable, you could use the + operator:count = count + 1;However, it is unlikely that an experienced programmer would w

2006-07-02 16:10:00 691

原创 Using Arithmetic Operators

Using Arithmetic OperatorsC# 2005 supports the regular arithmetic operations you learned in your childhood: the plus sign (+) for addition, the minus sign (–) for subtraction, the asterisk (*) f

2006-07-02 16:09:00 744

转载 Working with Primitive Data Types

Working with Primitive Data TypesC# 2005 has a number of built-in types called primitive data types. The following table lists the most commonly used primitive data types in C# 2005, and the ran

2006-07-02 16:07:00 1213

转载 Using Variables

Using VariablesA variable is a storage location that holds a value. You can think of a variable as a box holding temporary information. You must give each variable in a program a unique name. You us

2006-07-02 16:04:00 681

转载 Identifying Keywords

Identifying KeywordsThe C# 2005 language reserves 77 identifiers for its own use, and you should not reuse these identifiers for your own purposes. These identifiers are called keywords, and eac

2006-07-02 16:02:00 688

转载 Using Identifiers

Using IdentifiersIdentifiers are the names you use to identify the elements in your programs. In C# 2005, you must adhere to the following syntax rules when choosing identifiers: You ca

2006-07-02 16:00:00 656

转载 Understanding Statements

 Understanding StatementsA statement is a command that performs an action. Statements are found inside methods. Youll learn more about methods in Chapter 3, “Writing Methods and Applying Scope,”

2006-07-02 15:59:00 674

转载 Chapter 2

Chapter 2Working with Variables, Operators, and ExpressionsAfter completing this chapter, you will be able to: Understand statements, identifiers, and keywords.

2006-07-02 15:58:00 681

原创 Chapter 1 Quick Reference

Chapter 1 Quick Reference To Do this Key combination

2006-07-02 15:57:00 605

转载 Creating a Windows Forms Application

Creating a Windows Forms ApplicationSo far you have used Visual Studio 2005 to create and run a basic Console application. The Visual Studio 2005 programming environment also contains everything

2006-07-02 15:40:00 977

转载 Using Namespaces

Using NamespacesThe example you have seen so far is a very small program. However, small programs can soon grow into bigger programs. As a program grows, it creates two problems. First, more cod

2006-07-02 15:39:00 601

转载 Writing Your First Program

Writing Your First ProgramThe Program.cs file defines a class called Program that contains a method called Main. All methods must be defined inside a class. The Main method is special—it designa

2006-07-02 15:38:00 667

转载 Beginning Programming with the Visual Studio 2005 Environment

Beginning Programming with the Visual Studio 2005 EnvironmentVisual Studio 2005 is a tool-rich programming environment containing all the functionality youll need to create large or small C# 20

2006-07-02 15:37:00 1785

转载 Part I

Part IIntroducing Microsoft Visual C# 2005 2005 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005Chapter 1Welcome to C# 2005 2005After completing this chapter, you will be able to: Use

2006-07-02 15:35:00 559

转载 vC#2005 step by step

Finding Your Best Starting Point in This BookThis book is designed to help you build skills in a number of essential areas. You can use this book if you are new to programming or if you are swit

2006-07-02 15:32:00 485

转载 vC#2005 step by step

Finding Your Best Starting Point in This BookThis book is designed to help you build skills in a number of essential areas. You can use this book if you are new to programming or if you are swit

2006-07-02 15:32:00 472

转载 visual C#2005 step by step(english language)

 IntroductionMicrosoft Visual C# 2005 is a powerful but simple language aimed primarily at developers creating applications by using the Microsoft .NET Framework. It inherits many of the best fe

2006-07-02 15:29:00 767

原创 三人行必有我师焉!


2006-06-25 23:13:00 721

原创 江湖游客,微软学生!

大家好!!也许这是我们有史以来第一次见面,你我真是三生有幸啊!你我都知道追求是人类社会不断发展的源泉。于是这样一来我自然热爱追求,追求不断发展变化。我想您也吧。我的朋友!QQ:407546205 email: visual_studio2005@163.com 好再见了,有时间我们继续交流。谢谢!

2006-06-25 23:07:00 498

原创 C#各个要点慨述

概述·    Main 方法是程序的入口点,程序控制在该方法中开始和结束。·    该方法在类或结构的内部声明。它必须为静态方法,而不应为公共方法。(在上面的示例中,它接受默认访问级别 private。·    它可以具有 void 或 int 返回类型。·    声明 Main 方法时既可以使用参数,也可以不使用参数。·    参数可以作为从零开始索引的命令行参数来读取。

2006-06-25 22:23:00 743

原创 C# 类型体系

C# 2005 类型体系包含下列几种类别: ·         值类型 ·         引用类型 ·         指针类型 值类型的变量存储数据,而引用类型的变量存储对实际数据的引用。引用类型也称为对象。指针类型仅可用于 unsafe 模式。通过装箱和取消装箱,可以将值类型转换为引用类型,然后再转换回值类型。除了装箱值类型外,无法将引用类型转换为值类型。本节还介绍

2006-06-25 22:10:00 785



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