Default Metabase Settings[smartphone 2003]

Smartphone API Reference

Default Metabase Settings

The following settings are the default metabase settings for the Registry CSP. These are supplied for reference only.

Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/VMail/DialMonitoredEnable the voice mail indicator to be cleared when the user dials the voice mail number.
Registry/*Allows access to the entire registry.
Registry/HKCU/SOFTWARE/*Location where ISVs should write their registry keys.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/Reminder/ScriptThe script that determines how reminders are played.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/Reminder/InitVolInitial volume for Reminder sounds.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/Alarm/InitVolInitial volume for Alarm sounds.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/Alarm/ScriptThe script that determines how alarms are played.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/UserMSN Messenger ServiceMSN settings.
Registry/HKLM/System/Platform/DataPathActiveSync, which runs by default as User Auth, needs to know what the default volume is on the device.
Registry/HKLM/Security/ECall/*List of emergency call numbers, for example "911", "112").
Registry/HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Shell/CumulativeCallTimers/*Allow resetting of call timers
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/AirSync/Logging/Enabled(Setting UI) sets the logging mode for server sync
Registry/HKLM/Security/WTLS/*WTLS security settings: CipherSuites, KeyExchangeSuites, Certificates
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/AirSync/Logging/NumberOfLogsNumber of server sync logs to store on the device
Registry/HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Color/*Needed to update colors on stinger using .tsk files.
Registry/HKLM/Software/Microsoft/AirSync/Status/*Settings for PC ActiveSync
Registry/HKLM/PMail/MessageStore/*Settings for PC ActiveSync
Registry/HKLM/Ident/*Sets the phones name
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows CE Services/*RAPI access for creation of a partnership
Registry/Comm/SecurityProviders/SCHANNEL/*RAPI access for creating a partnership
Registry/HKLM/Security/WAP/TPSList/DefaultTPSName of Trusted Provisioning Server
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/AirSync/Connection/SecureDetermines whether device validates server certificate
Registry/HKCU/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/*Need this to be same role masks as HKLM/software/microsoft
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/AirSync/Settings/IncludeRemoteSyncRemote sync for ActiveSync
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/AirSync/Settings/WindowSizeWindow size (Number of items brought down in each sync window)
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/Display Inline ImagesBoolean to toggle whether or not to display images on Web pages in Pocket Internet Explorer
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/EnableWarning0Toggle security warnings. The default is ON.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/EnableWarning1Toggle security warning 1. The default is ON.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/Play_Background_SoundsToggle playback background sounds. The default is OFF. User setting available in Pocket Internet Explorer options.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/Start PageDefault homepage URL
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/PresetMsgs/0The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 0.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/PresetMsgs/2The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 2.
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/International/Default_CodePageLanguage encoding option
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/ZoomSettingFont size - not a user setting on stinger
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/ClearTypeTextClearType on / off - not a user setting
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/Cache/History/CacheLimitHistory cache limit - not a user setting
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/Cache/Cookies/CacheLimitCookie cache limit - not a user setting
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/Cache/Content/CacheLimitContent cache limit - should be 1/3 ram - not a user setting
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/URL/UrlSuffixSuffix autocomplete of URL in Pocket Internet Explorer address bar (Default is com)
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/URL/UrlPrefixPrefix autocomplete of URL in Pocket Internet Explorer address bar (Default prefix is www)
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/EnableAutoDetectEnable autodetect in Pocket Internet Explorer options
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/AllowCookiesAllow cookies in Pocket Internet Explorer
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/PresetMsgs/9The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 9.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/PresetMsgs/8The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 8.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/PresetMsgs/7The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 7.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/PresetMsgs/6The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 6.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/PresetMsgs/5The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 5.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/PresetMsgs/4The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 4.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/PresetMsgs/3The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 3.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Power/AutoOffAutomatically turn the device on or off.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Power/AutoOnTimeDetermines when the device will automatically turn on.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Power/AutoOffTimeDetermines when the device will automatically turn off.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Phone/CallHistoryMaxMaximum number of entries to store in call history.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Phone/PlusConversionIf this is set, you cannot have speed dial entries that end in 0.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/PresetMsgs/8The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 8.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Normal/Items/XMLXML blob that defines the settings for the Normal profile.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Silent/Items/XMLXML blob that defines the settings for the Silent profile.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Meeting/Items/XMLXML blob that defines the settings for the Meeting profile.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Loud/Items/XMLXML blob that defines the settings for the Loud profile.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Car/Items/XMLXML blob that defines the settings for the Car profile.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Radio Off/Items/XMLXML blob that defines the settings for the Radio Off profile.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/PresetMsgs/0The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 0.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/SMSText/MaxDeletedMsgsNumber of deleted SMS messages to keep in the deleted items folder at a time. Default is 50.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/DefaultActiveProfileThe Profile that is the default when the device is powered on for the first time.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/PresetMsgs/1The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 1.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/PresetMsgs/2The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 2.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/PresetMsgs/3The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 3.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/PresetMsgs/4The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 4.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/PresetMsgs/5The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 5.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/PresetMsgs/6The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 6.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/PresetMsgs/7The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 7.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/autosaveDetermines whether or not autosave occurs for messages being composed into the Drafts folder.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/PresetMsgs/9The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 9.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Vmail/RegOverridesSIMIf true, the voice mail numbers stored in the registry override the voice mail numbers stored on the SIM.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Vmail/PhoneNumber2Voice mail number for line 2.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Vmail/PhoneNumber1Voice mail number for line 1.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/AutoSyncMillisecondsHow frequently auto-initiated syncs take place, in milliseconds. If 0, no auto-initiated syncs occur.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/SMSUnicodeIf true, SMS messages are sent using Unicode encoding. If false, we send using the GSM encoding.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/SaveSentIf true, a copy of each sent message is placed in the "Sent Items" folder on the device.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/IncludeOriginalIf true, the original message is included in the reply for e-mail messages. This has no effect on SMS messages (SMS messages never include the original on reply).
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/SortOrderSort order for listviews in messaging.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/ShowDateTimeIf true, the date and time is shown for each message in the list view.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/ReadHTMLMailIf true, messaging attempts to decode HTML-only messages using Pocket Internet Explorer for display in plain text.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/SyncServiceProviders/IMAP4/TrashMovesIf true, deleted items are placed in the deleted items folder on the server.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/SyncServiceProviders/IMAP4/CreateSpecialFoldersIf true, special folders (like "sent items" and "deleted items") are created on the server if they do not exist.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/SyncServiceProviders/IMAP4/AgeFilterNumber of days worth of mail to keep on the device.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/SyncServiceProviders/IMAP4/AttachFetchSizeMaximum number of bytes worth of attachments to automatically download when getting the full copy of a message.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/SyncServiceProviders/IMAP4/FetchSizeMaximum number of bytes worth of a mail message to download when doing the initial partial download of a mail message.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Shell/StartMRU/InitialOrderMULTI_SZ that contains the applications that are placed in the MRU on initial device boot. Each SZ entry is the full path to the application's .lnk file, for example "//windows//start menu//calendar.lnk". The entries should be in the reverse order of how they'll appear in the MRU
Registry/HKLM/Security/Policy/APIs/SIMMgr/*The Required Trust for accessing for SIM Manager APIs

0=OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE (Untrusted - No Trust Required)

1=OEM_CERTIFY_RUN (User Trust Required)

2=OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST (Kernel Trust Required)

(The Required trust can be set at the granularity individual Functions. In order to set a security a individual SIM Manager Function different than the default, a child subkey must be created[same name as the function] and set to the desired security level)

Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/SMS/Protocols/Raw/PrioritySMS Raw message type priority
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/SMS/Protocols/Broadcast/PrioritySMS Broadcast message type provider priority
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/ssupdate/SignalLevelLowFloorValue used to determine whether the signal strength is "Very Low". Must be a number between 0 and 100. Any signal strength lower than this will show as 0 bars in the user interface.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/ssupdate/SignalLevelMedFloorValue used to determine whether the signal strength is "Low". Must be a number between 0 and 100. Any signal strength lower than this but higher than or equal to SignalLevelLowFloor will show as 1 bar in the user interface.
Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/ssupdate/SignalLevelHighFloorValue used to determine whether the signal strength is "Medium". Must be a number between 0 and 100. Any signal strength lower than this but higher than or equal to SignalLevelMedFloor will show as 2 bars in the user interface. Signal strength higher than or equal to SignalLevelHighFloor and smaller than 100 will show as 3 bars. Signal strength greater than 100 always shows as 4 bars.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/*/AttenuationCategoryIdentifies the attenuation category for the sound category.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/*/DirectoryDirectory where the sound files for this category of sound live.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/*/InitVolStarting volume for the sound when played. This will vary depending on the attenuation setting for the sound. Ranges between 0 (off) and 5 (loudest)
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Sounds/*/CategoryCategory the sound falls into (either "ring", "feedback", "in call", or "notification")
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Sounds/*/ScriptHow the sound is played: "v" for vibrate, "l" for loop", "p" for play, "p3" for play three seconds.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Sounds/*/SoundName of the sound file. Note that this does not include the directory; it is just the file name.
Registry/Software/Microsoft/Shell/StartMenu/OrderMULTI_SZ that lists, in order, the special applications to bump to the top of the programs list. For example: "Inbox.lnk", "Contacts.lnk", "Calendar.lnk", and "Internet Explorer.lnk"
Registry/HKLM/Security/Policy/APIs/ATCmdInt/DefaultThe Required Trust for accessing for the AT Command Interpreter (Wireless Data Link) (ATCI) APIs

0=OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE (Untrusted - No Trust Required)

1=OEM_CERTIFY_RUN (User Trust Required)

2=OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST (Kernel Trust Required)

(All ATCI APIs have the Same Required Trust level as the default Key)

Registry/HKLM/Security/Policy/APIs/ELDrv/DefaultThe Required Trust for accessing for the Event Logger APIs

0=OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE (Untrusted - No Trust Required)

1=OEM_CERTIFY_RUN (User Trust Required)

2=OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST (Kernel Trust Required)

(All Event Logger APIs have the Same Required Trust level as the default Key)

Registry/HKLM/Security/Policy/APIs/SIMTKit/DefaultThe Required Trust for accessing for the SIM Toolkit APIs.

0=OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE (Untrusted - No Trust Required)

1=OEM_CERTIFY_RUN (User Trust Required)

2=OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST (Kernel Trust Required)

(All SIM Toolkit APIs have the Same Required Trust level as the default Key)

Registry/HKLM/Security/Policy/APIs/ConnAPI/*The Required Trust for accessing for Connection Manager (CM) APIs

0=OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE (Untrusted - No Trust Required)

1=OEM_CERTIFY_RUN (User Trust Required)

2=OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST (Kernel Trust Required)

(The Required trust for CM APIs can be set at the granularity individual Functions. In order to set a security a individual SIM Manager Function different than the default key, a child subkey must be created [same name as the function] and set to the desired security level)

Registry/HKLM/Security/Policy/APIs/ExTAPI/*The Required Trust for accessing for Extended TAPI APIs

0=OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE (Untrusted - No Trust Required)

1=OEM_CERTIFY_RUN (User Trust Required)

2=OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST (Kernel Trust Required)

(The Required trust can be set at the granularity individual Functions. In order to set a security a individual Extended TAPI Function's required Security different than the default, a child subkey must be created [same name as the function] and set to the desired security level)

Registry/HKLM/Security/Policy/APIs/RILGSM/DefaultThe Required Trust for accessing for the Radio Interface Layer (RIL) APIs.

0=OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE (Untrusted - No Trust Required)

1=OEM_CERTIFY_RUN (User Trust Required)

2=OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST (Kernel Trust Required)

(All RIL APIs have the Same Required Trust level as the default RIL Key)

Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/MessengerService/PresetMsgs/1The text displayed in the UI for predefined text option 1.
Registry/HKLM/Security/Policy/APIs/WAPDrv/DefaultThe Required Trust for accessing for the WAP Drivers (WTP, WTLS & WDP)

0=OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE (Untrusted - No Trust Required)

1=OEM_CERTIFY_RUN (User Trust Required)

2=OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST (Kernel Trust Required)

(All WAP Driver APIs have the Same Required Trust level as the default Key)

Registry/HKLM/Security/Policy/APIs/TSP/DefaultThe Required Trust for accessing for the TAPI Service Providers (TSP)

0=OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE (Untrusted - No Trust Required)

1=OEM_CERTIFY_RUN (User Trust Required)

2=OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST (Kernel Trust Required)

(All TSP APIs have the Same Required Trust level as the default Key)

Registry/HKLM/Security/Policy/APIs/DefaultThe Required Trust for accessing for the CellCore APIs (Includes are CellCore Components. For example, CPM, Event Logger, RIL, Connection manager, SIM Toolkit, SIM Manager etc).

Any specified Subkeys overide the Require Trust level of this Key.

0=OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE (Untrusted - No Trust Required)

1=OEM_CERTIFY_RUN (User Trust Required)

2=OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST (Kernel Trust Required)

Registry/HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/DaysToKeepDays to keep Pocket Internet Explorer history
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/*Want to lock down the MS branch of Software
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/*Any new apps that install must have access here
Registry/HKLM/Windows CE Services/Synchronization/Objects/*Any other sync providers for ActiveSync would be registered here
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows CE/CurrentVersion/AeDebug/Enabled/*Flag used for Windows CE debugging, not specific to ActiveSync
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows CE Services/*ActiveSync version
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Apps/Microsoft Application Installer/fAskOptions/*It is still used by wceload.exe for ActiveSync
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Apps/Microsoft Application Installer/nDynamicDelete/*It is still used by wceload.exe for ActiveSync
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Apps/Microsoft Application Installer/Supported/*It is still used by wceload.exe for ActiveSync
Registry/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Apps/Microsoft Application Installer/fAskDest/*It is still used by wceload.exe for ActiveSync
Registry/HKLM/Security/WAP/PGList/*List of proxy gateways
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/Notification/ScriptThe script that determines how notifications are played.
Registry/HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Nibbles/SpeedNibbles game speed
Registry/HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Nibbles/SizeNibbles board size
Registry/HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Nibbles/HScoreNibbles high score
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Phone/AutoAnsAuto answer timeout.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Accessibility/SHBoxTimeoutTimeout for events and confirmations, such as SHBox or SIM Toolkit UI
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Phone/CallProgressIdleTimeoutWhen call progress is visible and there are no active, incoming, held, or outgoing calls, this is the number of milliseconds call progress waits until it navigates back to where you were before it came up.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/Attenuation/1Attenuation level for alerts played while in a call.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Comm/AutoCnctAuto syncs ActiveSync
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Sounds/KeyPress/BeepModeBeep mode for keyclick sounds.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Sounds/KeyPress/ScriptScript for keyclick sounds.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Car/NameName of profile.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Loud/NameName of profile.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Meeting/NameName of profile.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Silent/NameName of profile.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/Normal/NameName of the profile.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/InCall/InitVolInitial volume for In Call sounds.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/Ring/InitVolInitial volume for Ring sounds.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/System/InitVolInitial Volume for Feedback sounds.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/SoundCategories/Notification/InitVolInitial volume for Notification sounds.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Profiles/ActiveProfileThe current active profile on the device.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Sounds/RingTone0/ScriptThe script that determines how a ring is played.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Phone/LockTimeoutLock timeout for device password
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Phone/ShowSIMDetermines if SIM phonebook entries are autofiltered.
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Phone/AnyKeyCan hit any key to answer phone
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Power/DisplayDisplay timeout value
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Owner/TelephonePhone number
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Owner/NameOwner name
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Home/TimeoutTimeout to home screen
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Accessibility/CharTimeoutCharacter timeout
Registry/HKCU/ControlPanel/Accessibility/FontSizeFont Size





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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


