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Learning Ceph, 2nd Edition-Packt Publishing(2017) epub

Learning Ceph (2017.10月第二版) 英文、文字版、带目录。


1000个Android & IOS 开发小图标




《 疯狂Java实战演义》以15个生动的Java案例,引领读者体验Java开发的乐趣。书中使用Java的Swing技术开发了若干个游戏,从这些游戏中可以了解到,Java一样可以做出优秀的游戏和应用程序。本书知识点丰富,适合有一定Java基础、有意向做Java桌面应用程序或者想了解Java图形界面编程的读者阅读,也可作为Java开发程序员的案例参考书。


Reporting with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 报表开发指南

Reporting with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 报表开发指南 PDF版 Creating reports is natural in any business, and there are many Microsoft products for this purpose. However, the oldest and the most popular product is SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), which is ideal for any standard type of report. With technology evolving and the benefits of self-service reporting becoming evident, a new tool was needed. Microsoft responded to this need with Power View.


Professional C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5.1 pdf

Professional C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5.1 pdf If you were to descrIbe the c# language and its associated environment, the .NET Framework, as the most significant technology for developers available, you would not be exaggerating. .NET is designed to provide an environment within which you can develop almost any application to run on Windows, whereas C# is a programming language designed specifically to work with the .NET Framework. By using C#, you can, for example, write a dynamic web page, a Windows Presentation Foundation application, an XML web service, a component of a distributed application, a database access component, a classic Windows desktop application, or even a new smart client application that enables online and offline capabilities. This book covers the .NET Framework 4.5.1. If you code using any of the prior versions, there may be sections of the book that will not work for you. This book notifies you of items that are new and specific to the .NET Framework 4.5 and 4.5.1. Don’t be fooled by the .NET label in the Framework’s name and think that this is a purely Internetfocused framework. The .NET bit in the name is there to emphasize Microsoft’s belief that distributed applications, in which the processing is distributed between client and server, are the way forward. You must also understand that C# is not just a language for writing Internet or network-aware applications. It provides a means for you to code almost any type of software or component that you need to write for the Windows platform. Between them, C# and .NET have revolutionized the way that developers write their programs and have made programming on Windows much easier than it has ever been before. So what’s the big deal about .NET and C#?


A Programmer's Guide to C# 5.0 pdf

This book is for software developers who want to understand why C# 5 is designed the way it is and how to use it effectively. The content assumes familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts. How This Book Is Structured After a couple of introductory chapters, the book progresses from the simpler C# features to the more complex ones. You can read the chapters in order, working your way through the entire language. Or you can choose an individual chapter to understand the details of a specific feature. If you are new to C#, I suggest you start by reading the chapters on properties, generics, delegates and events, as well as the Linq chapters. These are the areas where C# is most different from other languages. If you are more interested in the details of the language syntax, you may find it useful to download the C# 5 Language Reference from MSDN. Downloading the Code The code for the examples shown in this book is available on the Apress web site, www.apress.com. You can find a link on the book’s information page. Scroll down and click on the Source Code/Downloads tab.


Visual Assist X 10.7.1946 with VS2013 support

Visual Assist X 10.7.1946 with VS2013 support Build 1946 New! Preliminary support for Visual Studio 2013 Preview.


ASP.NET MVC 4 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

ASP.NET MVC 4 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach 632 pages Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (February 20, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430247738 ISBN-13: 978-1430247739 What you’ll learn Inside find recipes that cover:•automating testing and deployment of your application using Visual Studio 2012 and Team Foundation Server •designing and developing your application for Internet scale •deploying to the cloud, working with Big Data and adding resiliency to your application’s components •migrating a project from ASP.NET web forms to the MVC 4 including recipes for converting DataGrids, Forms, Web Parts, Master Pages and navigation controls •Client side data binding and templating techniques using Web API, Knockout.js and jQuery •using the Web API to design web services that can be consumed by mobile devices and tablets running Android, iOS, and Windows 8


JavaScript Unit Testing 单元测试 PDF

JavaScript Unit Testing 190 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing; 1st New edition edition (January 14, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1782160620 ISBN-13: 978-1782160625 What you will learn from this book •Learn and use the power of Jasmine, YUITest, QUnit, and JsTestDriver. •Learn by doing to synchronously and asynchronously test your JavaScript applications. •Automate your JavaScript tests using both Build and Integration Management Tools. •Generate test reports for your JavaScript tests. •Customize JavaScript unit testing frameworks to include rich test expressions.


ASPack v2.32 Cracked

ASPack v2.32 Cracked ASPack is an advanced Win32 executable file compressor, capable of reducing the file size of 32-bit Windows programs by as much as 70% (ASPack compression ratio improves upon the industry-standard ZIP file format by as much as 10-20%). ASPack makes programs and libraries smaller, and decrease load times across networks, and download times from the internet; it also protects programs against reverse engineering by non-professional hackers. Programs compressed with ASPack are self-contained and run exactly as before, with no runtime performance penalties. ASPack Features advanced processing of executable files (EXE, DLL, OCX) encoding and compression of program code, data, and resources completely transparent, self-contained operation with long filename support fast decompression routines deliver better performance than competing products integrates directly into Windows as a shell extension for ease of use full Windows 95/NT4.0/98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista compatibility. Protected applications are also compatible with Windows 7 ASPack Benefits significant reduction in executable file sizes, averaging from 40-70% decrease load times across networks, and download times from the internet embedded Windows applications require significantly less storage space protects resources and code against peeking, disassemblers and decompilers no runtime royalties for distributing compressed programs compatible with executables created by Microsoft Visual C++, Visual Basic, Inprise (Borland) Delphi and C++ Builder, and other Win32 compilers


精通Asp.net MVC3(英文名字:Wrox.Professional.ASP.NET.MVC.3.Aug.2011)

Professional ASP.NET MVC 3: Describes what views are and explores the Razor syntax, NuGet, unit testing, and much more Explains the role of Controllers in the MVC framework and what role models play in binding and data access strategies Demonstrates how to display and process forms Covers the new features added in the April 2011 Tools Update, such as scaffolding and HTML5 project templates Walks you through performing client and server validation of your models Uncovers tips for making use of the membership, authorization, and security features Highlights how TDD applies to ASP.NET MVC3


c#4.0 完全参考手册 Ebook

c#4.0 完全参考手册,英文名称CSharp.4.0.The.Complete.Reference.Apr.2010,内容涵盖了C#4.0的全部内容很详细。





VisualSVN For Visual Studio v2.0.2.Crk-特别版

VisualSVN For Visual Studio v2.0.2.Crk-特别版 for vs2010\2008\2005 用SVN server 当代码管理的客户端


InstallAware Studio Admin v9.0.R2.SP3-特别版

InstallAware Studio Admin v9.0.R2.SP3 安装工具特别版。


Ado entity framework learning guide PDF EBook

Ado entity framework learning guide PDF EBook 现在仅有的一本这方面的书!


AlmDev SmartFlash Vcl v3.17 source

AlmDev SmartFlash Vcl v3.17 source


C# ip对ip的视频通讯源代码(图像效果好)

C# ip对ip的视频通讯源代码(图像效果好)








TMS Component Pack for Delphi5-2010 源代码

TMS Component Pack for Delphi5-2010 源代码 说明:Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 300 components in one money and time saving bundle. TMS Component Pack for Delphi & C++Builder includes feature-packed grids, Office 2007 ribbon, Office 2003 style toolbar, planning/scheduling components, advanced edits, toolbars, internet auto application update, Office 2003/2007 style tabs, pager, panel, Outlook navigational controls and much much more...


DXperience 9.2.8 components source

DXperience 9.2.8 components source 大家应该都知道,请到下载文件中的地址去下载。


3000 个javascript 代码集合基本覆盖所有方面

3000 个javascript 代码集合基本覆盖所有方面,接近完美! 下载解压后运行3000 Javascript目录里的index.html,有详细导航。


医院管理系统(C# 2.0源码)










ASP.NET通用权限管理系统1.0.4源码<br>功能<br>其主要的功能就是,进行后台管理模块整合.<br>1)其可以支持多个应用,多个模块的权限管理.<br>2)支持Access和MsSql200/2005.<br>3)采用角色来进行权限的授权,每个用户可以属于多个角色,享有交差权限.<br>4)整合方便,权限检测采用httpmodule方式检测.基本不用对原有程序进行修改,便可将原有程序进行整合.<br>5)可视化编辑,全新的Menu和Tab控件.支持拖拉式编辑.<br>6)统一的事件日志管理,所有登陆操作都有安全记录.<br>7)每个模块的每个栏目对应一个目录, 栏目的权限抽象分为(查看/新增/修改/删除/排序/打印/备用A/备用8).目录里有一个web.config来进行目录文件权限配置,可直接将某个文件名设定到相对应的权限上.<br><br>开发环境<br>Vs2005 sp1 + win2003 标准版 + Mssql2000/2005<br><br>4.初始用户名:admin 密码:admin


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ModelMaker Code Explorer 5.1 crack

ModelMaker Code Explorer5.1crack, delphi编程辅助工具<br>支持重构,面向对象的设计代码。支持Delphi 5-7 and Delphi 2005-2007



BarCodeWiz.Barcode.ActiveX 条码控件



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