计算机毕业设计 jsp教师工资档案管理系统mysql 毕设



4  系统功能实现














    (1) 描述:管理员主页面:左方页面展示了管理员可操作的七大功能,进入相关的管理页面可以链接到子菜单,并且高亮显示,每个管理模块下面都有相应的子菜单。主要有修改个人密码功能,教师信息添加功能,教师信息管理功能,教师信息统计功能,教师信息导出功能,工资添加和工资信息统计功能。

    (2) 程序运行效果图,如图4-2所示。






   (1)描述:管理员输入教职工相关正确信息后点击录入按钮,如果是没有输入完整的信息,都会给出相应的错误提示,不能录入成功。输入数据都通过form表单中定义的方法οnsubmit="return checkForm()"来检查,checkForm()函数中是各种的校验输入数据的方式。主要是管理员根据实际的需要去添加老师的一些基本信息。
























   (1)描述:在此页面主要是输入工资数、奖金等信息,然后选择教师,所有信息都不能够为空,是否为空也是通过form表单中的οnsubmit="return checkForm()来检查。工资信息管理是系统的核心,有了前面老师基本信息的搜集添加后,就是对某一月份的工资进行编辑,每位老师有自己的基本工资和奖金的数目,管理员根据相应的实际情况进行添加,方便管理。






















5  系统测试





















































图 5-2由于servlet路径配置错误,运行时的提示

结  论






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致 谢





Database Management Systems (DBMSs) are a ubiquitous and critical component of modern computing, and the result of decades of research and development in both academia and industry. Historically, DBMSs were among the earliest multi-user server systems to be developed, and thus pioneered many systems design techniques for scalability and reliability now in use in many other contexts. While many of the algorithms and abstractions used by a DBMS are textbook material, there has been relatively sparse coverage in the literature of the systems design issues that make a DBMS work.This paper presents an architectural discussion of DBMS design principles, including process models, parallel architecture, storage system design, transaction system implementation, query processor and optimizer architectures, and typical shared components and utilities. Successful commercial and open-source systems are used as points of reference, particularly when multiple alternative designs have been adopted by different groups.

Database Management Systems (DBMSs) are complex, mission-critical software systems. Today’s DBMSs embody decades of academic and industrial research and intense corporate software development. Database systems were among the earliest widely deployed online server systems and, as such, have pioneered design solutions spanning not only data management, but also applications, operating systems, and networked services. The early DBMSs are among the most influential software systems in computer science, and the ideas and implementation issues pioneered for DBMSs are widely copied and reinvented.

For a number of reasons, the lessons of database systems architecture are not as broadly known as they should be. First, the applied database systems community is fairly small. Since market forces only support a few competitors at the high end, only a handful of successful DBMS implementations exist. The community of people involved in designing and implementing database systems is tight: many attended the same schools, worked on the same in fluential research projects, and collaborated on the same commercial products. Second, academic treatment of database systems often ignores architectural issues. Textbook

presentations of database systems traditionally focus on algorithmic and theoretical issues  which are natural to teach, study, and test without a holistic discussion of system architecture in full implementations. In sum, much conventional wisdom about how to build database systems is available, but little of it has been written down or communicated broadly. In this paper, we attempt to capture the main architectural aspects of modern database systems, with a discussion of advanced topics. Some of these appear in the literature, and we provide references where appropriate. Other issues are buried in product manuals, and some are simply part of the oral tradition of the community. Where applicable, we use commercial and open-source systems as examples of the various architectural forms discussed. Space prevents, however, the enumeration of the exceptions and finer nuances that have found their way into these multi-million line code bases, most of which are well over a decade old. Our goal here is to focus on overall system design and stress issues not typically discussed in textbooks, providing useful context for more widely known algorithms and concepts. We assume that the reader is familiar with textbook database systems material and with the basic facilities of modern operating systems such as UNIX, Linux, or Windows. After introducing the high-level architecture of a DBMS in the next section, we provide a number of references to background reading on each of the components in Section 1.2.

 The most mature and widely used database systems in production today are relational database management systems (RDBMSs). These systems can be found at the core of much of the world’s application infrastructure including e-commerce, medical records, billing, human resources, payroll, customer relationship management and supply chain management, to name a few. The advent of web-based commerce and community-oriented sites has only increased the volume and breadth of their use. Relational systems serve as the repositories of record behind nearly all online transactions and most online content management systems (blogs, wikis, social networks, and the like). In addition to being important software infrastructure, relational database systems serve as a well-understood point of reference for new extensions and revolutions in database systems that may arise in the future. As a result, we focus on relational database systems throughout this paper.

      At heart, a typical RDBMS has five main components, as illustrated in Figure 1.1. As an introduction to each of these components and the way they fit together, we step through the life of a query in a database system. This also serves as an overview of the remaining sections of the paper.

Consider a simple but typical database interaction at an airport, in which a gate agent clicks on a form to request the passenger list for a flight. This button click results in a single-query transaction that works roughly as follows:

1. The personal computer at the airport gate (the“client”) calls an API that in turn communicates over a network to establish a connection with the Client Communications Manager of a DBMS (top of Figure 1.1). In some cases, this connection is established between the client and the database server directly, e.g., via the ODBC or JDBC connectivity protocol. This arrangement is termed a “two-tier” or “client-server” system. In other cases, the client may communicate with a“middle-tier server” (a web server, transaction processing monitor, or the like), which in turn uses a protocol to proxy the communication between the client and the DBMS. This is usually called a “three-tier”system. In many webbased scenarios there is yet another “application server” tier between the web server and the DBMS, resulting in four tiers. Given these various options, a typical DBMS needs to be compatible with many different connectivity protocols used by various client drivers and middleware systems. At base, however, the responsibility of the DBMS’client communications manager in all these protocols is roughly the same: to establish and remember the connection state for the caller (be it a client or a middleware server), to respond to SQL commands from the caller, and to return both data and control messages (result codes, errors, etc.) as appropriate. In our simple example, the communications manager would establish the security credentials of the client, set up state to remember the details of the new connection and the current SQL command across calls, and forward the client’s first request deeper into the DBMS to be processed.

2. Upon receiving the client’s first SQL command, the DBMS must assign a “thread of computation” to the command. It must also make sure that the thread’s data and control outputs are connected via the communications manager to the client. These tasks are the job of the DBMS Process Manager (left side of Figure 1.1). The most important decision that the DBMS needs to make at this stage in the query regards admission control: whether the system should begin processing the query immediately, or defer execution until a time when enough system resources are available to devote to this query. We discuss Process Management in detail in Section 2.

3. Once admitted and allocated as a thread of control, the gate agent’s query can begin to execute. It does so by invoking the code in the Relational Query Processor (center, Figure 1.1). This set of modules checks that the user is authorized to run the query, and compiles the user’s SQL query text into an internal query plan. Once compiled, the resulting query plan

is handled via the plan executor. The plan executor consists of a suite of “operators” (relational algorithm implementations) for executing any query. Typical operators implement

relational query processing tasks including joins, selection, projection, aggregation, sorting and so on, as well as calls to request data records from lower layers of the system. In our example query, a small subset of these operators — as assembled by the query optimization process — is invoked to satisfy the gate agent’s query. We discuss the query processor in Section 4.

4. At the base of the gate agent’s query plan, one or more operators exist to request data from the database. These operators make calls to fetch data from the DBMS’ Transactional Storage Manager (Figure 1.1, bottom), which manages all data access (read) and manipulation (create, update, delete) calls. The storage system includes algorithms and data structures for organizing and accessing data on disk (“access methods”), including basic structures like tables and indexes. It also includes a buffer management module that decides when and what data to transfer between disk and memory buffers. Returning to our example, in the course of accessing data in the access methods, the gate agent’s query must invoke the transaction management code to ensure the well-known “ACID” properties of transactions (discussed in more detail in Section 5.1). Before accessing data, locks are acquired from a lock manager to ensure correct execution in the face of other concurrent queries. If the gate agent’s query involved updates to the database, it would interact with the log manager to ensure that the transaction was durable if committed, and fully undone if aborted.

In Section 5, we discuss storage and buffer management in more detail; Section 6 covers the transactional consistency architecture.

5. At this point in the example query’s life, it has begun to access data records, and is ready to use them to compute results for the client. This is done by “unwinding the stack” of activities we described up to this point. The access methods return control to the query executor’s operators, which orchestrate the computation of result tuples from database data; as result tuples are generated, they are placed in a buffer for the client communications manager, which ships the results back to the caller. For large result sets, the client typically will make additional calls to fetch more data incrementally from the query, resulting in multiple iterations through the communications manager, query executor, and storage manager. In our simple example, at the end of the query the transaction is completed and the connection closed; this results in the transaction manager cleaning up state for the transaction, the process manager freeing any control structures for the query, and the communications manager cleaning up communication state for the connection.

The previous sections stressed the macro-architectural design issues in a DBMS. We now begin a sequence of sections discussing design at a somewhat finer grain, addressing each of the main DBMS components in turn. Following our discussion in Section 1.1, we start at the top of the system with the Query Processor, and in subsequent sections move down into storage management, transactions, and utilities.

A relational query processor takes a declarative SQL statement, validates it, optimizes it into a procedural dataflow execution plan, and (subject to admission control) executes that dataflow program on behalf of a client program. The client program then fetches (“pulls”) the

result tuples, typically one at a time or in small batches. The major components of a relational query processor are shown in Figure 1.1. In this section, we concern ourselves with both the query processor and some non-transactional aspects of the storage manager’s access methods. In general, relational query processing can be viewed as a single-user, single-threaded task. Concurrency control is managed transparently by lower layers of the system, as described in Section 5. The only exception to this rule is when the DBMS must explicitly “pin” and “unpin” buffer pool pages while operating on them so that they remain resident in memory during brief, critical operations as we discuss in Section 4.4.5.

In this section we focus on the common-case SQL commands: Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Data finition Language (DDL) statements such as CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX are typically not processed by the query optimizer. These statements are usually implemented procedurally in static DBMS logic through explicit calls to the storage engine and catalog manager (described in Section 6.1). Some products have begun optimizing a small subset of DDL statements as well and we expect this trend to continue.

Two basic types of DBMS storage managers are in commercial use today: either (1) the DBMS interacts directly with the low-level blockmode device drivers for the disks (often called raw-mode access), or (2) the DBMS uses standard OS le system facilities. This decision affects the DBMS’s ability to control storage in both space and time. We consider these two dimensions in turn, and proceed to discuss the use of the storage hierarchy in more detail.

In practice, database systems and the development teams that implement and maintain them do break down into independent components with documented interfaces between them. This is particularly true of the interface between the relational query processor and the transactional storage engine. Inmost commercial systems these components are written by different teams and have well-defined interfaces between them.

In this section, we cover a number of shared components and utilities that are present in nearly all commercial DBMS, but rarely discussed in the literature.

As should be clear from this paper, modern commercial database systems are grounded both in academic research and in the experiences of developing industrial-strength products for high-end customers. The task of writing and maintaining a high-performance, fully functional relational DBMS from scratch is an enormous investment in time and energy. Many of the lessons of relational DBMSs, however, translate over to new domains. Web services, network-attached storage, text and e-mail repositories, notification services, and network monitors can all benefit from DBMS research and experience. Data-intensive services are at the core of computing today, and knowledge of database system design is a skill that is broadly applicable, both inside and outside the halls of the main database shops. These new directions raise a number of research problems in database management as well, and point the way to new interactions between the database community and other areas of computing.

The authors would like to thank Rob von Behren, Eric Brewer, Paul Brown, Amol Deshpande, Cesar Galindo-Legaria, Jim Gray, Wei Hong, Matt Huras, Lubor Kollar, Ganapathy Krishnamoorthy, Bruce Lindsay, Guy Lohman, S. Muralidhar, Pat Selinger, Mehul Shah, and Matt Welsh for background information and comments on early drafts of this paper.





    对于一些原因,数据库系统体系结构的教训并不广泛称。首先,应用的数据库系统中的社区是相当小的。由于市场力量只支持在高端一些的竞争对手,只有少数成功的DBMS实现的存在。人参与设计和实施数据库系统的社会紧张:许多参加了同一所学校,在fluential研究项目上工作一样,并合作在同一个商业产品。二,学术处理数据库系统往往忽略了结构问题。教科书数据库系统的演示传统专注于算法和理论问题 - 这是自然的教导,学习和测试 - 无需系统架构完全实现全面的讨论。总之,关于如何构建数据库系统许多传统智慧是可用的,但一点已经写下来或广泛地传达。






    (1) 在机场门口的个人计算机(“客户”)调用一个API,它反过来通信通过网络建立与数据库管理系统的客户端通信管理器的连接。在某些情况下,这种连接建立客户端和直接数据库服务器之间,例如,通过ODBC或JDBC连接协议。这种安排被称为“双层”或“客户端 - 服务器”体系。在其他情况下,客户端可以与一个“中间层服务器”(Web服务器,事务处理监视器,或类似的),这反过来又使用协议代理客户机和数据库管理系统之间的通信进行通信。这通常被称为“三级制”。在许多基于网络的情况下有Web服务器和数据库管理系统之间的又一个“应用程序服务器”层,造成四层。鉴于这些不同的选项,一个典型的数据库管理系统的需求要与使用的各种客户端驱动程序和中间件系统的许多不同的连接协议兼容。但是,在DBMS“客户端通信经理在所有这些协议的责任是大致相同:建立和记住的连接状态为调用者(无论是客户端还是中间件服务器),以从SQL命令响应来电者,并以数据和控制信息(结果代码,错误等),返回(如适用)。在我们的简单例子中,通信管理器将建立客户端的安全凭据,设立国有记住在调用新的连接和当前的SQL命令的详细信息,并转发客户端的第一个要求深入到要处理的数据库管理系统。

    (2) 在收到客户端的第一个SQL命令时,DBMS必须指定一个“线程计算”的命令。它还必须确保线程的数据和控制输出通过通信管理器连接到客户端。这些任务是DBMS的进程管理器的工作。该数据库管理系统需要在本阶段在查询中的最重要的决定对于准入控制:系统是否应立即开始处理查询,或推迟执行,直到当有足够的系统资源可以投入到这个查询的时间。我们讨论过程管理中的细节在第2节。

    (3) 一旦录取,并分配为控制线程,门代理的查询可以开始执行。它通过调用代码中的关系查询处理器这样做。这组模块检查该用户是否被授权来运行查询,并编译用户的SQL查询文本转换成一个内部查询计划。编译后,生成的查询计划

通过该计划执行人处理。该计划由遗嘱执行人执行的任何查询了一套“经营者”(关系算法实现)的。典型运营商实施关系查询处理的任务,包括联接,选择,投影,聚合,排序等等,以及呼叫从系统的较低层请求数据的记录。在我们的示例查询中,这些运营商的一小部分 - 作为组装的查询优化过程 - 被调用,以满足门代理的查询。我们讨论了查询处理器在第4节。

    (4) 在栅极代理的查询计划的基础上,一个或多个运营商存在以请求来自数据库的数据。这些运营商拨打电话,以获取从数据库管理系统“事务性存储管理器的数据,管理所有的数据访问(读取)和操作(创建,更新,删除)调用。该存储系统包括算法和数据结构的组织和访问磁盘上的数据(“访问方法”),包括像表和索引的基本结构。它还包括决定何时以及哪些数据磁盘和存储器缓冲区之间传输的缓冲器管理模块。回到我们的例子中,在接入方式访问数据的过程中,门代理的查询必须调用事务管理代码,以确保交易的著名的“ACID”属性[30]。在访问数据时,锁是从锁管理器获取的,以确保正确执行在其他并发查询的脸。如果门代理的查询涉及对数据库的更新,它会与日志管理器进行交互,以确保交易是持久的,如果承诺了,如果流产完全撤消。


    (5) 此时,在该示例查询的寿命,它已经开始存取数据的记录,并准备利用它们来计算的结果的客户端。这是通过“解除堆叠”,我们描述了这一点活动完成。访问方法将控制返回给查询执行的运营商,它从编排数据库中的数据结果元组的计算;作为生成结果的元组,它们被放置在一个缓冲区为客户端通信管理器,船舶结果返回给调用者。对于大的结果集,客户端通常会拨打其它电话从查询获取增量更多的数据,从而通过通信管理器,查询执行器和存储经理多次迭代。在我们的简单的例子,在查询结束交易完成后,连接关闭;这将导致在事务管理器清理状态进行交易,进程管理器释放任何控制结构的查询,以及公关经理清理通信状态的连接。



    在本节中,我们着眼于共同的情况下SQL命令:数据操作语言(DML)语句,包括SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE和DELETE。数据定义语言(DDL)语句,例如CREATE TABLE和CREATE INDEX通常不会被查询优化处理。这些陈述通常是通过显式调用存储引擎和目录管理器(6.1节所述)程序上实现静态数据库管理系统的逻辑。部分产品已开始优化DDL语句的一个很小的子集,以及我们预计这一趋势将持续下去。存储管理两种基本类型的DBMS存储经理都在今日有商业用途:要么(1)数据库管理系统直接交互的磁盘(通常称为原始模式接入),或(2)数据库管理系统使用标准的操作系统的底层blockmode设备驱动程序文件系统设备。这个决定会影响DBMS的在空间和时间控制存储能力。我们认为这两个维度反过来,进而详细讨论了利用存储层次结构。

    在实际应用中,数据库系统 - 以及实施和维护他们的开发团队 - 不要分解成它们之间记录的接口独立的组件。这是特别真实的关系查询处理器和事务存储引擎之间的界面。这些组件都写由不同的团队和内心深处的商用系统已经明确定义它们之间的接口。



    作者要感谢罗布·冯·Behren,埃里克·布鲁尔,保罗·布朗,阿莫尔德什潘德,塞萨尔加林-Legaria,吉姆·格雷,魏宏,马特Huras,Lubor Kollar,Ganapathy Krishnamoorthy都是布鲁斯·林赛,盖伊洛曼,S. Muralidhar,帕特泽林格,MEHUL沙阿和马特威尔士的背景信息和本文的早期草稿的意见。




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