
I, like Moses, get to see the promised land, but I won't get to set foot in it. And that's OK, because I can see it. And the vision is clear. Millions of kids having fun while learning something hard. That's pretty cool. I can deal with that as a legacy. The next version's going to come out in 2008. It's going to be teaching the Java language if you want them to know they're learning Java. Otherwise they'll just think that they're writing movie scripts. And we're getting the characters from the bestselling PC video game in history, The Sims. And this is already working in the lab, so there's no real technological risk. I don't have time to thank and mention everybody in the Alice team, but I just want to say that Dennis Cosgrove is going to be building this, has been building this. He is the designer. This is his baby. And for those of you who are wondering, well, in some number of months who should I be emailing about the Alice project, where's Wanda Dann? Oh, there you are. Stand up, let them all see you. Everybody say, Hi Wanda.


我,就像(先知)摩西,能看到上帝的应许之地,但却不能涉足。那也行,因为我可以看到它。远景是很清楚的。上百万年轻人一边玩,一边学习困难的功课。这很酷。我可以接受这个作为我的遗产。下一版要 2008年出来。如果你想让他们知道他们在学习什么的话,它将教 Java计算机语言。否则,对他们来说只是创作电影剧本。而我们将加入最畅销的电脑游戏,模拟人生,中的卡通人物。这在实验室中已经可以运行,所以没有真正的技术风险。我没有时间去感谢和提到在爱丽丝团队的每个人,但我只想说丹尼斯.科斯格罗夫将,已经在建造这个。他是设计师。这是他的孩子。对那些心存疑虑,不知在几个月后该给谁发关于爱丽丝项目的电子邮件的人,旺达.丹在那里?哦,你在这儿。请站起来,让他们都看到你。大家说,旺达好。




Hi, Wanda.



Randy Pausch:

Send her the email. And I'll talk a little bit more about Caitlin Kelleher, but she's graduated with her Ph.D., and shes at Washington University, and shes going to be taking this up a notch and going to middle schools with it. So, grand vision and to the extent that you can live on in something, I will live on in Alice.




All right, so now the third part of the talk. Lessons learned. We've talked about my dreams. We've talked about helping other people enable their dreams. Somewhere along the way there's got to be some aspect of what lets you get to achieve your dreams. First one is the roles of parents, mentors and students. I was blessed to have been born to two incredible people. This is my mother on her 70th birthday. [Shows slide of Randy's mom driving a bumper car on an amusement park race course] [laughter] I am back here. I have just been lapped. [laughter] This is my dad riding a roller coaster on his 80th birthday. [Shows slide of dad] And he points out that he's not only brave, he's talented because he did win that big bear the same day. My dad was so full of life, anything with him was an adventure. I don't know what's in that bag, but I know it's cool. My dad dressed up as Santa Claus, but he also did very very significant things to help lots of people. This is a dormitory in Thailand that my mom and dad underwrote. And every year about 30 students get to go to school who wouldn't have otherwise. This is something my wife and I have also been involved in heavily. And these are the kind of things that I think everybody ought to be doing. Helping others.


好,那么第三部分,教训。我们已经谈了我的梦想。我们已经谈到帮助别人,使他们的梦想成真。在这过程中总应有一些方面谈到是什么让你实现你的梦想。首先就是父母,导师和学生的角色。我很有福的成为两个了不起的人的孩子。这是我妈妈过她 70岁生日。[放兰迪的妈妈开着碰碰车在游乐园赛车场] []我在这里。我已经被甩了一圈。[] 这是我爸爸80岁生日时坐过山车。 [放爸爸的幻灯] ,他说,他不但勇敢,而且机智,因为那天他还赢了那个大熊回来。我父亲是如此的充满生命力,与他在一起的任何事都是一种探险。我不知道袋子里是什么,但我知道它一定有趣。我爸爸打扮成圣诞老人,但他也做了非常,非常有意义的事去帮助很多人。这是在泰国的一个由我的妈妈和爸爸出资的学生寝室。每年约有30名学生因而能去上学。这是我和我的夫人积极参与的事情。我认为大家都应该去做这样的事:帮助别人。


But the best story I have about my dad unfortunately my dad passed away a little over a year agoand when we were going through his things, he had fought in World War II in the Battle of the Bulge, and when we were going through his things, we found out he had been awarded the Bronze Star for Valor. My mom didn't know it. In 50 years of marriage it had just never come up.


但关于我爸爸的最好故事,可惜我父亲一年多前去世了-当我们整理他的遗物时,他曾参加过二战中的凸出部战役(又名阿登战役, 1944年冬,德军在比利时阿登高原对盟军发动最后一次战略反攻,双方伤亡惨重,译者注)-,当我们整理他的遗物时,我们发现他曾因作战勇敢而被授予铜星勋章。我妈妈一点都不知道。在50年的婚姻中我爸爸从未提过。


My mom. Mothers are people......

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