How to Stand Out at Work: 10 Tips for Programmers

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I’ve been in the IT industry for almost 8 years working in 4 different companies. During this time I had a chance to work with a couple of dozens of programmers. They were different. I observed some of them successfully developing their career; some were satisfied with their position and continued working many years for the same company performing similar tasks; a few have been fired. Based on my observations I came up with a list of tips, which, in my opinion, can help programmers to succeed at their current workplace. Here it is:

1) Don't Hesitate to Ask Questions

I noticed that some programmers hesitate to ask for help from the very first days in the company, e.g. when they encounter problems with the project environment set up or when they work on a task but don’t fully understand the business flow behind it. It’s not a big deal – just ask for assistance or clarification. Otherwise you’ll waste a lot of time struggling with a typical project-related problem or guessing what should be the correct application behavior in this or that particular case.

Another problem is hesitation to ask questions even when you’re expected to do so. For example, last year a lead developer and a manager of our company were visiting our regional office to get to know us (developers) in person and to give a few presentations. They asked us to prepare a list of topics and questions we’d like them to present and clarify to us. I was surprised to see that only a few people contributed to this list, although the range of possible questions was unlimited, from “why are we using a NoSQL database in that particular module” to “what features of the application are the most popular among our clients”. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, especially in such cases.

2) Search for a Niche

It often happens that several company projects or project modules lack resources. This means that either when you just start working for a company or finish your current project, there’s a chance that you’ll be able to choose or at least let your manager know about your preference project- and task-wise. Many people tend to join the newest project or feature. Some prefer to join a team, where a few of their close colleagues already work.

In my opinion, it’s better to do the opposite – choose a project or a feature that’s not known by many other fellow developers. When I had such choice, I’ve chosen a task from a module only 1 person specialized on. Initially I had to spend more time getting familiar with the business flow and existing code. But later, when I already knew the module well enough, it turned out there’s a lot of new stuff to be implemented in it. More and more new features have been requested by the managers. Not surprisingly, I was asked to implement many of them as well as was one of the first points of contact for developers, who started getting involved in this module after me.

3) Get Familiar with the “Big Picture” of the Application

Nowadays almost all of the enterprise applications are fairly complex and consist of many modules that might be using completely different technologies. For instance, the current application I work on consists of 3 parts:

  • a module that interacts with social networks and collects data;
  • a module that processes all the collected data;
  • a UI module

Each of the modules is developed and maintained by a separate team of developers. The modules are different technology-wise but related business-wise. This means that whenever a new feature is introduced, it affects in most cases all the 3 modules.

There aren’t that many people, though, who understand the whole business flow. So, whenever a new feature is discussed, the managers tend to involve people who can make a top level assessment of changes that will be required in each of the modules. So, if you know the big picture, you have a better chance to get involved in such discussions.

Besides, when you know the big picture, you understand the kind and complexity of tasks that are being performed in each of the modules. Thus, there’s a chance that some tasks and technologies, used in one of the modules, will become particularly interesting for you. Remember that it’s much easier to switch to a new technology within the company where you’re already considered a senior developer, than to start searching for a new job.

4) Do What You Need to Do, Not What You Like to Do

Some very talented programmers suffer from a serious issue – they have a specific field of interests and whenever they’re asked to do something different, they show poor performance and quality, because they can’t concentrate on the stuff they don’t like to do. For instance, people might love experimenting with Scala, but have to deal with Hibernate or native SQL; they might love concurrency, but have to assist with the front end-related work.

If you’re one of such programmers and have to permanently deal with the technologies that you can’t stand – you probably need to change the job. Otherwise, if you just temporarily need to help other developers in the areas you don’t really like – you have to show the professionalism and do a good job anyway. Just remind your managers about your preferences, so that they don’t ask you to work on that stuff too often.

The same is applicable to the tasks with different priorities. It might sound obvious, but remember: you have to pick up the one with the higher priority, even though the one with the lower priority looks way more interesting to you. Be a professional!

5) Share Your Knowledge and Help Your Colleagues

Have you ever encountered colleagues who are way more productive when working alone? This might be an indicator of poor communication skills. Sometimes it gets even worse – believe it or not, some developers don’t really want to share their knowledge. Kind of a selfish attitude, eh? Such people wish either to be irreplaceable or to make sure their colleagues face all the issues they had to face to make their life as hard as their own. No wonder that such behavior gets noticed fairly quickly by fellow developers and managers and doesn’t give any credit to such “lone wolfs”.

Moreover, when you’re working in a regional office, remember: if one of your colleagues doesn’t do his job well, the whole office suffers in terms of reputation. So, if you can help your colleague – just do it, it’s a win-win solution.

This was the first part of the blog. In the next part I’ll describe another 5 tips that can help you to stand out at work. Stay tuned!


文章作者 Yuriy Lopotun有着8年的IT工作经验,分别在4家不同的公司。在这期间有幸和一些程序员一起共事,他们都很特别:有的人在这个行业里取得了成功;有的人对自己的现状很满意,就一直在一家公司一个岗位上干了很多年;还有一部分人被炒鱿鱼了。基于作者自己的所见所闻所想,于是列出了下面的能够帮助程序员在工作岗位上取得成功的建议。(以下是编译内容)

1. 大胆的提出问题



2. 找准自己的定位



3. 熟悉App的“蓝图”


  • 一个和社交网络和收集数据互动的模块。
  • 一个处理收集的所有数据的模块。
  • 一个UI模块。



4. 做你需要做的事,而不是做你喜欢的事



5. 善于分享,乐于帮助



6. 尽量给出现实的评估


A. 我们经常忽略将要花费的时间:

  • 在实施阶段处理预料之外的问题。
  • 在开发环境上测试实现的功能。
  • 编写单元测试和集成测试。
  • 分散时间和精力到其他高优先级任务上。

B. 有时在给出真正的评估之后会让我们觉得不舒服,因为经理看到这样的评估之后表情会很吓人。在这种情况下,我们通常会把特点划分成几个子任务,以至于总的评估看起来不是那么可怕。



7. 测试,测试,再测试!



8. 记住:谁都会犯错误的。



当你修复了一个bug或者是发现了一个bug,即使你知道是谁的缘故导致这些bug的出现,也没必要通过网络电话渠道让公司里的每个人都知道这件事。犯错误是在所难免的,有的时候你会遇到“ugly code”模块,同上,不需要让更多的人知道它的制造者。



9. 在社交网站上宣传公司的强项。



10. 小建议和小技巧。


A. 适应老板的时区


B. 如果有需要,任何时候都要帮助公司做事。


C. 在公司的指引下参加应聘面试


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