jquery.ui.datepicker 添加时分秒

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[html]  view plain copy
  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">    
  2. <html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">   
  3. <head>  
  4. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />  
  5. <title>无标题文档</title>  
  6. <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="css/jquery-ui.css"/>  
  7. <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="css/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.css"/>  
  8. <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script>  
  9. <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>  
  10. <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js"></script>  
  11. <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-sliderAccess.js"></script>  
  12. <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-timepicker-zh-CN.js"></script>  
  13. <script type="text/javascript">  
  14.             $(function(){  
  15.                 $('#example').timepicker({});  
  16.             });  
  17. </script>  
  18. <style type="text/css">   
  19.             #ui-datepicker-div, .ui-datepicker{ font-size: 80%; }             
  20. </style>  
  21. </head>  
  22.     <body>   
  23.             <input type="text" name="example" id="example" value="" />  
  24.     </body>   
  25. </html>  







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Download Timepicker Addon

Download/Contribute on GitHub (Need the entire repo? Find a bug? See if its fixed here)

There is a small bit of required CSS (Download):

/* css for timepicker */
.ui-timepicker-div .ui-widget-header { margin-bottom: 8px; }
.ui-timepicker-div dl { text-align: left; }
.ui-timepicker-div dl dt { height: 25px; margin-bottom: -25px; }
.ui-timepicker-div dl dd { margin: 0 10px 10px 65px; }
.ui-timepicker-div td { font-size: 90%; }
.ui-tpicker-grid-label { background: none; border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; }

.ui-timepicker-rtl{ direction: rtl; }
.ui-timepicker-rtl dl { text-align: right; }
.ui-timepicker-rtl dl dd { margin: 0 65px 10px 10px; }


You also need to include jQuery and jQuery UI with datepicker and slider wigits. You should include them in your page in the following order:

  1. jQuery
  2. jQueryUI (with datepicker and slider wigits)
  3. Timepicker


Version 1.2

Last updated on 02/02/2013

jQuery Timepicker Addon is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects under both MIT and GPL licenses. This means that you can choose the license that best suits your project, and use it accordingly.

GPL License

MIT License

Adding a Timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker

The timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker, thus the datepicker and slider components (jQueryUI) are required for using any of these. In addition all datepicker options are still available through the timepicker addon.

If you are interested in contributing to Timepicker Addon please check it out on GitHub. If you do make additions please keep in mind I enjoy tabs over spaces,.. But contributions are welcome in any form.

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The timepicker does inherit all options from datepicker. However, there are many options that are shared by them both, and many timepicker only options:

Localization Options

Default: "Now", A Localization Setting - Text for the Now button.
Default: "Done", A Localization Setting - Text for the Close button.
Default: ['AM', 'A'], A Localization Setting - Array of strings to try and parse against to determine AM.
Default: ['PM', 'P'], A Localization Setting - Array of strings to try and parse against to determine PM.
Default: "HH:mm", A Localization Setting - String of format tokens to be replaced with the time. See Formatting.
Default: "", A Localization Setting - String to place after the formatted time.
Default: "Choose Time", A Localization Setting - Title of the wigit when using only timepicker.
Default: "Time", A Localization Setting - Label used within timepicker for the formatted time.
Default: "Hour", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the hour slider.
Default: "Minute", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the minute slider.
Default: "Second", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the second slider.
Default: "Millisecond", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the millisecond slider.
Default: "Timezone", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the timezone slider.
Default: false, A Localization Setting - Right to Left support.

Alt Field Options

Default: true - When altField is used from datepicker altField will only receive the formatted time and the original field only receives date.
Default: (separator option) - String placed between formatted date and formatted time in the altField.
Default: (timeSuffix option) - String always placed after the formatted time in the altField.
Default: (timeFormat option) - The time format to use with the altField.

Timezone Options

Default: false - Whether to default timezone to the browser's set timezone.
Default: "+0000" - If not set, the default timezone used.
Default: false - Whether to follow the ISO 8601 standard.
Default: [generated timezones] - An array of timezones used to populate the timezone select. Can be an array of values or an array of objects: { label: "EST", value: "+0400" }

Time Field Options

Default: 'slider' - Whether to use 'slider' or 'select'. If 'slider' is unavailable through jQueryUI, 'select' will be used. For advanced usage you may pass an object which implements "create", "options", "value" methods to use controls other than sliders or selects. See the _controls property in the source code for more details.
	create: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step){	
		// generate whatever controls you want here, just return obj
	options: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val){
		// if val==undefined return the value, else return obj
	value: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val){
		// if val==undefined return the value, else return obj
Default: true - Whether to show the hour slider.
Default: true - Whether to show the minute slider.
Default: false - Whether to show the second slider.
Default: false - Whether to show the millisecond slider.
Default: false - Whether to show the timezone select.
Default: true - Whether to show the time selected within the datetimepicker.
Default: 1 - Hours per step the slider makes.
Default: 1 - Minutes per step the slider makes.
Default: 1 - Seconds per step the slider makes.
Default: 1 - Milliseconds per step the slider makes.
Default: 0 - Initial hour set.
Default: 0 - Initial minute set.
Default: 0 - Initial second set.
Default: 0 - Initial millisecond set.
Default: 0 - Initial timezone set.
Default: 0 - The minimum hour allowed for all dates.
Default: 0 - The minimum minute allowed for all dates.
Default: 0 - The minimum second allowed for all dates.
Default: 0 - The minimum millisecond allowed for all dates.
Default: 23 - The maximum hour allowed for all dates.
Default: 59 - The maximum minute allowed for all dates.
Default: 59 - The maximum second allowed for all dates.
Default: 999 - The maximum millisecond allowed for all dates.
Default: 0 - When greater than 0 a label grid will be generated under the slider. This number represents the units (in hours) between labels.
Default: 0 - When greater than 0 a label grid will be generated under the slider. This number represents the units (in minutes) between labels.
Default: 0 - When greater than 0 a label grid will be genereated under the slider. This number represents the units (in seconds) between labels.
Default: 0 - When greater than 0 a label grid will be genereated under the slider. This number represents the units (in milliseconds) between labels.

Other Options

Default: true - Whether to show the button panel at the bottom. This is generally needed.
Default: false - Hide the datepicker and only provide a time interface.
Default: null - Function to be called when a date is chosen or time has changed (parameters: datetimeText, datepickerInstance).
Default: true - Always have a time set internally, even before user has chosen one.
Default: " " - When formatting the time this string is placed between the formatted date and formatted time.
Default: (timeFormat option) - How to format the time displayed within the timepicker.
Default: (timeSuffix option) - String to place after the formatted time within the timepicker.
Default: true - Whether to show the timepicker within the datepicker.
Default: false - Adds the  sliderAccess plugin to sliders within timepicker
Default: null - Object to pass to sliderAccess when used.
Default: null - String of the default time value placed in the input on focus when the input is empty.
Default: null - Date object of the minimum datetime allowed. Also available as minDate.
Default: null - Date object of the maximum datetime allowed. Also Available as maxDate.
Default: 'strict' - How to parse the time string. Two methods are provided: 'strict' which must match the timeFormat exactly, and 'loose' which uses javascript's new Date(timeString) to guess the time. You may also pass in a function(timeFormat, timeString, options) to handle the parsing yourself, returning a simple object:
	hour: 19,
	minute: 10,
	second: 23,
	millisec: 45,
	timezone: '-0400'



Basic Initializations

Add a simple datetimepicker to jQuery UI's datepicker


Add only a timepicker:


Format the time:

	timeFormat: "hh:mm tt"

Using Timezones

Simplest timezone usage:

	timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt z',
	showTimezone: true

Define your own timezone options:

	timeFormat: 'HH:mm z',
	showTimezone: true,
	timezoneList: [ 
			{ value: '-0500', label: 'Eastern'}, 
			{ value: '-0600', label: 'Central' }, 
			{ value: '-0700', label: 'Mountain' }, 
			{ value: '-0800', label: 'Pacific' } 

Use timezone string abbreviations for values:

	timeFormat: 'HH:mm z',
	showTimezone: true,
	timezone: 'MT',
	timezoneList: [ 
			{ value: 'ET', label: 'Eastern'}, 
			{ value: 'CT', label: 'Central' }, 
			{ value: 'MT', label: 'Mountain' }, 
			{ value: 'PT', label: 'Pacific' } 

Slider Modifications

Add a grid to each slider:

	hourGrid: 4,
	minuteGrid: 10,
	timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt'

Set the interval step of sliders:

	showSecond: true,
	timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss',
	stepHour: 2,
	stepMinute: 10,
	stepSecond: 10

Add sliderAccess plugin for touch devices:

	addSliderAccess: true,
	sliderAccessArgs: { touchonly: false }

Use dropdowns instead of sliders. By default if slider is not available dropdowns will be used.

	controlType: 'select',
	timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt'

Create your own control by implementing the create, options, and value methods. If you want to use your new control for all instances use the $.timepicker.setDefaults({controlType:myControl}). Here we implement jQueryUI's spinner control (jQueryUI 1.9+).

var myControl=  {
	create: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step){
		$('<input class="ui-timepicker-input" value="'+val+'" style="width:50%">')
				min: min,
				max: max,
				step: step,
				change: function(e,ui){ // key events
						// don't call if api was used and not key press
						if(e.originalEvent !== undefined)
				spin: function(e,ui){ // spin events
						tp_inst.control.value(tp_inst, obj, unit, ui.value);
		return obj;
	options: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val){
		if(typeof(opts) == 'string' && val !== undefined)
				return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner(opts, val);
		return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner(opts);
	value: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val){
		if(val !== undefined)
			return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner('value', val);
		return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner('value');

	controlType: myControl

Alternate Fields

Alt field in the simplest form:

	altField: "#alt_example_1_alt"

With datetime in both:

	altField: "#alt_example_2_alt",
	altFieldTimeOnly: false

Format the altField differently:

	altField: "#alt_example_3_alt",
	altFieldTimeOnly: false,
	altFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
	altTimeFormat: "h:m t",
	altSeparator: " @ "

With inline mode using altField:

Prev Next
February  2013
SuMoTuWeThFr Sa
         1 2
345678 9
101112131415 16
171819202122 23
	altField: "#alt_example_4_alt",
	altFieldTimeOnly: false

Time Restraints

Set the min/max hour of every date:

	hourMin: 8,
	hourMax: 16

Set the min/max date numerically:

	numberOfMonths: 2,
	minDate: 0,
	maxDate: 30

Set the min/max date and time with a Date object:

	minDate: new Date(2010, 11, 20, 8, 30),
	maxDate: new Date(2010, 11, 31, 17, 30)

Restrict a start and end date (also shows using onSelect and onClose events):

var startDateTextBox = $('#rest_example_4_start');
var endDateTextBox = $('#rest_example_4_end');

	onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
		if (endDateTextBox.val() != '') {
			var testStartDate = startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate');
			var testEndDate = endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate');
			if (testStartDate > testEndDate)
				endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('setDate', testStartDate);
		else {
	onSelect: function (selectedDateTime){
		endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('option', 'minDate', startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate') );
	onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
		if (startDateTextBox.val() != '') {
			var testStartDate = startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate');
			var testEndDate = endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate');
			if (testStartDate > testEndDate)
				startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('setDate', testEndDate);
		else {
	onSelect: function (selectedDateTime){
		startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('option', 'maxDate', endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate') );


Get and Set Datetime:

var ex13 = $('#utility_example_1');

	dateFormat: "D MM d, yy",
	separator: ' @ '

	ex13.datetimepicker('setDate', (new Date()) );


Use the utility function to format your own time. $.datepicker.formatTime(format, time, options)

required - string represenation of the time format to use
required - hash: { hour, minute, second, millisecond, timezone }
optional - hash of any options in regional translation (ampm, amNames, pmNames..)

Returns a time string in the specified format.

14:36 +2000
	$.datepicker.formatTime('HH:mm z', { hour: 14, minute: 36, timezone: '+2000' }, {})

Use the utility function to parses a formatted time. $.datepicker.parseTime(format, timeString, options)

required - string represenation of the time format to use
required - time string matching the format given in parameter 1
optional - hash of any options in regional translation (ampm, amNames, pmNames..)

Returns an object with hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, timezone.

	$.datepicker.parseTime('HH:mm:ss:l z', "14:36:21:765 +2000", {}) 


(function($) {
	$.datepicker.regional['zh-CN'] = {
	        clearText: '清除',
	        clearStatus: '清除已选日期',
	        closeText: '关闭',
	        closeStatus: '不改变当前选择',
	        prevText: '<上月',
	        prevStatus: '显示上月',
	        prevBigText: '<<',
	        prevBigStatus: '显示上一年',
	        nextText: '下月>',
	        nextStatus: '显示下月',
	        nextBigText: '>>',
	        nextBigStatus: '显示下一年',
	        currentText: '今天',
	        currentStatus: '显示本月',
	        monthNames: ['一月','二月','三月','四月','五月','六月', '七月','八月','九月','十月','十一月','十二月'],
	        monthNamesShort: ['一','二','三','四','五','六', '七','八','九','十','十一','十二'],
	        monthStatus: '选择月份',
	        yearStatus: '选择年份',
	        weekHeader: '周',
	        weekStatus: '年内周次',
	        dayNames: ['星期日','星期一','星期二','星期三','星期四','星期五','星期六'],
	        dayNamesShort: ['周日','周一','周二','周三','周四','周五','周六'],
	        dayNamesMin: ['日','一','二','三','四','五','六'],
	        dayStatus: '设置 DD 为一周起始',
	        dateStatus: '选择 m月 d日, DD',
	        dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
	        firstDay: 1,
	        initStatus: '请选择日期',
	        isRTL: false};
	$.timepicker.regional['zh-CN'] = {
		timeOnlyTitle: '选择时间',
		timeText: '时间',
		hourText: '小时',
		minuteText: '分钟',
		secondText: '秒钟',
		millisecText: '微秒',
		timezoneText: '时区',
		currentText: '现在时间',
		closeText: '关闭',
		timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss',
		amNames: ['AM', 'A'],
		pmNames: ['PM', 'P'],
		isRTL: false

 * jQuery timepicker addon
 * By: Trent Richardson [http://trentrichardson.com]
 * Version 1.2
 * Last Modified: 02/02/2013
 * Copyright 2013 Trent Richardson
 * You may use this project under MIT or GPL licenses.
 * http://trentrichardson.com/Impromptu/GPL-LICENSE.txt
 * http://trentrichardson.com/Impromptu/MIT-LICENSE.txt

/*jslint evil: true, white: false, undef: false, nomen: false */

(function($) {

	* Lets not redefine timepicker, Prevent "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"
	$.ui.timepicker = $.ui.timepicker || {};
	if ($.ui.timepicker.version) {

	* Extend jQueryUI, get it started with our version number
	$.extend($.ui, {
		timepicker: {
			version: "1.2"

	* Timepicker manager.
	* Use the singleton instance of this class, $.timepicker, to interact with the time picker.
	* Settings for (groups of) time pickers are maintained in an instance object,
	* allowing multiple different settings on the same page.
	var Timepicker = function() {
		this.regional = []; // Available regional settings, indexed by language code
		this.regional[''] = { // Default regional settings
			currentText: 'Now',
			closeText: 'Done',
			amNames: ['AM', 'A'],
			pmNames: ['PM', 'P'],
			timeFormat: 'HH:mm',
			timeSuffix: '',
			timeOnlyTitle: 'Choose Time',
			timeText: 'Time',
			hourText: 'Hour',
			minuteText: 'Minute',
			secondText: 'Second',
			millisecText: 'Millisecond',
			timezoneText: 'Time Zone',
			isRTL: false
		this._defaults = { // Global defaults for all the datetime picker instances
			showButtonPanel: true,
			timeOnly: false,
			showHour: true,
			showMinute: true,
			showSecond: false,
			showMillisec: false,
			showTimezone: false,
			showTime: true,
			stepHour: 1,
			stepMinute: 1,
			stepSecond: 1,
			stepMillisec: 1,
			hour: 0,
			minute: 0,
			second: 0,
			millisec: 0,
			timezone: null,
			useLocalTimezone: false,
			defaultTimezone: "+0000",
			hourMin: 0,
			minuteMin: 0,
			secondMin: 0,
			millisecMin: 0,
			hourMax: 23,
			minuteMax: 59,
			secondMax: 59,
			millisecMax: 999,
			minDateTime: null,
			maxDateTime: null,
			onSelect: null,
			hourGrid: 0,
			minuteGrid: 0,
			secondGrid: 0,
			millisecGrid: 0,
			alwaysSetTime: true,
			separator: ' ',
			altFieldTimeOnly: true,
			altTimeFormat: null,
			altSeparator: null,
			altTimeSuffix: null,
			pickerTimeFormat: null,
			pickerTimeSuffix: null,
			showTimepicker: true,
			timezoneIso8601: false,
			timezoneList: null,
			addSliderAccess: false,
			sliderAccessArgs: null,
			controlType: 'slider',
			defaultValue: null,
			parse: 'strict'
		$.extend(this._defaults, this.regional['']);

	$.extend(Timepicker.prototype, {
		$input: null,
		$altInput: null,
		$timeObj: null,
		inst: null,
		hour_slider: null,
		minute_slider: null,
		second_slider: null,
		millisec_slider: null,
		timezone_select: null,
		hour: 0,
		minute: 0,
		second: 0,
		millisec: 0,
		timezone: null,
		defaultTimezone: "+0000",
		hourMinOriginal: null,
		minuteMinOriginal: null,
		secondMinOriginal: null,
		millisecMinOriginal: null,
		hourMaxOriginal: null,
		minuteMaxOriginal: null,
		secondMaxOriginal: null,
		millisecMaxOriginal: null,
		ampm: '',
		formattedDate: '',
		formattedTime: '',
		formattedDateTime: '',
		timezoneList: null,
		units: ['hour','minute','second','millisec'],
		control: null,

		* Override the default settings for all instances of the time picker.
		* @param  settings  object - the new settings to use as defaults (anonymous object)
		* @return the manager object
		setDefaults: function(settings) {
			extendRemove(this._defaults, settings || {});
			return this;

		* Create a new Timepicker instance
		_newInst: function($input, o) {
			var tp_inst = new Timepicker(),
				inlineSettings = {},
                fns = {},
		        overrides, i;

			for (var attrName in this._defaults) {
					var attrValue = $input.attr('time:' + attrName);
					if (attrValue) {
						try {
							inlineSettings[attrName] = eval(attrValue);
						} catch (err) {
							inlineSettings[attrName] = attrValue;
		    overrides = {
		        beforeShow: function (input, dp_inst) {
		            if ($.isFunction(tp_inst._defaults.evnts.beforeShow)) {
		                return tp_inst._defaults.evnts.beforeShow.call($input[0], input, dp_inst, tp_inst);
		        onChangeMonthYear: function (year, month, dp_inst) {
		            // Update the time as well : this prevents the time from disappearing from the $input field.
		            if ($.isFunction(tp_inst._defaults.evnts.onChangeMonthYear)) {
		                tp_inst._defaults.evnts.onChangeMonthYear.call($input[0], year, month, dp_inst, tp_inst);
		        onClose: function (dateText, dp_inst) {
		            if (tp_inst.timeDefined === true && $input.val() !== '') {
		            if ($.isFunction(tp_inst._defaults.evnts.onClose)) {
		                tp_inst._defaults.evnts.onClose.call($input[0], dateText, dp_inst, tp_inst);
		    for (i in overrides) {
		        if (overrides.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
		            fns[i] = o[i] || null;
		    tp_inst._defaults = $.extend({}, this._defaults, inlineSettings, o, overrides, {
		        timepicker: tp_inst // add timepicker as a property of datepicker: $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'timepicker');
			tp_inst.amNames = $.map(tp_inst._defaults.amNames, function(val) {
				return val.toUpperCase();
			tp_inst.pmNames = $.map(tp_inst._defaults.pmNames, function(val) {
				return val.toUpperCase();

			// controlType is string - key to our this._controls
			if(typeof(tp_inst._defaults.controlType) === 'string'){
				if($.fn[tp_inst._defaults.controlType] === undefined){
					tp_inst._defaults.controlType = 'select';
				tp_inst.control = tp_inst._controls[tp_inst._defaults.controlType];
			// controlType is an object and must implement create, options, value methods
				tp_inst.control = tp_inst._defaults.controlType;

			if (tp_inst._defaults.timezoneList === null) {
				var timezoneList = ['-1200', '-1100', '-1000', '-0930', '-0900', '-0800', '-0700', '-0600', '-0500', '-0430', '-0400', '-0330', '-0300', '-0200', '-0100', '+0000', 
									'+0100', '+0200', '+0300', '+0330', '+0400', '+0430', '+0500', '+0530', '+0545', '+0600', '+0630', '+0700', '+0800', '+0845', '+0900', '+0930', 
									'+1000', '+1030', '+1100', '+1130', '+1200', '+1245', '+1300', '+1400'];

				if (tp_inst._defaults.timezoneIso8601) {
					timezoneList = $.map(timezoneList, function(val) {
						return val == '+0000' ? 'Z' : (val.substring(0, 3) + ':' + val.substring(3));
				tp_inst._defaults.timezoneList = timezoneList;

			tp_inst.timezone = tp_inst._defaults.timezone;
			tp_inst.hour = tp_inst._defaults.hour < tp_inst._defaults.hourMin? tp_inst._defaults.hourMin : 
							tp_inst._defaults.hour > tp_inst._defaults.hourMax? tp_inst._defaults.hourMax : tp_inst._defaults.hour;
			tp_inst.minute = tp_inst._defaults.minute < tp_inst._defaults.minuteMin? tp_inst._defaults.minuteMin : 
							tp_inst._defaults.minute > tp_inst._defaults.minuteMax? tp_inst._defaults.minuteMax : tp_inst._defaults.minute;
			tp_inst.second = tp_inst._defaults.second < tp_inst._defaults.secondMin? tp_inst._defaults.secondMin : 
							tp_inst._defaults.second > tp_inst._defaults.secondMax? tp_inst._defaults.secondMax : tp_inst._defaults.second;
			tp_inst.millisec = tp_inst._defaults.millisec < tp_inst._defaults.millisecMin? tp_inst._defaults.millisecMin : 
							tp_inst._defaults.millisec > tp_inst._defaults.millisecMax? tp_inst._defaults.millisecMax : tp_inst._defaults.millisec;
			tp_inst.ampm = '';
			tp_inst.$input = $input;

			if (o.altField) {
				tp_inst.$altInput = $(o.altField).css({
					cursor: 'pointer'
				}).focus(function() {

			if (tp_inst._defaults.minDate === 0 || tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime === 0) {
				tp_inst._defaults.minDate = new Date();
			if (tp_inst._defaults.maxDate === 0 || tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime === 0) {
				tp_inst._defaults.maxDate = new Date();

			// datepicker needs minDate/maxDate, timepicker needs minDateTime/maxDateTime..
			if (tp_inst._defaults.minDate !== undefined && tp_inst._defaults.minDate instanceof Date) {
				tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime = new Date(tp_inst._defaults.minDate.getTime());
			if (tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime !== undefined && tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime instanceof Date) {
				tp_inst._defaults.minDate = new Date(tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime.getTime());
			if (tp_inst._defaults.maxDate !== undefined && tp_inst._defaults.maxDate instanceof Date) {
				tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime = new Date(tp_inst._defaults.maxDate.getTime());
			if (tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime !== undefined && tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime instanceof Date) {
				tp_inst._defaults.maxDate = new Date(tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime.getTime());
			tp_inst.$input.bind('focus', function() {

			return tp_inst;

		* add our sliders to the calendar
		_addTimePicker: function(dp_inst) {
			var currDT = (this.$altInput && this._defaults.altFieldTimeOnly) ? this.$input.val() + ' ' + this.$altInput.val() : this.$input.val();

			this.timeDefined = this._parseTime(currDT);
			this._limitMinMaxDateTime(dp_inst, false);

		* parse the time string from input value or _setTime
		_parseTime: function(timeString, withDate) {
			if (!this.inst) {
				this.inst = $.datepicker._getInst(this.$input[0]);

			if (withDate || !this._defaults.timeOnly) {
				var dp_dateFormat = $.datepicker._get(this.inst, 'dateFormat');
				try {
					var parseRes = parseDateTimeInternal(dp_dateFormat, this._defaults.timeFormat, timeString, $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(this.inst), this._defaults);
					if (!parseRes.timeObj) {
						return false;
					$.extend(this, parseRes.timeObj);
				} catch (err) {
					$.timepicker.log("Error parsing the date/time string: " + err +
									"\ndate/time string = " + timeString +
									"\ntimeFormat = " + this._defaults.timeFormat +
									"\ndateFormat = " + dp_dateFormat);
					return false;
				return true;
			} else {
				var timeObj = $.datepicker.parseTime(this._defaults.timeFormat, timeString, this._defaults);
				if (!timeObj) {
					return false;
				$.extend(this, timeObj);
				return true;

		* generate and inject html for timepicker into ui datepicker
		_injectTimePicker: function() {
			var $dp = this.inst.dpDiv,
				o = this.inst.settings,
				tp_inst = this,
				litem = '',
				uitem = '',
				max = {},
				gridSize = {},
				size = null;

			// Prevent displaying twice
			if ($dp.find("div.ui-timepicker-div").length === 0 && o.showTimepicker) {
				var noDisplay = ' style="display:none;"',
					html = '<div class="ui-timepicker-div'+ (o.isRTL? ' ui-timepicker-rtl' : '') +'"><dl>' + '<dt class="ui_tpicker_time_label"' + ((o.showTime) ? '' : noDisplay) + '>' + o.timeText + '</dt>' + 
								'<dd class="ui_tpicker_time"' + ((o.showTime) ? '' : noDisplay) + '></dd>';

				// Create the markup
				for(var i=0,l=this.units.length; i<l; i++){
					litem = this.units[i];
					uitem = litem.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + litem.substr(1);
					// Added by Peter Medeiros:
					// - Figure out what the hour/minute/second max should be based on the step values.
					// - Example: if stepMinute is 15, then minMax is 45.
					max[litem] = parseInt((o[litem+'Max'] - ((o[litem+'Max'] - o[litem+'Min']) % o['step'+uitem])), 10);
					gridSize[litem] = 0;

					html += '<dt class="ui_tpicker_'+ litem +'_label"' + ((o['show'+uitem]) ? '' : noDisplay) + '>' + o[litem +'Text'] + '</dt>' + 
								'<dd class="ui_tpicker_'+ litem +'"><div class="ui_tpicker_'+ litem +'_slider"' + ((o['show'+uitem]) ? '' : noDisplay) + '></div>';

					if (o['show'+uitem] && o[litem+'Grid'] > 0) {
						html += '<div style="padding-left: 1px"><table class="ui-tpicker-grid-label"><tr>';

						if(litem == 'hour'){
							for (var h = o[litem+'Min']; h <= max[litem]; h += parseInt(o[litem+'Grid'], 10)) {
								var tmph = $.datepicker.formatTime(useAmpm(o.pickerTimeFormat || o.timeFormat)? 'hht':'HH', {hour:h}, o);									
								html += '<td data-for="'+litem+'">' + tmph + '</td>';
							for (var m = o[litem+'Min']; m <= max[litem]; m += parseInt(o[litem+'Grid'], 10)) {
								html += '<td data-for="'+litem+'">' + ((m < 10) ? '0' : '') + m + '</td>';

						html += '</tr></table></div>';
					html += '</dd>';
				// Timezone
				html += '<dt class="ui_tpicker_timezone_label"' + ((o.showTimezone) ? '' : noDisplay) + '>' + o.timezoneText + '</dt>';
				html += '<dd class="ui_tpicker_timezone" ' + ((o.showTimezone) ? '' : noDisplay) + '></dd>';

				// Create the elements from string
				html += '</dl></div>';
				var $tp = $(html);

				// if we only want time picker...
				if (o.timeOnly === true) {
					$tp.prepend('<div class="ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all">' + '<div class="ui-datepicker-title">' + o.timeOnlyTitle + '</div>' + '</div>');
					$dp.find('.ui-datepicker-header, .ui-datepicker-calendar').hide();
				// add sliders, adjust grids, add events
				for(var i=0,l=tp_inst.units.length; i<l; i++){
					litem = tp_inst.units[i];
					uitem = litem.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + litem.substr(1);

					// add the slider
					tp_inst[litem+'_slider'] = tp_inst.control.create(tp_inst, $tp.find('.ui_tpicker_'+litem+'_slider'), litem, tp_inst[litem], o[litem+'Min'], max[litem], o['step'+uitem]);

					// adjust the grid and add click event
					if (o['show'+uitem] && o[litem+'Grid'] > 0) {
						size = 100 * gridSize[litem] * o[litem+'Grid'] / (max[litem] - o[litem+'Min']);
						$tp.find('.ui_tpicker_'+litem+' table').css({
							width: size + "%",
							marginLeft: o.isRTL? '0' : ((size / (-2 * gridSize[litem])) + "%"),
							marginRight: o.isRTL? ((size / (-2 * gridSize[litem])) + "%") : '0',
							borderCollapse: 'collapse'
								var $t = $(this),
									h = $t.html(),
									n = parseInt(h.replace(/[^0-9]/g),10),
									ap = h.replace(/[^apm]/ig),
									f = $t.data('for'); // loses scope, so we use data-for

								if(f == 'hour'){
									if(ap.indexOf('p') !== -1 && n < 12){
										n += 12;
										if(ap.indexOf('a') !== -1 && n === 12){
											n = 0;
								tp_inst.control.value(tp_inst, tp_inst[f+'_slider'], litem, n);

								cursor: 'pointer',
								width: (100 / gridSize[litem]) + '%',
								textAlign: 'center',
								overflow: 'hidden'
					} // end if grid > 0
				} // end for loop

				// Add timezone options
				this.timezone_select = $tp.find('.ui_tpicker_timezone').append('<select></select>').find("select");
				$.map(o.timezoneList, function(val, idx) {
					return $("<option />").val(typeof val == "object" ? val.value : val).text(typeof val == "object" ? val.label : val);
				if (typeof(this.timezone) != "undefined" && this.timezone !== null && this.timezone !== "") {
					var local_date = new Date(this.inst.selectedYear, this.inst.selectedMonth, this.inst.selectedDay, 12);
					var local_timezone = $.timepicker.timeZoneOffsetString(local_date);
					if (local_timezone == this.timezone) {
					} else {
				} else {
					if (typeof(this.hour) != "undefined" && this.hour !== null && this.hour !== "") {
					} else {
				this.timezone_select.change(function() {
					tp_inst._defaults.useLocalTimezone = false;
				// End timezone options
				// inject timepicker into datepicker
				var $buttonPanel = $dp.find('.ui-datepicker-buttonpane');
				if ($buttonPanel.length) {
				} else {

				this.$timeObj = $tp.find('.ui_tpicker_time');

				if (this.inst !== null) {
					var timeDefined = this.timeDefined;
					this.timeDefined = timeDefined;

				// slideAccess integration: http://trentrichardson.com/2011/11/11/jquery-ui-sliders-and-touch-accessibility/
				if (this._defaults.addSliderAccess) {
					var sliderAccessArgs = this._defaults.sliderAccessArgs,
						rtl = this._defaults.isRTL;
					sliderAccessArgs.isRTL = rtl;
					setTimeout(function() { // fix for inline mode
						if ($tp.find('.ui-slider-access').length === 0) {

							// fix any grids since sliders are shorter
							var sliderAccessWidth = $tp.find('.ui-slider-access:eq(0)').outerWidth(true);
							if (sliderAccessWidth) {
								$tp.find('table:visible').each(function() {
									var $g = $(this),
										oldWidth = $g.outerWidth(),
										oldMarginLeft = $g.css(rtl? 'marginRight':'marginLeft').toString().replace('%', ''),
										newWidth = oldWidth - sliderAccessWidth,
										newMarginLeft = ((oldMarginLeft * newWidth) / oldWidth) + '%',
										css = { width: newWidth, marginRight: 0, marginLeft: 0 };
									css[rtl? 'marginRight':'marginLeft'] = newMarginLeft;
					}, 10);
				// end slideAccess integration


		* This function tries to limit the ability to go outside the
		* min/max date range
		_limitMinMaxDateTime: function(dp_inst, adjustSliders) {
			var o = this._defaults,
				dp_date = new Date(dp_inst.selectedYear, dp_inst.selectedMonth, dp_inst.selectedDay);

			if (!this._defaults.showTimepicker) {
			} // No time so nothing to check here

			if ($.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'minDateTime') !== null && $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'minDateTime') !== undefined && dp_date) {
				var minDateTime = $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'minDateTime'),
					minDateTimeDate = new Date(minDateTime.getFullYear(), minDateTime.getMonth(), minDateTime.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);

				if (this.hourMinOriginal === null || this.minuteMinOriginal === null || this.secondMinOriginal === null || this.millisecMinOriginal === null) {
					this.hourMinOriginal = o.hourMin;
					this.minuteMinOriginal = o.minuteMin;
					this.secondMinOriginal = o.secondMin;
					this.millisecMinOriginal = o.millisecMin;

				if (dp_inst.settings.timeOnly || minDateTimeDate.getTime() == dp_date.getTime()) {
					this._defaults.hourMin = minDateTime.getHours();
					if (this.hour <= this._defaults.hourMin) {
						this.hour = this._defaults.hourMin;
						this._defaults.minuteMin = minDateTime.getMinutes();
						if (this.minute <= this._defaults.minuteMin) {
							this.minute = this._defaults.minuteMin;
							this._defaults.secondMin = minDateTime.getSeconds();
							if (this.second <= this._defaults.secondMin) {
								this.second = this._defaults.secondMin;
								this._defaults.millisecMin = minDateTime.getMilliseconds();
							} else {
								if (this.millisec < this._defaults.millisecMin) {
									this.millisec = this._defaults.millisecMin;
								this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
						} else {
							this._defaults.secondMin = this.secondMinOriginal;
							this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
					} else {
						this._defaults.minuteMin = this.minuteMinOriginal;
						this._defaults.secondMin = this.secondMinOriginal;
						this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
				} else {
					this._defaults.hourMin = this.hourMinOriginal;
					this._defaults.minuteMin = this.minuteMinOriginal;
					this._defaults.secondMin = this.secondMinOriginal;
					this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;

			if ($.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'maxDateTime') !== null && $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'maxDateTime') !== undefined && dp_date) {
				var maxDateTime = $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'maxDateTime'),
					maxDateTimeDate = new Date(maxDateTime.getFullYear(), maxDateTime.getMonth(), maxDateTime.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);

				if (this.hourMaxOriginal === null || this.minuteMaxOriginal === null || this.secondMaxOriginal === null) {
					this.hourMaxOriginal = o.hourMax;
					this.minuteMaxOriginal = o.minuteMax;
					this.secondMaxOriginal = o.secondMax;
					this.millisecMaxOriginal = o.millisecMax;

				if (dp_inst.settings.timeOnly || maxDateTimeDate.getTime() == dp_date.getTime()) {
					this._defaults.hourMax = maxDateTime.getHours();
					if (this.hour >= this._defaults.hourMax) {
						this.hour = this._defaults.hourMax;
						this._defaults.minuteMax = maxDateTime.getMinutes();
						if (this.minute >= this._defaults.minuteMax) {
							this.minute = this._defaults.minuteMax;
							this._defaults.secondMax = maxDateTime.getSeconds();
							if (this.second >= this._defaults.secondMax) {
								this.second = this._defaults.secondMax;
								this._defaults.millisecMax = maxDateTime.getMilliseconds();
							} else {
								if (this.millisec > this._defaults.millisecMax) {
									this.millisec = this._defaults.millisecMax;
								this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
						} else {
							this._defaults.secondMax = this.secondMaxOriginal;
							this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
					} else {
						this._defaults.minuteMax = this.minuteMaxOriginal;
						this._defaults.secondMax = this.secondMaxOriginal;
						this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
				} else {
					this._defaults.hourMax = this.hourMaxOriginal;
					this._defaults.minuteMax = this.minuteMaxOriginal;
					this._defaults.secondMax = this.secondMaxOriginal;
					this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;

			if (adjustSliders !== undefined && adjustSliders === true) {
				var hourMax = parseInt((this._defaults.hourMax - ((this._defaults.hourMax - this._defaults.hourMin) % this._defaults.stepHour)), 10),
					minMax = parseInt((this._defaults.minuteMax - ((this._defaults.minuteMax - this._defaults.minuteMin) % this._defaults.stepMinute)), 10),
					secMax = parseInt((this._defaults.secondMax - ((this._defaults.secondMax - this._defaults.secondMin) % this._defaults.stepSecond)), 10),
					millisecMax = parseInt((this._defaults.millisecMax - ((this._defaults.millisecMax - this._defaults.millisecMin) % this._defaults.stepMillisec)), 10);

				if (this.hour_slider) {
					this.control.options(this, this.hour_slider, 'hour', { min: this._defaults.hourMin, max: hourMax });
					this.control.value(this, this.hour_slider, 'hour', this.hour - (this.hour % this._defaults.stepHour));
				if (this.minute_slider) {
					this.control.options(this, this.minute_slider, 'minute', { min: this._defaults.minuteMin, max: minMax });
					this.control.value(this, this.minute_slider, 'minute', this.minute - (this.minute % this._defaults.stepMinute));
				if (this.second_slider) {
					this.control.options(this, this.second_slider, 'second', { min: this._defaults.secondMin, max: secMax });
					this.control.value(this, this.second_slider, 'second', this.second - (this.second % this._defaults.stepSecond));
				if (this.millisec_slider) {
					this.control.options(this, this.millisec_slider, 'millisec', { min: this._defaults.millisecMin, max: millisecMax });
					this.control.value(this, this.millisec_slider, 'millisec', this.millisec - (this.millisec % this._defaults.stepMillisec));


		* when a slider moves, set the internal time...
		* on time change is also called when the time is updated in the text field
		_onTimeChange: function() {
			var hour = (this.hour_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.hour_slider, 'hour') : false,
				minute = (this.minute_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.minute_slider, 'minute') : false,
				second = (this.second_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.second_slider, 'second') : false,
				millisec = (this.millisec_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.millisec_slider, 'millisec') : false,
				timezone = (this.timezone_select) ? this.timezone_select.val() : false,
				o = this._defaults,
				pickerTimeFormat = o.pickerTimeFormat || o.timeFormat,
				pickerTimeSuffix = o.pickerTimeSuffix || o.timeSuffix;

			if (typeof(hour) == 'object') {
				hour = false;
			if (typeof(minute) == 'object') {
				minute = false;
			if (typeof(second) == 'object') {
				second = false;
			if (typeof(millisec) == 'object') {
				millisec = false;
			if (typeof(timezone) == 'object') {
				timezone = false;

			if (hour !== false) {
				hour = parseInt(hour, 10);
			if (minute !== false) {
				minute = parseInt(minute, 10);
			if (second !== false) {
				second = parseInt(second, 10);
			if (millisec !== false) {
				millisec = parseInt(millisec, 10);

			var ampm = o[hour < 12 ? 'amNames' : 'pmNames'][0];

			// If the update was done in the input field, the input field should not be updated.
			// If the update was done using the sliders, update the input field.
			var hasChanged = (hour != this.hour || minute != this.minute || second != this.second || millisec != this.millisec 
								|| (this.ampm.length > 0 && (hour < 12) != ($.inArray(this.ampm.toUpperCase(), this.amNames) !== -1)) 
								|| ((this.timezone === null && timezone != this.defaultTimezone) || (this.timezone !== null && timezone != this.timezone)));

			if (hasChanged) {

				if (hour !== false) {
					this.hour = hour;
				if (minute !== false) {
					this.minute = minute;
				if (second !== false) {
					this.second = second;
				if (millisec !== false) {
					this.millisec = millisec;
				if (timezone !== false) {
					this.timezone = timezone;

				if (!this.inst) {
					this.inst = $.datepicker._getInst(this.$input[0]);

				this._limitMinMaxDateTime(this.inst, true);
			if (useAmpm(o.timeFormat)) {
				this.ampm = ampm;

			// Updates the time within the timepicker
			this.formattedTime = $.datepicker.formatTime(o.timeFormat, this, o);
			if (this.$timeObj) {
				if(pickerTimeFormat === o.timeFormat){
					this.$timeObj.text(this.formattedTime + pickerTimeSuffix);
					this.$timeObj.text($.datepicker.formatTime(pickerTimeFormat, this, o) + pickerTimeSuffix);

			this.timeDefined = true;
			if (hasChanged) {

		* call custom onSelect.
		* bind to sliders slidestop, and grid click.
		_onSelectHandler: function() {
			var onSelect = this._defaults.onSelect || this.inst.settings.onSelect;
			var inputEl = this.$input ? this.$input[0] : null;
			if (onSelect && inputEl) {
				onSelect.apply(inputEl, [this.formattedDateTime, this]);

		* update our input with the new date time..
		_updateDateTime: function(dp_inst) {
			dp_inst = this.inst || dp_inst;
			var dt = $.datepicker._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(dp_inst.selectedYear, dp_inst.selectedMonth, dp_inst.selectedDay)),
				dateFmt = $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'dateFormat'),
				formatCfg = $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(dp_inst),
				timeAvailable = dt !== null && this.timeDefined;
			this.formattedDate = $.datepicker.formatDate(dateFmt, (dt === null ? new Date() : dt), formatCfg);
			var formattedDateTime = this.formattedDate;
			// if a slider was changed but datepicker doesn't have a value yet, set it

			* remove following lines to force every changes in date picker to change the input value
			* Bug descriptions: when an input field has a default value, and click on the field to pop up the date picker. 
			* If the user manually empty the value in the input field, the date picker will never change selected value.
			//if (dp_inst.lastVal !== undefined && (dp_inst.lastVal.length > 0 && this.$input.val().length === 0)) {
			//	return;

			if (this._defaults.timeOnly === true) {
				formattedDateTime = this.formattedTime;
			} else if (this._defaults.timeOnly !== true && (this._defaults.alwaysSetTime || timeAvailable)) {
				formattedDateTime += this._defaults.separator + this.formattedTime + this._defaults.timeSuffix;

			this.formattedDateTime = formattedDateTime;

			if (!this._defaults.showTimepicker) {
			} else if (this.$altInput && this._defaults.altFieldTimeOnly === true) {
			} else if (this.$altInput) {
				var altFormattedDateTime = '',
					altSeparator = this._defaults.altSeparator ? this._defaults.altSeparator : this._defaults.separator,
					altTimeSuffix = this._defaults.altTimeSuffix ? this._defaults.altTimeSuffix : this._defaults.timeSuffix;

				if (this._defaults.altFormat) altFormattedDateTime = $.datepicker.formatDate(this._defaults.altFormat, (dt === null ? new Date() : dt), formatCfg);
				else altFormattedDateTime = this.formattedDate;
				if (altFormattedDateTime) altFormattedDateTime += altSeparator;
				if (this._defaults.altTimeFormat) altFormattedDateTime += $.datepicker.formatTime(this._defaults.altTimeFormat, this, this._defaults) + altTimeSuffix;
				else altFormattedDateTime += this.formattedTime + altTimeSuffix;
			} else {


		_onFocus: function() {
			if (!this.$input.val() && this._defaults.defaultValue) {
				var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(this.$input.get(0)),
					tp_inst = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'timepicker');
				if (tp_inst) {
					if (tp_inst._defaults.timeOnly && (inst.input.val() != inst.lastVal)) {
						try {
						} catch (err) {

		* Small abstraction to control types
		* We can add more, just be sure to follow the pattern: create, options, value
		_controls: {
			// slider methods
			slider: {
				create: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step){
					var rtl = tp_inst._defaults.isRTL; // if rtl go -60->0 instead of 0->60
					return obj.prop('slide', null).slider({
						orientation: "horizontal",
						value: rtl? val*-1 : val,
						min: rtl? max*-1 : min,
						max: rtl? min*-1 : max,
						step: step,
						slide: function(event, ui) {
							tp_inst.control.value(tp_inst, $(this), unit, rtl? ui.value*-1:ui.value);
						stop: function(event, ui) {
				options: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val){
						if(typeof(opts) == 'string'){
							if(opts == 'min' || opts == 'max'){
								if(val !== undefined)
									return obj.slider(opts, val*-1);
								return Math.abs(obj.slider(opts));
							return obj.slider(opts);
						var min = opts.min, 
							max = opts.max;
						opts.min = opts.max = null;
						if(min !== undefined)
							opts.max = min * -1;
						if(max !== undefined)
							opts.min = max * -1;
						return obj.slider(opts);
					if(typeof(opts) == 'string' && val !== undefined)
							return obj.slider(opts, val);
					return obj.slider(opts);
				value: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val){
						if(val !== undefined)
							return obj.slider('value', val*-1);
						return Math.abs(obj.slider('value'));
					if(val !== undefined)
						return obj.slider('value', val);
					return obj.slider('value');
			// select methods
			select: {
				create: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step){
					var sel = '<select class="ui-timepicker-select" data-unit="'+ unit +'" data-min="'+ min +'" data-max="'+ max +'" data-step="'+ step +'">',
						ul = tp_inst._defaults.timeFormat.indexOf('t') !== -1? 'toLowerCase':'toUpperCase',
						m = 0;

					for(var i=min; i<=max; i+=step){						
						sel += '<option value="'+ i +'"'+ (i==val? ' selected':'') +'>';
						if(unit == 'hour' && useAmpm(tp_inst._defaults.pickerTimeFormat || tp_inst._defaults.timeFormat))
							sel += $.datepicker.formatTime("hh TT", {hour:i}, tp_inst._defaults);
						else if(unit == 'millisec' || i >= 10) sel += i;
						else sel += '0'+ i.toString();
						sel += '</option>';
					sel += '</select>';



					return obj;
				options: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val){
					var o = {},
						$t = obj.children('select');
					if(typeof(opts) == 'string'){
						if(val === undefined)
							return $t.data(opts);
						o[opts] = val;	
					else o = opts;
					return tp_inst.control.create(tp_inst, obj, $t.data('unit'), $t.val(), o.min || $t.data('min'), o.max || $t.data('max'), o.step || $t.data('step'));
				value: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val){
					var $t = obj.children('select');
					if(val !== undefined)
						return $t.val(val);
					return $t.val();
		} // end _controls


		* shorthand just to use timepicker..
		timepicker: function(o) {
			o = o || {};
			var tmp_args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

			if (typeof o == 'object') {
				tmp_args[0] = $.extend(o, {
					timeOnly: true

			return $(this).each(function() {
				$.fn.datetimepicker.apply($(this), tmp_args);

		* extend timepicker to datepicker
		datetimepicker: function(o) {
			o = o || {};
			var tmp_args = arguments;

			if (typeof(o) == 'string') {
				if (o == 'getDate') {
					return $.fn.datepicker.apply($(this[0]), tmp_args);
				} else {
					return this.each(function() {
						var $t = $(this);
						$t.datepicker.apply($t, tmp_args);
			} else {
				return this.each(function() {
					var $t = $(this);
					$t.datepicker($.timepicker._newInst($t, o)._defaults);

	* Public Utility to parse date and time
	$.datepicker.parseDateTime = function(dateFormat, timeFormat, dateTimeString, dateSettings, timeSettings) {
		var parseRes = parseDateTimeInternal(dateFormat, timeFormat, dateTimeString, dateSettings, timeSettings);
		if (parseRes.timeObj) {
			var t = parseRes.timeObj;
			parseRes.date.setHours(t.hour, t.minute, t.second, t.millisec);

		return parseRes.date;

	* Public utility to parse time
	$.datepicker.parseTime = function(timeFormat, timeString, options) {		
		var o = extendRemove(extendRemove({}, $.timepicker._defaults), options || {});

		// Strict parse requires the timeString to match the timeFormat exactly
		var strictParse = function(f, s, o){

			// pattern for standard and localized AM/PM markers
			var getPatternAmpm = function(amNames, pmNames) {
				var markers = [];
				if (amNames) {
					$.merge(markers, amNames);
				if (pmNames) {
					$.merge(markers, pmNames);
				markers = $.map(markers, function(val) {
					return val.replace(/[.*+?|()\[\]{}\\]/g, '\\$&');
				return '(' + markers.join('|') + ')?';

			// figure out position of time elements.. cause js cant do named captures
			var getFormatPositions = function(timeFormat) {
				var finds = timeFormat.toLowerCase().match(/(h{1,2}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|l{1}|t{1,2}|z|'.*?')/g),
					orders = {
						h: -1,
						m: -1,
						s: -1,
						l: -1,
						t: -1,
						z: -1

				if (finds) {
					for (var i = 0; i < finds.length; i++) {
						if (orders[finds[i].toString().charAt(0)] == -1) {
							orders[finds[i].toString().charAt(0)] = i + 1;
				return orders;

			var regstr = '^' + f.toString()
					.replace(/([hH]{1,2}|mm?|ss?|[tT]{1,2}|[lz]|'.*?')/g, function (match) {
							var ml = match.length;
							switch (match.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) {
								case 'h': return ml === 1? '(\\d?\\d)':'(\\d{'+ml+'})';
								case 'm': return ml === 1? '(\\d?\\d)':'(\\d{'+ml+'})';
								case 's': return ml === 1? '(\\d?\\d)':'(\\d{'+ml+'})';
								case 'l': return '(\\d?\\d?\\d)';
								case 'z': return '(z|[-+]\\d\\d:?\\d\\d|\\S+)?';
								case 't': return getPatternAmpm(o.amNames, o.pmNames);
								default:    // literal escaped in quotes
									return '(' + match.replace(/\'/g, "").replace(/(\.|\$|\^|\\|\/|\(|\)|\[|\]|\?|\+|\*)/g, function (m) { return "\\" + m; }) + ')?';
					.replace(/\s/g, '\\s?') +
					o.timeSuffix + '$',
				order = getFormatPositions(f),
				ampm = '',

			treg = s.match(new RegExp(regstr, 'i'));

			var resTime = {
				hour: 0,
				minute: 0,
				second: 0,
				millisec: 0

			if (treg) {
				if (order.t !== -1) {
					if (treg[order.t] === undefined || treg[order.t].length === 0) {
						ampm = '';
						resTime.ampm = '';
					} else {
						ampm = $.inArray(treg[order.t].toUpperCase(), o.amNames) !== -1 ? 'AM' : 'PM';
						resTime.ampm = o[ampm == 'AM' ? 'amNames' : 'pmNames'][0];

				if (order.h !== -1) {
					if (ampm == 'AM' && treg[order.h] == '12') {
						resTime.hour = 0; // 12am = 0 hour
					} else {
						if (ampm == 'PM' && treg[order.h] != '12') {
							resTime.hour = parseInt(treg[order.h], 10) + 12; // 12pm = 12 hour, any other pm = hour + 12
						} else {
							resTime.hour = Number(treg[order.h]);

				if (order.m !== -1) {
					resTime.minute = Number(treg[order.m]);
				if (order.s !== -1) {
					resTime.second = Number(treg[order.s]);
				if (order.l !== -1) {
					resTime.millisec = Number(treg[order.l]);
				if (order.z !== -1 && treg[order.z] !== undefined) {
					var tz = treg[order.z].toUpperCase();
					switch (tz.length) {
					case 1:
						// Z
						tz = o.timezoneIso8601 ? 'Z' : '+0000';
					case 5:
						// +hhmm
						if (o.timezoneIso8601) {
							tz = tz.substring(1) == '0000' ? 'Z' : tz.substring(0, 3) + ':' + tz.substring(3);
					case 6:
						// +hh:mm
						if (!o.timezoneIso8601) {
							tz = tz == 'Z' || tz.substring(1) == '00:00' ? '+0000' : tz.replace(/:/, '');
						} else {
							if (tz.substring(1) == '00:00') {
								tz = 'Z';
					resTime.timezone = tz;

				return resTime;
			return false;
		};// end strictParse

		// First try JS Date, if that fails, use strictParse
		var looseParse = function(f,s,o){
				var d = new Date('2012-01-01 '+ s);
					d = new Date('2012-01-01T'+ s);
						d = new Date('01/01/2012 '+ s);
							throw "Unable to parse time with native Date: "+ s;

				return {
					hour: d.getHours(),
					minute: d.getMinutes(),
					second: d.getSeconds(),
					millisec: d.getMilliseconds(),
					timezone: $.timepicker.timeZoneOffsetString(d)
					return strictParse(f,s,o);
					$.timepicker.log("Unable to parse \ntimeString: "+ s +"\ntimeFormat: "+ f);
			return false;
		}; // end looseParse
		if(typeof o.parse === "function"){
			return o.parse(timeFormat, timeString, o)
		if(o.parse === 'loose'){
			return looseParse(timeFormat, timeString, o);
		return strictParse(timeFormat, timeString, o);

	* Public utility to format the time
	* format = string format of the time
	* time = a {}, not a Date() for timezones
	* options = essentially the regional[].. amNames, pmNames, ampm
	$.datepicker.formatTime = function(format, time, options) {
		options = options || {};
		options = $.extend({}, $.timepicker._defaults, options);
		time = $.extend({
			hour: 0,
			minute: 0,
			second: 0,
			millisec: 0,
			timezone: '+0000'
		}, time);

		var tmptime = format,
			ampmName = options.amNames[0],
			hour = parseInt(time.hour, 10);

		if (hour > 11) {
			ampmName = options.pmNames[0];

		tmptime = tmptime.replace(/(?:HH?|hh?|mm?|ss?|[tT]{1,2}|[lz]|('.*?'|".*?"))/g, function(match) {
		switch (match) {
			case 'HH':
				return ('0' + hour).slice(-2);
			case 'H':
				return hour;
			case 'hh':
				return ('0' + convert24to12(hour)).slice(-2);
			case 'h':
				return convert24to12(hour);
			case 'mm':
				return ('0' + time.minute).slice(-2);
			case 'm':
				return time.minute;
			case 'ss':
				return ('0' + time.second).slice(-2);
			case 's':
				return time.second;
			case 'l':
				return ('00' + time.millisec).slice(-3);
			case 'z':
				return time.timezone === null? options.defaultTimezone : time.timezone;
			case 'T': 
				return ampmName.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
			case 'TT': 
				return ampmName.toUpperCase();
			case 't':
				return ampmName.charAt(0).toLowerCase();
			case 'tt':
				return ampmName.toLowerCase();
				return match.replace(/\'/g, "") || "'";

		tmptime = $.trim(tmptime);
		return tmptime;

	* the bad hack :/ override datepicker so it doesnt close on select
	// inspired: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1252512/jquery-datepicker-prevent-closing-picker-when-clicking-a-date/1762378#1762378
	$.datepicker._base_selectDate = $.datepicker._selectDate;
	$.datepicker._selectDate = function(id, dateStr) {
		var inst = this._getInst($(id)[0]),
			tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');

		if (tp_inst) {
			tp_inst._limitMinMaxDateTime(inst, true);
			inst.inline = inst.stay_open = true;
			//This way the onSelect handler called from calendarpicker get the full dateTime
			this._base_selectDate(id, dateStr);
			inst.inline = inst.stay_open = false;
		} else {
			this._base_selectDate(id, dateStr);

	* second bad hack :/ override datepicker so it triggers an event when changing the input field
	* and does not redraw the datepicker on every selectDate event
	$.datepicker._base_updateDatepicker = $.datepicker._updateDatepicker;
	$.datepicker._updateDatepicker = function(inst) {

		// don't popup the datepicker if there is another instance already opened
		var input = inst.input[0];
		if ($.datepicker._curInst && $.datepicker._curInst != inst && $.datepicker._datepickerShowing && $.datepicker._lastInput != input) {

		if (typeof(inst.stay_open) !== 'boolean' || inst.stay_open === false) {


			// Reload the time control when changing something in the input text field.
			var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
			if (tp_inst) {

//				if (tp_inst._defaults.useLocalTimezone) { //checks daylight saving with the new date.
//					var date = new Date(inst.selectedYear, inst.selectedMonth, inst.selectedDay, 12);
//					selectLocalTimeZone(tp_inst, date);
//					tp_inst._onTimeChange();
//				}

	* third bad hack :/ override datepicker so it allows spaces and colon in the input field
	$.datepicker._base_doKeyPress = $.datepicker._doKeyPress;
	$.datepicker._doKeyPress = function(event) {
		var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(event.target),
			tp_inst = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'timepicker');

		if (tp_inst) {
			if ($.datepicker._get(inst, 'constrainInput')) {
				var ampm = useAmpm(tp_inst._defaults.timeFormat),
					dateChars = $.datepicker._possibleChars($.datepicker._get(inst, 'dateFormat')),
					datetimeChars = tp_inst._defaults.timeFormat.toString()
											.replace(/[hms]/g, '')
											.replace(/TT/g, ampm ? 'APM' : '')
											.replace(/Tt/g, ampm ? 'AaPpMm' : '')
											.replace(/tT/g, ampm ? 'AaPpMm' : '')
											.replace(/T/g, ampm ? 'AP' : '')
											.replace(/tt/g, ampm ? 'apm' : '')
											.replace(/t/g, ampm ? 'ap' : '') + 
											" " + tp_inst._defaults.separator + 
											tp_inst._defaults.timeSuffix + 
											(tp_inst._defaults.showTimezone ? tp_inst._defaults.timezoneList.join('') : '') + 
											(tp_inst._defaults.amNames.join('')) + (tp_inst._defaults.pmNames.join('')) + 
					chr = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode === undefined ? event.keyCode : event.charCode);
				return event.ctrlKey || (chr < ' ' || !dateChars || datetimeChars.indexOf(chr) > -1);

		return $.datepicker._base_doKeyPress(event);

	* Fourth bad hack :/ override _updateAlternate function used in inline mode to init altField
	$.datepicker._base_updateAlternate = $.datepicker._updateAlternate;
	/* Update any alternate field to synchronise with the main field. */
	$.datepicker._updateAlternate = function(inst) {
		var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
			var altField = tp_inst._defaults.altField;
			if (altField) { // update alternate field too
				var altFormat = tp_inst._defaults.altFormat || tp_inst._defaults.dateFormat,
					date = this._getDate(inst),
					formatCfg = $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(inst),
					altFormattedDateTime = '', 
					altSeparator = tp_inst._defaults.altSeparator ? tp_inst._defaults.altSeparator : tp_inst._defaults.separator, 
					altTimeSuffix = tp_inst._defaults.altTimeSuffix ? tp_inst._defaults.altTimeSuffix : tp_inst._defaults.timeSuffix,
					altTimeFormat = tp_inst._defaults.altTimeFormat !== null ? tp_inst._defaults.altTimeFormat : tp_inst._defaults.timeFormat;
				altFormattedDateTime += $.datepicker.formatTime(altTimeFormat, tp_inst, tp_inst._defaults) + altTimeSuffix;
				if(!tp_inst._defaults.timeOnly && !tp_inst._defaults.altFieldTimeOnly && date !== null){
						altFormattedDateTime = $.datepicker.formatDate(tp_inst._defaults.altFormat, date, formatCfg) + altSeparator + altFormattedDateTime;
					else altFormattedDateTime = tp_inst.formattedDate + altSeparator + altFormattedDateTime;

	* Override key up event to sync manual input changes.
	$.datepicker._base_doKeyUp = $.datepicker._doKeyUp;
	$.datepicker._doKeyUp = function(event) {
		var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(event.target),
			tp_inst = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'timepicker');

		if (tp_inst) {
			if (tp_inst._defaults.timeOnly && (inst.input.val() != inst.lastVal)) {
				try {
				} catch (err) {

		return $.datepicker._base_doKeyUp(event);

	* override "Today" button to also grab the time.
	$.datepicker._base_gotoToday = $.datepicker._gotoToday;
	$.datepicker._gotoToday = function(id) {
		var inst = this._getInst($(id)[0]),
			$dp = inst.dpDiv;
		var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
		var now = new Date();
		this._setTime(inst, now);
		$('.ui-datepicker-today', $dp).click();

	* Disable & enable the Time in the datetimepicker
	$.datepicker._disableTimepickerDatepicker = function(target) {
		var inst = this._getInst(target);
		if (!inst) {

		var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
		$(target).datepicker('getDate'); // Init selected[Year|Month|Day]
		if (tp_inst) {
			tp_inst._defaults.showTimepicker = false;

	$.datepicker._enableTimepickerDatepicker = function(target) {
		var inst = this._getInst(target);
		if (!inst) {

		var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
		$(target).datepicker('getDate'); // Init selected[Year|Month|Day]
		if (tp_inst) {
			tp_inst._defaults.showTimepicker = true;
			tp_inst._addTimePicker(inst); // Could be disabled on page load

	* Create our own set time function
	$.datepicker._setTime = function(inst, date) {
		var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
		if (tp_inst) {
			var defaults = tp_inst._defaults;

			// calling _setTime with no date sets time to defaults
			tp_inst.hour = date ? date.getHours() : defaults.hour;
			tp_inst.minute = date ? date.getMinutes() : defaults.minute;
			tp_inst.second = date ? date.getSeconds() : defaults.second;
			tp_inst.millisec = date ? date.getMilliseconds() : defaults.millisec;

			//check if within min/max times.. 
			tp_inst._limitMinMaxDateTime(inst, true);


	* Create new public method to set only time, callable as $().datepicker('setTime', date)
	$.datepicker._setTimeDatepicker = function(target, date, withDate) {
		var inst = this._getInst(target);
		if (!inst) {

		var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');

		if (tp_inst) {
			var tp_date;
			if (date) {
				if (typeof date == "string") {
					tp_inst._parseTime(date, withDate);
					tp_date = new Date();
					tp_date.setHours(tp_inst.hour, tp_inst.minute, tp_inst.second, tp_inst.millisec);
				} else {
					tp_date = new Date(date.getTime());
				if (tp_date.toString() == 'Invalid Date') {
					tp_date = undefined;
				this._setTime(inst, tp_date);


	* override setDate() to allow setting time too within Date object
	$.datepicker._base_setDateDatepicker = $.datepicker._setDateDatepicker;
	$.datepicker._setDateDatepicker = function(target, date) {
		var inst = this._getInst(target);
		if (!inst) {

		var tp_date = (date instanceof Date) ? new Date(date.getTime()) : date;

		this._base_setDateDatepicker.apply(this, arguments);
		this._setTimeDatepicker(target, tp_date, true);

	* override getDate() to allow getting time too within Date object
	$.datepicker._base_getDateDatepicker = $.datepicker._getDateDatepicker;
	$.datepicker._getDateDatepicker = function(target, noDefault) {
		var inst = this._getInst(target);
		if (!inst) {

		var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');

		if (tp_inst) {
			// if it hasn't yet been defined, grab from field
			if(inst.lastVal === undefined){
				this._setDateFromField(inst, noDefault);

			var date = this._getDate(inst);
			if (date && tp_inst._parseTime($(target).val(), tp_inst.timeOnly)) {
				date.setHours(tp_inst.hour, tp_inst.minute, tp_inst.second, tp_inst.millisec);
			return date;
		return this._base_getDateDatepicker(target, noDefault);

	* override parseDate() because UI 1.8.14 throws an error about "Extra characters"
	* An option in datapicker to ignore extra format characters would be nicer.
	$.datepicker._base_parseDate = $.datepicker.parseDate;
	$.datepicker.parseDate = function(format, value, settings) {
		var date;
		try {
			date = this._base_parseDate(format, value, settings);
		} catch (err) {
			// Hack!  The error message ends with a colon, a space, and
			// the "extra" characters.  We rely on that instead of
			// attempting to perfectly reproduce the parsing algorithm.
			date = this._base_parseDate(format, value.substring(0,value.length-(err.length-err.indexOf(':')-2)), settings);
			$.timepicker.log("Error parsing the date string: " + err + "\ndate string = " + value + "\ndate format = " + format);
		return date;

	* override formatDate to set date with time to the input
	$.datepicker._base_formatDate = $.datepicker._formatDate;
	$.datepicker._formatDate = function(inst, day, month, year) {
		var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
		if (tp_inst) {
			return tp_inst.$input.val();
		return this._base_formatDate(inst);

	* override options setter to add time to maxDate(Time) and minDate(Time). MaxDate
	$.datepicker._base_optionDatepicker = $.datepicker._optionDatepicker;
	$.datepicker._optionDatepicker = function(target, name, value) {
		var inst = this._getInst(target),
		if (!inst) {
			return null;

		var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
		if (tp_inst) {
			var min = null,
				max = null,
				onselect = null,
				overrides = tp_inst._defaults.evnts,
				fns = {},
		    if (typeof name == 'string') { // if min/max was set with the string
		        if (name === 'minDate' || name === 'minDateTime') {
		            min = value;
		        } else if (name === 'maxDate' || name === 'maxDateTime') {
		            max = value;
		        } else if (name === 'onSelect') {
		            onselect = value;
		        } else if (overrides.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
		            if (typeof (value) === 'undefined') {
		                return overrides[name];
		            fns[name] = value;
		            name_clone = {}; //empty results in exiting function after overrides updated
		    } else if (typeof name == 'object') { //if min/max was set with the JSON
		        if (name.minDate) {
		            min = name.minDate;
		        } else if (name.minDateTime) {
		            min = name.minDateTime;
		        } else if (name.maxDate) {
		            max = name.maxDate;
		        } else if (name.maxDateTime) {
		            max = name.maxDateTime;
		        for (prop in overrides) {
		            if (overrides.hasOwnProperty(prop) && name[prop]) {
		                fns[prop] = name[prop];
		    for (prop in fns) {
		        if (fns.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
		            overrides[prop] = fns[prop];
		            if (!name_clone) { name_clone = $.extend({}, name);}
		            delete name_clone[prop];
		    if (name_clone && isEmptyObject(name_clone)) { return; }
		    if (min) { //if min was set
		        if (min === 0) {
		            min = new Date();
		        } else {
		            min = new Date(min);
		        tp_inst._defaults.minDate = min;
		        tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime = min;
		    } else if (max) { //if max was set
		        if (max === 0) {
		            max = new Date();
		        } else {
		            max = new Date(max);
		        tp_inst._defaults.maxDate = max;
		        tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime = max;
		    } else if (onselect) {
		        tp_inst._defaults.onSelect = onselect;
		if (value === undefined) {
			return this._base_optionDatepicker.call($.datepicker, target, name);
		return this._base_optionDatepicker.call($.datepicker, target, name_clone || name, value);
	* jQuery isEmptyObject does not check hasOwnProperty - if someone has added to the object prototype,
	* it will return false for all objects
	var isEmptyObject = function(obj) {
		var prop;
		for (prop in obj) {
			if (obj.hasOwnProperty(obj)) {
				return false;
		return true;

	* jQuery extend now ignores nulls!
	var extendRemove = function(target, props) {
		$.extend(target, props);
		for (var name in props) {
			if (props[name] === null || props[name] === undefined) {
				target[name] = props[name];
		return target;

	* Determine by the time format if should use ampm
	* Returns true if should use ampm, false if not
	var useAmpm = function(timeFormat){
		return (timeFormat.indexOf('t') !== -1 && timeFormat.indexOf('h') !== -1);

	* Converts 24 hour format into 12 hour
	* Returns 12 hour without leading 0
	var convert24to12 = function(hour) {
		if (hour > 12) {
			hour = hour - 12;

		if (hour == 0) {
			hour = 12;

		return String(hour);

	* Splits datetime string into date ans time substrings.
	* Throws exception when date can't be parsed
	* Returns [dateString, timeString]
	var splitDateTime = function(dateFormat, dateTimeString, dateSettings, timeSettings) {
		try {
			// The idea is to get the number separator occurances in datetime and the time format requested (since time has 
			// fewer unknowns, mostly numbers and am/pm). We will use the time pattern to split.
			var separator = timeSettings && timeSettings.separator ? timeSettings.separator : $.timepicker._defaults.separator,
				format = timeSettings && timeSettings.timeFormat ? timeSettings.timeFormat : $.timepicker._defaults.timeFormat,
				timeParts = format.split(separator), // how many occurances of separator may be in our format?
				timePartsLen = timeParts.length,
				allParts = dateTimeString.split(separator),
				allPartsLen = allParts.length;

			if (allPartsLen > 1) {
				return [

		} catch (err) {
			$.timepicker.log('Could not split the date from the time. Please check the following datetimepicker options' +
					"\nthrown error: " + err +
					"\ndateTimeString" + dateTimeString +
					"\ndateFormat = " + dateFormat +
					"\nseparator = " + timeSettings.separator +
					"\ntimeFormat = " + timeSettings.timeFormat);

			if (err.indexOf(":") >= 0) {
				// Hack!  The error message ends with a colon, a space, and
				// the "extra" characters.  We rely on that instead of
				// attempting to perfectly reproduce the parsing algorithm.
				var dateStringLength = dateTimeString.length - (err.length - err.indexOf(':') - 2),
					timeString = dateTimeString.substring(dateStringLength);

				return [$.trim(dateTimeString.substring(0, dateStringLength)), $.trim(dateTimeString.substring(dateStringLength))];

			} else {
				throw err;
		return [dateTimeString, ''];

	* Internal function to parse datetime interval
	* Returns: {date: Date, timeObj: Object}, where
	*   date - parsed date without time (type Date)
	*   timeObj = {hour: , minute: , second: , millisec: } - parsed time. Optional
	var parseDateTimeInternal = function(dateFormat, timeFormat, dateTimeString, dateSettings, timeSettings) {
		var date;
		var splitRes = splitDateTime(dateFormat, dateTimeString, dateSettings, timeSettings);
		date = $.datepicker._base_parseDate(dateFormat, splitRes[0], dateSettings);
		if (splitRes[1] !== '') {
			var timeString = splitRes[1],
				parsedTime = $.datepicker.parseTime(timeFormat, timeString, timeSettings);

			if (parsedTime === null) {
				throw 'Wrong time format';
			return {
				date: date,
				timeObj: parsedTime
		} else {
			return {
				date: date

	* Internal function to set timezone_select to the local timezone
	var selectLocalTimeZone = function(tp_inst, date) {
		if (tp_inst && tp_inst.timezone_select) {
			tp_inst._defaults.useLocalTimezone = true;
			var now = typeof date !== 'undefined' ? date : new Date();
			var tzoffset = $.timepicker.timeZoneOffsetString(now);
			if (tp_inst._defaults.timezoneIso8601) {
				tzoffset = tzoffset.substring(0, 3) + ':' + tzoffset.substring(3);

	* Create a Singleton Insance
	$.timepicker = new Timepicker();

	 * Get the timezone offset as string from a date object (eg '+0530' for UTC+5.5)
	 * @param  date
	 * @return string
	$.timepicker.timeZoneOffsetString = function(date) {
		var off = date.getTimezoneOffset() * -1,
			minutes = off % 60,
			hours = (off - minutes) / 60;
		return (off >= 0 ? '+' : '-') + ('0' + (hours * 101).toString()).slice(-2) + ('0' + (minutes * 101).toString()).slice(-2);

	 * Calls `timepicker()` on the `startTime` and `endTime` elements, and configures them to
	 * enforce date range limits.
	 * n.b. The input value must be correctly formatted (reformatting is not supported)
	 * @param  Element startTime
	 * @param  Element endTime
	 * @param  obj options Options for the timepicker() call
	 * @return jQuery
	$.timepicker.timeRange = function(startTime, endTime, options) {
		return $.timepicker.handleRange('timepicker', startTime, endTime, options);

	 * Calls `datetimepicker` on the `startTime` and `endTime` elements, and configures them to
	 * enforce date range limits.
	 * @param  Element startTime
	 * @param  Element endTime
	 * @param  obj options Options for the `timepicker()` call. Also supports `reformat`,
	 *   a boolean value that can be used to reformat the input values to the `dateFormat`.
	 * @param  string method Can be used to specify the type of picker to be added
	 * @return jQuery
	$.timepicker.dateTimeRange = function(startTime, endTime, options) {
		$.timepicker.dateRange(startTime, endTime, options, 'datetimepicker');

	 * Calls `method` on the `startTime` and `endTime` elements, and configures them to
	 * enforce date range limits.
	 * @param  Element startTime
	 * @param  Element endTime
	 * @param  obj options Options for the `timepicker()` call. Also supports `reformat`,
	 *   a boolean value that can be used to reformat the input values to the `dateFormat`.
	 * @param  string method Can be used to specify the type of picker to be added
	 * @return jQuery
	$.timepicker.dateRange = function(startTime, endTime, options, method) {
		method = method || 'datepicker';
		$.timepicker.handleRange(method, startTime, endTime, options);

	 * Calls `method` on the `startTime` and `endTime` elements, and configures them to
	 * enforce date range limits.
	 * @param  string method Can be used to specify the type of picker to be added
	 * @param  Element startTime
	 * @param  Element endTime
	 * @param  obj options Options for the `timepicker()` call. Also supports `reformat`,
	 *   a boolean value that can be used to reformat the input values to the `dateFormat`.
	 * @return jQuery
	$.timepicker.handleRange = function(method, startTime, endTime, options) {
		$.fn[method].call(startTime, $.extend({
			onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
				checkDates(this, endTime, dateText);
			onSelect: function(selectedDateTime) {
				selected(this, endTime, 'minDate');
		}, options, options.start));
		$.fn[method].call(endTime, $.extend({
			onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
				checkDates(this, startTime, dateText);
			onSelect: function(selectedDateTime) {
				selected(this, startTime, 'maxDate');
		}, options, options.end));
		// timepicker doesn't provide access to its 'timeFormat' option, 
		// nor could I get datepicker.formatTime() to behave with times, so I
		// have disabled reformatting for timepicker
		if (method != 'timepicker' && options.reformat) {
			$([startTime, endTime]).each(function() {
				var format = $(this)[method].call($(this), 'option', 'dateFormat'),
					date = new Date($(this).val());
				if ($(this).val() && date) {
					$(this).val($.datepicker.formatDate(format, date));
		checkDates(startTime, endTime, startTime.val());

		function checkDates(changed, other, dateText) {
			if (other.val() && (new Date(startTime.val()) > new Date(endTime.val()))) {
		selected(startTime, endTime, 'minDate');
		selected(endTime, startTime, 'maxDate');

		function selected(changed, other, option) {
			if (!$(changed).val()) {
			var date = $(changed)[method].call($(changed), 'getDate');
			// timepicker doesn't implement 'getDate' and returns a jQuery
			if (date.getTime) {
				$(other)[method].call($(other), 'option', option, date);
		return $([startTime.get(0), endTime.get(0)]);

	 * Log error or data to the console during error or debugging
	 * @param  Object err pass any type object to log to the console during error or debugging
	 * @return void
	$.timepicker.log = function(err){

	* Keep up with the version
	$.timepicker.version = "1.2";


评论 2




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