
PanoramaGLlibrary is the firstopen source libraryin the world to see panoramic views on the iPod Touch 1G, 2G, 3Gand iPhone EDGE, 3G and 3GS.PanoramaGL图书馆是世界上第一个开源库和3GS看到全景1G的iPod上的触摸,2G,3G和iPhone的EDGE,3G网络。

SVN andsource code inhttp://code.google.com/p/panoramagl/SVN源代码http://code.google.com/p/panoramagl/

Created byJavierBaez -Visit Ecuador Team创建者哈维尔贝兹 -访问厄瓜多尔队


ImportantNote: Please add the credits in their projects when usingthe library.重要提示:请加入他们的项目中使用时的学分库。


Thesupported features inversion 0.1 Beta are:0.1版测试版支持的功能有:

  • Supports OpenGLES1.1支持OpenGLES 1.1
  • Testedwith SDK 3.0 to 3.2测试用的SDK 3.0至3.2
  • Supportscubic, spherical and cylindrical panoramicimages支持立方体,球形和圆柱形全景图像
  • Allowsscrolling and continuous scrolling允许滚动和连续滚动
  • Supportsscrolling left to right and from top to bottom using theaccelerometer支持滚动从左到右,从上到下用加速度计
  • Allows touse the inertia to stop scrolling允许使用的惯性停止滚动
  • Supportszoom in and zoom out (moving two fingers on thescreen)支持放大和缩小(在屏幕上移动两个手指)
  • Supportsreset (placing three fingers on thescreen)支持复位(置于屏幕上的三个手指)
  • Allowsyou to control the range of rotation in the x, y and zaxis允许您控制在X,Y轴的旋转范围和Z轴
  • SupportsPortrait, Portrait Upside Down, Landscape Left and Landscape Rightorientation using theaccelerometer支持人像,人像倒置,左,园林景观采用加速度计的正确方向
  • Supportsfor events on view支持对视图事件

Using theCode使用代码

To createa simple panoramic image viewer for the iPhone with PanoramaGLlibrary, you must perform the followingsteps:要创建一个简单的iPhone与PanoramaGL库全景图像浏览器,你必须执行以下步骤:

1.1。Creating a project for iPhone(iPhone view based).创建用于iPhone项目(iPhone的视角)。

  • OpenXCode开放的XCode
  • Go to"File -> New Project -> iPhone OS-> Application -> View-basedApplication"进入“文件 - >”新建项目“ -> iPhone操作系统 - >”应用程序 ->“查看应用程式”
  • Click on"Choose" button and Save the project as"HelloPanorama"点击“选择”按钮并保存为“HelloPanorama”项目

2.2。Import PanoramaGLlibrary .进口PanoramaGL库

  • Download"PanoramaGL" library (Parent projectfolder)下载“PanoramaGL”库 (父项目的文件夹)
  • Decompress "PanoramaGL" library(double click on zipfile)解压缩“PanoramaGL”库(压缩文件双击)
  • Go tomenu "Project -> Edit Active Target'HelloPanorama'"到菜单“项目 ->”编辑主动目标'HelloPanorama'“
  • Go to"General" Tab进入“常规”标签
  • Click on"+" button in the "Linked LibrarySection"点击“+”中的“链接库组”按钮


  • Click on"Add Other" button and find "PanoramaGL"project点击“添加其他”按钮,找到“PanoramaGL”项目


  • Select"PanoramaGL" folder, select "PanoramaGL.xcodeproj" file and clickon "Add" button returning to "General"Tab"选择“PanoramaGL”文件夹,选择“PanoramaGL.xcodeproj”文件和“添加”点击按钮回到“常规”选项卡“


  • Go to"Direct Dependencies" section and click on "+"button继续“+”按钮,“直接相关性”部分,然后点击


  • Select"PanoramaGL" and click on "Add Target" button returning to"General" Tab选择“PanoramaGL”,并点击“添加目标”按钮返回到“常规”标签
  • Now go to"Build" Tab现在去“构建”标签


  • Findoption"Header Search Paths" and double click onit.查找选项“标题搜索路径”,并双击它。


  • Click on"+" button and create a new settingstring点击“+”按钮,创建一个新的设置字符串
  • Select"Recursive" check, write a relative path of "PanoramaGL" folder (inthis case "../PanoramaGL" and click on "OK"button选择“递归”检查,写一个“PanoramaGL”文件夹的相对路径(在这种情况下,“.. /PanoramaGL”,然后点击“确定”按钮
  • Close"Project Active Target" window关闭“项目主动目标”窗口
  • Go to"Group & Files" panel, find and select"PanoramaGL.xcodeproj"进入“组和文件”面板中,找到并选择“PanoramaGL.xcodeproj”
  • Checktarget option of "libPanoramaGL.a" on top-right panel as shownbelow:检查“libPanoramaGL.a”的右上方面板如下图所示的目标选择:


3.3。Inthe controller class HelloPanoramaViewController mustbe implemented the code shownbelow:在控制器类HelloPanoramaViewController必须执行下面的代码:

 #import < UIKit/UIKit.h > #进口 <UIKit中/ UIKit.h>
#import " PLView.h" #导入“PLView.h”

@interface HelloPanoramaViewController : UIViewController { @接口HelloPanoramaViewController:UIViewController {
        IBOutlet PLView * plView; IBOutlet PLView * plView;
} }

@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet PLView *plView; @财产(非原子,保留)IBOutlet PLView * plView;

@end @结束
4.4。Theview created must inherit fromPLView , instead ofUIView , so it must be modified in the resource fileHelloPanoramaViewController.xib.视图创建必须继承自PLView的,而不是UIView,所以它必须是HelloPanoramaViewController.xib修改资源文件。

5.5。 Inthe controller classHelloPanoramaViewController mustimplement code in order to configure the view as shownbelow:在控制器类HelloPanoramaViewController必须实现代码,以便配置视图如下图所示:
 #import " HelloPanoramaViewController.h" #导入 “HelloPanoramaViewController.h”

@implementation HelloPanoramaViewController @执行HelloPanoramaViewController

@synthesize plView; @综合plView;

// Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. / /执行viewDidLoad做额外的设置视图加载后,笔尖通常是从。 
 - ( void )viewDidLoad - ( 空 )viewDidLoad 
{ {
    [super viewDidLoad]; [超级viewDidLoad];
    // Example with Spherical type / /球型的示例 
 plView.isDeviceOrientationEnabled = YES; plView.isDeviceOrientationEnabled =是; 
     plView.isAccelerometerEnabled = YES; plView.isAccelerometerEnabled =是; 
     plView.isScrollingEnabled = YES; plView.isScrollingEnabled =是; 
     plView.isInertiaEnabled = YES; plView.isInertiaEnabled =是; 
     plView.type = PLViewTypeSpherical; plView.type = PLViewTypeSpherical; 
     [plView addTextureAndRelease:[PLTexture textureWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @" pano" ofType: @" jpg" ]]]; [plView addTextureAndRelease:[PLTexture textureWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@“全景”ofType:@“jpg”的 ]]];
} }

- ( void )dealloc - ( 无效 )的dealloc 
{ {
    [plView release]; [plView新闻稿];
    [super dealloc]; [超级的dealloc];
} }

@end @结束

6.6。plView variable pointing to theview in the resource file "MainWindow.xib"plView变量指向资源文件中的“MainWindow.xib文件”的观点

7.7。Adda resource image as "pano.jpg" this image must be Spherical forthis example.新增为“pano.jpg”这个图片必须为这个例子球形资源的形象。


Thenproceed to explain briefly the operation of the classesused:然后进行简单解释所使用的类的操作:

PLView class, thisclass is a view (inherits from UIView) allowing a simple set offeatures for power display panoramic images.PLView类,这个类是一个视图(UIView的继承),允许一个简单的全景图像显示设置功能的权力。Theproperties and methods of this classare:在这个类的属性和方法是:

  • BOOLisDeviceOrientationEnabled ; //If the view allowsyou to enable orientation of the device supports (manually, typicalof theLibrary)布尔isDeviceOrientationEnabled; //如果视图允许您启用设备方向的支持(手动,图书馆典型的)
  • UIDeviceOrientationdeviceOrientation ; //lets see what orientationhas this view, or set in that we want the view orientation appears.Eg.plView.deviceOrientation=UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft;UIDeviceOrientationdeviceOrientation; //让我们看看什么方向,有鉴于此,或设置,我们希望出现的视图方向=。UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft例如。plView.deviceOrientation;
  • PLOrientationSupporteddeviceOrientationSupported ;PLOrientationSupporteddeviceOrientationSupported; //This property allows you totell the view that positions of orientation is enabled and running.Eg. PlView.deviceOrientationSupported =(PLOrientationSupportedPortrait |PLOrientationSupportedLandscapeLeft) <- in this caseonly allows for Portrait orientation and LandscapeLeft //这个属性允许你告诉运行查看该职位方向是启用和和。LandscapeLeft例如。PlView.deviceOrientationSupported=(PLOrientationSupportedPortrait |PLOrientationSupportedLandscapeLeft)< -“在这种情况下只允许纵向
  • BOOLisAccelerometerEnabled ; //This property enablesthe operation of theaccelerometer布尔isAccelerometerEnabled; //此属性使加速度计的运作
  • BOOLisAccelerometerLeftRightEnabled ; // This propertyactivates the accelerometer operation only in the x-axis anddepends on this active propertyisAccelerometerEnabled布尔isAccelerometerLeftRightEnabled;/ /此属性激活X轴加速度计操作只在和财产取决于这种积极isAccelerometerEnabled
  • BOOLisAccelerometerUpDownEnabled ; // This propertyactivates the accelerometer operation only in the y-axis anddepends on this active propertyisAccelerometerEnabled布尔isAccelerometerUpDownEnabled;/ /此属性激活Y轴加速度计操作只在和财产取决于这种积极isAccelerometerEnabled
  • floataccelerometerSensitivity ; // Set the sensitivitywith which to operate the accelerometer (motionsensing)accelerometerSensitivity; //设定灵敏度,用以经营加速度计(运动感应)
  • NSTimeIntervalaccelerometerInterva ;l // Setsthe refresh time in seconds of accelerometer NSTimeIntervalaccelerometerInterva;升 / /设置加速度计秒的时间刷新
  • CGPointstartPoint ; // This property tells us whichposition he made the first touch when the event occurs (Touch Beginevent) CGPoint起始点 ; //此属性告诉我们他的立场所作的第一次触摸事件发生时(触摸开始事件)
  • CGPointendPoint ; // This property will be cooling whilemoving the finger on the screen (Touch Move event) CGPoint端点 ; / /此属性将被屏冷却效果的同时移动手指(触控移动事件)
  • BOOLisScrollingEnabled ; // This property tells us ifyou could make a scrolling at the hearing, if not active, only movewhen the fingers moving on thescreen布尔isScrollingEnabled; //此属性告诉我们,如果你可以把在听证会滚动,如果不活跃,只有当手指移动屏幕上移动
  • NSUIntegerminDistanceToEnableScrolling ; // Minimum distancethat must be traveled with the fingers to activate thescrolling NSUIntegerminDistanceToEnableScrolling //最小距离,必须用手指走过来激活滚动
  • BOOLisInertiaEnabled ; / / Check the inertia thatmeans that when someone performs a scroll inertia is activated toslow the scroll to stop themovement布尔isInertiaEnabled; //检查的惯性,这意味着,当有人执行滚动惯性启动缓慢滚动停止运动
  • NSTimeIntervalinertiaInterval ; // Duration of inertia inseconds NSTimeIntervalinertiaInterval //惯性持续时间以秒
  • BOOLisResetEnabled ; // Property that can be enabledto reset the view to its original position when placing threefingers on the screen布尔isResetEnabled; //属性,可以启用重置查看其原始位置时,放置在屏幕三个手指
  • PLViewTypetype ; // Type of view to be used can be(PLViewTypeSpherical, PLViewTypeCubeFaces,PLViewTypeCylindrical) PLViewType类型 ; //类型PLViewTypeCylindrical)的角度来使用,可以(PLViewTypeSpherical,PLViewTypeCubeFaces,
  • PLCamera*camera ; / / Property allows us to change ortake the parameters of the camera PLCamera *摄像头 ; / /属性允许我们改变或采取相机的参数
  • - (void)addTexture : (PLTexture *) texture; // Add atexture to be used, in the case of spherical and cylindrical singleview to invoke this method once, in the case of cubic view use thismethod six times (one texture per face) -(空)addTexture:(PLTexture *)纹理; //添加一个纹理用于查看,在三次的案件球形和圆柱形的单一视图援引这种方法一旦情况下,在使用此方法六次(一质地每面)
  • - (void)removeTexture : (PLTexture *) texture; // Removesan object of type texture of the view -(空)removeTexture:(PLTexture *)纹理; //删除一个视图对象类型的纹理
  • - (void)removeTextureAtIndex : (NSUInteger) index; //Removes an object of type texture by index of the view -(空)removeTextureAtIndex:(NSUInteger)指数; //删除由视图索引的一个纹理对象类型
  • - (void)removeAllTextures ; // Removes all the texturesthat the view can use -(空)removeAllTextures; //删除所有的纹理,视图可以使用

PLTextureclass allows us to load a texture that will be used by the view,its properties and methods are:PLTexture类允许我们载入纹理,视图会被使用,其属性和方法是:

  • GLuinttextureId ; // read-only property giving theidentifier of an OpenGL texture GLuinttextureId; / /只读属性赋予一个OpenGL纹理标识符
  • intwidth ,height ; // read-onlyproperties for the width and height of a textureloaded诠释宽度高度 ; //只读属性纹理的宽度和高度装一个
  • BOOLisValid ; // Property to know if the texturefailed to load布尔isValid的 ; //属性知道如果纹理加载失败
  • - (id)init ; // Default Constructor -(ID)的初始化 / /默认构造
  • - (id)initWithImage : (UIImage *) image; // Constructorthat receives an object of type UIImage where an image must beloaded - (身份证)initWithImage:(UIImage *)图像;/ /构造函数,接收一个UIImage对象的类型,其中必须加载的图像
  • - (id)initWithImage : (UIImage *) imagerotate (int) angle; // Same as the previous methodbut can rotate the image 90, 180, 270 degrees -(身份证)initWithImage:(UIImage*)图像旋转 (int)的角度; //方法以前一样,但可以旋转图像90,180,270度
  • - (id)initWithPath : (NSString *) path; // Constructorthat receives the image path (jpeg, png) -(身份证)initWithPath:(的NSString *)路径//构造函数,接收图像的路径(JPEG格式,PNG等)
  • - (id)initWithPath : (NSString *) pathrotate (int) angle; // Same as the previous methodbut can rotate the image 90, 180, 270 degrees -(身份证)initWithPath:(的NSString*)路径旋转 (int)的角度; //方法以前一样,但可以旋转图像90,180,270度

//Constructors static type that operate with the same parameters thatthe init equivalent functions //构造静态类型具有相同的参数初始化操作的等效功能

  • + (id)textureWithImage : (UIImage *) image;+(ID)的textureWithImage:(UIImage *)图像;
  • + (id)textureWithPath : (NSString *) path;+(ID)的textureWithPath:(的NSString *)路径;
  • + (id)textureWithImage : (UIImage *) imagerotate (int) angle;+(ID)的textureWithImage:(UIImage*)图像旋转 (int)的角度;
  • + (id)textureWithPath : (NSString *) pathrotate (int) angle;+(ID)的textureWithPath:(的NSString*)路径旋转 (int)的角度;
  • - (BOOL)loadTextureWithImage : (UIImage *) image; // Loada texture from an image object -(布尔)loadTextureWithImage:(UIImage *)图像; //加载一个对象从图像纹理
  • - (BOOL)loadTextureWithImage : (UIImage *) image rotate(int) angle; / / Same as the previous method but can rotate theimage 90, 180, 270 degrees -(布尔)loadTextureWithImage:(UIImage *)图像旋转(int)的角度;/ /方法以前一样,但可以旋转图像90,180,270度
  • - (BOOL)loadTextureWithPath : (NSString *) path, // Load atexture from image path (jpeg, png) -(布尔)loadTextureWithPath:(的NSString *)路径,//加载的路径纹理从图像(JPEG,PNG等)
  • - (BOOL)loadTextureWithPath : (NSString *) path rotate(int) angle; / / Same as the previous method but can rotate theimage 90, 180, 270 degrees -(布尔)loadTextureWithPath:(的NSString *)路径旋转(int)的角度;/ /方法以前一样,但可以旋转图像90,180,270度
 Eg. 例如。 PLTexture * texture = PLTexture *质地= 
[PLTexture textureWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @" pano" ofType: @" jpg" ]]; [PLTexture textureWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@“全景”ofType:@“jpg”的 ]]; 
[plView addTexture:[PLTexture textureWithPath:texture]]; [plView addTexture:[PLTexture textureWithPath:质地]]; 

PLCamera classallows us to change the display settings of the hearing, theirproperties are:PLCamera类允许我们改变听证会的显示设置,它们的性质:

  • BOOLIsFovEnabled ; // Enable zoom in or zoom outeg. plView.camera.isFovEnabled =NO;布尔IsFovEnabled;/允许放大或缩小,例如。/ plView.camera.isFovEnabled=否;
  • floatfov ; // zoom level for the Hearingeg. plView.camera.fov =10;视野 ; //缩放一级的听证10。plView.camera.fov=;
  • floatfovSensitivity ; // sensitivity for the zoom whenyou place two fingers on the screeneg.plView.camera.fovSensitivity =70;fovSensitivity;/灵敏度70变焦,例如当您在屏幕上的两个手指/。plView.camera.fovSensitivity=;
  • PLRangefovRange ; // Range in values that will allow forthe default zoom from -180 to 180eg.plView.camera.fovRange = PLRangeMake (-10.10); PLRangefovRange / /范围值,将允许从默认-180放大到180例)。plView.camera.fovRange =PLRangeMake(-10.10;
  • PLRangefovFactorRange ; // Range in which the zoom willwork internaly (This range is for internal use with fovFactorproperty) PLRangefovFactorRange //变焦范围,其中将internaly(此范围为fovFactor财产内部使用)
  • BOOLisXAxisEnabled ,isYAxisEnabled ,isZAxisEnabled;布尔isXAxisEnabled,isYAxisEnabled,isZAxisEnabled; // This properties enabled ifthe camera can move in the x, y, zeg.plView.camera.isXAxisEnabled = NO; / /此属性中启用,如果摄像头可以在XY运动,和Z没有。plView.camera.isXAxisEnabled=;
  • PLPositionposition ; // property to place the camera in aposition. PLPosition位置 ; //属性放置摄像机的机位研究。 PLPosition has the property x,y, zeg. plView.camera.x = 6;PLPosition拥有财产的x,Y,Z轴如6。plView.camera.x=;
  • PLRangexRange ,yRange ,zRange ; // Define the range in which it can movein the x, y, zeg. plView.camera.xRange =PLRangeMake (-100, 100); PLRange的xrange,yRange,zRange;/定义的范围,它可以将在X,Y,Z轴例如。/ plView.camera.xRange =PLRangeMake(-100,100);
  • BOOLisPitchEnabled ,isYawEnabled ,isRollEnabled ; // These properties enable thataxes can rotate the camera x, y, zeg.布尔isPitchEnabled,isYawEnabled,isRollEnabled;/ /这些特性使该轴可以旋转的摄像头的x,Y,Z轴例如。plView.camera.isPitchEnabled =NO; plView.camera.isPitchEnabled =否;
  • BOOLIsReverseRotation ; // Enable the rotation of thecamera displacement is inversely related to the user to do with thetouch or accelerometer.Eg.plView.camera.isReverseRotation =YES;布尔IsReverseRotation; //允许的位移旋转的摄像头是负相关的用户做的触摸或加速度=。是例如。plView.camera.isReverseRotation;
  • PLRotationrotation ; // angles of rotation (in degrees) ofthe camera x, y, zeg.plView.camera.rotation.pitch = 80; PLRotation旋转 ; //旋转角度)的照相机(度的x,Y,Z轴例如80。plView.camera.rotation.pitch=;
  • PLRangepitchRange ,yawRange ,rollRange ; // Range in which the camera canrotate in x, y, zeg. plView.camera.pitchRange= PLRangeMake (-90, 90); <- on thex axis can only rotate the angle - 90 to 90 PLRangepitchRange,yawRange,rollRange; //范围,其中可旋转摄像头在X,Y,Z轴例如;。plView.camera.pitchRange =PLRangeMake(-90,90)< - “在X轴只能旋转角度- 90至90
  • floatrotateSensitivity ; // value of sensitivity inwhich the camera will rotate when the user moves the view eg.rotateSensitivity; //灵敏度值,其中相机将轮流当用户移动的看法,例如。 plView.camera.rotateSensitivity= 40; plView.camera.rotateSensitivity = 40;
  • - (void)reset ; / / Lets reset the camera settings back tothe original position of the cameraeg.[plView.camera reset]; - (空) 复位 ;/让]复位相机设置恢复到原来的位置plView.camera的重置/摄影机例如。[;





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