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转载 精确计算TFS中新增以及更改的代码行数

<configuration> <configSections> <section name="LOCTargets" type="ConsoleApplication2.TFSConfigSection, TFSChangeLOC" /> </configSect...

2013-10-25 17:38:00 393

转载 process tools


2013-01-08 15:51:00 321

转载 使用自动配置脚本来配置代理服务器策略 【转载自http://nscsysop.hypermart.net】

Autoconfigure Scripts for Proxy Settings - Apr. 22, 2004April 22, 2004:Added more complex examples to bypass proxy for multiple URL's.August 15, 2003: Updated with example of bypassing proxy for...

2011-05-06 11:31:00 944

转载 Serialize Dictionary to xml using DataContractSerializer


2011-03-31 10:24:00 154

转载 自己动手查看数据库中的不同粒度锁

下面的内容全部是自己发出的一封工作信件。起由是公司的DB组建议大家在使用TransactionScope的时候,尽量不要使用默认的隔离级别(Serilizable),而应使用ReadCommitted(这正好是Sql server中事物的默认隔离级别)。我对这个建议的内容,做了一些小小的研究,回信如下。When I firstly received this email, I am...

2011-03-15 11:28:00 143

转载 using "code coverage coloring" to help debuging

When I tried to investigate a defect, usually the first thing that I want to verify is the “runtime” execution flow. And if the “runtime” flow didn’t match the “expected” flow, I would be ve...

2011-03-14 18:17:00 143

转载 mock class generator

根据接口的定义,自动生成符合这个接口的mock class。classProgram{privatestaticstringassemblyFullName;privatestaticstringinterfaceName;privatestaticstringoutputFileName;sta...

2011-03-14 15:34:00 186

转载 SyncSignal


2010-05-11 20:33:00 210

转载 如何在 Windows Server 2003 中配置权威时间服务器

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/816042配置 Windows 时间服务以使用内部硬件时钟警告:如果使用注册表编辑器或其他方法错误地修改了注册表,则可能会出现严重问题。这些问题可能需要重新安装操作系统才能解决。Microsoft 不能保证可以解决这些问题。修改注册表需要您自担风险。要将 PDC 主机配置为不使用外部时间源,请更改 PDC 主...

2010-05-10 18:04:00 194

转载 使用IIS5.1(windows XP)来host WCF的服务

1.aspnet_regiis -i -enable2.sc config sysplant start= disabled转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/xingyukun/archive/2010/04/06/1705434.html

2010-04-06 15:53:00 127

转载 日常工作中用到过的PowerShell指令

批量把所有名字满足某正则表达式的windows service的password改成一个新值:Get-Service | where-object {$_.Name -match "^IGT.*"} | foreach {sc.exe config $_.Name password= mypassword }以后就用自己给自己评论的方式进行其他的脚本更新。转载于:https:/...

2010-02-09 15:10:00 203

转载 关于TeamSite,网上搜到的一些入门知识串烧

典型门户网站和 Web CM 系统整合结构图 Web CM 的角色 Web CM 完成所需要的内容创建。内容创建可以大致分为以下不同的部分: 编写 -- 构成内容块的正文 编辑 --提炼内容以便它与站点组织和风格相符 批准 -- 判断内容块是否值得发布 部署 -- 发布内容块的版本 内容块经过编写、编辑、批准和部署以后,它就被移入内容存储库并可供使用。 ...

2010-01-22 11:19:00 389

转载 如何在sql中查询xml字符串


2010-01-15 17:26:00 368

转载 使用application manifest file

以前真的不清楚,对于别人写好的一个exe,即使人家没有通过manifest file来进行配置,你也自己写一个config文件,来进行自己想要得配置,比如更改这个可执行文件依赖的库:类似:<?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"standalone="yes"?><assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microso...

2009-12-23 16:58:00 596

转载 TFS power tools

The unshelve operation supported by tf.exe does not allowshelved changes and local changes to be merged together, which could cause manyproblems:Problem scenario One1.You...

2009-12-21 10:06:00 256

转载 TechED 2009

Title Relative Resource Link 云计算:从概念、方案到实践 • Windows Azure官方网站: http://www.azure.com • 微软私有云: http://www.microso...

2009-11-09 17:13:00 443

转载 为什么对继承的方法签名检查这么严格?


2009-09-17 16:59:00 119

转载 delegate关键字与Delegate类型


2009-08-31 14:16:00 403

转载 参加一个.NET培训后的若干笔记

1. 上午老师提到一个thread必须隶属于某个appDomain,我觉得有点疑惑。简单在网上找了找,下面的关于soft thread和hard thread的阐述是我比较信服的:AppDomain是个静态概念,只是限定了对象的边界;线程是个动态概念,它可以运行在不同的AppDomain。一个AppDomain内可以创建多个线程,但是不能限定这些线程只能在本AppDomain内执行代码。...

2009-08-07 16:59:00 152

转载 遍历sql server数据库的简单方法


2009-07-23 14:20:00 212

转载 The scripts used to generate a demo "School" database (with data)

/*http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb399731.aspx*/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOUSE [master];GOIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'School')...

2009-06-10 14:06:00 98

转载 今天写了一个很简单的判断平面坐标系两线段是否相交的算法


2009-02-13 16:13:00 313

转载 自己第一个正儿八经的div+css页面


2008-12-08 17:07:00 118

转载 工作日志20081013(C#3.x相关)


2008-10-16 10:09:00 112

转载 如何生成任意给定区间的随机值序列


2008-10-16 10:08:00 205

转载 C++点滴


2008-10-15 12:58:00 90

转载 转载:MSIL Instruction Table

Throughout this text, I've often employed the ILDASM utility to illustrate the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) that the C# compiler generates. I used ILDASM to give you a more complete und...

2008-10-13 15:27:00 205

转载 Trace Related

Today I wrote a vey simple demo to show the use of Trace Relate class, which are all int the namespace System.Diagnostics:Trace, TraceSwitch, TraceListener.App.configCode<?xmlversio...

2008-08-01 18:04:00 150

转载 Some points about dynamic sql

1.When you use stored procedures with only static SQL, users do not need direct permissions to access the tables, only permissions to execute the stored procedures, and thus you can use the store...

2008-05-29 01:44:00 118

转载 Cannot perform alter on 'dbo.ObjectName' because it is an incompatible object type

Today, when I tried to Alter a function in my database, I got the error info in the title. Then I tried some example function operations, and found the reason: Inline table-value function and M...

2008-05-21 08:06:00 238

转载 Seek Predicate and Where Predicate in Query Plan

When we look into a query plan, in a Seek Operation Node, we couldcan find 2 Properties: Predicate and Seek Predicate.Before I was really not clear about them, and today I read the bellow info:...

2008-05-17 08:11:00 207

转载 The way to control your sql-server related services

Sometimes you want to detect whether a service is running, and if not, you want to run it. Here is what you can do for the Sql Server Agent Service:EXEC master.dbo.xp_ServiceControl 'QUERYSTA...

2008-05-01 09:38:00 113

转载 run a dos commands from C# code

How to run a dos command from your C# code without showing a console window? Here is some code Icopy from http://www.neeao.com/blog/article-3341.htmlI have used it in my project, it works./*...

2008-04-20 05:18:00 118

转载 The typical scenarios of using "Insert" in T-sql

1.The most common oneINSERT INTO V1 (col1, col2) VALUES ('Row 1',1);2.Sometimes you just need to insert a default rowINSERT INTO T1 DEFAULT VALUES; 3.What if you have a Identity colu...

2008-04-12 02:30:00 122

转载 The sequence of columns in an clustered index

Simplily say, If you have a CI(clustered index) which is composed by4 columns, Which one of the 4 would you put into the first one in the CI? and Which would be put into the last? Or you shoul...

2008-04-09 10:16:00 212

转载 What if your dynamic sql statement is too long?

// from http://www.sommarskog.se/dynamic_sql.html#sp_executesqlong// not tested yet.There is a limitation with sp_executesql on SQLServer, since you cannot use longer SQL strings than 4000 c...

2008-04-09 09:33:00 217

转载 bulk insert formatFile格式记录


2008-03-30 07:04:00 258

转载 一个job运行问题的排查过程

今天产品线的一个同事过来,说在某台数据库服务器上有两个job似乎是死在那里了,几个小时了,看状态一直是Executing。这种Debug的事情肯定轮不到我这样的新手,但我站在manager的身后,大概学习了一下他的排查过程。1.运行 sp_who2, 看看有没有什么其他的进程阻塞了这个job结果:没有发现,甚至也没发现这个job和数据库服务器间的连接。(job本身是一个SSI...

2008-03-27 10:20:00 206

转载 常用资源集合

对MS官方的资源,一般是两个大的出处,MSDN和TechNet。MSDN面对开发者,偏重于开发语言、开发工具等;TechNet面对微软产品用户,偏重于MS的几大服务器产品线的介绍。1.关于MSDN这是MSDN的官方主页:http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx ( http://msdn2.microsoft.com/zh...

2008-01-24 11:07:00 125

转载 日志 20071221(WCF,using keyword)

1.程序运行报错: Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'ITenderTopicList' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was...

2007-12-22 10:26:00 122



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