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原创 AutoML 学习

AutoML 学习 Machine learning has achieved considerable successes in recent years and an ever-growing number of disciplines rely on it. However, this success crucially relies on human machine learning expert...

2017-09-18 19:46:25 769


Modern open source libraries for developing neural network models are amazing. Gone are the days where we might spend weeks debugging the translation of poorly documented mathematics into code in the hopes of getting even the simplest model running. Today, using libraries like Keras, we can define a



大数据时代的到来,使我们的生活在政治、经济、社会、文化各个领域都产生了很大改变。“数据科学”一词应运而生。如何更好地对海量数据进行分析、得出结论并做出智能决策是统计工作者面临的机遇与挑战。 本书介绍数据挖掘与统计机器学习领域*常用的模型和算法,包括*基础的线性回归和线性分类方法,以及模型选择和模型评价的概念和方法,进而介绍非线性的回归和分类方法(包括决策树与组合方法、支持向量机、神经网络以及在此基础上发展的深度学习方法)。*后介绍无监督的学习中的聚类方法和业界广泛使用的推荐系统方法。除了方法的理论讲解之外,我们给出了每种方法的R语言实现,以及应用Python语言实现深度学习和支持向量机两种方法。本书的一个亮点是*后一章给出的两个大数据案例,数据量均在10G左右。我们同时给出了单机版(Python、数据库、R)和分布式(Hadoop、Hive、Spark)两种实现方案。原始数据和程序代码均可在出版社提供的网址下载。



自然语言处理是一门融语言学、计算机科学、数学于一体的学科,比较复杂,学习门槛高,但本书巧妙地避开了晦涩难懂的数学公式和证明,即便没有数学基础,也能零基础入门。 本书专注于中文的自然语言处理,以Python及其相关框架为工具,以实战为导向,详细讲解了自然语言处理的各种核心技术、方法论和经典算法。三位作者在人工智能、大数据和算法领域有丰富的积累和经验,是阿里巴巴、前明略数据和七牛云的资深专家。同时,本书也得到了阿里巴巴达摩院高级算法专家、七牛云AI实验室Leader等专家的高度评价和鼎力推荐。


数学思维导论 学会像数学家一样思考_扫描版_带书签.pdf

许多大学新生都曾在从中学数学到大学数学的过渡过程中遇到过困难。他们突然发现自己要面对的似乎是一种全新的数学,被要求学会用一种不同于往的方式思考。同时,各行各业的从业者也越来越深刻地意识到,现如今,良好的分析思维能力比以往任何时候都更加重要,而具备“数学思维技能”的人会在竞争中占据巨大优势。   本书正是这样一本写给高中生、大学生以及所有希望提高分析思维能力者的数学思维入门书。它将教你学会像数学家一样思考,顺利完成从中学数学到大学数学的过渡,或者让你掌握在各行各业获得成功所需要的关键性思维能力。   阅读本书只需高中程度的数学。同时,本书也是Coursera热门课程《数学思维导论》的配套教科书,结合线上课程,必能获得更好的学习效果。


(矩阵论第2版 [方保镕,周继东,李医民 编著] _扫描版_带书签)+(矩阵论 千题习题详解 方保镕_扫描版_带书签)

《矩阵论(第2版)》是2013年清华大学出版社出版的图书,作者是方保镕、周继东、李医民。 《矩阵论千题习题详解》是2015年清华大学出版社出版的图书,作者是方保镕。


[machine_learning_mastery系列]Deep Learning For Natural Language Processing

Disclaimer The information contained within this eBook is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas contained in this eBook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information within this book was correct at time of publication. The author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from accident, negligence, or any other cause. No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. Acknowledgements Special thanks to my copy editor Sarah Martin and my technical editors Arun Koshy and Andrei Cheremskoy. Copyright Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing © Copyright 2018 Jason Brownlee. All Rights Reserved. Edition: v1.2



自然语言计算机形式分析是横跨语言学、计算机科学和数学的一个交叉研究领域,是自然语言计算机处理的关键。自然语言是信息主要的负荷者,在当今信息网络时代,计算机已经日益普及,普通计算机用户可以使用的语言资源正以惊人的速度飞快增长。互联网主要是由自然语言构成的,它已经成为了极为丰富的语言信息资源;移动通信也是以自然语言为媒介的,它已经渗透到日常生活的各个领域。因此,自然语言计算机形式分析对于国家的信息化建设,对于互联网和移动通信的安全具有重要作用。   本书对自然语言处理中的各种理论和方法进行了系统的总结和梳理。首先讨论了自然语言处理的学科定位;接着介绍了语言计算的一些先驱研究;然后以主要的篇幅讨论自然语言处理中的各种形式模型,包括基于短语结构语法的形式模型、基于合一运算的形式模型、基于依存和配价的形式模型、基于格语法的形式模型、基于词汇主义的形式模型、语义自动处理的形式模型、系统功能语法、语用自动处理的形式模型、概率语法、Bayes公式与动态规划算法、N元语法和数据平滑、隐Markov模型(HMM)、语音自动处理的形式模型、统计机器翻译的形式模型;同时还讨论了自然语言处理系统的评测问题;最后从哲学的角度讨论了自然语言处理中的理性主义和经验主义,探索理性主义方法和经验主义方法相结合的途径。   本书说理透彻、语言流畅、实例丰富、深入浅出,适合从事自然语言处理研究的科研人员、大学师生阅读,也可以作为人工智能、计算语言学等课程的教学参考书。









我们是不是比父母更聪明?开车时打电话与酒驾一样危险吗?坐飞机和开车,哪种方式更安全?钻石越重,价格就越高吗?小学四年级的学生可以用统计学做什么?……如果你想知道这些问题的答案,就来阅读本书吧。 大数据时代,统计学是读懂、听懂和看懂事情真相的基础,数据挖掘与统计分析已成为现代人必不可少的技能。《妙趣横生的统计学——培养大数据时代的统计思维(第四版)》是一本美国流行的统计学应用入门书。它通过生活中有趣的案例、直观的图表阐述了各种统计概念与统计技术的应用,没有枯燥乏味的理论知识、生涩难懂的理论证明,只有日常生活所需要的统计思想、正确分析数据的基本路径,真正做到了通俗易懂、深入浅出。



作者: 克里斯·祖克 (Chris Zook) 译者: 韩微文 为什么获得盈利增长如此困难,又难以维持?大部分管理者认为解决公司的问题主要在于解决外部环境问题:寻找有吸引力的市场、形成正确的战略以及赢得新顾客。 贝恩公司合作伙伴克里斯·祖克和詹姆斯·艾伦对这一问题进行研究。他们发现,那些没能成功实现增长目标的企业,绝大部分的问题根源不在于外部,而是源于内部--远离了一线业务,责任制缺失和官僚化等。另外,公司成长过程中会经历一系列可以预测内部危机。甚至对于目前健康发展的公司而言,如果不能恰当的应对危机,也会扼杀更进一步发展的机会,最终将会导致衰退。


知识图谱_中文知识图谱_ CIPS(中国中文信息学会)_CCKS2018

工业论坛Slides 知识图谱暑期课程(CCKS2018) 会议手册.pdf CCKS2018 知识图谱发展报告.pdf



A pioneer of artificial intelligence shows how the study of causality revolutionized science and the world 'Correlation does not imply causation.' This mantra was invoked by scientists for decades in order to avoid taking positions as to whether one thing caused another, such as smoking and cancer and carbon dioxide and global warming. But today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, sparked by world-renowned computer scientist Judea Pearl and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and placed cause and effect on a firm scientific basis. Now, Pearl and science journalist Dana Mackenzie explain causal thinking to general readers for the first time, showing how it allows us to explore the world that is and the worlds that could have been. It is the essence of human and artificial intelligence. And just as Pearl's discoveries have enabled machines to think better, The Book of Why explains how we can think better.



Preface I think Python is an amazing platform for machine learning. There are so many algorithms and so much power ready to use. I am often asked the question: How do you use Python for machine learning? This book is my definitive answer to that question. It contains my very best knowledge and ideas on how to work through predictive modeling machine learning projects using the Python ecosystem. It is the book that I am also going to use as a refresher at the start of a new project. I’m really proud of this book and I hope that you find it a useful companion on your machine learning journey with Python. Jason Brownlee Melbourne, Australia 2016



Preface I think R is an amazing platform for machine learning. There are so many algorithms and so much power sit there ready to use. I am often asked the question: How do you use R for machine learning? This book is my definitive answer to that question. It contains my very best knowledge and ideas on how to work through predictive modeling machine learning projects using the R platform. It is the book that I am also going to use as a refresher at the start of a new project. I’m really proud of this book and I hope that you find it a useful companion on your machine learning journey with R.



Preface Machine learning algorithms dominate applied machine learning. Because algorithms are such a big part of machine learning you must spend time to get familiar with them and really understand how they work. I wrote this book to help you start this journey. You can describe machine learning algorithms using statistics, probability and linear algebra. The mathematical descriptions are very precise and often unambiguous. But this is not the only way to describe machine learning algorithms. Writing this book, I set out to describe machine learning algorithms for developers (like myself). As developers, we think in repeatable procedures. The best way to describe a machine learning algorithm for us is: 1. In terms of the representation used by the algorithm (the actual numbers stored in a file). 2. In terms of the abstract repeatable procedures used by the algorithm to learn a model from data and later to make predictions with the model. 3. With clear worked examples showing exactly how real numbers plug into the equations and what numbers to expect as output. This book cuts through the mathematical talk around machine learning algorithms and shows you exactly how they work so that you can implement them yourself in a spreadsheet, in code with your favorite programming language or however you like. Once you possess this intimate knowledge, it will always be with you. You can implement the algorithms again and again. More importantly, you can translate the behavior of an algorithm back to the underlying procedure and really know what is going on and how to get the most from it. This book is your tour of machine learning algorithms and I’m excited and honored to be your tour guide. Let’s dive in.


[machine_learning_mastery系列]deep_learning_with_python.pdf(with code)

Preface Deep learning is a fascinating field. Artificial neural networks have been around for a long time, but something special has happened in recent years. The mixture of new faster hardware, new techniques and highly optimized open source libraries allow very large networks to be created with fr



Welcome to Long Short-Term Memory Networks With Python. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks are one of the most interesting types of deep learning at the moment. They have been used to demonstrate world-class results in complex problem domains such as language translation, automatic image captioning, and text generation. LSTMs are very di↵erent to other deep learning techniques, such as Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), in that they are designed specifically for sequence prediction problems. I designed this book for you to rapidly discover what LSTMs are, how they work, and how you can bring this important technology to your own sequence prediction problems.


[machine_learning_mastery系列]Basics for Linear Algebra for Machine Learning.pdf

Preface I wrote this book to help machine learning practitioners, like you, get on top of linear algebra, fast. Linear Algebra Is Important in Machine Learning There is no doubt that linear algebra is important in machine learning. Linear algebra is the mathematics of data. It’s all vectors and matrices of numbers. Modern statistics is described using the notation of linear algebra and modern statistical methods harness the tools of linear algebra. Modern machine learning methods are described the same way, using the notations and tools drawn directly from linear algebra. Even some classical methods used in the field, such as linear regression via linear least squares and singular-value decomposition, are linear algebra methods, and other methods, such as principal component analysis, were born from the marriage of linear algebra and statistics. To read and understand machine learning, you must be able to read and understand linear algebra. Practitioners Study Linear Algebra Too Early If you ask how to get started in machine learning, you will very likely be told to start with linear algebra. We know that knowledge of linear algebra is critically important, but it does not have to be the place to start. Learning linear algebra first, then calculus, probability, statistics, and eventually machine learning theory is a long and slow bottom-up path. A better fit for developers is to start with systematic procedures that get results, and work back to the deeper understanding of theory, using working results as a context. I call this the top-down or results-first approach to machine learning, and linear algebra is not the first step, but perhaps the second or third. Practitioners Study Too Much Linear Algebra When practitioners do circle back to study linear algebra, they learn far more of the field than is required for or relevant to machine learning. Linear algebra is a large field of study that has tendrils into engineering, physics and quantum physics. There are also theorems and derivations for nearly everything, most of which will not help you get better skill from or a deeper understanding of your machine learning model. Only a specific subset of linear algebra is required, though you can always go deeper once you have the basics.





系统分析与设计(英文版·第11版)[斯科特·蒂利 哈里·罗森布拉特 著]. pdf

《系统分析与设计(英文版 第11版)》为信息系统开发提供了实用、精简和前沿的方法。本书重点关注系统分析师在动态商业环境中的作用。本书使用现实世界的真实示例,强调动态商业环境中的批判性思维和IT技能。此版教材扩大了对敏捷方法、云计算和移动应用程序开发等新兴技术的覆盖,扩展了系统分析和设计的传统方法,更符合当今的商业环境和学生兴趣。 许多两年制和四年制高等学校在信息系统、计算机科学以及电子商务课程中可使用本教材。学生将学习如何将业务需求转化为支持企业短期和长期目标的信息系统。教材中每个开发阶段都以引人注目的漫画开始,通过案例研究和任务培养学生分析推理、批判性思考以及解决问题的能力。


Context Aware Recommendations at Netflix

Context Aware Recommendations at Netflix Linas Baltrunas DMBI, May 10, 2018 ppt


[扫描版PDF]海量运维监控系统规划与部署 高清 带索引书签目录_付哲著_北京:清华大学出版社_P345_2015.pdf




对于很多企业而言,大数据的重要性不言而喻,但是如何构建、实施和应用大数据系统却是一个复杂工程。本书让读者认识到大数据不仅仅是数据、技术、架构、应用,更是结合了商业模式、战略定位、信息安全、单位协同、组织保障、实施选型的完整体系。 本书内容从大数据的规划定位、组织实施和价值提升三个维度展开,兼顾从整体性、全局性、安全性、价值性、技术性、体系性等方面的考虑。 第一部分:企业大数据战略规划 主要从宏观的角度介绍大数据的定位、组织保障、解决方案选择和自主实施思路,目的是从全局角度引导建立大数据工作的整体思维。 第二部分:企业大数据落地实施 主要从执行层面介绍了大数据落地相关的技术、架构、开发、大数据工作流、应用和价值评估,直接以落地视角解读大数据工作中每个环节涉及到的流程、知识和方法,这也是本书的核心章节。 第三部分:大数据价值、变革和挑战 主要涉及大数据的社会价值、当前问题和挑战以及大数据的未来趋势,这是对现有大数据工作的延展以及未来趋势的探索。



Data is the new oil! By 2018, the United States will experience a shortage of 190,000 skilled data scientists, and 1.5 million managers and analysts capable of reaping actionable insights from the big data deluge. —McKinsey Report2 The emergence of data science is gathering ever more attention, and it’s no secret that the term data science itself is loaded with controversy about what it means and whether it’s actually a eld. In Data Scientists at Work, I interview sixteen data scientists across sixteen different industries to understand both how they think about it theoretically and also very practically what problems they’re solving, how data’s helping, and what it takes to be successful. Mirroring the ux in which data science nds itself, the sample of data scientists polled in this book are all over the map about the signi cance and utility of the terms data science to refer to a coherent discipline and data scientist to refer to a well-de ned occupation. In the interests of full disclosure, I fall into the camp of those who believe that data science is truly an emerging academic discipline and that data scientists as such have proper roles in organizations. Moreover, I believe that each of the subjects I interviewed for this book is indeed a data scientist—and, after having spent time with all of them, I couldn’t be more excited about the future of data science.


Deciphering China’s AI Dream 2018

Deciphering China’s AI Dream The context, components, capabilities, and consequences of China’s strategy to lead the world in AI Jeffrey Ding* Governance of AI Program, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford March 2018


Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence(哲学与人工智能理论).pdf

Introductory Note: Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence Vincent C. Mu ̈ller Anatolia College/ACT & University of Oxford website: www.sophia.de 16.05.2012


《HTML5 App应用开发教程》 配套资源包

【该书的配套资源包】 越来越多的公司采用HTML5来快速开发移动跨平台App,它支持市面上流行的移动设备,本书将帮助读者快速学习如何利用HTML 5和Dcloud(数字天堂)的HTML5移动开发技术来开发移动App。


知识图谱_中文知识图谱_ CIPS(中国中文信息学会)_CCKS2017.zip

1708-cnschema-final.pdf 鼎复金融知识图谱介绍.pdf 知识获取方法.pdf 知识图谱导论.pdf 知识图谱构建.pdf 知识图谱实践.pdf CCKS-2017 行业知识图谱构建与应用-下篇.pdf CCKS-2017-行业知识图谱构建与应用101.pdf CCKS-2017行业知识图谱构建与应用-上篇.pdf CCKS2017Handbook.pdf CCKS交流-语音交互中的自然语言处理技术.pdf


知识图谱_中文知识图谱_ CIPS(中国中文信息学会)_KG2015.zi

KG 2015 - 从数据互联到知万物互联.pdf KG 2015 - 大规模知识图谱表示学习的趋势与挑战.pdf KG 2015 - 海量语义数据处理与知识服务.pdf KG 2015 - 基于LOD技术的知识优化和知识表示.pdf KG 2015 - 深度问答技术.pdf KG 2015 - 特定领域知识图谱构建初探.pdf KG 2015 - 知识图谱的知识表现方法回顾与展望.pdf KG 2015 - Building a Knowledge Graph by Reading the Web.pdf KG 2015 - Entity Linking wih a Knowledge Base for Heterogenous Data.pdf KG 2015 - The Future of Knowledge Graphs - Moving beyond Simple Collections of Facts.pdf KG 2015 -《大词林》中实体上位词获取及层次化构建方法.pdf


知识图谱_中文知识图谱_ CIPS(中国中文信息学会)_KG2014.zip

从应用角度来看 知识图谱的价值和挑战.pdf 垂直知识图谱构造工具与行业应用.pdf 问答系统中的知识图谱.pdf 知识图谱- 大数据语义链接的基石.pdf 知心时代——百度知识图谱新进展.ppt Google’s knowledge graph.pptx Ontology Reasoning for the Semantic Web and Its Application to Knowledge Graph.pdf


知识图谱_中文知识图谱_ CIPS(中国中文信息学会)_KG2013.zip

跨语言知识图谱构建.pdf 面向中文知识图谱构建的 知识融合不验证.pdf 信息获取与知识图谱.pdf 中文知识图谱 体系、获取与服务.pdf baidu-NLP Techniques in Knowledge Graph.pdf etao-电子商务语义库.pdf sogou-知识图谱的建设与挑战.pptx



Understand your data and user preferences to make intelligent, accurate, and profitable decisions


3D Printing Designs: Octopus Pencil Holder(Joe Larson)[PACKT].pdf

Learn to design and 3D print organic and functional designs using Blender 3D打印设计


OpenCV By Example(Prateek Joshi)[PACKT].pdf

Enhance your understanding of Computer Vision and image processing by developing real-world projects in OpenCV 3



Formal analysis and empirical evaluation of temporal-difference learning algorithms


LEARNING_ROBOTICS_USING_PYTHON(Lentin Joseph)[pdf,mobi,code]

Design, simulate, program, and prototype an interactive autonomous mobile robot from scratch with the help of Python, ROS, and Open-CV!


JAVA_DEEP_LEARNING_ESSENTIALS(Yusuke Sugomori)[pdf&epub;&mobi;&code;]

Dive into the future of data science and learn how to build the sophisticated algorithms that are fundamental to deep learning and AI with Java


PYTHON自然语言处理_中文版_清晰电子版(by Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper).pdf

这是一本关于自然语言处理的书。所谓“自然语言”,是指人们日常交流使用的语言, 如英语,印地语,葡萄牙语等。相对于编程语言和数学符号这样的人工语言,自然语言随着 一代人传给另一代人而不断演化,因而很难用明确的规则来刻画。从广义上讲 ,“自然语言 处理”(Natural Language Processing 简称 NLP)包含所有用计算机对自然语言进行的操作, 从最简单的通过计数词出现的频率来比较不同的写作风格,到最复杂的完全“理解”人所说 的话,至少要能达到对人的话语作出有效反应的程度。 基于 NLP 的技术应用日益广泛。例如:手机和手持电脑支持输入法联想提示和手写识 别;网络搜索引擎能搜到非结构化文本中的信息;机器翻译能把中文文本翻译成西班牙文。 通过提供更自然的人机界面和更复杂的存储信息获取手段,语言处理正在这个多语种的信息 社会中扮演更核心的角色。 这本书提供自然语言处理领域非常方便的入门指南。它可以用来自学,也可以作为自然 语言处理或计算语言学课程的教科书,或是人工智能、文本挖掘、语料库语言学课程的补充 读物。本书的实践性很强,包括几百个实际可用的例子和分级练习。 本书基于 Python 编程语言及其上的一个名为自然语言工具包(Natural Language Toolk it,简称 NLTK)的开源库。NLTK包含大量的软件、数据和文档,所有这些都可以从 http:/ /www.nltk.org/免费下载。NLTK的发行版本支持 Windows、Macintosh 和 Unix平台。我们强 烈建议你下载 Python 和 NLTk,与我们一起尝试书中的例子和练习。



金融行业已经以惊人的速度采用Python,一些大的投资银行和对冲基金使用Python来构建核心的交易和风险管理系统。本书可以帮助开发人员和量化分析人员入门Python,并指导他们掌握Python在计量金融学上的重要应用。  本书通过大量的实用示例并以一个大型的真实案例研究为基础,讲解如何为基于蒙特卡洛模拟的衍生品和风险分析开发一个成熟的框架。本书大部分内容使用了交互式的IPython Notebooks,并包含了如下主题。  基础知识:Python数据结构,NumPy数组处理、用pandas进行时间序列分析,用matplotlib可视化,用PyTables进行高性能I/O操作,日期/时间信息处理和精选的实践。  金融主题:使用了NumPy、SciPy和SymPy的数学技术,例如回归和优化;用于蒙特卡洛模拟、风险价值、风险信用价值计算的推断统计学;用于正态性检验、均方差投资组合优化、主成分分析(PCA)和贝叶斯回归的统计学。  特殊主题:用于金融算法的高性能Python,如向量化和并行化;Python与Excel的集成;以及构建基于Web技术的金融应用程序。



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