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原创 Tree Traversal(二叉树的遍历)
Binary Tree 二叉树Full Binary Tree 满二叉树 N = 2^L - 1Complete Binary Tree 完全二叉树leaf: i ; leaf's left child: 2*i; leaf's right child: 2*i + 1; (如果父节点是 i, 他的左子节点是 2*i , 右子节点是 2*i+1. 如果子节点是i, 父节点就是floor(i/2) ...
2018-06-21 04:54:12 1341
原创 【Java】 ArrayList 与 LinkedList 的选择
ArrayList: 基于动态数组的List实现。Resizable-array implementation of the List interface. Implements all optional list operations, and permits all elements, including null. In addition to implementing the List i...
2018-06-13 04:13:57 164
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