
NCI规范,全称NFC Controller interface,主要的作用是将DH(Device host,主机,在手机中可以看做是手机的AP)

DH:DeviceHost 一般就是只NFC设备上cpu,如手机的cpu芯片

Abbreviation     Description
AID              Application IDentifier
CRC              Cyclic Redundancy Check
DH               Device Host
GID              Group Identifier
HCI              Host Controller Interface
HCP              Host Controller Protocol
ISO              International Organization for Standardization
LSB              Least Significant Byte
lsb              least significant bit
MSB              Most Significant Byte
msb              most significant bit
MT               Message Type
NCI              NFC Controller Interface
NDEF             NFC Data Exchange Format
NFC              Near Field Communication
NFCC             NFC Controller
NFCEE            NFC Execution Environment
OID              Opcode Identifier
PBF              Packet Boundary Flag
RF               Radio Frequency
RFU              Reserved for Future Use
SAR              Segmentation and Reassembly

Glossary :词汇表。
Application IDentifier (AID):
Defined in [ISO/IEC_7816-4], this is a specific type of Dedicated File (DF) 
name which is used in a SELECT command to identify applications.
在[ISO/ IEC_7816-4]中定义,这是通过一个SELECT命令用于标识应用程序的名字的一种专用文件的特定类型.

Battery Off State 断电状态
State where an internal battery or external power source is not available. 
For example, the battery is removed or empty, so the Device Host (DH) is switched
off. The NFC Forum Device can only act in Listen Mode when the NFC Controller (NFCC)
and certain NFC Execution Environments (NFCEEs) may be powered by a Remote NFC Device
via magnetic coupling.
那么这个NFC设备只能工作在listen的模式下,当NFC Controlle和NFCEEs 被远端的NFC设备通过磁场供电时。

Big Endian 大端
A method of recording or transmitting numerical data of more than 2 bytes, 
with the highest byte placed at the beginning.
Little endian 和Big endian 是CPU 存放数据的两种不同顺序。对于整型、长整型等数据类型,
Big endian 认为第一个字节是最高位字节(按照从低地址到高地址的顺序存放数据的高位字节到低位字节);
而Little endian 则相反,它认为第一个字节是最低位字节(按照从低地址到高地址的顺序存放数据的低位字节到高位字节)。

Command Message 命令信息
A request sent from the Device Host (DH) to the NFC Controller (NFCC) for action by the NFCC.
从主机设备Device Host往NFC Controller发送的命令,以便来控制NFCC的行为

Connection Identifier (Conn ID) 链接ID
A unique 4-bit identifier for a Logical Connection.

Control Message 控制信息
A generic name when referring to a Command, Response, or Notification Message, but not a Data Message.


Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 循环冗余校验,其实就是设置校验位,乙方中间丢失了那个数据什么的。
A checksum appended within the data segment before transmission, and verified afterward by the recipient to detect Transmission Errors.

Data Message
A message containing data carried over a Logical Connection.  Logical Connection??

Destination Type 目的地类型.
Identifies an entity (NFCC, NFCEE, or Remote NFC Endpoint) for which a Dynamic Logical Connection is intended.

Device Host (DH) 主机设备
An Execution Environment responsible for the overall management of the NFC Forum Device and any peripherals. 
This includes the management (e.g., initialization, configuration, power management, etc.) of the NFC Controller peripheral.
这包括NFC Controller的外围设备的管理(例如,初始化,配置,电源管理等)。

An environment residing on or connected to the DH, where NFC applications are executed. 
There is logically only one DH-NFCEE, but it may be composed of more than one environment (for example, 
applications on the DH and applications on a peripheral connected to the DH). The manner in which the DH manages 
the DH-NFCEE is implementation-specific.

Dynamic Logical Connection  动态逻辑连接
A Logical Connection that is created and closed dynamically as needed.

HCI Network
A Network as described within [ETSI_102622] consisting of a host controller and one or more hosts.

ISO-DEP Protocol
Half-duplex block transmission protocol defined in [DIGITAL].

Listen Mode
The mode of an NFC Forum Device where it does not generate a carrier. 
In this mode, the NFC Forum Device listens for the RF field of another device.

Little Endian 小段
A method of recording or transmitting numerical data of more than 2 bytes, with the lowest byte placed at the beginning.

Logical Connection 逻辑连接
A communication channel between the Device Host (DH) and the NFC Controller (NFCC) that 
is used for data communication toward either the NFCC itself, an NFCEE, or a Remote NFC Endpoint.

Message 消息
A generic term for a Command, Response, Notification, or Data object communicated between the DH and NFCC.

The logical interface between a Device Host (DH) and an NFC Controller (NFCC).

NCI Core
Defines the basic NCI functionality required between the Device Host (DH) and NFC Controller (NFCC).

NCI Transport
The physical connection (e.g., SPI, I2C, UART, USB, etc.) and any associated link level protocol between 
the DH and NFCC. Each supported NCI Transport has a Transport Mapping which defines the characteristics of the NCI Transport. 
An NCI Transport provides the ability to reliably transfer data without intimate knowledge of the data being transferred.
The NCI specification defines multiple Transport Mappings.
每个支持的NCI Transport都有一个传输映射,定义了NCI Transport的特性。 

NFC Controller (NFCC) NFC控制器
The logical entity responsible for the transmission of data over the NFC Radio Interface. 
The NFC Controller has a connection to the Device Host (DH) and may have connections to 
additional NFC Execution Environments (NFCEEs). Those connections are out of scope of this 
specification, but the impacts to the NCI are in scope.
负责通过NFC RF传送数据的逻辑单元。NFC控制器具有对设备主机(DH)的连接,并且可以具有附加的NFC执行环境(NFCEEs)连接。

NFC Execution Environment (NFCEE) NFC执行环境
An environment, either built into the NFCC or connected to the NFCC, where NFC applications are executed. 
The NFCEE may be included in entities with various form factors, some of which can be removable or replaceable.

NFC Radio Interface NFC无线接口
A contactless radio interface using NFC technology to communicate with a Remote NFC Endpoint.

NFC-DEP Initiator
The role of an NFC Forum Device reached when an NFC Forum Device in Poll Mode has gone through a number of Activities. 
In this mode, the NFC Forum Device communicates using the NFC-DEP protocol.
NFC标准设备的一种类型,是指N连接到另一个处于在Poll模式下执行了一些列行为的标准设备的设备. 也就是发起端

NFC-DEP Target
The role of an NFC Forum Device, reached when the NFC Forum Device in Listen Mode has gone through a number of Activities. 
In this mode, the NFC Forum Device communicates using the NFC-DEP protocol.

NFCEE Discovery Process
Functionality that allows detection of NFCEEs that are physically connected to the NFCC.

NFCEE Interface
A logical entity on the NFCC that communicates with the DH on one side and an NFCEE on the other side.

NFCEE Protocol
A protocol used in the communication between the NFCC and an NFCEE.

Notification Message 通知信息
Can only be sent by an NFCC to the DH. It is sent asynchronously and typically contains informational parameters.
通知信息只能由NFCC发送给设备主机DH。 它是异步发送的,通常包含信息参数。

A structure that is used to transmit a Message over the NCI Transport. 
There are both Control Packets (for transporting Control Messages) and Data Packets (for transporting Data Messages).
用于通过NCI传输传输消息的结构。 有两个控制包(用于传输控制消息)和数据包(用于传输数据消息)。

Poll Mode poll模式
The mode of an NFC Forum Device when it generates a carrier and probes (“polls”) for other devices.

Remote NFC Endpoint
Refers to a remote device, card, or tag, connected wirelessly over the NFC Radio Interface to the local NFC Forum Device.

Response Message
Sent by the NFCC for each Command Message received from the DH. The Response Message may contain status 
information pertaining to the results of the Command Message.

RF Discovery Process
Functionality that allows detection of a Remote NFC Endpoint and detection by a Remote NFC Endpoint. 
The DH can configure the RF Discovery Process, which then runs autonomously within the NFCC.

RF Interface
Logical entities that may contain some protocol logic (e.g., an ISO-DEP RF Interface or an NFC-DEP RF Interface) 
or may be a transparent conduit (e.g., a Frame RF Interface). The DH can only communicate with a Remote NFC Endpoint
 via an RF Interface, designated as the “Active RF Interface”. The NFCC contains multiple RF Interfaces.
 可以包含一些协议逻辑(例如,ISO-DEP RF接口或NFC-DEP RF接口)的逻辑实体或者可以是透明导线(例如,帧RF接口)。 
 DH只能通过RF接口与远程NFC端点通信,指定为“主动RF接口”。 NFCC包含多个RF接口。

RF Protocol
A protocol used in the communication between the NFCC and a Remote NFC Endpoint.

Static RF Connection
A Logical Connection with a fixed Connection Identifier that always exists after NFCC initialization and is never closed.
It is used by the DH to communicate with a Remote NFC Endpoint via an active RF Interface.

Switched On State
In this state, the DH, the NFCC, and all connected NFCEEs are switched on and powered either by internal battery or external power source. 
The NFC Forum device can act in both Poll and Listen Modes. NCI is only applicable in Switched On State.
在这种状态下,DH,NFCC和所有连接的NFCEE都由内部电池或外部电源供电。 NFC设备可以同时处理poll和listen模式。 NCI仅适用于开关状态。

Switched Off State
In this state, the DH is switched off, and the NFCC and all connected NFCEEs are powered either by internal battery or external power source. 
The NFC Forum Device can only act in Listen Mode.
在这种状态下,DH关闭,NFCC和所有连接的NFCEE由内部电池或外部电源供电。 此时NFC论备只能处于listen模式下工作.

A Smart Card that conforms to the specifications written and maintained by the TC ETSI Smart Card Platform. It is a platform
符合TC ETSI智能卡平台编写和维护的规格的智能卡。

nfa :nfc adaption nfc适配接口
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