​ Python数据科学手册(Python Data Science Handbook) PDF ​

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A comprehensive overview of data science covering the analytics, programming, and business skills necessary to master the discipline Finding a good data scientist has been likened to hunting for a unicorn: the required combination of technical skills is simply very hard to find in one person. In addition, good data science is not just rote application of trainable skill sets; it requires the ability to think flexibly about all these areas and understand the connections between them. This book provides a crash course in data science, combining all the necessary skills into a unified discipline. Unlike many analytics books, computer science and software engineering are given extensive coverage since they play such a central role in the daily work of a data scientist. The author also describes classic machine learning algorithms, from their mathematical foundations to real-world applications. Visualization tools are reviewed, and their central importance in data science is highlighted. Classical statistics is addressed to help readers think critically about the interpretation of data and its common pitfalls. The clear communication of technical results, which is perhaps the most undertrained of data science skills, is given its own chapter, and all topics are explained in the context of solving real-world data problems. The book also features: Extensive sample code and tutorials using Python™ along with its technical libraries Core technologies of “Big Data,” including their strengths and limitations and how they can be used to solve real-world problems Coverage of the practical realities of the tools, keeping theory to a minimum; however, when theory is presented, it is done in an intuitive way to encourage critical thinking and creativity A wide variety of case studies from industry Practical advice on the realities of being a data scientist today, including the overall workflow, where time is spent, the types of datasets worked on, and the skill sets needed The Data Science Handbook is an ideal resource for data analysis methodology and big data software tools. The book is appropriate for people who want to practice data science, but lack the required skill sets. This includes software professionals who need to better understand analytics and statisticians who need to understand software. Modern data science is a unified discipline, and it is presented as such. This book is also an appropriate reference for researchers and entry-level graduate students who need to learn real-world analytics and expand their skill set. FIELD CADY is Principal Data Scientist at Maana, Inc. where he applies Big Data tools to solve industrial problems. He has a BS in Physics from Stanford University, an MS in Applied Mathematics from the University of Washington, and an MS in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction: Becoming a Unicorn Part I The Stuff You’ll Always Use Chapter 2 The Data Science Road Map Chapter 3 Programming Languages Chapter 4 Data Munging: String Manipulation, Regular Expressions, and Data Cleaning Chapter 5 Visualizations and Simple Metrics Chapter 6 Machine Learning Overview Chapter 7 Interlude: Feature Extraction Ideas Chapter 8 Machine Learning Classification Chapter 9 Technical Communication and Documentation Part II Stuff You Still Need to Know Chapter 10 Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction Chapter 11 Regression Chapter 12 Data Encodings and File Formats Chapter 13 Big Data Chapter 14 Databases Chapter 15 Software Engineering Best Practices Chapter 16 Natural Language Processing Chapter 17 Time Series Analysis Chapter 18 Probability Chapter 19 Statistics Chapter 20 Programming Language Concepts Chapter 21 Performance and Computer Memory Part III Specialized or Advanced Topics Chapter 22 Computer Memory and Data Structures Chapter 23 Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Optimization Chapter 24 Advanced Classifiers Chapter 25 Stochastic Modeling Chapter 25a Parting Words: Your Future as a Data Scientist
Python Data Science Handbook(中文名为 Python数据科学手册)是一本非常受欢迎的数据科学入门书籍,由Jake VanderPlas所撰写,并可在CSDN等平台上找到相关资源。 Python数据科学手册通过使用Python编程语言来介绍数据科学的基本概念、工具和技术。该手册涵盖了广泛的主题,包括数据分析、数据可视化、机器学习和深度学习等领域。它不仅提供了理论知识,还包含了大量的代码示例和实践项目,帮助读者理解和应用这些概念。 这本手册的特点之一是它使用了一系列常用的Python库,如NumPy、Pandas和Matplotlib等,这些库被广泛应用于数据科学领域。通过学习这些库的用法,读者可以了解如何使用Python进行数据处理、数据可视化和机器学习等操作。 Python数据科学手册适合广大热衷于数据科学的读者,包括初学者和有一定经验的人。对于初学者来说,这本手册提供了一个循序渐进的学习路径,帮助他们逐步掌握数据科学基础知识和常用工具。对于有经验的读者来说,这本手册提供了一些高级主题和案例研究,帮助他们深入理解数据科学的各个方面。 总之,Python数据科学手册是一本权威且实用的数据科学教材,通过Python编程语言和相关库的学习,读者可以获得在实际数据分析和机器学习项目中所需的基本技能和知识。在CSDN等平台上可以找到该书籍的相关资源和讨论,为读者提供更多的学习和交流机会。


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