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1000人民币的音乐播放器,完美破解。 well as user selectable dither/noise shaping algorithms and delta-sigma modulators. Some of the more affordable sound cards and D/A converters have suboptimal digital and analog filters, while still having support for higher sampling rates. Effect of this can reduced by applying high quality upsampling in software before feeding the signal to the audio hardware at higher rate. This moves some of the artifacts of the suboptimal hardware to higher frequencies, away from the audible band. Many of the hometheater amplifiers also re-sample internally to 48, 96 or 192 kHz, with the HQPlayer, these can be fed at the native rate. Most modern D/A converters are delta-sigma type. Built-in delta-sigma modulator of HQPlayer allows using DSD-capable converters with this native data format, in many cases bypassing lot of DSP processing in these converters and allowing more direct data path to the conversion stage. Resampling also allows playback for high resolution audio files on hardware capable of only lower sampling rates or bit depths. For lower bit depth playback, high quality dither or noise shaping can be employed. HQPlayer also includes a convolution engine for applying digital room correction filters or other kinds of equalization. These features ensure the best possible audio quality with the available audio hardware.



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