void main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *fp;
char path[MAXPATH], pattern[MAXLINE], line[MAXLINE], out[MAXLINE];
char lineno[20], filename[MAXPATH], outfile[MAXPATH];
char fname[MAXPATH], fext[MAXPATH];
char outExt[MAXPATH];
int linenum = 0;
int fh;
size_t envSize = 0;
/* Set the invalid paramter handler, save the old one */
_invalid_parameter_handler oldHandler, newHandler;
newHandler = myInvalidParameterHandler;
oldHandler = _set_invalid_parameter_handler(newHandler);
// Verify correct number of args
if (argc != 3)
printf("Usage: find <pattern> <file>\n");
/* Copy args */
/* strcpy_s and strncpy_s are typical _s functions which require you
to specify the destination buffer size and return an errcode value which
corresponds to the errno set by the function. */
if (strcpy_s(pattern, MAXLINE, *++argv) != 0)
printf("Please limit the length of <pattern> to %d\n.", MAXLINE);
if (strcpy_s(path, MAXPATH, *++argv) != 0)
printf("Please limit the length of <path> to %d\n.", MAXPATH);
/* Open File */
/* fopen_s requires you to pass **FILE parameter to hold the file pointer
and returns an errcode */
if (fopen_s(&fp, path, "r") != 0)
printf("Error - Could not open file: %s", filename);
/* Create a BoyerMoore search object based on pattern */
BoyerMoore myPattern(pattern);
/* Split out the filename */
/* _splitpath_s and sprintf_s follow the typical pattern of requiring
a buffer size (or many buffer sizes in the case of _splitpath_s) and
returning an errcode */
_splitpath_s(path, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, fname, MAXPATH, fext, MAXPATH);
sprintf_s(filename, MAXPATH, "%s%s", fname, fext);
/* Open an output file - check the OutputExt environment variable
for a file extension, default to ".match" if not set */
/* memcpy_s also requires a buffersize and returns an errcode.
strnlen requires a buffer size, but returns the length of the
string rather than an errcode */
memcpy_s(outfile, MAXPATH, filename, strnlen(filename, MAXPATH) + 1);
/* getenv_s does not return a pointer to the CRT's global environment.
Instead, you need to provide a buffer (and its size) to store the
value of the environment variable as well as a size_t parameter to
store the size of the environment variable (useful for determining
how big your buffer needs to be). */
getenv_s(&envSize ,outExt, MAXPATH, "OutputExt");
if (envSize != 0)
/* strcat_s is typical, requiring a buffer size and returning an
errcode */
strcat_s(outfile, MAXPATH, outExt);
/* strncat_s is typical, requiring a buffer size and returning an
errcode */
strncat_s(outfile, MAXPATH, ".match", 6);
/* _creat has been deprecate in favor of _sopen_s. Passing
_O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | _O_RDWR for the oflag parameter best reproduces
the behavior of _creat. See the documentation for _sopen_s for
more details. */
if (_sopen_s(&fh, outfile, _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | _O_RDWR, _SH_DENYNO,
_S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE) != 0)
printf("Could not open output file: %s\n", outfile);
/* change sprintf to sprintf_s */
sprintf_s(out, MAXLINE, "*** File: %s\n", path);
_write(fh, out, (int) strlen(out));
/* Read a line of input and search it for <pattern> using Boyer-Moore
Print the line if a match is found */
while (!feof(fp))
if (fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL)
if ( myPattern.Match(line) != NULL)
/* _itoa_s requires a buffer size and returns an errcode. */
_itoa_s(linenum, lineno, 20, 10);
/* change sprintf to sprintf_s */
sprintf_s(out, MAXLINE, "%s [%s]: %s", filename, lineno, line);
_write(fh, out, (int) strlen(out));
printf("Error reading file\n");
printf("Done - output in: %s\n", outfile);
vs2010 c++更安全的字符串及文件操作
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