

 English learning in May is a little different.

日计划 未完成 MOOC,总结牛腩写博客,完成牛腩分页 ,I don't want to do these today.
完成  BeiDaQingNiao's  learning materials

 AJ Story
工作记录 08:00 ~ 10:00 5:09 Today,I woke up early. I found the weather was so good. Everything was golden! The  leaves were golden! The wall out of the window was  golden! The sun was so beautiful!The sky was  so beautiful!  I was  attracted by the  scenery! I thought it's a good day! It's a  new day! It's a wonderful day!! And then,  I went back to sleep. When I woke up again, everything became gray...I'm so wordless...The wall became gray. The leaves became gray.The sky became gray! The sun was gone.What happened !?
8:00-9:40 specialized course
10:00 ~ 12:00 9:40-10:25 I feel back is not comfortable.I went to out for a walk  and took express conveniently. I had a new headset now!! I researched his little body ,he has so much  functions! I can use him to listen to music and telephone! I'm so happy!!
-11:50 I tried to find some ways to open BeiDaQingNiao's  learning materials.And then I download Dreamweaver.
12:00 ~ 14:00 11:50-12:25 Kung fu panda
No matter someone how castaway, respect him. Maybe someday your  role will be changed.
12:30-14:04 I went to eat lunch. Today's lunch surprised me, It's beef stew!!! And then I back to the hostel,  I wanted to take a nap.  I was not asleep,but when I got up from the bed, I felt glow with energy and very restful. So , let's get study!!
14:00 ~ 16:00 12:30-14:04 I went to eat lunch. Today's lunch surprised me, It's beef stew!!! And then I back to the hostel,  I wanted to take a nap.  I was not asleep,but when I got up from the bed, I felt glow with energy and very restful. So , let's get study!!
-15:00 Knock code,I'm tired,go out for a rest
-15:25 AJ healthy100, aerobics
-16:16 Finally, I completed the second video!
16:00 ~ 18:00 the third and forth videos!  I want to vomit !!
18:00 ~ 21:30 17:50-18:30 Lured by the ham sausage and instant noodles, struggled for two days,  I still take them to my mouth. Strolling in the playground,eatting the snacks , I thought a lot.
18:30-18:50  competed the forth video.
-21:20 Kung fu panda
This movie I have seen many times, this time I feel more moved than fun. When you can't do anything, someone may doubt you , crowd out you ,but your parents will never  abandon you, they love you only because you are you.
工作小结 Everybody is Kangfu fighting!You can do everything only if you believe it!

日计划 未完成  
完成 BeiDaQingNiao's  learning materials 6,7
工作记录 08:00 ~ 10:00 Something wrong. I forget my yesterday's experiment. I complain to my classmate"The experiments are arranged so confused "  she says to me"Only four experiments" . I think about it a little time, yes ,Only four experiments, It's me, I can't arrange my own's experiments. Why? Actually I don't like experiments,and I don't want to do experiments. I check up my mobile phone'points , I find they don't work!! So I download lingxiyuyin again, I set my experiments' time on lingxi ! I love my lingxi, she is so reliable.
Knock code!I meet mistake!
12:00 ~ 14:00 10:00-12:00 specialized course,listen to music ,read book
-14:00 I give myself a gif , a chicken drumstick! And then I take a nap soundly , I'm full of energy ! And I have an evil plan !
14:00 ~ 16:00 specialized course, so boring! I read my book , learn my  materials. For learning  materials , I have to take my computer which is very heavy !O My God!
16:00 ~ 18:00 My plan is died. It's hurt ! very hurt !
18:00 ~ 20:00 I want to eat some photo chips , of course, a kind of junk food, but I just want to eat ! I just want !! So I go shopping, I only have fifteen yuan, befor I go to the supermarket,I think  seriously,"Should I withdraw money from an automatic teller machine ?" ,No !! I don't need!! I say to myself ! Or I will spent money more than fifteen yuan !!
The surplus time of this day , I want to take a shower , wash my clothes and clear up my bed , so , see you tomorrow!
工作小结 Time arrangement is ubiquitous!

日计划 未完成  
完成 牛腩分页,北大青鸟1集
工作记录 08:00 ~ 10:00 specialized course, I read my book  , at the time of the courseware,  I go to the library , I want to borrow a book named Forrest Gump, but I don't fint it, I find another book : Madame Bovary . Time is short ,I don't want to late for my class , so I take this book back.
12:00 ~ 14:00 The following two classes , I  take my computer as usual , a big one ,so heavy !  I remember one thing , happened in my class , funny and stupid . Yesterday , our teather call the roll, when she shout one name , no one answer, then a student stand up , he says " Wait a minite , he is sleeping!" Then he run from his seat to another seat , shake up a boy and put his hands up . The boy look around with a puzzled face , everyone is amused . The teacher also smile .

This afternoon I also go back to the hostel, and take a nap , then I wake up with a quarrel. Two girls in our hostel are engaged in a brawl. I put on my clothes and get away from hostel. Bad dream...
18:00 ~ 20:00 All afternoon , I try to compete the function of pagination. Finally, Hard work pays off, my sweat to pay has been harvested. I meet some difficulties , and I try to find someone to support. With the help of them ,  I finish my work ! I'm very moved , because I have a family in a place where there are no parents ! I'm a little tired , Oh !! Dinner time !!!
20:00 ~ 22:00 At eventhing,I want to release the web site, but something wrong !! I change many ways , but it don't work ! I want to die !!! So depressed !!!
工作小结 When I'm in trouble, I'm annoyed and perplexed, like tonight.  I have a big room for improvement !!

日计划 未完成  
完成 牛腩验收
AJ 跟读
工作记录 10:00 ~ 12:00 OK,It's a very busy morning. When I arrive at computer rooms,it's only 7:30.  I think about my system because something wrong with it.  I look up many material ,finally I solve it. At 8:00 , a girl find me to print, in this process, I see her rigorous manner , and do anything conscientiously.
18:00 ~ 20:00 12:00-14:00 I have a nap and sleep well , I'm very happy  and full of energy .
14:00-16:00 I'm on duty in the computer room, very restful. 
16:00-18:00 I go to WanDa looking for my master to check my subject. Throughout the process, I' not so nervous as I think. OK , a happy experience !
20:00 ~ 22:00 I relax in the evening, watch a movie ,and then have a meet 
工作小结 Tomorrow is  new day !!

日计划 未完成
旧美 跟读1集
完成 AJ跟读1个小时,北大青鸟至少3
工作记录 08:00 ~ 10:00 In the morning, I find my keyboard is broken because the line is worn out. All this blame me, regret my own carelessness. 
This morning , my status is not good. I repeat AJ but energy is not concentrated. I'm a little dizzy, my back is hurt and my tummy aches. Bad day!
10:00 ~ 12:00 I learn the BeiDaqingniao video materials, but I feel so bored.  I want to sleep the whole morning!!!
14:00 ~ 16:00 I have a good nap!!! And in the english time , I watch a cartoon  Aladdin and of course is English edition . Did I see too much movies ,so I can't feel the film's splendid ?  Why I don’t have the feeling as before?
16:00 ~ 18:00 BeiDaqingniao video material. All the afternoon , I don't feel so much sleepy. I watch the video material and watch and watch...
20:00 ~ 22:00 I still learn the BeiDaqingniao video materials, I still feel bored...
20:30-9:00  Help my prentice to check up her XuesSheng system. I think she is better than me.
工作小结 Why do I think today is so bored!!? Even watch a movie ,I alse feel bored!! Study! Study! Study! Study! Study! So bored!!  I'm sleepy all day!!OK!Bottlenecks!

日计划 未完成  
完成 BeiDaQingNiao's video material
工作记录 08:00 ~ 10:00 I learn BeiDaQingNiao's video material. Only one episode ,  I use two hours because I knock code as I watch the video material. Sometimes I need to stop to check up if the code is correct. It's slow ,but I think it is worth.
12:00 ~ 14:00 I still study! At 11:30 , I go to eat Yang Guofu Malatang with my friends. A happy lunch! I don't want to take a nap today, so after lunch I go back to the computer room.
16:00 ~ 18:00 When we in class, I read my book, Madame Bovary, and take a short rest.
20:00 ~ 22:00 I take a shower ,then wash my clothes and make the bed~~
工作小结 Today is a restful day, I don't give myself a lot press.  Today is peaceful and fulfilling.

Believe yourself ! Trust yourself !Persistence and go fighting ! Let's go !!

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