【转载】【REST】I finally get REST. Wow.

Yeah, I'm alive. And I remember the password to my blog. I've been away for a bit, working on something very cool involving the TV. If all goes well, you'll hear about it in a big way. Anyway, I'm still having a ball out here in reality. Building something real has a way of focusing your decisions about technology. My app is a distributed system, some of which runs in a cable plant head-end or telco office (whatever's on the other end of the wire in your living room), and some of which runs elsewhere. We also connect to some things on the Web. These connections have to be extremely flexible and the bar to adoption has to be low. The thing I finally realized (some of you will say “Duh!”) is that Web services are not a good way to do this.

It's depressing to think that SOAP started just about 10 years ago and that now that everything is said and done, we built RPC again. I know SOAP is really an XML messaging protocol , you can do oneway async stuff, etc, etc, but let's face it. The tools make the technology and the tools (and the examples and the advice you get) point at RPC. And we know what the problems with RPC are. If you want to build something that is genuinely loosely-coupled, RPC is a pretty hard path to take.

That realization would have gotten me down if not for the fact that something else jazzed me up an hour or so later. I was in the process of considering the alternatives when I finally understood REST. And wow, it was eye-opening. REST is often positioned as CRUD operations against entities identified by URIs. Then it is dismissed as to simplistic to be useful. You can't build with just CRUD, the reasoning goes, just think about why we write sprocs. I've been down that path any number of times and always ended up in the same place. But I had it all wrong.

I skimmed Fielding's thesis a while back, but it wasn't until I read Sam Ruby's recent posts that it really sank in. Here's what I came to understand. Every communication protocol has a state machine. For some protocols they are very simple, for others they are more complex. When you implement a protocol via RPC, you build methods that modify the state of the communication. That state is maintained as a black box at the endpoint. Because the protocol state is hidden, it is easy to get things wrong. For instance, you might call Process before calling Init. People have been looking for ways to avoid these problems by annotating interface type information for a long time, but I'm not aware of any mainstream solutions. The fact that the state of the protocol is encapsulated behind method invocations that modify that state in non-obvious ways also makes versioning interesting.

The essence of REST is to make the states of the protocol explicit and addressible by URIs. The current state of the protocol state machine is represented by the URI you just operated on and the state representation you retrieved. You change state by operating on the URI of the state you're moving to, making that your new state . A state's representation includes the links (arcs in the graph) to the other states that you can move to from the current state . This is exactly how browser based apps work, and there is no reason that your app's protocol can't work that way too. (The ATOM Publishing protocol is the canonical example, though its easy to think that its about entities, not a state machine.)

The “state machine as node graph traversed via URI” view of the world has really interesting implications for being able to suspend and resume a protocol. Because links to other states are embedded in a state's representation there are interesting ways to solve dynamic load-balancing, data-directed-routing, versioning and other problems using normal Web infrastructure. And because it's HTTP based, you get all the features that protocol supplies, including streaming and support for non-XML MIME types (a huge concern when you're doing TV stuff). The one thing that's really missing here is a simple framework for implementing a URI graph on top of an HTTP handler (similar to what Marc's been working on for Java). I'm building my own now.

The thing I love about this model is that, as Sam says, it is of the Web, not over the Web. That doesn't mean I'll use it for everything. I use TDS to get to SQL Server. I use WCF for RPC-style communication between distributed components within major systems. I'll use this model when I cross major system boundaries, especially when I don't own both sides. I'll let you know how it turns out.



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SQLAlchemy 是一个 SQL 工具包和对象关系映射(ORM)库,用于 Python 编程语言。它提供了一个高级的 SQL 工具和对象关系映射工具,允许开发者以 Python 类和对象的形式操作数据库,而无需编写大量的 SQL 语句。SQLAlchemy 建立在 DBAPI 之上,支持多种数据库后端,如 SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL 等。 SQLAlchemy 的核心功能: 对象关系映射(ORM): SQLAlchemy 允许开发者使用 Python 类来表示数据库表,使用类的实例表示表中的行。 开发者可以定义类之间的关系(如一对多、多对多),SQLAlchemy 会自动处理这些关系在数据库中的映射。 通过 ORM,开发者可以像操作 Python 对象一样操作数据库,这大大简化了数据库操作的复杂性。 表达式语言: SQLAlchemy 提供了一个丰富的 SQL 表达式语言,允许开发者以 Python 表达式的方式编写复杂的 SQL 查询。 表达式语言提供了对 SQL 语句的灵活控制,同时保持了代码的可读性和可维护性。 数据库引擎和连接池: SQLAlchemy 支持多种数据库后端,并且为每种后端提供了对应的数据库引擎。 它还提供了连接池管理功能,以优化数据库连接的创建、使用和释放。 会话管理: SQLAlchemy 使用会话(Session)来管理对象的持久化状态。 会话提供了一个工作单元(unit of work)和身份映射(identity map)的概念,使得对象的状态管理和查询更加高效。 事件系统: SQLAlchemy 提供了一个事件系统,允许开发者在 ORM 的各个生命周期阶段插入自定义的钩子函数。 这使得开发者可以在对象加载、修改、删除等操作时执行额外的逻辑。




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