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转载 [世界概览]那些被印度人毁掉或者差一点毁掉的公司(翻译)

印度人办事拖沓和效率低下是出了名,看了下面这篇文章理解了。。这是一个在美国的网站上经常看到的评论,被广泛转载,我也不知道哪个是原创,所以就不列出处了。【】内的不是原文,是我的补充。===========================================Companies ruined or almost ruined by India, Inc:那些被

2013-01-05 11:07:23 1916

转载 5 Ways You can Learn Programming Faster

By Alex AllainLearning to program isn't something you can do in an afternoon, but it doesn'thave to be a life's work, either. There arelots of things you can do to make it easier on yourself when yo

2012-12-14 21:32:59 503

原创 linkedin javascript oauth and get company updates

this is a test  api_key: 42tc6cg8x9ov  onLoad: onLinkedInLoad  authorize: trueHello, .-->function onLinkedInLoad() {     // Listen for an auth event to occur     IN.Event.

2012-08-18 21:32:14 873

原创 function

1, Tecent Weibo API topic serach function2, get location using address name http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=adress&key=&sensor=false&output=xml&oe=utf8 http://ditu.google.cn/maps/ge...

2012-04-20 17:37:45 130

原创 useful URL


2012-04-10 22:09:59 433

转载 二手房买房注意事项

二手房买房注意事项  本文介绍二手房买房注意事项,在进行二手房交易时,如何选房和交房是关键,以下提供二手房选房十要点和交房注意事项。如何购买二手房,本文为你解答。我的位置:法律快车 > 法律知识 > 房地产法律 > 二手房 > 二手房买卖须知 > 正文   二手房买房注意事项来源:法律快车房地产法 作者:z 时间:2011/07/01 推荐房地产律师:李文谦律师 二手房买房注意事项 本文介

2012-03-26 21:14:08 1992

转载 http://groups.google.com/group/flying-saucer-users/browse_thread/thread/5da7347029ff0a24


2012-02-20 08:25:43 655

原创 book title of recomandation


2012-02-05 21:40:09 469

转载 JQuery AJAX Partial Page refresh

JQuery AJAX Partial Page refreshHas anyone managed to use JQuery and Webflow render fragments to achieve partial page refresh.I'

2011-09-06 20:39:00 1845 1

原创 再谈iframe自适应高度

再谈iframe自适应高度博客分类: Web和JavaScriptJavaScript浏览器OperaSafariIE转自:http://ued.koubei.com/?p=243        通过Google搜索if

2011-08-31 20:55:51 551

转载 iframe

点评:在构建B/S系统界面的时候,经常会遇到主页面index.html中嵌套其他页面的情况 ,虽然已经有的库已经提供了控件(例如jQuery easy UI),但是有时候iframe的使用是不可避免的在构建B/S系统界面的时候,经常会遇到主页面index.html中嵌套其他页面的

2011-08-31 20:07:54 381

转载 thick box

http://www.blueidea.com/articleimg/2007/12/5182/tickbox_demo.html 使用thickbox问题集合及解决方案在使用thickbox的过程中也还是学到了一点东西,在这这里给初‘用’thickbox

2011-08-19 22:21:48 627

原创 jstestdrive / asynchronous

1) , http://blog.theanalogguy.be/2011/01/25/automated-javascript-unit-testing-with-jstestdriver/2) Qunit

2011-08-09 22:13:28 554

原创 highcharts document

How To UseTable of contentsInstallationHow to set up the optionsPreprocessing the optionsLive chartsExporting moduleFr

2011-08-01 21:18:48 1106

转载 Writing a simple Composite Component with JSF 2.0

Writing a simple Composite Component with JSF 2.0Posted by driscoll on November 1, 2008 at 2:46 PM EDTOne of the pain points for JSF has alw

2011-07-27 21:17:39 1334

转载 some files related to jsf2.0


2011-07-27 21:12:57 558

原创 StringUtils(used to un escape html)

package utils;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.regex.Pattern;public class StringUtils {  private static HashMap htmlEntities = new HashMap();  static {    htmlEntities.put("nbsp", new Integ

2011-06-26 11:48:00 1048

原创 Advanced Encryption Standard

introduction : http://blog.csdn.net/guo2777/archive/2007/09/19/1791399.aspximplementation : http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/aes.html                           http://point-at-infinity.org/js

2011-06-14 20:13:00 421

原创 source code

<br />==========renderfilter.java<br />package filter;<br />import java.awt.Color;<br />import java.awt.Dimension;<br />import java.awt.Graphics2D;<br />import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;<br />import java.io.IOException;<br />import java.io.OutputStream;

2011-06-01 07:11:00 541

原创 http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2006/10/31/combine-facelets-and-flying-saucer-renderer.html

Combine JSF Facelets and the Flying Saucer XHTML RendererOctober 31, 2006Jacobus Steenkamp<br /><br />ContentsFaceletsThe Flying Saucer XHTML RendererCombining JSF Facelets and the Flying Saucer RendererThe RendererFilter ClassThe XHTML to PDF ConversionXH

2011-05-31 21:59:00 569

原创 http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2006/10/31/combine-facelets-and-flying-saucer-renderer.html

Combine JSF Facelets and the Flying Saucer XHTML RendererOctober 31, 2006Jacobus Steenkamp<br /><br />ContentsFaceletsThe Flying Saucer XHTML RendererCombining JSF Facelets and the Flying Saucer RendererThe RendererFilter ClassThe XHTML to PDF ConversionXH

2011-05-31 21:58:00 733

原创 http://blog.csdn.net/ol_beta/archive/2010/10/27/5968817.aspx

<br />PDF是目前为止最流行的文档格式之一。通常情况下,想要创建一个PDF文档,需要使用Adobe的API来生成,但这非常麻烦。为了能方便的将HTML(XHTML)生成PDF文档,下面介绍两个开源的java库:Flying Saucer和iText。<br />Flying Saucer和iText介绍:<br />Flying Saucer(或者叫xhtmlrender project on java.net)是一个基于iText的开源java库,能够轻松的将html(带css2.1)生成pdf。<

2011-05-31 21:24:00 591

原创 flying saucer

<br />package com;<br />import java.io.File;<br />import java.io.FileOutputStream;<br />import java.io.OutputStream;<br />import org.xhtmlrenderer.pdf.ITextFontResolver;<br />import org.xhtmlrenderer.pdf.ITextRenderer;<br />import com.lowagie.text.pdf.Base

2011-05-30 22:05:00 632

原创 free live chat - comm100

free live chat

2011-04-06 22:30:00 2601

原创 房子


2011-02-12 11:50:00 517

原创 建小卡,大卡:http://sh.qqyy.com/fuke/ckjzzn/0907/08/84c8_1.html

<br />http://sh.qqyy.com/fuke/ckjzzn/0907/08/84c8_1.html

2011-02-11 16:17:00 1098

原创 Analysis of Struts2 : http://wenku.baidu.com/view/ad421874a417866fb84a8e75.html

<br />http://wenku.baidu.com/view/ad421874a417866fb84a8e75.html

2011-01-19 12:01:00 1666 1

原创 Export the table decribe from oracle data dictionary

<br />select b.TABLE_NAME as tablename,<br />       --c.comments as "表说明",   <br />       --b.COLUMN_ID as "字段序号",   <br />       b.COLUMN_NAME as Name,<br />       b.DATA_TYPE || '(' || decode(b.DATA_TYPE,<br />                                    'NUMBER'

2011-01-19 10:40:00 551

原创 http://www.oodesign.com

<br />http://www.oodesign.com

2010-11-18 15:16:00 1702

原创 Java Inner Class Intruduction

<br />http://www.javaeye.com/topic/442435

2010-11-09 08:40:00 331

原创 set readonly to select box

select readonly to select box

2010-10-09 22:45:00 472

原创 force contents not break line

1) use css property    white-space : nowrap2) use tag

2010-08-04 23:09:00 375

原创 join mutiple rows into one row if the rows have the same key id .

1) select order_id,wmsys.wm_concat(cc_content) cc_content from t_a1 group by order_id;http://www.itpub.net/thread-1069821-1-1.htmlhttp://ms.itpub.net/viewthread.php?tid=1069821&extra=&page=2

2010-07-19 21:55:00 373

原创 A lot of things

<br />1, technology<br />    Java base;EJB;http protocol;design patter;Oracle structure(SQL);Software Engineering.<br />2,Industry Background<br />    Fanancial knowledge<br />3, Material<br />    Resume,interview,Self introduction.<br /> <br />detail sche

2010-07-07 20:54:00 443

原创 qtp


2010-05-11 11:20:00 326

转载 javascript中字符串连接时用Array.join()替换 string += "xx",换来几十倍的速度提升

2006-12-31 21:38 by 无常, 4582 visits, <a onclick="function onclick(){PutInWz();return false;}" href="#">网摘, 收藏, 编辑下面的二个函数compute1()和compute1(),都是将50000个字符串连接起来,直接用+=连接耗时17547毫秒,使用Array.jo

2010-04-14 00:05:00 372

原创 Setence Patterns to Learn Oral Speaking-5

1) have to do with    This situation has to do with the weather.2) help yourself to    There are some delicious fruit,help yourself to some apples.3) Here come    Look,here come football sta

2010-04-06 21:06:00 330

原创 Setence Patterns to Learn Oral Speaking-4

1) get involved in   we will all get involved in it ,whether we like it or not2) Give my regards to    please give my regards to the all of your family3) go ahead   Go ahead,speak loudly please,we are

2010-04-05 12:50:00 286

原创 Setence Patterns to Learn Oral Speaking-3

1) Reslove all the defect couldnt be better.2) If you will go to play football this week,count me in.3) I am so hungry now,do you have any food avaliable?4) Its very cold in room ,do you mind

2010-03-29 22:13:00 334

原创 Setence Patterns to Learn Oral Speaking-2

1) I want to be a good sport man,whether I am poor or rich.2) I am also feed up with listenning the leaders talk.3) Belive it or not,for me ,learnning english is  very hard .4) When encounter a

2010-03-28 14:32:00 345


HTML & XML 帮助教程


HTML5 Canvas

html5 canvas


Iphone develper cookbook

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JQuery_1.4_API (chm中文版)

JQuery_1.4_API (chm中文版)






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