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原创 OSX下使用SVN客户端的功能

使用svn客户端功能1.从本地导入代码到服务器(第一次初始化导入)在终端中输入svn import /Users/apple/Documents/eclipse_workspace/weibo svn://localhost/mycode/weibo --username=mj --password=123 -m "初始化导入"我解释下指令的意思:将/Users/apple/Doc...

2014-07-08 10:08:30 152

原创 关于axis 使用过程中传输对象序列化的问题


2014-06-21 01:51:31 264

原创 IOS7.1 企业应用 证书无效 已解决


2014-05-10 10:53:53 187

原创 xCode Find&Replace快捷键

As for Find & Replace, they are provided by default now (version 4.2.1):Find & Replace: Cmd + Option + FFind & Replace in Workspace: Cmd + Option + Shift + F

2013-10-28 10:44:41 387

原创 Android 库 Library


2013-09-29 10:51:35 109

原创 Referencing a library project 引用一个库工程

To add a reference to a library project, follow these steps:Make sure that both the project library and the application project that depends on it are in your workspace. If one of the projects is ...

2013-09-25 17:05:52 137

原创 iOS整合zxing需要注意的地方

Well, at last I got it working.. For anyone who encounters this in the future..Rename the main.m file to main.mm.ZXing's README states why we need thisIt can happen that when trying to bui...

2013-08-02 23:34:33 133

原创 iOS中登录功能的体验探究

原文:[url]http://www.dkankan.com/archives/6561[/url]摘要除了键盘类型的使用:_usernameText.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeAlphabet;,UITextField还涉及了其它一些细节处理: 设置边框类型:[_usernameText setBorderStyle:UITextBorde...

2013-07-31 10:52:12 98

原创 iOS 自定义Tabbar


2013-07-30 22:55:15 97

原创 Apple Push Notification Service总结

苹果推送通知服务使用总结1. 在 Mac 上从 KeyChain Access 程序生成一个密钥对和签名请求 2. APPLE开发者中心,进入"Identifiers" - "App IDs", 注册App ID,注意在App Services中勾选Push Notifications,表示该APP需要使用推送通知服务3. 进入“Certificates” - "Development...

2013-07-29 22:39:18 423

原创 xcode EXC_BAD_ACCESS调试

原文:[url]http://kenobiluh.blogspot.com/2011/04/message-sent-to-deallocated-instance.html[/url]常常程式一長,哪邊就不小心多release了一次這時候編譯器就只會告訴你:BAD_ACCESS,然後程式就死了剛開始會google到去Argument加個NSZombieEnabled YES會...

2013-07-25 16:56:29 87

原创 iOS 消息推送原理及实现


2013-07-12 13:40:49 89


使用GIMP 制作 IMAGE MAP1. 选择图片,用GIMP打开2. 菜单 - 滤镜 - 网页 - 图像映像3. 选择 圆形 、 长方形 、 多边形 工具定义区域 多边形工具双击完成编辑4. 完成后SAVE,选择HTML IMAGE存储...

2013-05-29 16:13:40 123


[url]http://www.patternsofdesign.co.uk/[/url]只要把 App 的 iTunes Store 地址拷贝进去就可以获取到该应用的高清图标。[url]http://submit.icoicon.com[/url]

2013-05-27 18:21:58 114

原创 iOS 自定义控件系列


2013-05-27 17:09:59 126

原创 CocoaPods 使用教程


2013-05-27 14:49:07 112

原创 UIImage 高级技术


2013-05-27 14:41:32 89

原创 指定视图的横竖

原文链接:[url]http://the.ichibod.com/kiji/always-constrain-a-view-controller-to-portrait-or-landscape-orientation/[/url]Interesting problem: most of your app allows for any orientation, however one sp...

2013-05-24 23:04:51 121

原创 IOS 开发之设置UIButton的title

btn.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, width, height);[btn setTitle: @"search" forState: UIControlStateNormal];//设置按钮上的自体的大小//[btn setFont: [UIFont systemFontSize: 14.0]]; //这种可以用来设置字体的大小,但是可能会在将来的SDK版...

2013-05-11 22:03:44 96

原创 REActivityViewController 使用 备忘

REActivityViewControllerOut of the box activities include:FacebookTwitterVKontakteTumblr (using XAuth)MessageMailOpen in SafariSave to PocketSend to InstapaperSave to Readabi...

2013-04-22 21:38:19 103

原创 ios 开发NewsStand指南


2013-04-13 21:44:32 80

原创 Django+mod_wsgi+apache+windows 配置备忘


2013-04-12 14:57:40 86

原创 Django DEBUG=False and ALLOWED_HOSTS

I’ve been working with Django a bit recently on a new project, and testing out 404/500 templates in the tutorial by switching to DEBUG=False was actually resulting in 500 errors on every page. Since i...

2013-04-11 14:48:14 396

原创 Using gmail to send e-mails from Django

To send an e-mail through django's SMTP server you just have to define a few variables in your settings.py[code="python"]EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com'EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'user@gmail.com'EMAIL_...

2013-04-11 14:09:02 146

原创 Exception occurred processing WSGI script with Django

If you are running Django under mod_wsgi on apache you might see errors like "IOError: failed to write data" followed by "Exception occurred processing WSGI script" in your logs, this is because your ...

2013-04-11 14:08:01 818

原创 python django UnicodeDecodeError

在python的Lib\site-packages文件夹下新建一个sitecustomize.py,内容为[code="python"]# encoding=utf8 import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') [/code]

2013-04-10 22:35:25 99

原创 Python Django mod_wsgi Windows 部署过程 备忘

部署环境:Windows2003Server1. 安装Apache 2.22. 安装PYTHON 2.7.4注意把PYTHON的安装目录添加到环境变量,否则命令行下不支持 python 3. 安装DJANGO解压到C盘,进入django目录,执行命令[code="python"]python setup.py install[/code]4. 下载mod...

2013-04-10 18:28:07 159

原创 网站迁移 备忘

1. 备份数据库。。。导出的格式和编码要注意2. 完全导出网站内容。。WORDPRESS3. VPS配置生产环境4. 导入数据库,首先创建数据库,指定数据库编码,创建用户,导入数据5. 配置生产环境,测试...

2013-04-10 14:58:41 86

原创 Windows下命令行查看端口占用

在windows命令行窗口下执行:C:\>netstat -aon|findstr "80"TCP LISTENING 2434由上面得知,端口被进程号为2434的进程占用,继续执行下面命令:C:\>tasklist|findstr "80"ja...

2013-04-09 23:42:03 82

原创 Writing a Gallery App in Django, Part I

One thing that I see the need for on almost every site is a place to put images. Whether it’s a band website, a personal homepage, or a school newspaper, there will be a need for a photo gallery. The ...

2013-04-06 11:04:19 113

原创 带预览功能又可分页的UIScrollView


2013-04-05 12:56:23 68

原创 25 iOS App 性能优化


2013-04-05 10:51:12 112

原创 UIScrollView滚动, 中间显示整图, 前后露出部分图

UIScrollView *scrollowView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(45, 30, 230, 300)]; 首先需要说明一点 1. scrollView.pagingEnabled = YES; 这个属性如果是YES, 并非是滚动整屏, 而是每次滚动为scrollView的宽度, 即上面的widt...

2013-04-04 00:12:31 194

原创 CocoaPods 安装使用


2013-03-29 16:09:18 106

原创 How to make Django's devserver public

[code="python"]python manage.py runserver[/code]This will run development server that should listen on all IP's on port 8181, but it will still be single threaded so only one ...

2013-03-21 13:17:41 74

原创 mac apache config 配置

启动Apache有两种方法:打开“系统设置偏好(System Preferences)” -> “共享(Sharing)” -> “Web共享(Web Sharing)”。注意,从Mac OS X从10.8开始取消了 “Web共享(Web Sharing)”。打开“终端(terminal)”,然后(注意,sudo需要的密码就是系统的root帐号密码)运行“sudo apache...

2013-03-21 12:12:49 140

原创 django 发布者 默认值

models.py:[code="python"]from django.contrib.auth.models import Userclass Essay(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=666) body = models.TextField() publisher...

2013-03-19 10:59:29 117

原创 Change Windows type line endings to Mac

To set up default ending for new files created, across the entire workspace:Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> New text file line delimiter.To convert existing files, open file f...

2013-03-18 13:51:03 126

原创 django 国际化 备忘

此备忘适用于补充翻译,没有创建翻译文件的情况下适用暂时没有主动翻译,只是补充翻译补充翻译的话也需要重新生成.mo文件可能用到的命令如下,具体用法请参照官方文档:[code="python"]django-admin.py compilemessages --locale=pt_BRdjango-admin.py compilemessages --locale=...

2013-03-15 01:15:32 87

原创 django-admin-tools 备忘

django-admin-tools 安装安装不谈,按照官方教程唯一要注意的是admin_tools.dashboard不能跟grappelli.dashboard混用,二者只能选择一个,否则无法进行数据库同步和Migrate[code="python"]python manage.py syncdb[/code]admin-tools 安装和配置Menu、...

2013-03-14 22:02:50 140



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