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原创 Python - for loop - 2018.10.8
for loop 1. for loop in list for variable in list_name: print variable The variable will be assigned the value of each list item in turn. 2. for loop in dictionary for key in dictionary_na...
2018-10-09 02:43:00 521
原创 Python - Dictionary - 2018.10.8
Dictionary 1. A dictionary is similar to a list, but you access values by looking up a key instead of an index. A key can be any string or number. Dictionaries are enclosed in curly braces, like so: ...
2018-10-09 01:59:09 167
原创 Python - List - 2018.10.8
Python Diary - 10/08/2018 (Python starts from 10/04/2018) 1. List: Lists are a datatype you can use to store a collection of different pieces of information as a sequence under a single variable name...
2018-10-09 01:59:07 115
原创 Anaconda TensorFlow Spyder
背景:Win10, cpu问题1:很早之前安装了anaconda和spyder。现在想要在anaconda中安装tensorflow。使用anaconda prompt创建了tensorflow环境,并在anaconda界面选择了spyder的安装,不知道为什么安装之后spyder使用的python为2.7版,并且不能升级。解决方法:删除tensorflow环境,重新创建tensorflow环境c...
2018-03-30 20:50:46 627
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