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原创 SAP ETL开发规范
1 介绍SAP Business Objects数据服务是一种提取,转换和加载(ETL)工具,用于在源环境和目标环境之间移动和操作数据。 SAP数据服务提供了一个数据管理平台,可支持各种举措,包括商业智能,数据迁移,应用程序集成和更多特定应用程序。 SAP Data Services是应用程序中的可执行组件,可以在批处理或实时(服务)架构中部署。以下文档详细介绍了有关SAP Data Servi...
2018-07-03 15:16:51
转载 SAP Data Service Error Function
error_context()error_message()error_number()error_timestamp() Define the actions to take for each exception group and add the actions to the catch work flow box.The actions can be an individual scrip...
2018-06-19 12:55:19
转载 SAP Data Services 4.x Upgrade steps
Purpose:The purpose of this document is to up-grade SAP Business Objects Data Services from 11.7/3.X/4.X to SAP Data Services 4.2Overview:Environment Details:Operating system: Windows Server 2008 64 B...
2018-06-19 11:41:43
转载 Consume data from a Web Service in SAP Data Services
Recently, I was tasked with pulling data from various Web Services and integrating it with data from other data sources (BW, SFDC, Oracle, etc.). Upon completion of my work, I realized that the infor...
2018-06-19 11:25:06
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