开源的力量是强大的!最近终于找到了一个开源工具:pmysql ,由facebook mysql engineers组Domas Mituzas 开发的工具,用了一下感觉不错,据说“Ability to crunch hundreds of megabytes of processlist info in few seconds” 。
具体源码可以在:bzr co lp:mysqlatfacebook/tools/pmysql 下载。
编译的过程比较简单,但是要先安装mysql devel 、glib 等库,并指定好 mysql_config的路径,具体不再赘述了 :
$ ./pmysql --help
pmysql [OPTION...] [query]
Parallel multiple-server MySQL querying tool
Help Options:
-?, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-Q, --query Queries to run
-F, --query-file File to read queries from
-X, --servers-file File to read servers from (stdin otherwise)
-u, --user Username with privileges to run the dump
-p, --password User password
-P, --port TCP/IP port to connect to
-S, --socket UNIX domain socket file to use for connection
-B, --database Databases (comma-separated) to run query against
-A, --all Run on all databases except i_s, mysql and test
-t, --threads Number of parallel threads
-M, --patterns Run only on databases which match the regular expression
-C, --printcmd Only print out the command,Not really execute it
-e, --escape Should tabs, newlines and zero bytes be escaped
-c, --compress Compress server-client communication
-T, --connect-timeout Connect timeout in seconds (default: 2)