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原创 [iOS开发]创建并使用static library
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,blockquote { margin: 0; padding: 0;}body { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "Hiragino Sans GB", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-heigh
2013-09-29 17:15:23 856
转载 轻松从零开始学 数码相机参数概念解读
面对你买的数码相机,很多朋友问的第一句话,你的数码相机是多少像素的,其实这一点固然有一定的道理,但不是像素越高就能带来更高的清晰度,他只能带来在电脑上看更高的分辨率而已!接下来,让我了解下CCD和像素之间秘密吧! 到底需要多少CCD像素?<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"SRC="http://204.adsina
2008-10-08 22:44:00 1025
转载 深入理解动态库
一、动态连接库的用途---- 动态连接库,dynamic-link libraries(DLL),是微软公司提供的一项软件技术。它实质上是包含了一些函数和数据的可执行模块,它可以被应用程序(.EXE)或其它DLL调用。这种技术有以下好处:共享资源、节省内存、支持多语种、可重复利用、便于大项目的开发等。比如作为对已往经验总结的载体,动态库得天独厚。在项目开发或编程中,每个人都会积累下很多的经验
2007-11-28 13:12:00 604
原创 做dll时是否可以不要def文件?
2007-11-27 18:15:00 937
原创 DOM模型和流模型的比较
2007-11-17 15:45:00 513
原创 《Agile Web Development with Rails》读书笔记(四)
The Depot ApplicationI’ll take the creating a depot application of books for maintaining and buying as an example. Of course, this application has database operation( I use MySQL here ).Create dat
2007-09-21 14:44:00 679
原创 《Agile Web Development with Rails》读书笔记(三)
Make Dynamic PagesIn order to get dynamic pages, I need to embed some ruby code into the *.rhtml in views.First, I introduce some symbols in *.rhtml. : content between is interpreted as ruby co
2007-09-19 17:13:00 490
原创 《Agile Web Development with Rails》读书笔记(二)
Instant GratificationAfter the Rails environment has been established, I write a simple application to verify we have got Rails snugly installed on my machine. I. Create a n
2007-09-19 15:06:00 590
原创 《Agile Web Development with Rails》读书笔记(一)
I. My way of RailsWorking as an embedded system developer, I never know much about web development. When I found my colleague build an website for ordering & managing the dinner
2007-09-19 10:20:00 551
原创 Editing a little faster
word movement: move forward: w, 4w; move backward: b, 4b;move to the end of the line: $, 4$, ; move to the start of the line: ^( nonblank character ), ( first character )searching alo
2007-09-17 16:55:00 491
原创 create the model and table
work>ruby script/generate model productthe generator creates a bunch of files. The two were interested in are the model itself product.rb, and the migration 001_create_products.rb.In this file,
2007-09-14 10:26:00 461
原创 select a different database(other than MySQL)
If you want to use anthoer database other than MySQL, you can edit the database.yml in config folder after you create the rails porject.However, if you know that youll be using database other than
2007-09-14 09:36:00 418
原创 rails APIS
If you install Rails using RubyGems, simply start the gem documentation server using gem_server, and you can access the Rails API through the browser by pointing the address http://localhost:8808.
2007-09-12 17:45:00 486
转载 一步一步建立基于ARM+Linux的cross toolchain
声明:本文在参考网上资料的基础上,以梁元恩的《如何为嵌入式开发建立交叉编译环境》为蓝本修改而成。对于自己在建立过程中遇到的问题进行了详细的说明,本文随自己学习的深入会进行相应的更新。1 引言由于一般嵌入式开发系统存储容量有限,在裁减和定制Linux,运用于嵌入式系统前,通常需要在PC机上建立一个用于目标机的交叉编译环境,也就是将各种二进制工具程序集成为工具链,其中包括如GNU的链接
2007-08-08 17:00:00 922
原创 Every Object responds to
Every object, just by virtue of being an object, respond to some message:classrespond_to?( "method_name" )
2007-07-24 17:09:00 526
转载 Delimiting Blocks
Blocks can start with a do and end with end, or they can startwith { and end with }. The following two snippets of code meanthe same thing:array.each do | element |puts elementendarray.each { | elemen
2007-07-24 13:59:00 469
转载 Driving and Test-driven programming--Where do we stand?
I live in a very flat part of the world. Many of the roads are straight and level--you can almost imagine you could point a car down the road, take your hands off the steering wheel, and the car would
2007-07-22 16:27:00 514
原创 Kernel Methods in Ruby
Kernel is a special class(actually, a module) whose methods are made avaiable in every class and through the scope of ruby. Consider the puts method you mostly use:puts "Programming is an artist!"
2007-07-22 09:26:00 506
原创 Write blog in English
English is so important for programmer, for there are so many contents you want to learn are written in english.And another aspect is your job,if you proficient in english, may you find a good job or
2007-07-22 09:10:00 710
转载 Ruby Symbol使用
一、Symbol的定义: Symbol是一个简单对象, 这个对象通过它的名字唯一标识。如:你每次在代码中使用:name,你是要引用一个有名字为name的对象 注意: 1、String 和Symbol两者具有紧密的联系. 每个symbol 都有个字符串的名字(可以使用to_s). 而每个String 可以请求它的相应symbol (通过 to_sym). String
2007-07-20 09:23:00 832
原创 Brushes in GDI+
In the .NET Framework library, the Brush class is an abstract base class, which means you cannot create an instance of it without using its derived classes. All usable classes are inherited from the
2007-06-23 10:29:00 1507
原创 Some Basic GDI+ Objects
Graphics.FromHwnd() method create a Graphics object from a window handle.member function of Point to Convert a PointF to Point: Ceiling( PointF ) convert a PointF Object to a Point Object
2007-06-19 09:38:00 513
转载 转贴:关于双缓冲绘图(1)
用MFC如何高效地绘图TouchMe 显示图形如何避免闪烁,如何提高显示效率是问得比较多的问题。而且多数人认为MFC的绘图函数效率很低,总是想寻求其它的解决方案。MFC的绘图效率的确不高但也不差,而且它的绘图函数使用非常简单,只要使用方法得当,再加上一些技巧,用MFC可以得到效率很高的绘图程序。我想就我长期(呵呵当然也只有2年多)使用MFC绘图的经验谈谈我的一些观点。1、显示的图形为什么
2007-06-14 16:48:00 534
转载 C++中二维数组new小结
二维数组new小结 转至水木清华 1. A (*ga)[n] = new A[m][n]; ... delete []ga; 缺点:n必须是已知 优点:调用直观,连续储存,程序简洁(经过测试,析构函数能正确调用) 2. A** ga = new A*[m]; for(int i = 0; i ga[i] = new A[n]; ... for(int i = 0; i delete []ga[i]
2007-06-13 13:45:00 486
转载 CLR
CLR(公共语言运行库)和Java虚拟机一样也是一个运行时环境,它负责资源管理(内存分配和垃圾收集),并保证应用和底层操作系统之间必要的分离。 为了提高平台的可靠性,以及为了达到面向事务的电子商务应用所要求的稳定性级别,CLR还要负责其他一些任务,比如监视程序的运行。按照.NET的说法,在CLR监视之下运行的程序属于“受管理的”(managed)代码,而不在CLR之下、直接在裸机上运行的应用或者组
2007-06-01 08:39:00 618
转载 [ruby]迭代器+代码块,让代码更简短
刚开始接触ruby,作为一个以JAVA开发为主的程序员,ruby的代码风格多少让我有点不太适应,也许习惯了复杂的风格,再简单起来就比较困难了吧, 看来没有其他语言牵绊的话,学起ruby应该更快。 今天看了下ruby中的迭代器和代码块,这两个概念在其他语言当中也有,但是ruby中的迭代器和代码块却给我焕然一新的感觉,也让我更加了解到ruby代码简短的一个原因,正所谓实践出真知,就让
2007-05-21 08:59:00 1062
原创 VC中计时器的运用
什么时候我们需要用到SetTimer函数呢?当你需要每个一段时间执行一件事的的时候就需要使用SetTimer函数了。 让我们先来看看SetTimer函数的原型: UINT SetTimer(UINT nIDEvent,UINT nElapse,void(CALLBACK EXPORT *lpfnTimer)(HWND,UINT ,YINT ,DWORD)) 当使用SetTimer函数的时候,就会生
2007-05-10 15:31:00 1895
2007-05-09 20:35:00 1488
原创 MFC中对文件的操作方法(转)
MFC下的文件类 文件操作的方法 使用Visual C++编程,有如下方法进行文件操作: (1)使用标准C运行库函数,包括fopen、fclose、fseek等。 (2)使用Win16下的文件和目录操作函数,如lopen、lclos
2007-05-09 20:26:00 1963
原创 如何直接删除windows下一个文件夹?(转)
如果使用RemoveDirectory(),则只能删除里面内容为空的文件夹。下面的方法可以直接删除一个文件夹以及它里面包含的所有内容。非常好用。 char buf[MAX_PATH]; SHFILEOPSTRUCT fo; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memset(&fo, 0, sizeof(fo)); strcpy(buf,strTe
2007-03-01 11:25:00 818
原创 正式使用csdn的blog
2006-06-18 23:50:00 634
[Addison Wesley]Data Structures And Algorithm Analysis in C
Sams Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes
Effective C# 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C#
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