
"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within."
"Those people in the forest,what did you see on them?"
"I do not understand."
"Fear.Deep rotting fear.They were infected by it.Did you see?Fear is a sickness.It will crawl into the 

soul of anyone who engages it.It has tainted your peace already.I did not raise you to see you live 

with fear.Strike it from your heart.Do not bring it into our village.At first light we will gather with 

the elder at the sacred hill of our fathers.There we will call on their spirits to guide us."
"And a man sat alone. Drenched deep in sadness. And all the animals drew near to him and said:'We do 

not like to see you so sad...Ask us for whatever you wish and you shall have it.' The Man said:'I want 

to have good sight.'The vulture replied:'You shall have mine.'The Man said:'I want to be strong.'The 

jaguar said:'You shall be strong like me.'Then the Man said:'I long to know the secrets of the 

earth.'The serpent replied:'I will show them to you.'And so it went with all the animals.And when the 

Man had all the gifts that they could give,he left.Then the owl said to the other animals:'Now the Man 

knows much and is able to do many things...Suddenly I am afraid.'The deer said:'The Man has all that he 

needs.Now his sadness will stop.'But the owl replied:'No.I saw a hole in the Man...Deep like a hunger 

he will never fill...It is what makes him sad and what makes him want.He will go on taking and 

taking...Until one day the World will say:"I am no more and I have nothing left to give."'"
"Come back to me..."
"Resting brothers,fathers,mothers,wives.You felt the cold of this day's early morning.Now you cannot 

feel the coldness of its night."
"Her soul waits for yours in the shade of the Ceiba Tree."
"I need to know.Before this day's end I will leave this world.I will take as many of these bastard dogs 

with me as I can.And I will gladly embrace the torments of hell...if I do not find my Sky Flower 

"Don't rain."
"You fear me?So you should,all you who are vile.Would you like to know how you will die?The sacred time 

is near...Beware the blackness of day.Beware the man who brings the jaguar.Behold him reborn from mud 

and earth...For the one he takes you to will cancel the sky...and scratch out the earth.Scratch you 

out.And end your world.He's with us now.The day will be like night.And the man jaguar will lead you to 

your end..."
"Where are they taking us?"
"We tell stories of a place stone-built."
"What happens there?"
"I do not know...but the earth bleeds.We are near."
"There's your jungle beyond the corn.Go to it.You're free...now run.I said run.Run."
"I am Jaguar Paw...Son of Flint Sky...My father hunted this forest before me...My name is Jaguar Paw.I 

am a hunter.This is my forest.And my sons will hunt it with their sons after I am gone...Come on!"
"Should we go to them?"
"We should go to the forest.To seek a new beginning.Come Turtles Run..."




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