利用反射 和 注解 实现javabean的验证


public class BeanValidUtil {

     * 验证参数bean(包括内部的子bean)
     * @param t
     *            参数对象 例如Fxfa
     * @param optype
     *            操作类型 枚举
     * @throws FkptServiceException
    @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
    public static void valid(Object t, OperateType optype) throws FkptServiceException {
        try {
            // 验证主的参数bean
            validSingle(t, optype);
            // 验证主bean中的list对象
            Class cls = t.getClass();
            for (Field field : cls.getDeclaredFields()) {
                if (field.getType() == List.class) {
                    PropertyDescriptor pd = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), cls);
                    Method getMethod = pd.getReadMethod();// 获得get方法
                    List<Object> list = (List<Object>) getMethod.invoke(t);
                    if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(list)) {
                        for (Object o : list) {
                            validSingle(o, optype);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new FkptServiceException(e.getMessage(), e);

    public static void validSingle(Object t, OperateType optype) throws FkptServiceException {
        StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder("");
        // 获取注解信息
        BeanVaild bv = null;
        Class cls = t.getClass();
        // 检测field是否存在
        try {
            Field[] fields = cls.getDeclaredFields();
            for (Field f : fields) {
                bv = f.getAnnotation(BeanVaild.class);
                // 不为空执行校验
                if (bv != null) {
                    // 新增验证
                    if (optype == OperateType.ADD && bv.addOp()) {
                        err.append(checkType(f, bv.type(), t));
                    } else if (optype == OperateType.UPDATE && bv.updateOp()) {
                        // 更新验证
                        err.append(checkType(f, bv.type(), t));
            String errmsg = err.toString();
            if (!StringUtil.isNullString(errmsg)) {
                throw new FkptServiceException(errmsg);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new FkptServiceException(ServiceExcuteMessage.FKPT_BEAN_VALID_001, e, t.getClass().getName(),

    // 根据不同的验证类型执行验证操作
    public static StringBuilder checkType(Field field, ValidTypes type, Object t) throws Exception {
        StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder();
        switch (type) {
        case NOTNULL:
            err.append(checkNotNull(field.getName(), type, t));
        return err;

    // 非空验证
    private static StringBuilder checkNotNull(String fieldName, ValidTypes type, Object t) throws Exception {
        PropertyDescriptor pd = new PropertyDescriptor(fieldName, t.getClass());
        Method getMethod = pd.getReadMethod();// 获得get方法
        String fieldVal = (String) getMethod.invoke(t);
        if (StringUtil.isNullString(fieldVal)) {
            return new StringBuilder("获取【" + fieldName + "】失败,该字段不能为空\n");
        } else {
            return new StringBuilder("");


public @interface BeanVaild {
     * 验证类型
    ValidTypes type() default ValidTypes.NOTNULL;

     * 新增操作类型
    boolean addOp() default false;

     * 更新操作类型
    boolean updateOp() default false;



public enum OperateType {
     * 操作类型 新增
     * 操作类型 更新


public enum ValidTypes {
     * 不能为空



public class Fxfa extends BaseBean {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8239685879814948678L;

     * 方案编号
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, updateOp = true)
    private String fabh;

     * 方案名称
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true, updateOp = true)
    private String famc;

     * 方案类型
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true)
    private String falx;

     * 优先级
    private String yxj;

     * 优先级名称
    private String yxjMc;

     * 版本
    private String bb;

     * 预警值测算方案
    private String yjzcsfa;

     * 预警值测算方案名称
    private String yjzcsfaMc;

     * 父方案代码,即上一版本方案代码
    private String fabhF;

     * 初方案代码,即初始版本方案代码
    private String fabhC;

     * 有效标志(Y、N)
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true)
    private String yxbz;

     * 来源(1:系统自建;2:外部导入)
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true)
    private String ly;

     * 制定人员代码
    private String zdRyDm;

     * 制定税务机关代码
    private String zdSwjgDm;

     * 制定时间
    private String zdsj;

     * 修改人员代码
    private String xgRyDm;

     * 修改税务机关代码
    private String xgSwjgDm;

     * 修改时间
    private String xgsj;

     * 关键词
    private String gjc;

     * 说明
    private String sm;

     * 纳税评估项目ID
    private String nspgxmid;

     * 纳税评估项目MC
    private String nspgxmmc;

     * 系统代码
    private String xtdm;

     * 分析模型列表
    private List<FxfaFxmxXx> lstFxmxXx = new ArrayList<FxfaFxmxXx>();

     * 指标元条件
    private List<FxfaZbyTj> lstZbyTj = new ArrayList<FxfaZbyTj>();

     * 维度条件列表
    private List<FxfaWdTj> lstWdTj = new ArrayList<FxfaWdTj>();

     * @return the lstZbyTj
    public List<FxfaZbyTj> getLstZbyTj() {
        return lstZbyTj;

     * @param lstZbyTj
     *            the lstZbyTj to set
    public void setLstZbyTj(List<FxfaZbyTj> lstZbyTj) {
        this.lstZbyTj = lstZbyTj;

     * @return the lstWdTj
    public List<FxfaWdTj> getLstWdTj() {
        return lstWdTj;

     * @param lstWdTj
     *            the lstWdTj to set
    public void setLstWdTj(List<FxfaWdTj> lstWdTj) {
        this.lstWdTj = lstWdTj;

     * @return the fabh
    public String getFabh() {
        return fabh;

     * @param fabh
     *            the fabh to set
    public void setFabh(String fabh) {
        this.fabh = fabh;

     * @return the famc
    public String getFamc() {
        return famc;

     * @param famc
     *            the famc to set
    public void setFamc(String famc) {
        this.famc = famc;

     * @return the falx
    public String getFalx() {
        return falx;

     * @param falx
     *            the falx to set
    public void setFalx(String falx) {
        this.falx = falx;

     * @return the yxj
    public String getYxj() {
        return yxj;

     * @param yxj
     *            the yxj to set
    public void setYxj(String yxj) {
        this.yxj = yxj;

     * @return the bb
    public String getBb() {
        return bb;

     * @param bb
     *            the bb to set
    public void setBb(String bb) {
        this.bb = bb;

     * @return the fabhF
    public String getFabhF() {
        return fabhF;

     * @param fabhF
     *            the fabhF to set
    public void setFabhF(String fabhF) {
        this.fabhF = fabhF;

     * @return the fabhC
    public String getFabhC() {
        return fabhC;

     * @param fabhC
     *            the fabhC to set
    public void setFabhC(String fabhC) {
        this.fabhC = fabhC;

     * @return the yxbz
    public String getYxbz() {
        return yxbz;

     * @param yxbz
     *            the yxbz to set
    public void setYxbz(String yxbz) {
        this.yxbz = yxbz;

     * @return the ly
    public String getLy() {
        return ly;

     * @param ly
     *            the ly to set
    public void setLy(String ly) {
        this.ly = ly;

     * @return the zdRyDm
    public String getZdRyDm() {
        return zdRyDm;

     * @param zdRyDm
     *            the zdRyDm to set
    public void setZdRyDm(String zdRyDm) {
        this.zdRyDm = zdRyDm;

     * @return the zdSwjgDm
    public String getZdSwjgDm() {
        return zdSwjgDm;

     * @param zdSwjgDm
     *            the zdSwjgDm to set
    public void setZdSwjgDm(String zdSwjgDm) {
        this.zdSwjgDm = zdSwjgDm;

     * @return the zdsj
    public String getZdsj() {
        return zdsj;

     * @param zdsj
     *            the zdsj to set
    public void setZdsj(String zdsj) {
        this.zdsj = zdsj;

     * @return the xgRyDm
    public String getXgRyDm() {
        return xgRyDm;

     * @param xgRyDm
     *            the xgRyDm to set
    public void setXgRyDm(String xgRyDm) {
        this.xgRyDm = xgRyDm;

     * @return the xgSwjgDm
    public String getXgSwjgDm() {
        return xgSwjgDm;

     * @param xgSwjgDm
     *            the xgSwjgDm to set
    public void setXgSwjgDm(String xgSwjgDm) {
        this.xgSwjgDm = xgSwjgDm;

     * @return the xgsj
    public String getXgsj() {
        return xgsj;

     * @param xgsj
     *            the xgsj to set
    public void setXgsj(String xgsj) {
        this.xgsj = xgsj;

     * @return the gjc
    public String getGjc() {
        return gjc;

     * @param gjc
     *            the gjc to set
    public void setGjc(String gjc) {
        this.gjc = gjc;

     * @return the yjzcsfa
    public String getYjzcsfa() {
        return yjzcsfa;

     * @param yjzcsfa
     *            the yjzcsfa to set
    public void setYjzcsfa(String yjzcsfa) {
        this.yjzcsfa = yjzcsfa;

     * @return the lstFxmxXx
    public List<FxfaFxmxXx> getLstFxmxXx() {
        return lstFxmxXx;

     * @param lstFxmxXx
     *            the lstFxmxXx to set
    public void setLstFxmxXx(List<FxfaFxmxXx> lstFxmxXx) {
        this.lstFxmxXx = lstFxmxXx;

     * @return the sm
    public String getSm() {
        return sm;

     * @param sm
     *            the sm to set
    public void setSm(String sm) {
        this.sm = sm;

     * @return the yjzcsfaMc
    public String getYjzcsfaMc() {
        return yjzcsfaMc;

     * @param yjzcsfaMc
     *            the yjzcsfaMc to set
    public void setYjzcsfaMc(String yjzcsfaMc) {
        this.yjzcsfaMc = yjzcsfaMc;

     * @return the yxjMc
    public String getYxjMc() {
        return yxjMc;

     * @param yxjMc
     *            the yxjMc to set
    public void setYxjMc(String yxjMc) {
        this.yxjMc = yxjMc;

     * @return 获取 nspgxmid
    public String getNspgxmid() {
        return nspgxmid;

     * @param nspgxmid
     *            设置 nspgxmid
    public void setNspgxmid(String nspgxmid) {
        this.nspgxmid = nspgxmid;

     * @return 获取 nspgxmmc
    public String getNspgxmmc() {
        return nspgxmmc;

     * @param nspgxmmc
     *            设置 nspgxmmc
    public void setNspgxmmc(String nspgxmmc) {
        this.nspgxmmc = nspgxmmc;

     * @return the xtdm
    public String getXtdm() {
        return xtdm;

     * @param xtdm
     *            the xtdm to set
    public void setXtdm(String xtdm) {
        this.xtdm = xtdm;




public class FxfaWdTj implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7624527525952631847L;

     * 方案编号
    private String fabh;

     * 序号
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true, updateOp = true)
    private String xh;

     * 条件名称
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true, updateOp = true)
    private String tjmc;

     * 条件表
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true, updateOp = true)
    private String tjb;

     * 条件字段
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true, updateOp = true)
    private String tjzd;

     * 条件符
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true, updateOp = true)
    private String tjf;

     * 条件值
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true, updateOp = true)
    private String tjz;

     * 页面显示代码
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true, updateOp = true)
    private String xsdm;

     * 页面显示名称
    @BeanVaild(type = ValidTypes.NOTNULL, addOp = true, updateOp = true)
    private String xsmc;

     * @return the fabh
    public String getFabh() {
        return fabh;

     * @param fabh
     *            the fabh to set
    public void setFabh(String fabh) {
        this.fabh = fabh;

     * @return the tjmc
    public String getTjmc() {
        return tjmc;

     * @param tjmc
     *            the tjmc to set
    public void setTjmc(String tjmc) {
        this.tjmc = tjmc;

     * @return the tjb
    public String getTjb() {
        return tjb;

     * @param tjb
     *            the tjb to set
    public void setTjb(String tjb) {
        this.tjb = tjb;

     * @return the tjzd
    public String getTjzd() {
        return tjzd;

     * @param tjzd
     *            the tjzd to set
    public void setTjzd(String tjzd) {
        this.tjzd = tjzd;

     * @return the tjf
    public String getTjf() {
        return tjf;

     * @param tjf
     *            the tjf to set
    public void setTjf(String tjf) {
        this.tjf = tjf;

     * @return the tjz
    public String getTjz() {
        return tjz;

     * @param tjz
     *            the tjz to set
    public void setTjz(String tjz) {
        this.tjz = tjz;

     * @return the xsdm
    public String getXsdm() {
        return xsdm;

     * @param xsdm
     *            the xsdm to set
    public void setXsdm(String xsdm) {
        this.xsdm = xsdm;

     * @return the xsmc
    public String getXsmc() {
        return xsmc;

     * @param xsmc
     *            the xsmc to set
    public void setXsmc(String xsmc) {
        this.xsmc = xsmc;

     * @return the xh
    public String getXh() {
        return xh;

     * @param xh
     *            the xh to set
    public void setXh(String xh) {
        this.xh = xh;



// 新增
        if (StringUtil.isNullString(fxfa.getFabh())) {
            // 新增时验证参数
            BeanValidUtil.valid(fxfa, OperateType.ADD);
            ServiceExecuteUtil.executeDao("fxpt.core.fak.fxfa.dao.insertFxfa", new Object[] {fxfa, loginuser});
        } else {
            // 修改
            // 修改时验证参数
            BeanValidUtil.valid(fxfa, OperateType.UPDATE);
            ServiceExecuteUtil.executeDao("fxpt.core.fak.fxfa.dao.updateFxfa", new Object[] {fxfa, loginuser});


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